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Managing Toddlers


Mar 9, 2024
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Here's some tips on how to manage common challenges when it comes to toddlers:

1. tantrums: When your toddler throws a tantrum, stay calm and remember that they can't be reasoned with in the heat of the moment. Focus on keeping them safe above all - both physically and emotionally. Give them lots of space and let the tantrum run its course.

2. Picky eating: Try not to become frustrated when dealing with a picky eater - it's very normal behavior for this age group! Keep offering a variety of nutritious foods, and remember that their small stomachs don't need much food, so follow their lead on how much to serve them. Don't force them to clean their plate or give special treats as rewards for eating - this can reinforce picky eating habits.

3. Bedtime battles: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it! Keep the pre-bed wind down calm and consistent, and try not to introduce new books or songs every night that will become "the one" your child needs to fall asleep. Keep the room well lighted when you first put them down, and consider using a groclock or similar to help communicate what's expected of them during the morning and night.

4. toileting: Toilet training is a whole other beast! Be consistent and patient, and remember that every child is different - some will be ready earlier than others, so don't compare your kiddo's progress. Keep a positive attitude and celebrate their successes, no matter how small!

5. sibling rivalry: It's common for toddlers to act out when a new sibling arrives, as they feel threatened by the change. Involve them as much as possible with the care of the new baby, and try to have one-on-one time with them every day, even if it's just 10 minutes while the baby naps. Make sure you still offer lots of praise and attention when your toddler behaves well around the new sibling - positive reinforcement goes a long way!

What other toddler issues are people dealing with that you'd like tips on?
Here's some tips on how to manage common challenges when it comes to toddlers:

1. tantrums: When your toddler throws a tantrum, stay calm and remember that they can't be reasoned with in the heat of the moment. Focus on keeping them safe above all - both physically and emotionally. Give them lots of space and let the tantrum run its course.

2. Picky eating: Try not to become frustrated when dealing with a picky eater - it's very normal behavior for this age group! Keep offering a variety of nutritious foods, and remember that their small stomachs don't need much food, so follow their lead on how much to serve them. Don't force them to clean their plate or give special treats as rewards for eating - this can reinforce picky eating habits.

3. Bedtime battles: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it! Keep the pre-bed wind down calm and consistent, and try not to introduce new books or songs every night that will become "the one" your child needs to fall asleep. Keep the room well lighted when you first put them down, and consider using a groclock or similar to help communicate what's expected of them during the morning and night.

4. toileting: Toilet training is a whole other beast! Be consistent and patient, and remember that every child is different - some will be ready earlier than others, so don't compare your kiddo's progress. Keep a positive attitude and celebrate their successes, no matter how small!

5. sibling rivalry: It's common for toddlers to act out when a new sibling arrives, as they feel threatened by the change. Involve them as much as possible with the care of the new baby, and try to have one-on-one time with them every day, even if it's just 10 minutes while the baby naps. Make sure you still offer lots of praise and attention when your toddler behaves well around the new sibling - positive reinforcement goes a long way!

What other toddler issues are people dealing with that you'd like tips on?
I find it particularly challenging to balance disciplining and showing tough love to my spirited toddler without being overbearing or, on the contrary, too lenient. Also, as a working mom, I feel guilty about limited bonding and quality time. How do you handle discipline and bond with your little ones?
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Here's some tips on how to manage common challenges when it comes to toddlers:

1. tantrums: When your toddler throws a tantrum, stay calm and remember that they can't be reasoned with in the heat of the moment. Focus on keeping them safe above all - both physically and emotionally. Give them lots of space and let the tantrum run its course.

2. Picky eating: Try not to become frustrated when dealing with a picky eater - it's very normal behavior for this age group! Keep offering a variety of nutritious foods, and remember that their small stomachs don't need much food, so follow their lead on how much to serve them. Don't force them to clean their plate or give special treats as rewards for eating - this can reinforce picky eating habits.

3. Bedtime battles: Establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it! Keep the pre-bed wind down calm and consistent, and try not to introduce new books or songs every night that will become "the one" your child needs to fall asleep. Keep the room well lighted when you first put them down, and consider using a groclock or similar to help communicate what's expected of them during the morning and night.

4. toileting: Toilet training is a whole other beast! Be consistent and patient, and remember that every child is different - some will be ready earlier than others, so don't compare your kiddo's progress. Keep a positive attitude and celebrate their successes, no matter how small!

5. sibling rivalry: It's common for toddlers to act out when a new sibling arrives, as they feel threatened by the change. Involve them as much as possible with the care of the new baby, and try to have one-on-one time with them every day, even if it's just 10 minutes while the baby naps. Make sure you still offer lots of praise and attention when your toddler behaves well around the new sibling - positive reinforcement goes a long way!

What other toddler issues are people dealing with that you'd like tips on?
Nap time struggles! My kid either resists sleeping or wakes up after only an hour. Any ideas on how I can get her to take longer, much-needed naps?
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Nap time struggles! My kid either resists sleeping or wakes up after only an hour. Any ideas on how I can get her to take longer, much-needed naps?
A consistent sleep routine is crucial for naptime too! Create a calming preamble to nap time by holding a quiet activity like reading or listening to soothing music before napping. Also, ensure the room is dark and consider white noise or lullaby soundtracks to help them sleep longer. For todlers, power naps are really all about the environment and routine, so consistency is key!

Besides that, I let my kid choose his stuffed animal or which book to read each night. Having some control over the situation helps him feel empowered and reduces his resistance toward nap time. But do keep in mind, every child is different - what works for mine might not work for others!
That's a great point about giving kids some autonomy! Letting them make choices within the routine empowers them and makes them feel involved. It's a clever way to make nap/bedtime a more enjoyable experience for toddlers, who often resist sleep.

The importance of consistency and creating an optimal environment are certainly key factors in establishing good sleep habits too. Your suggestions are simple yet effective - sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference! Thanks for sharing your tips!
giving them options and maintaining consistency has been a game-changer! He still has meltdowns, but they've become far less frequent, and he's much more cooperative now that he feels some sense of control.

And you're right - it's amazing how the simplest adjustments can make such a huge difference! We really don't have to do much as parents besides provide an environment that encourages healthy sleep habits. Keeping things consistent and allowing them to choose within the boundaries we set is such an easy, effective strategy!
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So true! It's incredible how giving our toddlers a sense of control within a structured environment helps them feel so much more cooperative. Consistency is key and creating that routine with some flexibility built-in for choices really makes parenting easier. It's heartening to see such simple strategies make a big difference!
So true! It's incredible how giving our toddlers a sense of control within a structured environment helps them feel so much more cooperative. Consistency is key and creating that routine with some flexibility built-in for choices really makes parenting easier. It's heartening to see such simple strategies make a big difference!
It's certainly reassuring to discover these little hacks as parents, isn't it? Toddlerhood is a whole new world of discovery - for them and for us parents too! We just have to navigate it the best we can, learning and adapting along the way.
every phase comes with its own set of surprises and challenges, which gradually mold us into the parents our toddlers need us to be. We've got this!
You're right; we've got this! Every new stage comes with so many lessons and I feel like parenting is such a learning curve - we're always adapting and growing alongside our toddlers which is such a cool process to be part of!
every phase comes with its own set of surprises and challenges, which gradually mold us into the parents our toddlers need us to be. We've got this!
Absolutely! We're all figuring things out on the go and adjusting our approach as we learn more about our little ones. And that's the fun (and challenge!) of being a parent - constant self-improvement and adaptation are necessary!
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Absolutely! We're all figuring things out on the go and adjusting our approach as we learn more about our little ones. And that's the fun (and challenge!) of being a parent - constant self-improvement and adaptation are necessary!
That's the beauty of being a parent: the journey never stays still! Self-improvement is part of the adventure. Does anyone else have any other tips for managing toddlers? All these little hacks make life easier!
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Life hacks are definitely the key to survival and sanity, especially when managing toddlers!

Some of my favorite tips include:

1. Have a dedicated 'quiet bin' filled with special toys that only come out during desperate moments - this is great for buying some peaceful time!

2. Create a reusable sticker book - those tiny stickers are a life saver on long car rides or restaurant visits, and the book can be easily tossed in a bag for on-the-go entertainment.

3. Invest in some toddler-safe skincare/hygiene products they can use independently, like a kid-friendly face washer or natural deodorant. It encourages them to take some responsibility for their self-care and it's one less job for us parents!

4. Keep an 'everything drawer' at their height in the kitchen filled with easy, accessible snacks so they can help themselves when hungry. It teaches them independence and you don't have to fetch a snack every few minutes!

5. Get creative and make some DIY edamame bead necklaces for teething - they're colorful, safe to chew on, and provide hours of fun! Plus, the beads can be reused for other crafts later.

What other clever ideas do you guys have? Let's share the toddler-taming wisdom!
Some great ideas here! I especially love the drawer of snacks - might have to implement that one ASAP!

I'd add 'busy bags' to the list. These are little themed bags filled with simple activities that can be pulled out when you need some focused independent playtime. They're perfect for a restaurant or any situation where you'll be stuck waiting around (doctors surgeries spring to mind!). You can buy them ready made but they're really easy and cheap to put together yourself - usually just a few pound/dollars worth of supplies.

Each bag has a different theme, so one might have pipe cleaners and pom poms for decorating, another could have stickers and coloured paper, another some playdough and cookie cutters etc. I find keeping them in a designated basket works best, that way my toddler can choose one (and only one!) when she wants some quiet time entertainment.
Busy bags are a brilliant idea! A themed, self-contained activity is a great way to encourage independence and focus their attention. Having them easily accessible in a designated basket is a fantastic way to give toddlers some agency over their choices too. I love the idea of having a go-to snack drawer too - it's amazing how often you can distract a toddler with a tasty treat! Thanks for sharing!
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You're very welcome! I'm all about creating an independent, distracted tot - even if it's just for 10 minutes so I can cook dinner! Ha!

The snack drawer is a lifesaver - and means I always have something healthy and quick on hand when we're at home. I've also found that the busier I make the bag the better - lots of little bits to occupy and keep their little hands busy!
Creating an independent, distracted kiddo is definitely half the battle! A snack drawer is a brilliant idea - it's amazing how a ready supply of healthy snacks can be a real lifesaver! And yes, totally agree about keeping them busy with lots of little things to touch and explore. Anything to get some peace while doing the never-ending cooking!
Creating an independent, distracted kiddo is definitely half the battle! A snack drawer is a brilliant idea - it's amazing how a ready supply of healthy snacks can be a real lifesaver! And yes, totally agree about keeping them busy with lots of little things to touch and explore. Anything to get some peace while doing the never-ending cooking!
Having two busy kids myself, I find that having easy, mess-free snacks available is such a weight off my shoulders! It buys me time when attending to my squirts, or even encouraging them to reach for healthier options themselves when I need a moment's break. I also keep a stock of inexpensive, compact toys and books handy. They're easily forgotten treats that excite the kids but often get overlooked amidst their regular toys - great for rewarding good behaviour too!
Great tips! Mess-free snacks are a godsend, agree!! And I love the idea of having a stash of exciting but inexpensive treats tucked away for those moments when you need a bit of help keeping them occupied. Anything to make the toddler years easier is a win in my books!
Great tips! Mess-free snacks are a godsend, agree!! And I love the idea of having a stash of exciting but inexpensive treats tucked away for those moments when you need a bit of help keeping them occupied. Anything to make the toddler years easier is a win in my books!
The little things we figure out make a huge difference right! All these little hacks add up and make parenting slightly less daunting, especially with all the new challenges that come with each stage our little ones grow through. It's such an adventure! Any other simple yet effective tips you ladies have up your sleeves?

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