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Mum's Self Care Strategies


Feb 29, 2024
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Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well! As mums, we often put our children's needs before our own, which is why it's so crucial to prioritise self-care. Let's share our strategies for looking after ourselves and keeping our sanity! Whether it's a quick daily practice or a more involved ritual, I'd love to hear your go-to ways of recharging those mama batteries.

I'll start: One thing that helps me stay grounded is taking a walk every evening after tucking the kids in. It's only 20 minutes but the fresh air and solo time helps me decompress and reset, especially on those challenging days.

What's your favourite way to take care of yourself?
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Taking some alone time after a busy day with the kids is a great strategy! I find that going on short runs after they're asleep really helps me too, blowing off steam and giving some needed ME time. And of course, the occasional long hot bubble bath never hurt anyone either ;).

Anything that gives you that little mind reset is beneficial and definitely needed!
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That's fantastic! I've tried the post-bedtime workout strategy too - it's amazing how something as simple as that can help clear your mind and give you some much-needed 'me' time after a chaotic day of parenthood. And I completely agree about the bubble baths!

It's so important to have little strategies up our sleeve because, let's face it, motherhood can be exhausting. It's all about these tiny, mindful decisions we make for ourselves that help keep us sane and happy :)
So true! We have to remember that taking care of ourselves first is not a selfish act; it's necessary for our well-being, especially for mums who need energy and clarity to keep up with the demands of caring for others! Little rituals like these help us stay afloat and appreciate the joys of motherhood even more.
So true! We have to remember that taking care of ourselves first is not a selfish act; it's necessary for our well-being, especially for mums who need energy and clarity to keep up with the demands of caring for others! Little rituals like these help us stay afloat and appreciate the joys of motherhood even more.
Having some alone time activity or ritual helps to recharge, reflect, and recenter - it's a necessary reminder that we are not just moms, but individuals with our own identities and needs. Something as simple as being in nature also helps me, taking a solo stroll at the nearby park or sitting by the beach, observing the scenery and listening to the surroundings, it's very grounding. Also, an indulgent skincare or face mask session every now and then is my way of relaxing and unwinding, almost like a mini spa experience at home! It's amazing how these little things make a big difference in our overall mood and perspective. What other rituals do you guys have on the weekends? Something more involved maybe?
I love your suggestions! There's something so peaceful about being alone in nature and just observing everything around you - it's a wonderful way to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle.

I also enjoy taking long walks, especially through the city where I live; there's an energy to it that's invigorating. I like to pop into little cafes or shops along the way, and just people-watch while enjoying a coffee. It's fun to immerse myself in the busyness of it all, especially after being immersed in motherhood for so long - it's a nice change of pace and reminds me of the life I had before kids.

Also, taking a long, uninterrupted bath is my idea of total luxury. I light some candles, play some calming music, and just soak with a good book. It's such a great way to unwind and feel pampered - almost like being in a spa!

What other 'recharging' activities do you guys swear by?
For some reason, doing chores relaxes me. Vacuuming, mopping, folding laundry - something about the repetition and the zone-out factor helps me unwind, especially if it's accompanied by a true crime podcast! Also, getting my nails done is so relaxing and indulgent, and I love the little boost of confidence a fresh manicure gives me.

I also have an evening skincare routine that takes about 45 minutes - taking that time to slowly and mindfully massage in each step feels like giving myself a mini facial, especially with some calming music and blue light lamps on. It's become such a sensory experience that helps me wind down after a long day.
Your evening skincare routine sounds amazing - I'm all about the self-care rituals that help us unwind and relax, especially if they're combined with sensory experiences like lighting and music!

I also love the zone-out factor of mundane chores; sometimes, there's nothing more satisfying than getting completely absorbed in a task and letting your mind wander. It's a great way to destress after a long day, and the sense of accomplishment from ticking off those to-dos is so satisfying!

And yes, the little boost of confidence from a fresh manicure or any pampering session is unbeatable! It's amazing how these little things can uplift our mood.

What else is part of your self-care arsenal? Share your other strategies - we all need some serious soothing and spoiling sometimes!
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Your evening skincare routine sounds amazing - I'm all about the self-care rituals that help us unwind and relax, especially if they're combined with sensory experiences like lighting and music!

I also love the zone-out factor of mundane chores; sometimes, there's nothing more satisfying than getting completely absorbed in a task and letting your mind wander. It's a great way to destress after a long day, and the sense of accomplishment from ticking off those to-dos is so satisfying!

And yes, the little boost of confidence from a fresh manicure or any pampering session is unbeatable! It's amazing how these little things can uplift our mood.

What else is part of your self-care arsenal? Share your other strategies - we all need some serious soothing and spoiling sometimes!
I'm all about efficiency so I usually club my grooming appointments together - a one stop salon visit for a haircut, manicure and pedicure. Makes me feel brand new after a few hours of indulgence which I try to schedule every couple of months. It's like pressing the reset button. Also recently started getting massages once every month or two - never thought I would enjoy them as I'm not a huge fan of touch, but boy was I wrong! A good full body massage is so comforting and the physical benefits are a definite bonus.

What other relaxing treatments do you guys indulge in? Dish the deets! :D
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I love doing the same! I find getting facials helpful too - it's so relaxing to get a professional to take care of extracting blackheads and hydrating my skin, especially with all the products and techniques they have access to that I wouldn't at home. The whole clean, smooth feeling afterwards is amazing. Also a big fan of brow and lash tinting, as someone who doesn't naturally have dark brows/lashes it's an easy way to feel instantly more put together even with minimal makeup on.
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Facials sound amazing! I've never properly had one done professionally, but the thought of having all those pesky blackheads extracted and not having to do it myself is enticing - especially with the professional products they use too.

And yes to brow/lash tinting, it's such an easy way to feel more 'done' even when you're keeping makeup minimal or going au naturel! I find that even when my makeup look is pretty simple, if my brows are done I still feel polished.
Facials sound amazing! I've never properly had one done professionally, but the thought of having all those pesky blackheads extracted and not having to do it myself is enticing - especially with the professional products they use too.

And yes to brow/lash tinting, it's such an easy way to feel more 'done' even when you're keeping makeup minimal or going au naturel! I find that even when my makeup look is pretty simple, if my brows are done I still feel polished.
It's amazing how these little things can make us feel so much better, isn't it? It's like a secret weapon to feeling good about yourself with very little effort! Facials, for me, are one of those treat-yourself indulgences that have an added benefit of being practical self-care, as opposed to just a nice, relaxing experience - which is also wonderful, of course!

On that note, does anyone else have any luxurious or indulgent treats they enjoy? Preferably something that can be done on the weekends, preferably alone if you're a mom who needs some serious me-time!
I've got two little ones myself so I know all about the need for some serious me-time! For me, an indulgent solo activity is getting my nails done - there's something so luxurious about having someone pamper your hands (or feet) and take their time over it. Plus, like facials, the results last longer than just the appointment itself which is a nice bonus! I find that if I'm committed to doing nothing but relaxing for those 2 hours (or however long you're in the salon), it's so much easier to switch off and really enjoy the experience.
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I've got two little ones myself so I know all about the need for some serious me-time! For me, an indulgent solo activity is getting my nails done - there's something so luxurious about having someone pamper your hands (or feet) and take their time over it. Plus, like facials, the results last longer than just the appointment itself which is a nice bonus! I find that if I'm committed to doing nothing but relaxing for those 2 hours (or however long you're in the salon), it's so much easier to switch off and really enjoy the experience.
Getting our nails done is such a great, indulgent treat - I love how nail salons really go all out with their service too, providing that extra massage or foot soak to really amplify the luxurious experience. Plus, as you say, it's an opportunity to just put the world on pause for a bit and truly switch off! Sometimes, we moms just need some quiet "me" time like that to recharge.

What other special treats do folks enjoy when given the chance? Something that helps us emerge feeling like a new person would be fantastic to hear about!
Getting our nails done is such a great, indulgent treat - I love how nail salons really go all out with their service too, providing that extra massage or foot soak to really amplify the luxurious experience. Plus, as you say, it's an opportunity to just put the world on pause for a bit and truly switch off! Sometimes, we moms just need some quiet "me" time like that to recharge.

What other special treats do folks enjoy when given the chance? Something that helps us emerge feeling like a new person would be fantastic to hear about!
I get a lot of satisfaction from going to the gym these days. There's an amazing sense of achievement after a high-intensity workout and it clears my mind too because my hands are occupied so I can't do anything else simultaneously, which is a nice break. Also love the post workout buzz - the endorphin rush and feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding, especially when you're sweating it out with other like minded individuals. It's addictive!

What say you ladies? Any other recommendations to share?
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I'm a big fan of walking - it's free, you can do it almost anywhere and whenever I feel overwhelmed, a good brisk walk seems to help me process everything going on in my head.

I also love a good yoga session, especially if you're able to get outdoors. There are some great YouTube channels with yoga routines that focus on different things - energy boosting, relaxation, etc. Plus it's low impact and caters to all skill levels.

Massage and/or acupuncture sessions are another great way to zone out and also help with any physical aches and pains.

And of course, never underestimate the power of a long hot soak in the tub with some essential oils or a good book!
I'm a big fan of walking - it's free, you can do it almost anywhere and whenever I feel overwhelmed, a good brisk walk seems to help me process everything going on in my head.

I also love a good yoga session, especially if you're able to get outdoors. There are some great YouTube channels with yoga routines that focus on different things - energy boosting, relaxation, etc. Plus it's low impact and caters to all skill levels.

Massage and/or acupuncture sessions are another great way to zone out and also help with any physical aches and pains.

And of course, never underestimate the power of a long hot soak in the tub with some essential oils or a good book!
I'm glad you mentioned yoga because it's an underrated activity that's free and easily accessible. I used to think it wasn't for me, but giving it a go myself has proven otherwise. It's such a soothing physical activity that focuses on mindfulness too, and you're right about the variety of themes available nowadays - there is something for everyone.

And I completely agree with you on the simplicity of taking a walk. It's amazing how clear your head feels afterwards, almost like a refresh button for the mind. Sometimes the simplest remedies are the best!

What other suggestions do you guys have that help keep your minds relaxed and rejuvenated? Preferably something we can do over the weekends preferably OUTSIDE of our homes after being cooped up all week. 😅
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I'm glad you mentioned yoga because it's an underrated activity that's free and easily accessible. I used to think it wasn't for me, but giving it a go myself has proven otherwise. It's such a soothing physical activity that focuses on mindfulness too, and you're right about the variety of themes available nowadays - there is something for everyone.

And I completely agree with you on the simplicity of taking a walk. It's amazing how clear your head feels afterwards, almost like a refresh button for the mind. Sometimes the simplest remedies are the best!

What other suggestions do you guys have that help keep your minds relaxed and rejuvenated? Preferably something we can do over the weekends preferably OUTSIDE of our homes after being cooped up all week. 😅
Yoga and walking sound wonderful, especially as they're activities I can do with my four-year-old son! He loves spending time outside, and luckily in Singapore, there are many family-friendly walking trails and parks to visit.

I also like the idea of meeting up with friends at the local community centre for a casual game of badminton or table tennis. Nothing too intense, but enough exercise to feel like you've had some fun and burned some calories! Following that with a well-deserved lunch makes a perfect weekend outing.

What other suggestions do you guys have for outdoor activities?
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Yoga and walking sound wonderful, especially as they're activities I can do with my four-year-old son! He loves spending time outside, and luckily in Singapore, there are many family-friendly walking trails and parks to visit.

I also like the idea of meeting up with friends at the local community centre for a casual game of badminton or table tennis. Nothing too intense, but enough exercise to feel like you've had some fun and burned some calories! Following that with a well-deserved lunch makes a perfect weekend outing.

What other suggestions do you guys have for outdoor activities?
I'm thrilled to hear your thoughts on keeping things simple yet effective! Singapore has many scenic walking trails, and it's a wonderful opportunity to involve the whole family while staying active.

If you enjoy sports, why not consider joining a casual soccer or basketball game at the nearby courts? I see many enthusiastic residents organizing such sessions over the weekends - a great way to stay engaged and make new friends too. Or if water is your thing, there's kayaking/stand-up paddle boarding available at various East Coast parks for an adventurous family outing!

Otherwise, what about cultivating a green thumb? tending to plants can be therapeutic and educational for little ones too - a nice introduction to caring for something and watching it grow. A trip to the nursery followed by a plant-care activity session could be fun!
I'm thrilled to hear your thoughts on keeping things simple yet effective! Singapore has many scenic walking trails, and it's a wonderful opportunity to involve the whole family while staying active.

If you enjoy sports, why not consider joining a casual soccer or basketball game at the nearby courts? I see many enthusiastic residents organizing such sessions over the weekends - a great way to stay engaged and make new friends too. Or if water is your thing, there's kayaking/stand-up paddle boarding available at various East Coast parks for an adventurous family outing!

Otherwise, what about cultivating a green thumb? tending to plants can be therapeutic and educational for little ones too - a nice introduction to caring for something and watching it grow. A trip to the nursery followed by a plant-care activity session could be fun!
All the physical activities mentioned are certainly energizing and exhilarating. I'm more of an indoors, lowkey kind of person so a cozy corner in a cafe with a good book does it for me. Or better yet, visiting the library where it's quiet and cool - perfect for browsing and escaping reality for a few hours. If you want some window shopping therapy, a visit to any one of the many malls in Singapore will give you that fix, with the added bonus of people-watching while you're at it.

What about catching a movie or hanging out at one of those trendy co-working spaces? A quick browse online shows lots of art jamming and pottery workshops too which seem like a fun way to bond and get creative! Most places offer beginners' sessions so it's accessible to everyone.

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