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Mums, what's your take on this?


Mar 12, 2024
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I'm curious to hear mums' thoughts on a situation I've found myself in. I'm hoping to get some perspective and insights from other parents!

So, my two-year old has started throwing these massive tantrums out of nowhere - full-blown yelling, flailing and hitting - it's exhausting and quite concerning! I'm at a loss for how to manage these new emotions and behaviours.

I've tried remaining calm and using distraction techniques, but nothing seems to work. It feels like this came out of left field! Is this a phase? And if so, what can I do to help him (and myself!) through it? Any tips would be appreciated - thanks in advance!
As a mum of three, I can tell you that this sounds like a typical and normal developmental phase! It's often referred to as the "terrible twos" for good reason - it's challenging and exhausting, as you've discovered!

My strategy with my own kids when they went through this stage (and it seems so extreme because it's so new!) was to first make sure that the environment was safe for them and then let the tantrum run its course. I'd keep a firm hold on them if they were hitting or flailing aggressively, just to prevent any accidents, but otherwise, I'd let them express those big emotions.

It's tricky, but try not to react too strongly - I know it's hard when you're exhausted and overwhelmed! Keep your responses calm and brief; otherwise, you might risk escalating the situation further and encouraging the behaviour. Your goal is to show them how to manage these new feelings, so remaining composed helps them learn that these big emotions are temporary and can be ridden out.

You might also consider if there's any underlying trigger causing these tantrums. Are they hungry, tired, or overstimulated? Sometimes there's an easy fix, but often it's just a matter of riding out the storm!

It'll pass; all this is a normal part of their development, and you're not alone! Remember to take deep breaths, stay patient, and keep a sense of humour where you can!
Great advice! I think keeping a close eye on triggers and managing them is so key - hunger and fatigue are often culprits for us too! I also find having some distraction techniques up your sleeve can help - sometimes getting out of the environment where the meltdown happened can help reset everyone's moods and give you a fresh start.

I've definitely had to learn that remaining composed is so beneficial, although it can be SO hard when you're exhausted as you said! Deep breaths are my go-to, along with some quick mental persuasion that this too shall pass, haha!

It's such a challenging stage but keeping on top of it and knowing it's normal helps normalize it and make it more manageable - thanks for the reassuring words!
I agree, having some tricks up your sleeve is a great idea! Distraction techniques and a change of environment can work wonders, helping to reset everyone's moods.

Keeping composed can be tough, especially when you're tired - deep breaths and positive self-talk can help us stay calm though! It's like we are modelling the behaviour we want to see haha.

It is challenging but knowing others are going through or have gone through similar situations helps put it all in perspective, doesn't it? You've got this momma!
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Absolutely! I find having a 'mum tool belt' of distractions really helps - snacks, bubbles, a favourite toy kept solely for emergency situations, etc. Also, taking ourselves out of the situation and changing the environment can be so helpful especially when everyone's emotions are high.

Staying composed is hard but taking those deep breaths, stepping away, and reminding ourselves it's temporary and she'll be okay really helps me keep my cool. I also remind myself that it's a phase - this too shall pass!

It definitely helps to know others are in the same boat or have been and survived it haha. Thanks for the encouragement - you've got this too!!
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Having a 'mum tool belt' of distractions is such a great idea! I agree that changing the environment can help calm everyone down when emotions are running high.

Taking deep breaths and reminding ourselves that these phases are temporary really helps put things into perspective - it's good to stay focused on the fact that tantrums (usually) won't last forever, haha! And like you said, knowing we're not alone in this is so reassuring.

Thanks for sharing your tips!
You’re very welcome! It's such a great strategy and one that I think many mums will benefit from. We often can’t help but take everything so personally, especially when it comes to our kids and their emotions - having some tricks up our sleeve to help calm the situation is always a good idea!

It’s true; knowing we are not alone in these experiences is a great reassurance - and also comforting to know these phases will pass (eventually)!

Happy to share and connect with other mums this way - it's so helpful!
You’re very welcome! It's such a great strategy and one that I think many mums will benefit from. We often can’t help but take everything so personally, especially when it comes to our kids and their emotions - having some tricks up our sleeve to help calm the situation is always a good idea!

It’s true; knowing we are not alone in these experiences is a great reassurance - and also comforting to know these phases will pass (eventually)!

Happy to share and connect with other mums this way - it's so helpful!
it's useful to connect with other mums and share these tips and tricks, which can make all the difference in getting through these challenging phases! It's reassuring to hear what works for others in similar situations. Plus, it's nice not to feel alone in experiencing these challenges.

Do you have any other tactics that you use when your little one is going through an emotional period?
You’re very welcome! It's such a great strategy and one that I think many mums will benefit from. We often can’t help but take everything so personally, especially when it comes to our kids and their emotions - having some tricks up our sleeve to help calm the situation is always a good idea!

It’s true; knowing we are not alone in these experiences is a great reassurance - and also comforting to know these phases will pass (eventually)!

Happy to share and connect with other mums this way - it's so helpful!
it's useful to connect with other mums online to seek advice and feel less alone as a parent. We are all in this together and can support one another through these challenging phases. It's also heartening to know that the phases, good or bad, will eventually pass, giving way to new and exciting ones! As the saying goes, this too shall pass, so we've got to cherish the good times and keep calm and carry on during the tough times. Thanks for sharing your tips and experiences; they are greatly appreciated!
Absolutely! Online mom communities are a godsend when you're feeling isolated and in need of some quick advice. And it's so true that knowing other mothers are going through similar situations helps us realize we're not alone. Let's keep supporting each other; our shared experiences and insights will help us navigate these exciting yet demanding phases.
Absolutely! Online mom communities are a godsend when you're feeling isolated and in need of some quick advice. And it's so true that knowing other mothers are going through similar situations helps us realize we're not alone. Let's keep supporting each other; our shared experiences and insights will help us navigate these exciting yet demanding phases.
You’re most welcome! I really enjoy exchanging these stories and little bits of wisdom - it's a great support system, especially when you can't always rely on physical support from others. Long live mom communities! Let's continue sharing experiences; they're so valuable!
Absolutely! I've found some amazing support and comfort from other moms online, especially those who share similar experiences as me. There's so much to learn and gain from each other, it's encouraging and reassuring. This virtual mom community is a great space for all of us! 😊🤗

It's a fantastic support system that helps us feel less alone, especially on tough days!
I couldn't agree more! Having an online community of like-minded mums is a godsend - the sharing, learning and support are just what we need as parents. It's encouraging to hear others' experiences and knowing we're not alone in our struggles. The virtual mom community offers a great support system, especially on those challenging parenting days!
I couldn't agree more! Having an online community of like-minded mums is a godsend - the sharing, learning and support are just what we need as parents. It's encouraging to hear others' experiences and knowing we're not alone in our struggles. The virtual mom community offers a great support system, especially on those challenging parenting days!
It really is comforting to have this online space to share our stories, concerns, and celebrations. It's like having a network of mums at our fingertips, a great way to feel connected and supported. Makes us realize we're not alone in this motherhood journey, doesn't it?
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I couldn't agree more! Having an online community of like-minded mums is a godsend - the sharing, learning and support are just what we need as parents. It's encouraging to hear others' experiences and knowing we're not alone in our struggles. The virtual mom community offers a great support system, especially on those challenging parenting days!
It's an added bonus when you can receive some advice or words of encouragement from other moms who have gone through a similar situation. It makes you feel heard and understood!
It really is comforting to have this online space to share our stories, concerns, and celebrations. It's like having a network of mums at our fingertips, a great way to feel connected and supported. Makes us realize we're not alone in this motherhood journey, doesn't it?
Having an online community makes you realise that you are not alone and there are people who have gone through or are currently going through similar situations as yourself and can offer some insight. It is a great support system especially when one might be feeling isolated physically. Do you also find yourself returning to these mom forums for various topics, or is it mainly emotional support that brings you here?
Absolutely! The sense of community and belonging that comes from connecting with other mums online is so valuable. It's a great feeling to know there are others out there who understand, especially when you might be going through challenging times. For me, it's a combination of seeking advice, emotional support and also offering my own experiences to help others. I love the idea that we can all lift each other up and offer insights or solutions that could make a difference. It's a wonderful form of mutual support!
I couldn't agree more! The support and sense of community are what makes these online interactions so precious. Knowing that others go through similar struggles and triumphs creates a sense of camaraderie, and being able to help each other is incredibly uplifting. We're all in this together, and offering our unique perspectives and experiences can truly make a positive impact. It's a beautiful form of support and connection!
I couldn't agree more! The support and sense of community are what makes these online interactions so precious. Knowing that others go through similar struggles and triumphs creates a sense of camaraderie, and being able to help each other is incredibly uplifting. We're all in this together, and offering our unique perspectives and experiences can truly make a positive impact. It's a beautiful form of support and connection!
It's great to have different perspectives and insights shared within this community. You never know who might benefit from your words of wisdom or experience!

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