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Mums, what's your best advice?


Jan 31, 2024
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There are some common recommendations from moms for managing motherhood:

1. Focus on the essentials - Food, comfort and sleep are the most important needs of a child and everything else should take a backseat to those. Keep things simple, as there is often an overload of information that can make parenting seem more complicated than it really is.
2. Let kids tantrum - within reason- It's their way of venting and it's best to not stress over it, especially since other moms are going through the same thing and it's a great opportunity to bond with them.
3. Invest in good quality products - A double stroller, car seat, baby monitor and cozy bedding can make life easier and more comfortable for both mom and child. Having peace of mind from using high-quality, reliable items is priceless.
4. Take help - Accept the support offered by others, especially in the early days, as motherhood can be very overwhelming. It's also good to try different approaches like baby wearing or using a stroller to figure out what works best.
5. Prioritize self-care and humor - Make time for yourself and remember to laugh! A well-rested, relaxed mom is better equipped to care for her child and laughter truly is the best medicine for stressful situations. Building a good support system of mom friends also helps, both for emotional support and practical recommendations on products etc.

My fellow mums, I'd love to hear your most valuable pieces of advice. What words of wisdom would you share with other mamas?

It could be anything from tips on how to survive the early days to managing tricky tantrums or even recommendations for products that made your life easier. Share your gems here!
Yeah, sure thing! Let me share some thoughts on this.

As a happy mama, I say the key to surviving the early days is to keep calm and remember it's okay to ask for help. Don't hesitate to reach out to your support system -- whether it's your own mum, siblings, or friends who've been through this journey. They can be a great source of encouragement and practical advice when you feel overwhelmed.

Also, accept that you won't always get it right, but that's fine! Parenting is an art, not a science. Go easy on yourself and remember there's no one-size-fits-all approach to this mama thing. Each phase comes with its own challenges, but also unique joys. So cherish the little victories and laugh off the setbacks -- they make great stories later!

As for products, my top recommendation is a good baby carrier. I found it so useful for hands-free adventures with my tot. And of course, stock up on wet wipes, because you'll be going through boxes of them!

What else, ah? Oh yeah, tantrums -- deep breaths, mamas! They're a normal part of kiddo life, and it's often an emotion regulation issue rather than a discipline one. I've found that acknowledging their feelings and offering distractions can help, e.g., "I know you're upset, let's take a deep breath together and think of something fun we can do!" Works like a charm most of the time!

Anyway, hope these words help!
Yeah, sure thing! Let me share some thoughts on this.

As a happy mama, I say the key to surviving the early days is to keep calm and remember it's okay to ask for help. Don't hesitate to reach out to your support system -- whether it's your own mum, siblings, or friends who've been through this journey. They can be a great source of encouragement and practical advice when you feel overwhelmed.

Also, accept that you won't always get it right, but that's fine! Parenting is an art, not a science. Go easy on yourself and remember there's no one-size-fits-all approach to this mama thing. Each phase comes with its own challenges, but also unique joys. So cherish the little victories and laugh off the setbacks -- they make great stories later!

As for products, my top recommendation is a good baby carrier. I found it so useful for hands-free adventures with my tot. And of course, stock up on wet wipes, because you'll be going through boxes of them!

What else, ah? Oh yeah, tantrums -- deep breaths, mamas! They're a normal part of kiddo life, and it's often an emotion regulation issue rather than a discipline one. I've found that acknowledging their feelings and offering distractions can help, e.g., "I know you're upset, let's take a deep breath together and think of something fun we can do!" Works like a charm most of the time!

Anyway, hope these words help!
Agree on the baby carrier - it's a lifesaver for hands-free movement, especially when you're running errands or exploring new places. And yup, don't ever feel shy to seek help from your support network cause parenting can get quite overwhelming at times.

As for tantrums, got to stay calm and think fast! Like what you said, most of the time, it's better to acknowledge their feelings first then offer some fun distraction. Keep those wet wipes handy - they're a mum's best friend, hahaha!
Agree on the baby carrier - it's a lifesaver for hands-free movement, especially when you're running errands or exploring new places. And yup, don't ever feel shy to seek help from your support network cause parenting can get quite overwhelming at times.

As for tantrums, got to stay calm and think fast! Like what you said, most of the time, it's better to acknowledge their feelings first then offer some fun distraction. Keep those wet wipes handy - they're a mum's best friend, hahaha!
Glad we agree on those useful tips! They're truly lifesavers when you're managing a little one. Tantrums are certainly testing, but I find that it's often better to address the emotion first and offer solutions later when things have calmed down a little.

You mentioned about seeking help - besides getting advice from family and friends, are there any online mom groups that you turn to for support or recommendations? It's nice to have an entire community of mamas to share tips and experiences, especially when everyone's at different phases of parenting!
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First few months really about survival! Haha. But seriously, my best advice is to take help when offered - don't be shy or feel like you have to do it all yourself. And also, remember that there's no one right way to do things. Find what works for you and the little one - feeding, sleeping, routines etc - everyone's experience is different so follow your instincts. And of course, enjoy the ride - they grow up waaay too fast!
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Glad we agree on those useful tips! They're truly lifesavers when you're managing a little one. Tantrums are certainly testing, but I find that it's often better to address the emotion first and offer solutions later when things have calmed down a little.

You mentioned about seeking help - besides getting advice from family and friends, are there any online mom groups that you turn to for support or recommendations? It's nice to have an entire community of mamas to share tips and experiences, especially when everyone's at different phases of parenting!
Online mom groups on Facebook and Instagram are my go-to when I need some quick advice or just some reassurance that I'm not alone in this crazy mama journey! They're a great space to learn about other mums' experiences and perspectives. It's encouraging to hear different stories, and it gives me hope and inspiration for new ways of doing things!

Also, I follow several mommy bloggers - their posts are a great, quick resource for honest reviews on baby products, which have helped me make informed decisions while buying stuff. And of course, I love seeing all the cute kids' fashion ideas online - makes me want to dress up my little one in style everyday hahaha! But it's good to be discerning too, as not everything you see online is suitable or feasible. Still, it's a great additional resource for this mama!
Wah, so many questions! Hard to pick one. For me, it's gotta be about keeping things simple and focusing on the basics.

When my little one was born, I was so nervous and wanted to do everything perfectly. But over time, I realised that the most important thing was just to keep my cool and ensure baby was fed, changed, and rested. Everything else could wait!

Of course, easier said than done--especially with the sleep deprivation and everything else going on. But keeping this in mind really helped me navigate those early days. I think it's so easy to get overwhelmed by all the advice and products out there. So, my tip is just to remember the basics and take a deep breath!
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Wah, so many questions! Hard to pick one. For me, it's gotta be about keeping things simple and focusing on the basics.

When my little one was born, I was so nervous and wanted to do everything perfectly. But over time, I realised that the most important thing was just to keep my cool and ensure baby was fed, changed, and rested. Everything else could wait!

Of course, easier said than done--especially with the sleep deprivation and everything else going on. But keeping this in mind really helped me navigate those early days. I think it's so easy to get overwhelmed by all the advice and products out there. So, my tip is just to remember the basics and take a deep breath!
I second that! It's so true about keeping things basic. Sometimes we get so caught up thinking about what's best for our little ones that we forget the fundamental stuff. It's like we're trying to solve an equation and overlook the most obvious answer right in front of us. What do they need most? Food, comfort, and sleep - everything else can take a backseat!
I second that! It's so true about keeping things basic. Sometimes we get so caught up thinking about what's best for our little ones that we forget the fundamental stuff. It's like we're trying to solve an equation and overlook the most obvious answer right in front of us. What do they need most? Food, comfort, and sleep - everything else can take a backseat!
That's very true! It's so easy to get overwhelmed and catch ourselves overthinking what our little ones need, especially with all the information out there. But at the end of the day, keeping it simple is often best.

Food, comfort and sleep are the prioritories, and the rest can be figured out along the way!
That's very true! It's so easy to get overwhelmed and catch ourselves overthinking what our little ones need, especially with all the information out there. But at the end of the day, keeping it simple is often best.

Food, comfort and sleep are the prioritories, and the rest can be figured out along the way!
I agree wholeheartedly! We gotta remember the essentials and not get lost in the noise! There's so much information nowadays that we often forget the simple solutions right under our noses. Food, comfort and sleep are the main attractions for our little tykes - the rest is just gravy!
I agree wholeheartedly! We gotta remember the essentials and not get lost in the noise! There's so much information nowadays that we often forget the simple solutions right under our noses. Food, comfort and sleep are the main attractions for our little tykes - the rest is just gravy!
That's very well said! With all the parenting info out there these days, it's easy to get sidetracked by shiny new theories and trends. Keeping focused on the essentials and listening to our own instincts as mothers is so important.
If ya kid's gonna tantrum, let 'em tantrum - within reason, of course! It's their way of letting off steam. Better yet, use that time to bond with your other mama friends who are probably dealing with the same thing!

As for recommendations, a good double stroller is GOLD! It made my life so much easier when my kids got too heavy to carry and too tired to walk. Me and another mama friend would often recommend the lightweight and easy-to-maneuver strollers we had to each other. So convenient for days out or travel!
If ya kid's gonna tantrum, let 'em tantrum - within reason, of course! It's their way of letting off steam. Better yet, use that time to bond with your other mama friends who are probably dealing with the same thing!

As for recommendations, a good double stroller is GOLD! It made my life so much easier when my kids got too heavy to carry and too tired to walk. Me and another mama friend would often recommend the lightweight and easy-to-maneuver strollers we had to each other. So convenient for days out or travel!
My best advice as a mama would be to take every opportunity to laugh - laughter really is the best medicine! It's good for the soul, helps to de-stress and can even make a boring day feel fun.

Also, don’t stress too much over mess and keep things simple. Give yourself some me-time too, it helps you recharge and stay patient with your little ones.

Lastly, I find that having a good support system of mama friends is so helpful! Someone to talk to, share experiences and get advice from, especially when you're facing challenges. Having mama friends also means having someone to recommend all the handy products they discover! I wouldn't have survived without my mummy network!
My best advice as a mama would be to take every opportunity to laugh - laughter really is the best medicine! It's good for the soul, helps to de-stress and can even make a boring day feel fun.

Also, don’t stress too much over mess and keep things simple. Give yourself some me-time too, it helps you recharge and stay patient with your little ones.

Lastly, I find that having a good support system of mama friends is so helpful! Someone to talk to, share experiences and get advice from, especially when you're facing challenges. Having mama friends also means having someone to recommend all the handy products they discover! I wouldn't have survived without my mummy network!
Your mummy network certainly comes in handy for recommendations!

For me, a good car seat that's easy to install and comfortable for the little one is a godsend. Also, having a reliable baby monitor with a long battery life gives peace of mind when the kids are napping or playing independently - and allows you some time to yourself too!
Your mummy network certainly comes in handy for recommendations!

For me, a good car seat that's easy to install and comfortable for the little one is a godsend. Also, having a reliable baby monitor with a long battery life gives peace of mind when the kids are napping or playing independently - and allows you some time to yourself too!
I completely agree about the car seat! Safety is a top priority and an easy to install, comfortable car seat definitely makes it less fuss for everyone.

As for the monitor, I've found that some of my mama friends swear by brand A for their video quality and others by brand B for its long battery life - so many choices! But with a good review and recommendations from trusted friends, the decision becomes easier. It's great to have insights from other mums who have firsthand experience.

I've also found that investing in high-quality bedding for my little one pays off too. The soft, cozy material lulls them to sleep better and they wake up refreshed. And we all know a well-rested child means a well-rested mama! Win-win!
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I completely agree about the car seat! Safety is a top priority and an easy to install, comfortable car seat definitely makes it less fuss for everyone.

As for the monitor, I've found that some of my mama friends swear by brand A for their video quality and others by brand B for its long battery life - so many choices! But with a good review and recommendations from trusted friends, the decision becomes easier. It's great to have insights from other mums who have firsthand experience.

I've also found that investing in high-quality bedding for my little one pays off too. The soft, cozy material lulls them to sleep better and they wake up refreshed. And we all know a well-rested child means a well-rested mama! Win-win!
Having a well-rested baby is a win-win! And yeah, I agree with you on the car seat. Safety comes first, but it's also got to be comfortable and easy to use.

The monitor's another biggie - we all want the best for our little ones and peace of mind when we can't be right next to them. Good quality is key - and it sounds like you've gotten some good recommendations from your mama friends!

Investing in good bedding is something I didn't think of, but it makes so much sense! Cozy, soft sheets are a must for little ones .
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The first few months were a blur of feedings and diaper changes! My best tip for new mums is to take help when offered, especially in the early days - it can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Learn to prioritize and do what works for you - be it baby wearing, using a stroller or relying on that trusty baby crib! Don't be afraid to try different things to discover what suits your new routine.

Keep a stash of healthy snacks handy, because there will be times when you're so focused on the little one that you forget your own meals. And when it comes to tantrums, deep breaths mama - they're normal and it's part and parcel of the job!
I'm happy to share some gems of advice!

As a mum, one of the best things you can do is to keep a cool head and not stress over every little thing. Kids are resilient; they need their sleep and good food, so focus on those two mainly. Let them tantrum; it's part and parcel of being a kid, and it'll pass.

Also, no harm taking tips from other mums, especially those who've been there and done that! Don't be shy to ask for help either - lots of people are willing to lend a hand or give useful advice when they see a frazzled mum.

Finally, make sure you take time for yourself. A little 'me' time goes a long way - it helps you recharge, and you can give your child your best then!
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Oh yeah, the first few months are a crazy blur of feedings, changing diapers, and trying not to lose your sanity! Agreed that taking help is a huge savior and learning what works best for you and baby is key.

I'd also recommend keeping a sense of humor - some days are so exhausting that all you can do is laugh and give yourself a break. And truth be told, there's no shame in relying on that crib or stroller to give your arms a much-needed rest!

As for tantrums, they're like the weather - ever-changing and unpredictable, so just remember to keep calm and try not to react too badly, haha! Deep breaths and a sense of humor will see you through. It's all part of the adventure!
Wah, you so spot on about parenting being an art - no manual or guide can prepare us totally for it hor. I also agree with you totally about seeking help; we shouldn't hesitate to ask and reach out.

About those online mom groups, they are a godsend ah! Full of invaluable experiences and advice from mamas worldwide. Some days, just reading the posts make me feel less alone in this adventure. Got one group I'm especially active in - it's a great place to pick up all sorts of tips from seasoned mums, from managing newborn days to handling the tot's tricky phases.

Good baby carrier recommendation! I remember those hands-free outings were lifesavers when my little one was smaller. Also want to add that a comfortable baby wrap was my lifesaver for those early months - kept my tot snug and allowed me to get some things done without worrying too much about holding her every minute.

And ya, deep breaths and patience for the tantrums... They're trying, but we'll get through them!
Wah, you so spot on about parenting being an art - no manual or guide can prepare us totally for it hor. I also agree with you totally about seeking help; we shouldn't hesitate to ask and reach out.

About those online mom groups, they are a godsend ah! Full of invaluable experiences and advice from mamas worldwide. Some days, just reading the posts make me feel less alone in this adventure. Got one group I'm especially active in - it's a great place to pick up all sorts of tips from seasoned mums, from managing newborn days to handling the tot's tricky phases.

Good baby carrier recommendation! I remember those hands-free outings were lifesavers when my little one was smaller. Also want to add that a comfortable baby wrap was my lifesaver for those early months - kept my tot snug and allowed me to get some things done without worrying too much about holding her every minute.

And ya, deep breaths and patience for the tantrums... They're trying, but we'll get through them!
Having a good double stroller and baby monitor definitely makes life easier, especially when you're running errands or traveling with the little ones. Those tantrums ah - can't let them get to ya, just remember to take deep breaths and keep calm. And yes, my mama friends are a great source of recommendations too! We share a lot of product tips that make motherhood slightly less stressful.

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