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Motherhood Mindfulness


Feb 22, 2024
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This thread is dedicated to all mothers out there who want to cultivate mindfulness in their parenting journey - because, let's face it, motherhood can be overwhelming!

Being mindful as a parent can help us slow down and appreciate each precious moment we have with our little ones while also giving us the mental space to navigate those inevitable challenging moments with more ease. It's about being fully present and aware, embracing each emotion as it comes, and responding - rather than reacting - to situations.

Share your thoughts on how you practice mindfulness in your own experiences of motherhood and any tips you have for other mothers looking to cultivate this skill. What helps you stay grounded, present, and patient when the going gets tough? How do you find moments of mindfulness amidst the chaos? Let's create a supportive community of mindful mamas!
As a mother of three, including a set of twins, staying mindful is my survival strategy some days!

One thing I do to stay grounded is to make sure I take a few moments each day to just breathe and centre myself. It could be during naptime, or even in the few minutes before the kids wake up (if I'm lucky!). Taking those few moments helps me reset, especially on hectic mornings or when one of the kids is having a tricky day.

I also try to practice 'active listening' - making sure I give my full attention, really listen and engage with what my kids are saying or asking for. It's so easy to get distracted, but giving them my undivided attention makes me feel more present in the moment and reduces any chance of misunderstandings!

Another trick is something I term 'scheduled sanity': setting up playdates or activities for the kids that give me a few hours each week to just breathe and recharge, or even run errands without little ones in tow! It's amazing how a bit of alone time can help me refocus and be more present when I'm with the kids again.

Lastly, I try not to sweat the small stuff. Easier said than done, right? But honestly, choosing my battles and letting some things slide has helped me keep my cool in many situations. Whether it's keeping a mess to a defined area or letting the kids make their own fun with their toys - as long as everyone's safe, why not let a bit of chaos reign sometimes? It's all about picking the moments that matter to engage and be present.

Looking forward to hearing your tips for staying mindful!
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Some fantastic strategies you have shared! I especially love the 'scheduled sanity' - it's so important to carve out some alone time, and like you said, it makes us appreciate and refocus our energy on the time spent with the kids.

I think creating a daily routine that incorporates mindful practices is so beneficial. It doesn't have to be time-consuming; even a few deep breaths here and there can help us reset and re-centre. I try meditating for 10 minutes each day - sometimes it happens in the morning, sometimes in the evening, depending on the day's schedule, but having that consistency helps me.

Also, your point about active listening is such a great one! Giving our kids our undivided attention makes them feel valued, and it also allows us to really take in what they're saying - win-win! And I completely agree about choosing our battles. So often, it's better to let some things go and avoid unnecessary stress.

For me, accepting that 'good enough' is 'good enough' has been a game-changer. Letting go of the need to do everything perfectly allows me to enjoy the moments more and reminds me that the little imperfections are okay - they're actually kind of perfect in their imperfection!
Some fantastic strategies you have shared! I especially love the 'scheduled sanity' - it's so important to carve out some alone time, and like you said, it makes us appreciate and refocus our energy on the time spent with the kids.

I think creating a daily routine that incorporates mindful practices is so beneficial. It doesn't have to be time-consuming; even a few deep breaths here and there can help us reset and re-centre. I try meditating for 10 minutes each day - sometimes it happens in the morning, sometimes in the evening, depending on the day's schedule, but having that consistency helps me.

Also, your point about active listening is such a great one! Giving our kids our undivided attention makes them feel valued, and it also allows us to really take in what they're saying - win-win! And I completely agree about choosing our battles. So often, it's better to let some things go and avoid unnecessary stress.

For me, accepting that 'good enough' is 'good enough' has been a game-changer. Letting go of the need to do everything perfectly allows me to enjoy the moments more and reminds me that the little imperfections are okay - they're actually kind of perfect in their imperfection!
You're spot on about daily routines incorporating mindfulness. It's like an anchor in our ever-changing seas of motherhood! Meditation is a great way to recenter, and it's encouraging to hear how you make it work despite having a busy schedule.

On days when I'm feeling particularly frazzled, accepting that good enough is good enough is my mantra too. It allows some much-needed headspace, especially when dealing with unrealistic expectations or comparing myself to others who seem to have it all together. We're doing the best we can, and that's what truly matters!
Some fantastic strategies you have shared! I especially love the 'scheduled sanity' - it's so important to carve out some alone time, and like you said, it makes us appreciate and refocus our energy on the time spent with the kids.

I think creating a daily routine that incorporates mindful practices is so beneficial. It doesn't have to be time-consuming; even a few deep breaths here and there can help us reset and re-centre. I try meditating for 10 minutes each day - sometimes it happens in the morning, sometimes in the evening, depending on the day's schedule, but having that consistency helps me.

Also, your point about active listening is such a great one! Giving our kids our undivided attention makes them feel valued, and it also allows us to really take in what they're saying - win-win! And I completely agree about choosing our battles. So often, it's better to let some things go and avoid unnecessary stress.

For me, accepting that 'good enough' is 'good enough' has been a game-changer. Letting go of the need to do everything perfectly allows me to enjoy the moments more and reminds me that the little imperfections are okay - they're actually kind of perfect in their imperfection!
You're absolutely right; mindfulness is all about finding that balance and awareness in our parenting journey. It's wonderful to hear how you're embracing the chaos and finding your Zen amid the madness!

Are there any other mindful mamas out there with tips to share?
Finding balance amidst the chaos of motherhood is a challenge, but it's an achievable and worthwhile goal. As our children grow and change, so do our roles as mothers, and mindfulness helps us to stay present and aware through each stage.

One tip I have is to create a daily ritual for yourself. It can be something simple, like a few minutes of meditation, a walk around the block, or a warm bath. That way, you're giving yourself some much-needed quiet time while also anchoring your day with a moment of stillness and intention - and if nothing else, a quick reset!

Another thing that helps me is to involve my kids in the cooking process. Getting them involved with measuring, mixing, and preparing meals not only makes kitchen clean-up a little easier but also teaches them an essential life skill. Plus, it's a beautiful way to bond and create some fun memories together. Eating as a family also becomes more enjoyable when the kids have helped prepare the meal!

Finally, I try to make self-care a priority and understand that filling your own cup first enables you to show up as the best version of yourself for your family. So, mamas, don't hesitate to take some 'me time' now and then - whether it's a coffee date with friends, a yoga class, or an evening soak in the tub. Your family will benefit from you being at your best!

What other mindful practices do you ladies swear by?
Finding balance amidst the chaos of motherhood is a challenge, but it's an achievable and worthwhile goal. As our children grow and change, so do our roles as mothers, and mindfulness helps us to stay present and aware through each stage.

One tip I have is to create a daily ritual for yourself. It can be something simple, like a few minutes of meditation, a walk around the block, or a warm bath. That way, you're giving yourself some much-needed quiet time while also anchoring your day with a moment of stillness and intention - and if nothing else, a quick reset!

Another thing that helps me is to involve my kids in the cooking process. Getting them involved with measuring, mixing, and preparing meals not only makes kitchen clean-up a little easier but also teaches them an essential life skill. Plus, it's a beautiful way to bond and create some fun memories together. Eating as a family also becomes more enjoyable when the kids have helped prepare the meal!

Finally, I try to make self-care a priority and understand that filling your own cup first enables you to show up as the best version of yourself for your family. So, mamas, don't hesitate to take some 'me time' now and then - whether it's a coffee date with friends, a yoga class, or an evening soak in the tub. Your family will benefit from you being at your best!

What other mindful practices do you ladies swear by?
Creating a daily ritual is a brilliant way to stay grounded and centred amid the chaos, especially something personal and meaningful like a daily walk to clear the mind. Involving little ones in the kitchen is a fun and educational approach to meal times and gets those creative juices flowing for all!

Your reminder about the importance of self-care is a timely one too; often overlooked but so vital, especially when juggling various roles and responsibilities. Taking time out to reconnect with ourselves allows us to show up as the best version of ourselves - a great way to practise some mindful motherhood! I've found that a quick daily affirmations routine helps boost my mood and outlook when things feel overwhelming, taking just a few moments each morning. It's a great reminder of our strengths and capabilities!
Creating a daily ritual is a brilliant way to stay grounded and centred amid the chaos, especially something personal and meaningful like a daily walk to clear the mind. Involving little ones in the kitchen is a fun and educational approach to meal times and gets those creative juices flowing for all!

Your reminder about the importance of self-care is a timely one too; often overlooked but so vital, especially when juggling various roles and responsibilities. Taking time out to reconnect with ourselves allows us to show up as the best version of ourselves - a great way to practise some mindful motherhood! I've found that a quick daily affirmations routine helps boost my mood and outlook when things feel overwhelming, taking just a few moments each morning. It's a great reminder of our strengths and capabilities!
That's a great tip on affirmations! A positive mindset can really shape our experiences, especially when the going gets tough. It's like putting on an invisible armour to take on the challenges of the day! Also a great way to start the day on a cheerful note, which definitely sets the tone for the kids too. Any other simple yet impactful strategies you ladies have up your sleeves?
Visualising a bright and sunny morning, filled with laughter and positive vibes also helps to set my day's tone. It's almost like creating a movie trailer of how I want my day to unfold - the positive outcomes, smooth sailing moments, and happy interactions all play out in that short visualization clip. That mental clip plays a reminder when the going gets tough; it's my little escape hatch to refocus on good vibes!

I also try the "take a minute" tactic - which is especially helpful when the kids are having a meltdown or when I'm frazzled. We all take a minute of silence, just focus on our breath and do some deep breathing together - it's an instant reset button and helps calm us down to re-center. Then we're able to tackle the situation with a clearer (and calmer) head!
That's such a wonderful trick, especially the "take a minute" tactic! It's amazing how powerful taking that short pause is, to gather and recenter yourself before carrying on. And the visualization technique is so cool - creating your own little positive forecast for the day. Love it!
I'm glad you enjoyed the trick! Taking just a short break to gather yourself really can work wonders, especially when you're a busy mum. It's so easy to get swept away by the fast pace of everyday life and pause only when we're absolutely exhausted, but those little mindful moments make such a difference! Visualizing a positive day is a fun way to set your mindset too - kind of like creating a little mental sanctuary.
It's amazing how effective short mindfulness breaks can be, especially for us mums who are often stretched thin. We often don't stop until we're completely depleted, so these quick mindful moments are like little respites that help us reset and recharge. Visualizing a positive day is a great tip; creating a mental sanctuary can really shift our mindset and outlook. It's wonderful to find simple yet impactful ways to bring some mindfulness into our busy lives!
it's surprising how mindful practices can create a profound impact, especially for us moms who are often juggling multiple roles. These short mindfulness breaks help us not only reset but also cultivate inner peace amidst our bustling lives. Visualizing a positive day or creating a mental sanctuary is such a powerful yet simple method to shift our mindsets; it's a wonderful way to bring about a sense of calm and clarity.

It's always heartening to discover these little techniques that make a world of difference!
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I couldn't agree more! It's amazing how taking those few moments for ourselves can have such a profound impact on our mindset and overall mood. There's power in pausing and creating a mindful moment, especially when we can then return to our busy lives with a sense of calm and renewed focus.

It's wonderful to share these techniques and discover how something so simple yet powerful can make each of our days better.
Absolutely! Taking that time for mindfulness really is a powerful tool, especially with the chaos of everyday life as a mum. Those moments of pause and reflection help us gain perspective too - it's almost like a quick reset button! I'm loving hearing everyone's tips for simple ways to bring some calm and positivity into our days.
I love the idea of seeing mindfulness as a 'reset' button - it's such a great way to frame those moments of pause and really reinforces the power of taking some time out for yourself amidst the chaos of motherhood. It's so true how those moments of reflection can bring a sense of calm and positivity, helping us show up as our best selves.
I love the idea of seeing mindfulness as a 'reset' button - it's such a great way to frame those moments of pause and really reinforces the power of taking some time out for yourself amidst the chaos of motherhood. It's so true how those moments of reflection can bring a sense of calm and positivity, helping us show up as our best selves.
There's just something special about the little mindful tips that help keep us centered and grounded!
Share your special mindfulness tricks, ladies!

I have a few go-tos that help me stay sane:

1) The five senses trick - especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed or anxious. I focus on what I can see, hear, touch, taste and smell around me and acknowledge each sensation. It helps bring me back to the present moment.

2) Deep breathing - taking slow, long breaths when I feel any kind of panic or unease. Sometimes I add essential oils like lavender to help calm me further.

3) My "mom Mantra" - I have a particular phrase that I repeat to myself in challenging moments. It reminds me that I'm doing a good job and keeps imposter syndrome at bay!

What are your favorite mindful hacks?
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I love the five senses trick! I also do something similar, which is more of an appreciation exercise.

When I'm feeling stressed, I acknowledge the chaos but then actively look for three beautiful things around me and appreciate them. It could be anything - a picture, the sun streaming in through the window, a potted plant, a nice cup of tea - and acknowledging these little things reminds me that there's goodness and beauty amidst the crazy!

I also love the idea of a mom mantra. I might borrow that one!
You're right - finding appreciation and gratitude for the simple things is such a great mindfulness practice, and really helps to bring you back to the present moment when you're feeling overwhelmed.

I love the idea of seeking out three beautiful things - it's amazing how once you start looking, you realize there's so much around you! And yes, that chaos will still be there afterwards, but somehow it seems a little more manageable.

The mantra is a great trick too - a simple reminder to keep yourself centred, and something personal that can help snap you out of any un helpful thoughts or mind frames. I think sometimes we forget how powerful those few words can be!

What are some of your favorite mantras? I'm always on the lookout for new ways to recenter, especially little tricks you can use when you're out and about with the kids and feeling frazzled!

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