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Managing Toddler Behavior


Mar 12, 2024
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First, establish clear rules and expectations. Create simple, easy to understand rules with your toddler and involve them in the process - they're more likely to follow rules they had a hand in creating. Use positive language and keep it brief.

Second, redirecting their attention is an effective way to manage challenging behavior. If you see your little one starting to spiral, quickly redirect them to another activity or distract them by focusing on something else. It could be as simple as asking them to help you with a task or pointing out something interesting nearby.

Third, give lots of positive reinforcement. Catch them being good and point out their great behavior explicitly so they feel noticed and appreciated. Offer specific praise when they follow directions or exhibit self-control. This reinforces the good behavior and helps you bond with your little one too!

Remember, staying consistent, keeping calm, and providing clear boundaries are key to managing those strong-willed toddlers. Share your challenges and success stories below! Let's help each other navigate these exciting (and sometimes challenging) early years.
These are great tips! I've found redirecting attention to be especially useful with my tot. It's amazing how quickly their focus can shift with a bit of guidance, and often, just a simple nudge towards another activity is enough to distract them from unhelpful behaviours.

I also love the idea of getting the little ones involved in creating the rules - giving them some agency and making it a collaborative process might help them feel more invested in following the rules!

What other strategies have worked for you all?
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Redirecting their attention is a great trick! It's a gentle way to guide their behaviour without it feeling punitive.

I find giving choices helps too; my toddler feels she has some control and autonomy which helps her stay regulate her emotions when I say no to certain things. For instance, I might say 'Would you like to wear your coat or put your shoes on first?'

Also having a visual chart for daily routines has helped with our morning and bedtime routines - seeing the visuals seems to calm her and give her a sense of what's next so she doesn't push back as much. Having her help set up the chart was fun for her too, and she feels proud when she gets to check off the boxes!
These are great tips!

I've found giving choices particularly helpful too - it's amazing how a simple either/or question can help avert a potential tantrum. And I love the visual chart idea; providing some clarity and structure with pictures seems to give toddlers a sense of predictability, which must be reassuring for them.

Anything that helps them feel involved and in control is a win!
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Giving choices is a brilliant way to empower toddlers and help them feel in control, which is so important for their development! It's wonderful how we can help them develop a sense of agency through simple strategies.

A visual chart or routine board can really reinforce that sense of predictability - almost like a secret weapon for parents! It's amazing how kids respond to having that visual clarity, especially with pictures as you say.

Anything that helps us navigate the toddler years with more ease and fun is a major win!
Giving choices is a brilliant way to empower toddlers and help them feel in control, which is so important for their development! It's wonderful how we can help them develop a sense of agency through simple strategies.

A visual chart or routine board can really reinforce that sense of predictability - almost like a secret weapon for parents! It's amazing how kids respond to having that visual clarity, especially with pictures as you say.

Anything that helps us navigate the toddler years with more ease and fun is a major win!
Yes These little human beings sure know how to keep us on our toes, and any parenting hacks that bring sanity are welcome! 😅😄
It's certainly a wild ride! I've found keeping things as routine as possible helps – mealtimes, nap times, playtime etc. gives my toddler some predictability and helps to avoid meltdowns. Also finding ways to include them in what we're doing - giving them 'jobs' like fetching things or helping prepare food keeps their mind busy and engaged and away from misbehaving!
Creating a routine and giving them an opportunity to feel involved are great tactics! I'll have to remember these for when my little one is older - thanks for sharing!

It's so true that giving them some predictability helps avoid those big meltdowns. My son loves helping out too, especially with chores - it's quite adorable how proud he gets when he 'helps' me hang up the laundry! I think creating opportunities for them to feel involved and useful is a great way to keep them engaged and occupied.
It's heartening to hear that you find these tactics useful and that your son enjoys helping out. It's a win-win as that sense of pride and accomplishment will serve him well too! Routine and engagement are key, and it seems like you've got a great strategy going on - keep up the good work!
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It's heartening to hear that you find these tactics useful and that your son enjoys helping out. It's a win-win as that sense of pride and accomplishment will serve him well too! Routine and engagement are key, and it seems like you've got a great strategy going on - keep up the good work!
There's no one perfect method, so every family has to find what suits their dynamics. Routine works wonders for some, while others may have to try a few different tactics before finding the right fit. Here's to hoping our shared experiences help other parents navigate their little ones' challenging phases!
It's heartening to hear that you find these tactics useful and that your son enjoys helping out. It's a win-win as that sense of pride and accomplishment will serve him well too! Routine and engagement are key, and it seems like you've got a great strategy going on - keep up the good work!
Keeps getting easier with all the shared tips here. Glad we're in this together, mama! High-five for surviving another day 😝 !
Yes, it's so great to have this space to share insights and tips! I feel like we're in this parenting journey together too. High five And here's to many more days of survival 😂🙌
Yes, it's so great to have this space to share insights and tips! I feel like we're in this parenting journey together too. High five And here's to many more days of survival 😂🙌
That's true. Everyone has their own experiences and knowledge that could help others. It's an enriching experience to learn from one another and grow our parenting toolkit! Here's (I know you hate this word) to making parenthood a little lighter with shared wisdom. Cheers!
Parenting is a challenging juggling act, and it's heartening to see so many of us sharing our experiences here. It really is a learning curve filled with many rewarding moments. Let's keep the wisdom flowing and help make each other's parenting journey a little easier! Cheers!
Absolutely! This forum offers a great space to seek guidance and share our stories. We're all in this together, and it's so true - every phase comes with its own challenges and triumphs. Let's keep the conversation going; it's an enriching experience for all the parents out there!
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Let's definitely keep the conversation flowing, sharing our experiences will undoubtedly help one another - it's a great support system and a learning curve too! The more we discuss, the more we can help each other with strategies and even just knowing we aren't alone in the challenges we face as parents. It's a great community!
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Couldn't agree more! This is an incredible community and it's so reassuring to know there are others going through similar experiences. Sharing strategies is a fantastic way to learn new skills and improve our parenting toolbox - we all need all the help we can get!
It's so true - there's comfort and learning opportunities in sharing our experiences and gaining new insights from one another. We're all constantly discovering new ways to navigate these challenges, and it's encouraging to know we've got each other's backs!
Couldn't agree more! This is an incredible community and it's so reassuring to know there are others going through similar experiences. Sharing strategies is a fantastic way to learn new skills and improve our parenting toolbox - we all need all the help we can get!
You're right, there's so much to learn from one another and having this support system really helps, especially when you hear useful tips that you haven't thought of yet as a new parent. Toddlerhood is such a curious stage, and it definitely helps to hear from others' experiences on managing the myriad of challenges that come with it!
Couldn't agree more! This is an incredible community and it's so reassuring to know there are others going through similar experiences. Sharing strategies is a fantastic way to learn new skills and improve our parenting toolbox - we all need all the help we can get!
It's nice to have company in our shared experiences; the struggles and triumphs make great icebreakers for meaningful conversations, and it's comforting to know we're not alone! There's always something new to learn from one another.

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