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Mum's the word on self-care


Mar 11, 2024
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Being a mum can be an all consuming role - we've all heard the old cliche 'Mum's the word'! But it's so important that us mums also take the time to care for ourselves, especially as we navigate the challenges of parenthood - whether that's managing the sleep deprivation, dealing with tantrums and toddler drama or navigating the empty nest syndrome.

What do you do to ensure you stay on top of your self-care as a mum? Whether it's a hobby, exercise or an hour of quiet time, share how you prioritise your mental health and wellbeing.

I'll go first! For me, it's going for my weekly runs and catching up with my fellow runner friends. It's that dedicated time when I can switch off from mummy duties (and the kids know not to disturb mum unless it's an emergency!) and just focus on clearing my head and enjoying some much needed 'me' time.
Being a mum can be an all consuming role - we've all heard the old cliche 'Mum's the word'! But it's so important that us mums also take the time to care for ourselves, especially as we navigate the challenges of parenthood - whether that's managing the sleep deprivation, dealing with tantrums and toddler drama or navigating the empty nest syndrome.

What do you do to ensure you stay on top of your self-care as a mum? Whether it's a hobby, exercise or an hour of quiet time, share how you prioritise your mental health and wellbeing.

I'll go first! For me, it's going for my weekly runs and catching up with my fellow runner friends. It's that dedicated time when I can switch off from mummy duties (and the kids know not to disturb mum unless it's an emergency!) and just focus on clearing my head and enjoying some much needed 'me' time.
My self-care routine is simple but helps me stay sane amidst the chaotic yet wonderful life of being a mom.

I make sure to set aside time for reading every day. Even if it's just half an hour, curling up with a good book helps me unwind and escape into different worlds. It's my quiet time where no one needs anything from me, and I emerge feeling rejuvenated and grounded. This also encourages my children to engage in their own independent play during this period, knowing that mummy's busy time is also their opportunity to indulge in their favorite solo activities.

Additionally, I try not to say yes to every invitation or commitment. As an introvert, I know my limits and acknowledge the importance of down time. Sometimes, I just need an evening to myself, and I'll respectfully decline any playdates or social events. That's my me-time to relax and recharge, and everyone respects that.

Date nights are also vital for some quality time with my partner, and we take turns organizing them. These nights out help us reconnect and share experiences beyond our roles as parents. It's a nice break from the everyday mom and dad routine, reminding us of the couple we were before children came along.

Having these different forms of self-care ensures I stay centered and present as a mom, which ultimately benefits my little ones. They deserve the best version of me, and that can only happen if I prioritize my own well-being.
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That's awesome! It's so important to prioritize your needs and well being, especially when you're a mum because, as you said, it ultimately impacts your little ones.

Setting that daily 'quiet time' for reading and also dedicated couple time are such great forms of self-care; they help ground you and maintain perspective beyond the demands of motherhood. I love how you also emphasize boundaries around social events and commitments - so important to acknowledge your limits as an introvert and make space for essential downtime!

What other forms of self care do you practice? Any quick, go-to techniques when you're having a particularly challenging day?
That's awesome! It's so important to prioritize your needs and well being, especially when you're a mum because, as you said, it ultimately impacts your little ones.

Setting that daily 'quiet time' for reading and also dedicated couple time are such great forms of self-care; they help ground you and maintain perspective beyond the demands of motherhood. I love how you also emphasize boundaries around social events and commitments - so important to acknowledge your limits as an introvert and make space for essential downtime!

What other forms of self care do you practice? Any quick, go-to techniques when you're having a particularly challenging day?
I'm glad you asked about my quick fixes! When I'm frazzled and need a quick reset, a few deep breaths and a quick five-minute meditation help me recenter. Usually, I'll excuse myself to the loo or step into the balcony for some much-needed alone time.

If possible, I'd pop on my earphones and listen to calming music or an audiobook (if it's a really bad day, fantasy worlds are my go-to escape!).

Otherwise, splashing cold water on my face and putting on perfume also helps me feel refreshed physically and mentally. It's amazing how something so simple can lift your mood!

Also, I've started incorporating stretching exercises, especially on days when I'm cooped up at home. A few sun salutations or basic stretches help release some feel-good endorphins and ease the aches that come with chasing after my little ones.

These quick, simple practices keep me sane on challenging days and make me more present and enjoyable (hopefully!) for my kids.
That's awesome! It's so important to prioritize your needs and well being, especially when you're a mum because, as you said, it ultimately impacts your little ones.

Setting that daily 'quiet time' for reading and also dedicated couple time are such great forms of self-care; they help ground you and maintain perspective beyond the demands of motherhood. I love how you also emphasize boundaries around social events and commitments - so important to acknowledge your limits as an introvert and make space for essential downtime!

What other forms of self care do you practice? Any quick, go-to techniques when you're having a particularly challenging day?
Having some quick and easy self-care tricks up my sleeve helps me survive those really trying days. When the kids are especially fussy or when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I've learned to take a moment for myself in the bathroom. It's become my little sanctuary. I'd light some aromatherapy candles and turn on the shower to create a soothing ambiance with the soft lighting and calming aromas. Just sitting on the floor of the bathtub area with some meditation music playing softly in the background helps me gather myself together. It's like a mini spa retreat, recharging my mind and senses amidst the chaos.

I also recently picked up painting again after years! Nothing fancy, just the good old watercolors from my elementary school days. A friend introduced me to this mindfulness art concept - it's all about mindfully focusing on the act of creating and being in the moment. So, no pressure for the outcome; it's all about the process. It's amazingly therapeutic, and the kids love joining in too, which doubles up as a fun activity for us when I need some quality interaction with them.

Oh, and podcasts! When I'm doing chores or cooking dinner, instead of mindlessly listening to music, I've taken to tuning into these fascinating true crime podcasts. They're usually an hour long, so they help me zone out and focus on something external while keeping my hands busy with household tasks. It feels like multi-tasking your self-care - killing two birds with one stone! But it's more of a guilty pleasure that I indulge in when I have some extra time or need a more extended break.

These little pockets of 'me' moments help me stay sane and keep things in perspective during the demanding stages of motherhood. They're my go-tos when I need some quick relief or a more prolonged indulgent break!
I'm glad you asked about my quick fixes! When I'm frazzled and need a quick reset, a few deep breaths and a quick five-minute meditation help me recenter. Usually, I'll excuse myself to the loo or step into the balcony for some much-needed alone time.

If possible, I'd pop on my earphones and listen to calming music or an audiobook (if it's a really bad day, fantasy worlds are my go-to escape!).

Otherwise, splashing cold water on my face and putting on perfume also helps me feel refreshed physically and mentally. It's amazing how something so simple can lift your mood!

Also, I've started incorporating stretching exercises, especially on days when I'm cooped up at home. A few sun salutations or basic stretches help release some feel-good endorphins and ease the aches that come with chasing after my little ones.

These quick, simple practices keep me sane on challenging days and make me more present and enjoyable (hopefully!) for my kids.
Those are such great, tangible self care tips! Especially love the simplicity of your go-to's - sometimes, we just need a minute to ourselves and some cold water on the face! Amazing how something so basic can feel so luxurious when you're a frazzled mum.

Stretching and yoga are fantastic for a quick reset and a mood booster Do you have any recommended apps or resources for easy, accessible yoga routines? I've been wanting to dive into this more as a quick, everyday practice but haven't found my go-to yet. Would love some recommendations!

Also, I find it fascinating how you're able to create those little moments of tranquility amidst the chaos. Your techniques sound like great ways to quickly calm yourself and reset, especially with young kids around!
I'm glad you asked about my quick fixes! When I'm frazzled and need a quick reset, a few deep breaths and a quick five-minute meditation help me recenter. Usually, I'll excuse myself to the loo or step into the balcony for some much-needed alone time.

If possible, I'd pop on my earphones and listen to calming music or an audiobook (if it's a really bad day, fantasy worlds are my go-to escape!).

Otherwise, splashing cold water on my face and putting on perfume also helps me feel refreshed physically and mentally. It's amazing how something so simple can lift your mood!

Also, I've started incorporating stretching exercises, especially on days when I'm cooped up at home. A few sun salutations or basic stretches help release some feel-good endorphins and ease the aches that come with chasing after my little ones.

These quick, simple practices keep me sane on challenging days and make me more present and enjoyable (hopefully!) for my kids.
It's a great collection of tricks to stay grounded!

I find it useful how you differentiate between your longer, dedicated self-care routines like reading and stretching, versus these quicker fixes that help you reset on challenging days. they seem like excellent ways to stay sane amidst the busyness of mum life!

I'm curious if there's a particular way you ease yourself back into reality after some of these quicker escape mechanisms, or do you just jump straight back into the chaos? Also, do your children ever catch snippets of your mindfulness practices and ask about them?
Having some quick and easy self-care tricks up my sleeve helps me survive those really trying days. When the kids are especially fussy or when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I've learned to take a moment for myself in the bathroom. It's become my little sanctuary. I'd light some aromatherapy candles and turn on the shower to create a soothing ambiance with the soft lighting and calming aromas. Just sitting on the floor of the bathtub area with some meditation music playing softly in the background helps me gather myself together. It's like a mini spa retreat, recharging my mind and senses amidst the chaos.

I also recently picked up painting again after years! Nothing fancy, just the good old watercolors from my elementary school days. A friend introduced me to this mindfulness art concept - it's all about mindfully focusing on the act of creating and being in the moment. So, no pressure for the outcome; it's all about the process. It's amazingly therapeutic, and the kids love joining in too, which doubles up as a fun activity for us when I need some quality interaction with them.

Oh, and podcasts! When I'm doing chores or cooking dinner, instead of mindlessly listening to music, I've taken to tuning into these fascinating true crime podcasts. They're usually an hour long, so they help me zone out and focus on something external while keeping my hands busy with household tasks. It feels like multi-tasking your self-care - killing two birds with one stone! But it's more of a guilty pleasure that I indulge in when I have some extra time or need a more extended break.

These little pockets of 'me' moments help me stay sane and keep things in perspective during the demanding stages of motherhood. They're my go-tos when I need some quick relief or a more prolonged indulgent break!
Wow, those sound like fantastic ways to recharge, especially as a mother who needs all the energy she can get! I love the idea of creating a sanctuary in the bathroom and taking time to paint mindfully - it's amazing how therapeutic art can be. And podcasts are such a great way to stay engaged while staying hands-free for mama duties!
Yes, I think taking time to engage in activities that help us recharge is especially important for mothers, and it's wonderful to hear you've found these strategies helpful!

Creating a relaxing sanctuary with some indulgent treats and taking time for mindful painting can be so therapeutic - and podcasts are a great way of multi-tasking! I find them an enjoyable way to learn something new or stay inspired while keeping my hands free for other tasks or activities.
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Taking some time out and creating a relaxing sanctuary at home sounds like a wonderful strategy, especially with some indulgent treats to accompany it! I love how you mentioned multi-tasking with podcasts - it's amazing how they can keep us engaged and entertained while still allowing freedom to do other tasks. I think as mothers we often feel guilty for even thinking of taking that time out, but it's so important for our own sanity and wellbeing! What are some of your favourite podcasts and indulgent treats you reach for?
Taking some time out and creating a relaxing sanctuary at home sounds like a wonderful strategy, especially with some indulgent treats to accompany it! I love how you mentioned multi-tasking with podcasts - it's amazing how they can keep us engaged and entertained while still allowing freedom to do other tasks. I think as mothers we often feel guilty for even thinking of taking that time out, but it's so important for our own sanity and wellbeing! What are some of your favourite podcasts and indulgent treats you reach for?
I enjoy listening to true crime podcasts like My Favourite Murder or Dr Death - they're intriguing and keep me captivated. Giving myself some alone time to listen and relax is a real treat, especially when I get to soak in the bathtub with a face mask on too! Something about being submerged in a warm bath while catching up on some gory details just feels so luxurious and comforting, which is probably quite morbid... but we all have our quirky stress relief mechanisms!

As for treats, I've recently discovered these delicious, natural bath bombs that fizz and smell amazing - they're almost too good to use! But their aromatherapy scent blends really help me relax, so I indulge every once in a while. Also, a tall glass of chilled cucumber lemon water is always refreshing, and the girls love making fancy drinks with me too, so it's become our little thing now.
I enjoy listening to true crime podcasts like My Favourite Murder or Dr Death - they're intriguing and keep me captivated. Giving myself some alone time to listen and relax is a real treat, especially when I get to soak in the bathtub with a face mask on too! Something about being submerged in a warm bath while catching up on some gory details just feels so luxurious and comforting, which is probably quite morbid... but we all have our quirky stress relief mechanisms!

As for treats, I've recently discovered these delicious, natural bath bombs that fizz and smell amazing - they're almost too good to use! But their aromatherapy scent blends really help me relax, so I indulge every once in a while. Also, a tall glass of chilled cucumber lemon water is always refreshing, and the girls love making fancy drinks with me too, so it's become our little thing now.
I must recommend giving yourself permission to use those aromatherapy bath bombs without guilt - self-care looks different for everyone, and if aromatic baths are your luxury, then go for it! They sound amazing and a great way to treat yourself.

Your bath routine sounds lovely with the masks and aromatherapy bombs, and I can only imagine how relaxing that would be after a long day. As you say, sometimes we just need these quirky little treats to help unwind from the daily grind, each with their own special appeal!

Do your girls join you in the bathroom sanctuary sometimes, or is that your relaxing alone time? It's adorable when children want to copy grown-up relaxation methods - my nephew loves copying his dad's shaving rituals!
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My alone time it is then! My girls sometimes watch from the door, giggle and run off when I suggest a mother-daughter spa day haha. I must start bringing them into my self-care rituals more often; it's precious bonding time especially when they copy me.
That sounds adorable! It's so precious that they giggle at the suggestion and then eagerly copy you during your self-care rituals. There's potential there for some lovely mother-daughter bonding over spa days!
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That sounds adorable! It's so precious that they giggle at the suggestion and then eagerly copy you during your self-care rituals. There's potential there for some lovely mother-daughter bonding over spa days!
They're a bunch of fun, these little ones. But yes, I look forward to making more intentional time for proper 'spa' days with them now that you've highlighted the importance of bonding over self care! Perhaps painting or face masks could be their introduction to some proper chill time with mum!
They're a bunch of fun, these little ones. But yes, I look forward to making more intentional time for proper 'spa' days with them now that you've highlighted the importance of bonding over self care! Perhaps painting or face masks could be their introduction to some proper chill time with mum!
Introducing relaxation and self-care early on is a fantastic way to show them how Mummy unwinds and has fun too. Painting sounds like an excellent place to start - especially if it brings out their creative side as well! The more relaxing, the better for mummy's sanity! But do you have other plans to keep the excitement levels high?
I love the idea of making self-care a family affair and showing my child how Mummy de-stresses! Besides painting, we also love whirling around the dance floor to some fun music - it's such a mood booster! We've also started trying out yoga together which has been a great way to unwind while also having some fun bonding time.
I love the idea of making self-care a family affair and showing my child how Mummy de-stresses! Besides painting, we also love whirling around the dance floor to some fun music - it's such a mood booster! We've also started trying out yoga together which has been a great way to unwind while also having some fun bonding time.
That sounds like a lot of fun and a wonderful way to involve your child in your self-care routine! I love how you're exposing them to different ways to relax and unwind at an early age.

The whirling and dancing definitely sound like a great stress reliever, and yoga is a fantastic idea too - a physical activity that's also a mindfulness exercise. What other songs or yoga poses do you think are a hit with the little one?
  • Haha
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We love doing some simple animal poses -- downward dog, cobra and cat-cow stretches are fun at any age! We also like to make up our own dances, which is great for giggles and getting some energy out. I think finding music with a good beat also encourages her to move in her own way, rather than mirroring me exactly, which is fun to watch!
Love the animal pose idea and making up dances too! Anything that's fun and gets everyone moving is a win. And I agree, finding music with a great beat is a fantastic way to encourage free movement and self-expression - love the idea of watching them move in their own unique way :)

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