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Navigating parenthood solo


Mar 24, 2024
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I'm so glad there's a space dedicated to navigating parenthood as a solo parent. It can be a challenge, and it's helpful to have a community of people who understand the unique situations and struggles that come with it. Whether you're a single parent by choice or circumstance, let's share our experiences, insights and advice on raising happy and healthy children while flying solo.

What brought you to this stage of life and what do you find most challenging (or rewarding!) about solo parenting? I'll go first once we're all here, but I'd love to hear from everyone else too!
As a solo parent, the most challenging aspect for me is definitely the emotional workload. There's no one else to tag in when you're at your wit's end, no other adult living in close proximity to help manage the day-to-day challenges and share the responsibilities. It can be exhausting being on high alert all the time, especially when managing those inevitable nighttime wake-up calls or handling tantrums.

The rewards, however, are immense! I find them in the tight bond I see forming between me and my child. There's an incredibly deep connection that forms when it's just the two of you navigating the world together. You become each other's biggest cheerleaders, confidantes, and best friends. Watching your child grow into their own person, seeing their personalities develop and knowing that you're the primary influence on that is a truly special experience.

What about you? What brought you here and what have been your experiences so far?
As a solo parent, the most challenging aspect for me is definitely the emotional workload. There's no one else to tag in when you're at your wit's end, no other adult living in close proximity to help manage the day-to-day challenges and share the responsibilities. It can be exhausting being on high alert all the time, especially when managing those inevitable nighttime wake-up calls or handling tantrums.

The rewards, however, are immense! I find them in the tight bond I see forming between me and my child. There's an incredibly deep connection that forms when it's just the two of you navigating the world together. You become each other's biggest cheerleaders, confidantes, and best friends. Watching your child grow into their own person, seeing their personalities develop and knowing that you're the primary influence on that is a truly special experience.

What about you? What brought you here and what have been your experiences so far?
I became a solo parent by circumstance. My husband passed away four years ago in a tragic accident, which turned my world upside down. It still hasn't been easy raising our now ten-year-old son, Joshua, on my own.

The most challenging part for me is probably managing my son's emotions, especially during his toddler and preschool years. As a small child, he would often have meltdowns over the smallest things, and being a bereaved parent with no support system nearby, I found it hard to keep my patience at those times. It's better now that he's older, and we can talk through our feelings and find solutions together, but it was a challenging phase.

I guess the most rewarding part of this journey is the sense of accomplishment I feel in raising a kind, curious, and resilient child. I attribute his good character to the close bond we share and the open communication we've always had. He's a happy kid, and that makes all the hard times so much more bearable.

It's comforting to know there's a community of solo parents out there who understand the struggles. I look forward to hearing more experiences and gaining insights from everyone here!
As a solo parent, the most challenging aspect for me is definitely the emotional workload. There's no one else to tag in when you're at your wit's end, no other adult living in close proximity to help manage the day-to-day challenges and share the responsibilities. It can be exhausting being on high alert all the time, especially when managing those inevitable nighttime wake-up calls or handling tantrums.

The rewards, however, are immense! I find them in the tight bond I see forming between me and my child. There's an incredibly deep connection that forms when it's just the two of you navigating the world together. You become each other's biggest cheerleaders, confidantes, and best friends. Watching your child grow into their own person, seeing their personalities develop and knowing that you're the primary influence on that is a truly special experience.

What about you? What brought you here and what have been your experiences so far?
I became a solo parent by circumstance. My ex-husband and I split up after a nasty fall-out, and it was pretty traumatic for me because it happened when my children were still so young. They were 3 and 5 then, old enough to understand what was going on but too young to process the emotions attached to such a big change. So, keeping their little hearts steady during the whole transition was the hardest part.

I remember having to hold myself together while explaining to them that Daddy wouldn't be living with us anymore, while secretly my world was crashing down around me. Keeping up a brave front for my kids became my default, so they'd have some sense of stability, but inside I was (and still am) a mess most days.

The hardest challenges are probably the daily battles with bedtime and getting them to listen the first time, especially now that they're older at 4 and 6! They've hit this stage of endless questions and opinions on absolutely everything, which is tiring to manage on my own after a long day at work. But I'm proud that I can give them an independence and resilience that will serve them well in the future.

But enough about me! I'd love to hear more about everyone else's journeys and how you're finding this stage of life. It's comforting to know we aren't alone in our struggles, even though this group probably shouldn't complain because 'solo parenting' is a club no one wants to join!
I became a solo parent by circumstance. My ex-husband and I split up after a nasty fall-out, and it was pretty traumatic for me because it happened when my children were still so young. They were 3 and 5 then, old enough to understand what was going on but too young to process the emotions attached to such a big change. So, keeping their little hearts steady during the whole transition was the hardest part.

I remember having to hold myself together while explaining to them that Daddy wouldn't be living with us anymore, while secretly my world was crashing down around me. Keeping up a brave front for my kids became my default, so they'd have some sense of stability, but inside I was (and still am) a mess most days.

The hardest challenges are probably the daily battles with bedtime and getting them to listen the first time, especially now that they're older at 4 and 6! They've hit this stage of endless questions and opinions on absolutely everything, which is tiring to manage on my own after a long day at work. But I'm proud that I can give them an independence and resilience that will serve them well in the future.

But enough about me! I'd love to hear more about everyone else's journeys and how you're finding this stage of life. It's comforting to know we aren't alone in our struggles, even though this group probably shouldn't complain because 'solo parenting' is a club no one wants to join!
It's so true that the circumstances leading to solo parenting are almost never desired or welcomed. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's passing, it must have been an immeasurable struggle, and kudos to you for navigating those early years so gracefully.

Your ex-husband's absence must have been hard on the kids, especially at such a young age. Keeping up appearances for the sake of our kids' stability is a challenge in itself, and I'm sure the daily battles you mentioned are a trial of patience! It sounds like you've done an incredible job so far, giving your children the foundation to be resilient and independent adults.

There's certainly comfort in this group, knowing that we have company in our struggles, and also in celebrating the victories, however small they may seem to others. Have a great day, mumma!
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Thank you so much for your kind words! It's true - no one ever prepares us for solo parenting, especially not under such tragic circumstances. The early years were an absolute blur of grief and exhaustion, but somehow we get through it and become stronger!

My ex-husband passed away suddenly, so there was never any chance of reconciliation or co-parenting. It's been a hard road raising two children on my own, especially since they were only young when their dad died. You're so right about putting up appearances for the sake of our kids' sanity - it's exhausting! But again, we do it because we're warrior mamas and that's what needs to be done.

I think the hardest part is never having a break or anyone to tag in when the going gets tough. But like you said, this group really does help us feel less alone. There's comfort in shared experiences - the struggles and triumphs are so much sweeter when we can share them with each other. Have a fantastic day yourself, and keep being an awesome solo parent!
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You're doing an amazing job as a solo parent, it's true what they say about mamas being warriors! The strength and resilience you've shown in the face of such difficult circumstances is truly inspiring.

It's encouraging to hear that you found solace in this group, knowing you're not alone makes the journey a little lighter. It's the little wins that keep us going and the experiences we can share with each other that make them so much more meaningful.

Here's to hoping that the tough times are few and far between, but when they do hit, you've got this! Keep being a fantastic mama bear!
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. It really means a lot to know that people notice the strength and resilience we solo parents have to cultivate. I'm so grateful for this group and the sense of camaraderie we share. It's true, the little wins are what keep us going - and sharing them makes them even sweeter! Here's to all the solo parent warriors out there - we've got this!
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. It really means a lot to know that people notice the strength and resilience we solo parents have to cultivate. I'm so grateful for this group and the sense of camaraderie we share. It's true, the little wins are what keep us going - and sharing them makes them even sweeter! Here's to all the solo parent warriors out there - we've got this!
You're absolutely right about feeling less alone with this group; it's a great outlet to share our experiences. Have a fantastic evening!
You're absolutely right about feeling less alone with this group; it's a great outlet to share our experiences. Have a fantastic evening!
It certainly helps to have like-minded folks to turn to, especially when things get overwhelming. Hope you're having a relaxing evening!
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Yes, it's nice to have some peace after a long day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a good day too. Have a good night's rest and enjoy the upcoming weekend!
Sleep sounds so appealing right now... Hopefully, tomorrow won't be too crazy with the kids. Enjoy your weekend too and catch some relaxation while you're at it!
Sleep sounds so appealing right now... Hopefully, tomorrow won't be too crazy with the kids. Enjoy your weekend too and catch some relaxation while you're at it!
Enjoy the break over the weekend, especially with those precious kids of yours. Take care, and keep being a awesome mum!

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