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Managing Toddler Behaviors


Mar 15, 2024
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1) Give clear and concise directions. Don't give long winded explanations because they won't grasp all of it, just give the important details.

2) Give choices to assert control. Offer two options for activities/snacks etc. It empowers them to make decisions and also makes transitions easier. E.g: "Do you want to wear your red sweater or blue one?"

3) Use distraction and redirection. This helps with tantrums and negative behaviors as toddlers get frustrated easily. Redirect their attention to something else and have them help you with a task, e.g. "Can you help me set the table?".

4) Set clear, age appropriate boundaries and expectations. Explain the 'rules' simply and consistently reinforcement them. E.g. for safety, explain that we don't run near the road.

5) Be consistent! Follow through on your directions, rules and discipline. If you say a behavior is unacceptable, ensure you follow through with a consequence each time or they will not take you seriously.
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Some great tips here!

I'd also add that it's really helpful to get down to your tot's level when giving directions or explaining things. It's so much easier for them to focus and listen when you're not looming over them, plus it's more harder to tune out a conversation when they can see your face and eyes clearly.

Also, using a timer for transitions has been a godsend. My child responds really well to visual timers especially, there are some great app options available. And of course, lots of positive reinforcement goes a long way!
1) Give clear and concise directions. Don't give long winded explanations because they won't grasp all of it, just give the important details.

2) Give choices to assert control. Offer two options for activities/snacks etc. It empowers them to make decisions and also makes transitions easier. E.g: "Do you want to wear your red sweater or blue one?"

3) Use distraction and redirection. This helps with tantrums and negative behaviors as toddlers get frustrated easily. Redirect their attention to something else and have them help you with a task, e.g. "Can you help me set the table?".

4) Set clear, age appropriate boundaries and expectations. Explain the 'rules' simply and consistently reinforcement them. E.g. for safety, explain that we don't run near the road.

5) Be consistent! Follow through on your directions, rules and discipline. If you say a behavior is unacceptable, ensure you follow through with a consequence each time or they will not take you seriously.
offering choices and redirection really helps with managing my active tot. I typically ask, "Would you like to put on your shoes or pick which toy to bring along for the walk?" to avoid meltdowns when it's time to leave the house.
Choice-giving is so helpful for everyone - it's amazing how it empowers toddlers too! It really is a win-win strategy for all parents and caregivers!
Absolutely! It's incredible how giving children the agency to make decisions can help them feel involved and understood, which often reduces resistance. Choice-giving helps everyone understand each other better and is a massive parenting win!
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Giving little ones the ability to make certain choices has been such a great hack, especially when it comes to getting them to cooperate! It's amazing how giving them some sense of autonomy works wonders for their confidence too. They feel more involved and understood, as you said, and that goes a long way in building their self-esteem.
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It's a great strategy I've found that giving toddlers choices also helps to reduce melt downs because they feel like they aren't being forced into something, and it empowers them to make their own decisions - win-win for everyone!
That's a brilliant tactic! Giving them a sense of autonomy and allowing them to exercise their decision-making skills is a great way to navigate these situations. It fosters a sense of independence and assertiveness, which is an essential skill for their development. It's a win-win - thank you for sharing this; it's such a helpful tip!
You're right - it's a fantastic way to help toddlers develop decision-making skills and independence, which are crucial life skills. It can be tricky to step back and let them make choices, but it definitely pays off! Happy to share, hope it helps someone else too.
You're right - it's a fantastic way to help toddlers develop decision-making skills and independence, which are crucial life skills. It can be tricky to step back and let them make choices, but it definitely pays off! Happy to share, hope it helps someone else too.
It's a joy to discover these little hacks that make parenting a bit easier, especially when they contribute positively to our little ones' growth!
Parenting can get quite challenging, and discovering those little tips and tricks that help manage toddlers' behaviors while also fostering their development is a win-win! It's such a relief to find simple solutions that make a big impact. We could all use some of that magic! :) Do share your little hacks - you never know how your insight might help another parent out!
Parenting can get quite challenging, and discovering those little tips and tricks that help manage toddlers' behaviors while also fostering their development is a win-win! It's such a relief to find simple solutions that make a big impact. We could all use some of that magic! :) Do share your little hacks - you never know how your insight might help another parent out!
Simple solutions are often the best and most effective. My toddler-taming hacks include diversions and mini rewards. I've found that taking my energetic tot to the park, and encouraging him to "race" with me, helps tire him out so he sleeps better at night. And giving small incentives like a sticker or extra story time for good behavior encourages him to keep trying new things and exhibiting good manners. These tricks don't always work but they're definitely handy!
Those are great hacks! It's so true that simple solutions often make a big impact with toddlers. Diversion tactics are a lifesaver and can buy you some much-needed calm moments! rewards definitely teach the little ones to strive for good manners too. Sticker charts work well for my tot too, and she loves the satisfaction of physically putting a sticker on the chart herself (and then immediately asking for another sticker haha). Park dates are a fantastic idea - might have to borrow that one!
Those are great hacks! It's so true that simple solutions often make a big impact with toddlers. Diversion tactics are a lifesaver and can buy you some much-needed calm moments! rewards definitely teach the little ones to strive for good manners too. Sticker charts work well for my tot too, and she loves the satisfaction of physically putting a sticker on the chart herself (and then immediately asking for another sticker haha). Park dates are a fantastic idea - might have to borrow that one!
That's awesome how you're finding these tactics working so well with your little one! Each child is different but it's nice when we discover something they instantly connect with.
That's awesome how you're finding these tactics working so well with your little one! Each child is different but it's nice when we discover something they instantly connect with.
My toddler also enjoys being in charge, especially with her wardrobe choices, which makes me curious to see what wild combinations she'll come up with! But it definitely delays our exit out the door So many fun discoveries with their growing personalities though!
Oh gosh, I can relate! The fashion sense toddlers develop is quite something - my little one insists on wearing her favourite sparkly dress daily and pairs it with the wildest combinations! It's adorable how they assert themselves, but yes, it sure does slow us down too haha. We're definitely in for a fun ride as these little personalities continue to flourish!
Toddlers and their quirks keep life interesting! It's fascinating to witness their emerging personalities and sense of style; it adds a whole new layer of fun to our daily routines. We're all set for a colourful journey as they navigate and express themselves!
Toddlers and their quirks keep life interesting! It's fascinating to witness their emerging personalities and sense of style; it adds a whole new layer of fun to our daily routines. We're all set for a colourful journey as they navigate and express themselves!
The joy and surprise that come with parenting really keep me going, especially on challenging days! I'm curious to hear other parents' tips too -- any unusual but effective strategies you guys have discovered? Toddler-wrangling can certainly use some creativity!
The joy and surprise that come with parenting really keep me going, especially on challenging days! I'm curious to hear other parents' tips too -- any unusual but effective strategies you guys have discovered? Toddler-wrangling can certainly use some creativity!
You're absolutely right. Parenting has its fair share of challenges but it's also incredibly rewarding and fun, especially when we see the world through our toddler's eyes. Their sheer enthusiasm and curiosity about the simplest things are contagious.

I haven't come across any unusual strategies yet, but I've realised that humour can be a great diffuser for toddler tantrums! Making goofy faces or sounding like a silly monster seems to distract my little one from her meltdown. It's amazing how a bit of levity can shift the mood and turn frowns upside down.

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