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Mum's Self Care Strategies

For sure, there are many ways to take care of oneself - physical activities are just one aspect of it! I love the idea of escaping into a good book at a cozy corner of a cafe, or even better, losing track of time while browsing through the stacks at the library.

I'm not much of a shopper, but I can see how window shopping could be therapeutic too, especially people-watching as you stroll along. A good movie also sounds like a great way to unwind and zone out for a couple of hours - almost meditative in a way!

The art jamming and pottery workshops sound fun too, and it's great that most places offer beginner-friendly sessions. It's so important to remember that self-care activities don't have to be high octane or extravagant to be effective.
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So many great ideas! I love the escape into a book, especially when it's non-fiction and educational. There's a sense of learning and growth which is also rewarding and mind nourishing.

The library idea reminds me of my university days - there's a certain calm and serenity that comes with being surrounded by books and the buzz of like minded students (even if they're strangers).

Film therapy is a great way to unwind, especially with comfy headphones and immersive storylines. I find it transports you into another world, and offers a welcomed escape from reality for a bit.

The art and craft sessions sound fun too - bringing out our inner creativity is such a great way to zone in on something positive and stimulating. Agreed that most of these don't need to be extravagant - the simple joy of doing something just for you is often all you need to feel rejuvenated.
I love the idea of 'film therapy' - it's so true that getting lost in a good film, especially with an engaging storyline, can be such a wonderful escape and a great way to unwind after a long day.

And yes, there's something soothing about being surrounded by books, I find libraries and bookshops very calming too - perhaps all those possibilities and different worlds to explore are quite comforting!

It seems we have lots of ideas for simple yet effective strategies to recharge and feel rejuvenated, it's just a case of remembering to do them!
Absolutely! There is something wonderful about immersing yourself in a different world, especially when your own world has been stressful or tiring.

I find 'film therapy' and surrounded myself with books incredibly soothing too! It's like visiting a spa for the mind - all these simple yet effective ways to just escape and recharge. We just need to remember that taking some 'me time' is an essential part of our overall wellbeing, and it shouldn't feel selfish!
Soaking in a different world and transported into another realm is such a great form of stress relief and relaxation. I agree that 'film therapy' and surrounding ourselves with books are fantastic ways to achieve this. They help us escape, recharge and take some much-needed 'me time', which is essential for our overall mental health and well-being - and definitely doesn't feel selfish at all! We've got to stay sane somehow!
You're spot on - sometimes, being whisked away into a different realm is exactly what's needed to unwind and recharge. 'Film therapy' and getting lost in books are great ways to achieve this mental break, which is ultimately beneficial for our sanity and wellbeing. There's no guilt in that me-time!
You're spot on - sometimes, being whisked away into a different realm is exactly what's needed to unwind and recharge. 'Film therapy' and getting lost in books are great ways to achieve this mental break, which is ultimately beneficial for our sanity and wellbeing. There's no guilt in that me-time!
I couldn't agree more! It's refreshing and reassuring to take a little time for yourself, especially with activities that help you zone out from your routine. Books and movies can cast a soothing spell and transport you somewhere calming and serene - exactly what the doctor orders!
It's nice to take some time for yourself and just relax into a good book or movie and forget about everything else sometimes, that peaceful escape is such a lovely treat.
It's nice to take some time for yourself and just relax into a good book or movie and forget about everything else sometimes, that peaceful escape is such a lovely treat.
It's these little treats that help us stay grounded, isn't it? Little moments of peace and tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
Little treats like this are so important - they provide a much needed pause and a moment to gather ourselves amongst our busy lives. They help us find perspective too - especially when we take a step back and appreciate the little things.
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So true, those moments are essential for our sanity! And it's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference. It's like a quick reset button to help us refocus and appreciate the beauty in life. We tend to get so caught up in our to-do lists that often these little treats are overlooked, yet they have such a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being. What other ways do you guys practice self-care?
So true, those moments are essential for our sanity! And it's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference. It's like a quick reset button to help us refocus and appreciate the beauty in life. We tend to get so caught up in our to-do lists that often these little treats are overlooked, yet they have such a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being. What other ways do you guys practice self-care?
I indulge in an indulgent shower most nights - a long hot shower with soothing music and the relaxing scent of my favorite shampoo and body wash. It's my me-time where I can just stand and let the hot water massage my aches away and immerse myself in the aroma that uplifted my mood. As a busy mum, these little moments make all the difference in maintaining my sanity!
That sounds like such a wonderful way to unwind and de-stress after a long day! I can almost smell the lovely aroma of your shampoo now - so relaxing!

It's these simple yet thoughtful strategies that really help us recharge, especially when we're constantly pulled in different directions as mums. Creating these little moments of tranquility can make all the difference in our overall wellbeing.

What other sensory experiences do you like to indulge in for some quality me-time? I'm always on the lookout for new ways to chill and would love to hear your ideas!
I love drawing the blinds and listening to relaxing music when I want some peace and quiet. Something about shutting out that outside world and getting lost in the melody really soothes my frazzled nerves after a hectic day!

I also love walking barefoot on freshly cut grass - it's such a sensory treat and an instant mood booster for me. The cool grass tickling my feet, the bright green expanse, the fresh scent... It's free therapy! And when I really want to indulge myself, I light some jasmine-scented candles and immerse myself in that heavenly fragrance - it's so exotic and calming.

What about you? What are your favorite sensory experiences that create that all-important me-time?
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I love drawing the blinds and listening to relaxing music when I want some peace and quiet. Something about shutting out that outside world and getting lost in the melody really soothes my frazzled nerves after a hectic day!

I also love walking barefoot on freshly cut grass - it's such a sensory treat and an instant mood booster for me. The cool grass tickling my feet, the bright green expanse, the fresh scent... It's free therapy! And when I really want to indulge myself, I light some jasmine-scented candles and immerse myself in that heavenly fragrance - it's so exotic and calming.

What about you? What are your favorite sensory experiences that create that all-important me-time?
Oh yes, I love the simple pleasure of closing the curtains, turning off the lights, and letting soothing music fill the room - it's a quick escape mechanism from the chaos of everyday life!

I've never owned Jasmine scented candles, but it sounds like heaven. I'm a big fan of spicy and woody scents myself - the warmth of these aromas is very comforting and indulgent.

These sensory experiences are such easy yet effective ways to reset and recharge. It's wonderful to discover these little things that bring us moments of joy and tranquility.
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Oh yes, I love the simple pleasure of closing the curtains, turning off the lights, and letting soothing music fill the room - it's a quick escape mechanism from the chaos of everyday life!

I've never owned Jasmine scented candles, but it sounds like heaven. I'm a big fan of spicy and woody scents myself - the warmth of these aromas is very comforting and indulgent.

These sensory experiences are such easy yet effective ways to reset and recharge. It's wonderful to discover these little things that bring us moments of joy and tranquility.
It's incredible how much impact these subtle cues have on our sense of well-being, especially as mothers with scarce me-time. It's these little pick-me-ups we deserve and they help make our world a happier place!

What other ways do you ladies think we could indulge in some affordable luxury for some quality relaxation? I'm all ears - and sensing some serious de-stressing tips!
Little things like a fresh manicure, a 10-minute meditation session, or changing my bed sheets can often make me feel pampered and lift my mood. I also love taking long drives alone - blasting some old school 90s jams is my idea of therapy!

On the self-care luxury front, I recently invested in an at-home facial roller which has been a game-changer for de-puffing and relaxing my jaw muscles - so recommend giving those tools a go! Also, a good ol' fashioned phone detox, especially over the weekends, does wonders for my mental space.

I'd love to hear more of your low-maintenance, affordable self-care secrets - they're often the best!
Little acts of self-care go a long way! I find that treating myself to a new book or magazine and taking an hour or two to relax and read is refreshing. Also, taking a long, hot bubble bath can feel so luxurious and relaxing, especially with some calming music playing in the background.

I'm definitely going to try the facial roller; it sounds like a great way to de-stress and wind down! And I completely agree about the phone detox - giving our minds a break from screen time is such an easy and effective form of self-care.
Little acts of self-care go a long way! I find that treating myself to a new book or magazine and taking an hour or two to relax and read is refreshing. Also, taking a long, hot bubble bath can feel so luxurious and relaxing, especially with some calming music playing in the background.

I'm definitely going to try the facial roller; it sounds like a great way to de-stress and wind down! And I completely agree about the phone detox - giving our minds a break from screen time is such an easy and effective form of self-care.
It's amazing how we can so easily get sucked into our phones, mindlessly scrolling, especially when there's so much going on around us. Taking that conscious effort to step away and reconnect with ourselves is such a simple yet impactful action.

All these ideas are making me realize that there are so many wonderful ways to practice self-care - it's quite empowering! We often forget that we have the means and choice to create these little indulgences and find balance. It's great to share these strategies and discover new ones. Thanks so much, ladies!

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