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Maximize Your Time


Jan 31, 2024
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The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
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The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
My biggest tip would be to keep organized records, as this saves a lot of time and effort which can be channeled into other commitments. I maintain several journals: one each for work and personal life, and another for menu planning. My menu plan book details what meals we will be having, right down to the snacks prepared for my kids during their activity classes. This helps me to make sure we eat healthily and save money by avoiding takeout.

Having everything written down also ensures that I remember all the ingredients required ahead of time, so I can throw in any necessary frozen items into the meal planner or add bulk ingredients to our online grocery order - because nobody has time for last-minute runs to the supermarket!

Also, preparing larger batches of meals on weekends and dividing them into portion sizes save time cooking during weekdays. This method likewise ensures that we do not eat the same dishes repeatedly in a week. I also store dinner leftovers for my lunch the next day, which saves additional preparation time.
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The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
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The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
I make the most of my time by mapping out my art pieces on a mental timeline. As an artist, creating multiple similar pieces helps me be more efficient by maximizing the creative flow state. Having a young kid also taught me the importance of being present; giving him my undivided attention during our daily routine establishes a quality bond between us.
The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
My time management secret is simple: I live by the motto, 'If it's not in my calendar, it doesn't exist'. That means if I want to prioritize something, no matter how small, I schedule it. And if it's important, I set up reminders to stay on track. Everything else can wait or can be dealt with later - this way, I don't feel guilty for neglecting any aspect of my life!
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The goal of this thread isn't to help you multi-task efficiently, but to maximize the value of your time across various aspects of your life so that you can live richer and fulfill multiple goals.

Let's share our best tips on how to make the most of every hour in the day!

1. Set clear and specific short and long term goals. Vague goals lead to unfocused effort, which wastes a lot of time in the long run. Know exactly what you're working towards at all times.
2. Prioritize ruthlessly. Make a daily to-do list and rank tasks by importance, not urgency. Tackle the most important first, and don't get bogged down with less crucial chores until the big ones are done.
3. Allocate time slots for different activities and stick to them. Schedule work, exercise, leisure, and downtime firmly in your calendar and commit to this structure. Each activity will benefit from dedicated focus. 4. Learn to say no to non-essential requests and distractions. Protect your time like your wallet protects money. Every yes to someone else is a partial rejection of your own goals.
5. Batch similar tasks together. Responding to emails twice a day, or scheduling a bulk cooking session for the week are good examples. You'll save time on transitions and gain momentum doing similar work. 6. Automate or delegate anything that isn't essential for you to do personally. This frees up headspace for more important tasks and lets you focus on your unique contributions.
7. Take intentional breaks. Working non-stop leads to burnout and fatigue. Schedule short rest periods, and use them to disconnect and recharge so you come back refreshed. 8. Go device-free for focused work. Set aside dedicated timeframes where you power off notifications and avoid distractions from your devices. You'll be amazed how much more you achieve when not constantly interrupted.

What are your top strategies for making every hour count? Share any tips that help you stay on track and accomplish big goals!
I completely agree with your points, especially prioritizing ruthlessly and taking intentional breaks to avoid burnout - self-care is so important!

Here's my additional input: create a 'not to do' list. This may sound counterintuitive, but jotting down time-wasting habits or tasks that are not aligned with your goals helps you become more mindful of your energy-draining activities. This list serves as a reminder of things to avoid so that you can stay focused on what truly matters.

Also, I'm a firm believer in the 80/20 principle, which basically means that 80% of outcomes result from 20% of actions. Knowing this, I prioritize focusing on those high-impact actions to make the biggest wave. It's about understanding the critical few from the trivial many.

Sometimes, especially for us parents, planning too strictly may lead to frustration when things don't go according to plan (which is often with young children involved!). So, while I do agree that allocating time slots can be beneficial, I've learned to also go with the flow and embrace some level of flexibility. Roll with the punches!

Lastly, I find that reflecting on my daily accomplishments just before bed helps. It's a kind of mindfulness exercise that makes me appreciate the day that has passed and sets a positive tone for the next. Plus, it helps me analyze what could have gone better so that I can improve on those for the following days.

Stay focused, everyone! We're only limited by 24 hours each day, might as well make the most of them!
My biggest tip would be to keep organized records, as this saves a lot of time and effort which can be channeled into other commitments. I maintain several journals: one each for work and personal life, and another for menu planning. My menu plan book details what meals we will be having, right down to the snacks prepared for my kids during their activity classes. This helps me to make sure we eat healthily and save money by avoiding takeout.

Having everything written down also ensures that I remember all the ingredients required ahead of time, so I can throw in any necessary frozen items into the meal planner or add bulk ingredients to our online grocery order - because nobody has time for last-minute runs to the supermarket!

Also, preparing larger batches of meals on weekends and dividing them into portion sizes save time cooking during weekdays. This method likewise ensures that we do not eat the same dishes repeatedly in a week. I also store dinner leftovers for my lunch the next day, which saves additional preparation time.
That's a great strategy to stay organized and plan your meals in advance! Batch cooking and meal prepping are real time-savers and ensure variety in your diet too. Keeping records and journals may seem old-school, but they work well and help you stay mindful of your daily needs.

What else would you add to make the most of the available hours in a day, especially for busy parents like yourself?
My biggest tip would be to keep organized records, as this saves a lot of time and effort which can be channeled into other commitments. I maintain several journals: one each for work and personal life, and another for menu planning. My menu plan book details what meals we will be having, right down to the snacks prepared for my kids during their activity classes. This helps me to make sure we eat healthily and save money by avoiding takeout.

Having everything written down also ensures that I remember all the ingredients required ahead of time, so I can throw in any necessary frozen items into the meal planner or add bulk ingredients to our online grocery order - because nobody has time for last-minute runs to the supermarket!

Also, preparing larger batches of meals on weekends and dividing them into portion sizes save time cooking during weekdays. This method likewise ensures that we do not eat the same dishes repeatedly in a week. I also store dinner leftovers for my lunch the next day, which saves additional preparation time.
That's a great strategy! Meal planning is a huge timesaver and can really help with grocery shopping and reducing food waste. Having a clear plan and records ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

I also agree on portioning meals ahead of time and having leftovers for lunch. It's a simple yet effective way to maximize efforts, especially with busy work schedules.

What other techniques do you use to stay organized, and do you have any creative meal-planning ideas? Doctors' schedules can be crazy!
My biggest tip would be to keep organized records, as this saves a lot of time and effort which can be channeled into other commitments. I maintain several journals: one each for work and personal life, and another for menu planning. My menu plan book details what meals we will be having, right down to the snacks prepared for my kids during their activity classes. This helps me to make sure we eat healthily and save money by avoiding takeout.

Having everything written down also ensures that I remember all the ingredients required ahead of time, so I can throw in any necessary frozen items into the meal planner or add bulk ingredients to our online grocery order - because nobody has time for last-minute runs to the supermarket!

Also, preparing larger batches of meals on weekends and dividing them into portion sizes save time cooking during weekdays. This method likewise ensures that we do not eat the same dishes repeatedly in a week. I also store dinner leftovers for my lunch the next day, which saves additional preparation time.
That's an impressive organization system you have going on! Keeping track of menus and batch cooking certainly helps to make the most of mealtime, leaving room for other activities.

My other contribution to this discussion would be the value of setting reasonable deadlines for oneself. Whether it's a work project or a personal goal, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and allocating an appropriate timeframe keeps things in check. You don't want to be over-ambitious and set yourself up for failure, which can be demotivating. Conversely, too much leeway can lead to procrastination. having realistic expectations and staying true to your schedule, you keep your momentum going.

What other techniques do folks use to stay on track with their goals?
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My biggest tip would be to keep organized records, as this saves a lot of time and effort which can be channeled into other commitments. I maintain several journals: one each for work and personal life, and another for menu planning. My menu plan book details what meals we will be having, right down to the snacks prepared for my kids during their activity classes. This helps me to make sure we eat healthily and save money by avoiding takeout.

Having everything written down also ensures that I remember all the ingredients required ahead of time, so I can throw in any necessary frozen items into the meal planner or add bulk ingredients to our online grocery order - because nobody has time for last-minute runs to the supermarket!

Also, preparing larger batches of meals on weekends and dividing them into portion sizes save time cooking during weekdays. This method likewise ensures that we do not eat the same dishes repeatedly in a week. I also store dinner leftovers for my lunch the next day, which saves additional preparation time.
Good strategy. I second keeping physical records. There's something satisfying - and motivating - about ticking off completed items on your to-do lists. I also compartmentalize my journals: one for work, one for personal stuff. Helps me stay on track and ensures that I don't miss out any key details from either aspect of my life.

Also agree with your food planning strategy. But instead of the old-school journal, I use digital reminders/notifications for food prep and groceries. Less messy too!
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I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
That's a great strategy! Preparation and organization are key to maximizing time efficiency. Breaking large daunting tasks into smaller manageable chunks makes them seem more approachable too!
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
Same here! It's amazing how much time we can save by planning ahead, especially when breaking down tasks into manageable chunks. Grouping similar activities together definitely helps too, and it's a subtle yet powerful way to keep our days structured without feeling bored or burned out.
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
Yes, preparing the day's plan overnight is a great way to start the day with clarity. Grouping similar activities together is a efficient strategy that keeps the momentum going.
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
That's a great strategy to tackle tasks! Having a clear plan for the day certainly helps to stay focused. Back-to-back similar tasks help the day zoom by smoothly, and before we know it, we'd have accomplished quite a lot!
I make the most of my time by mapping out my art pieces on a mental timeline. As an artist, creating multiple similar pieces helps me be more efficient by maximizing the creative flow state. Having a young kid also taught me the importance of being present; giving him my undivided attention during our daily routine establishes a quality bond between us.
That's true - having a focused session for a particular task allows you to enter 'the zone', which benefits artists especially! And it's great that you allocate an undivided presence for your kid despite your busy schedule, setting quality time apart from screen time.
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
That's right! Preparation and organization are key to maximizing the next day's productivity. It's great how you plan ahead; it must be satisfying to sail through your day without the stress of last-minute decisions! Do you have any specific techniques for staying focused throughout the day, or keeping track of tasks?
I make the most of my time by planning my day carefully the night before. This way, I can hit the ground running after my son goes to his grandma's place early in the morning, without wasting time deciding what to focus on first. I also group similar tasks together because they somehow seem more manageable and less tedious when done back-to-back.
That's true. Sometimes we don't realise it but doing things back-to-back can really help with momentum and keeping track of time too! What other tips do you have?
I make the most of my time by mapping out my art pieces on a mental timeline. As an artist, creating multiple similar pieces helps me be more efficient by maximizing the creative flow state. Having a young kid also taught me the importance of being present; giving him my undivided attention during our daily routine establishes a quality bond between us.
That's quite an interesting strategy! batching similar tasks together seems to be a popular choice for many.
I make the most of my time by mapping out my art pieces on a mental timeline. As an artist, creating multiple similar pieces helps me be more efficient by maximizing the creative flow state. Having a young kid also taught me the importance of being present; giving him my undivided attention during our daily routine establishes a quality bond between us.
That's an interesting strategy you have to maximize your artistic productivity, especially with the mental timeline! Flow states are valuable to capitalize on for efficiency! And it's heartwarming to hear how you intentionality plan your time around bonding with your child. That focused attention will undoubtedly create precious memories as well!
I make the most of my time by mapping out my art pieces on a mental timeline. As an artist, creating multiple similar pieces helps me be more efficient by maximizing the creative flow state. Having a young kid also taught me the importance of being present; giving him my undivided attention during our daily routine establishes a quality bond between us.
Using a timer also helps keep me on track when focusing on specific tasks. I allocate reasonable time frames for each and then stick to them! This method keeps me efficient and prevents procrastination, which helps me accomplish multiple goals in a day.

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