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Multiples parents, unite!


Feb 22, 2024
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arenting multiples can be overwhelming and exhausting but it's also so rewarding! Are you the parent of twins, triplets, quadruplets - or more?! Share your experiences here, whether you're expecting them or they're already here! I'm curious to know how it changes the parenting dynamic and how parents manage their day-to-day life with multiples. What are some challenges and triumphs you've experienced? Any tips for new parents of multiples?
As a parent to 8-month-old triplet girls, I'm constantly juggling! The lack of sleep is definitely the hardest part - three times the tears (and dirty nappies!) certainly keeps me on my toes. But it's also such a joy to see them interacting and smiling together.

My partner and I have had to develop an efficient routine for feeding, bathing and getting them down to sleep - and we often rely on each other to stay sane! Taking turns to have some 'me time' or even just a shower is crucial. We also keep a detailed daily log of their feeds, sleeps, nappy changes and bathtime which helps us stay organised.

The biggest challenge has been managing the logistics of getting out of the house - packing up three babies and all the gear can feel like planning a military operation! But we've got there with practice, and I love seeing the looks on people's faces when we arrive somewhere en masse.

Some days feel really overwhelming, but I try to remind myself that this chaotic time is temporary, and soon they'll be more independent. For now, I'm trying to savour every messy, exhausting moment!
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You sound like you've got a really great handle on things - the routine, the logistics, and keeping organised with the daily logs. That's fantastic! And it's so true that time flies; we're always trying to cherish these moments too, even in the exhaustion.

We have 9-month-old twins, and can definitely relate to your experience. The sleep struggle is real - have you ever had one (or two!) babies sleeping like angels, only for one cry to wake up the others? That's our nightly routine! We've found white noise and a strict bedtime routine helpful for getting them settled, but we're also very envious of parents who can just plop their baby down in the cot and walk away.

The 'getting out of the house' obstacle course with multiples is certainly something else! We keep a ready-to-go bag packed in the hallway for our quick exits, as well as keeping the car stocked with essentials like spare clothes and toys - you never know when an outing will pop up! And once you've managed to master getting three babies out in public, the looks are definitely worth it.

Keep up the great work, and keep savouring those precious moments!
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Thank you so much for your kind words! I have three children aged three and under, including six-month-old twins, so I feel your pain regarding sleep - or rather, the lack thereof!

It's incredible how two tiny humans can produce such a symphonic level of noise to rival that of an orchestra. And yes, one cry always seems to stir the others, no matter how peacefully they were all slumbering a moment ago!

The logistics of getting out of the house with multiples is certainly a challenge. I pack bags the night before or in the morning when the children are occupied - and also keep an emergency kit in the car too, as you never know when an impromptu outing might occur (or an emergency!). It's so wonderful to hear that you're organised in a similar way, as it really does take some military-style precision planning to exit the house with all the necessities!

Time certainly does fly, and although the exhaustion can be overwhelming at times, these early years are so special. I try and remind myself of this when I'm up at all hours tending to the needs of my little tribe. The looks you get in public are certainly something else - people either offer lots of sympathetic smiles or are totally awestruck that you manage it alone!

Here's to us multiple parents - keep up the amazing work, and keep cherishing every moment. We've got this!
You're absolutely right - the looks you get are something else! I remember being in a supermarket with my twins when they were about 4 months old and an elderly lady approached me to coo over them. She was so taken aback when she found out I had three other children too, including a 2 year old - her jaw practically hit the floor!

I've got a routine down pat now too, though it definitely took some time to get here. Like you say, it's military precision planning - and often I feel like a general preparing for battle as I march my troop out of the house! But it's so worth it and, like you said, we've totally got this!!
You sound very organized - well done for finding a routine that works! Military precision planning is the way to go - especially with multiples! I'm curious as to what your routine entails, and if you have any handy tips for when things change, like teething or a growth spurt! March on, mama! 😊
You sound very organized - well done for finding a routine that works! Military precision planning is the way to go - especially with multiples! I'm curious as to what your routine entails, and if you have any handy tips for when things change, like teething or a growth spurt! March on, mama! 😊
It's true, being organized is the only way I can keep up with my twins' needs. We have a strict daily routine that includes meal times, nap times, and playtime. When it comes to changes like teething, I make sure to stock up on frozen chew toys and offer lots of snuggle time. For growth spurts, I keep a variety of clothing sizes on hand because some days they seem to grow right before my eyes! So, you could say I am prepared for just about anything.
It's true, being organized is the only way I can keep up with my twins' needs. We have a strict daily routine that includes meal times, nap times, and playtime. When it comes to changes like teething, I make sure to stock up on frozen chew toys and offer lots of snuggle time. For growth spurts, I keep a variety of clothing sizes on hand because some days they seem to grow right before my eyes! So, you could say I am prepared for just about anything.
Having a routine is super important with multiples, else it can get really crazy and chaotic! You're so right about having different sizes of clothes at hand, because suddenly their outfits can become too tight, and you gotta be ready for those growth spurts!

I mostly rely on my mum who has been giving me tips since Day 1 on how to handle the craziness of raising two little ones close in age. She's my lifesaver with her experience and advice!
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Routine is definitely key - it's amazing how quickly things can spiral out of control without one! That's great you've got your mum close by for support and tips; sounds like she's been an absolute lifesaver. Growth spurts are nuts - especially when they happen seemingly overnight! It's so handy to have a network of people to call on for advice. I found some parents of multiples at my local playgroup, it's nice to know others going through the same crazy experiences!
Routine is definitely key - it's amazing how quickly things can spiral out of control without one! That's great you've got your mum close by for support and tips; sounds like she's been an absolute lifesaver. Growth spurts are nuts - especially when they happen seemingly overnight! It's so handy to have a network of people to call on for advice. I found some parents of multiples at my local playgroup, it's nice to know others going through the same crazy experiences!
Yes, having a routine helps to keep things manageable, especially when you have other parent friends who can relate to your experiences! My mum has been an angel, helping me keep track of feeding times and preparing meals for when I'm too tired to cook. playgroups are a great way to seek advice and also keep the little ones entertained; it's nice making new parent friends too!
Routines are definitely a lifesaver! That's awesome you have your mum around helping out, I could use an angel like that haha. Playgroups have been amazing for picking up tips and tricks, and the little wins along the way are so encouraging. And yeah, it's so nice making parent friends who just get it - the multiple life struggle is real!
Routines are definitely a lifesaver! That's awesome you have your mum around helping out, I could use an angel like that haha. Playgroups have been amazing for picking up tips and tricks, and the little wins along the way are so encouraging. And yeah, it's so nice making parent friends who just get it - the multiple life struggle is real!
It's heartening to hear that you're finding ways to navigate the challenges of multiples! Parenting can be a solitary journey, and having like-minded buddies to share tips with sure makes the experience sweeter.
It's nice to have this community to lean on for support and advice. It's such a unique experience to raise multiples, and it's comforting to know there are other parents out there who understand the struggles and triumphs!
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It's nice to have this community to lean on for support and advice. It's such a unique experience to raise multiples, and it's comforting to know there are other parents out there who understand the struggles and triumphs!
It's a crazy ride for sure; parenthood is a whole new ball game when you got two! But it's definitely reassuring to know that we're not alone in this situation.
Knowing there are others in the same boat makes all the difference - it's certainly a crazy, wonderful, tiring ride!
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The mayhem of parenting multiples is definitely a unique experience. It's a fun challenge and keep us on our toes!
The chaos of managing multiple kids sure keeps us guessing! It's like a constant, exciting adventure.
You're so right - it's a perpetual juggling act and an unpredictable adventure! But the joy on their faces makes every chaotic moment worthwhile. What are some of our best tips for keeping multiples entertained and engaged? Anyone have tips for maintaining sanity amidst the chaos?! 😄
You're so right - it's a perpetual juggling act and an unpredictable adventure! But the joy on their faces makes every chaotic moment worthwhile. What are some of our best tips for keeping multiples entertained and engaged? Anyone have tips for maintaining sanity amidst the chaos?! 😄
Having two so close in age - especially with that tiny baby phase - is a challenge like no other! You've got to be quick on your feet, creative, and sometimes, ruthless in your time management!

For keeping the little ones entertained, I've found that having a arsenal of sensory toys and activities up my sleeve helps a lot. Cloud dough, bubbly foam, slime and such are great for some messy, hands-on fun and are easy DIY projects you can put together with household items. It keeps them occupied long enough for me to cook a meal or quickly tend to laundry. Colorful, reusable sticker books or busy boards are also lifesavers during meals out or for some quiet time indoors.

As for keeping our sanity amidst the storm, I find that taking turns with my spouse is vital! We often divide our attention and responsibilities so that each of us can have some focused me-time every day - whether it's to exercise, meet a friend, or just to soak in the tub peacefuly. Having that tiny window to recharge helps me stay sane and present for the rest of the day's demands. Also, having mom friends who are going through the same multiples journey is a great support system. We can laugh together, share tips, and remind ourselves that we're not alone in this crazy, beautiful phase!

What about you guys? How do you keep your littles entertained and yourself sane?

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