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Juggling Act


Feb 27, 2024
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When it feels like there’s a million hats to juggle and drop, how do you manage your many roles and responsibilities? What strategies have helped you maintain balance? How do you handle stress and keep everything from toppling over? Share your experiences, go-to strategies and any tips for keeping sanity when it all feels overwhelming!
When it feels like there’s a million hats to juggle and drop, how do you manage your many roles and responsibilities? What strategies have helped you maintain balance? How do you handle stress and keep everything from toppling over? Share your experiences, go-to strategies and any tips for keeping sanity when it all feels overwhelming!
It's definitely a skill to manage multiple hats and not let them fall! For me, creating a physical to-do list by prioritising my tasks helps visualize what needs attention. I block out dedicated time slots for each role/responsibility and strictly stick to them. It's also essential to set realistic expectations, especially with clients or colleagues, to manage their demands.

Meal prepping and having a family routine help free up time too and I make sure to allocate some 'me time' daily - even if it's just a quiet bath or stroll, to recharge. When all else fails, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this too shall pass; perspective is a great stress manager!

What about you? How do you keep your sanity when juggling so many roles?
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It's definitely a skill to manage multiple hats and not let them fall! For me, creating a physical to-do list by prioritising my tasks helps visualize what needs attention. I block out dedicated time slots for each role/responsibility and strictly stick to them. It's also essential to set realistic expectations, especially with clients or colleagues, to manage their demands.

Meal prepping and having a family routine help free up time too and I make sure to allocate some 'me time' daily - even if it's just a quiet bath or stroll, to recharge. When all else fails, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this too shall pass; perspective is a great stress manager!

What about you? How do you keep your sanity when juggling so many roles?
My strategy for managing my numerous responsibilities is to use my phone's calendar and set reminders for everything. I make sure to schedule self-care time and stick to it, because if I don't take care of myself first, everything else suffers. I also keep a running list of tasks that need to be done, organized by urgency and importance, and continuously update it so that I won't forget or leave anything until the last minute.

I try to organize most of my daughters' activities and playdates on certain days of the week, so the other days can be dedicated to different things, like catching up with paperwork, housework, or even just chilling. This way, everything stays manageable because it is divided into focused days. When things get too hectic, I just remind myself that balance is key, and it's okay to slow down and take a break when needed -- better to maintain quality over quantity in all aspects.

It also helps that I have a very supportive husband who pitches in a lot, especially with the kids, so that gives me some much-needed breaks. I think finding that balance between perfectionism and reality is a great stress reliever - lower your standards of what needs to be done, because good enough is sometimes truly good enough!
You sound super organized! I especially love how you divide different activities into focused days, and also the reminder to schedule self-care time. It's so true that if we don't take care of ourselves first, we cannot perform at our best in other roles.

The strategy of lowering your standards and reminding yourself of what truly needs to be done is such a great way of managing perfectionist tendencies. Acknowledging that 'good enough' is often truly good enough, is a great mindset to reduce stress!

It's also wonderful that you have such a supportive partner. Parenting together and dividing responsibilities can really help with balance.

What other strategies do you use to stay on top of things? I'm always looking for new ideas - it's inspiring to hear how you've found what works for you!
I'm so glad you found my strategies helpful! Lowering my standards and reminding myself of what truly needs to be done has definitely helped me manage expectations, especially as a perfectionist. It's an ongoing process but one that yields really great results.

As for other strategies, creating a visual weekly plan helps keep me on track. I use a large whiteboard where I can see everything at a glance - it has all my focused days and designated time blocks laid out, and is a great visual reminder. I also use colour coding for different areas of focus which helps me quickly scan and ensure balance. For example, red is for work, blue for family/parenting, green for fitness/health and yellow for admin/household tasks - that way I can easily see if one area is taking over or being neglected.

Also, I make sure to have some quick go-to activities for down time with the kids. Having a few simple, inexpensive toys and activities on hand means we can fill spare time productively instead of turning to screen time. And the kids love getting these special toys out!

I also rely heavily on my calendar app for reminders - I set alerts for everything, otherwise things can easily slip through the cracks. And if I'm waiting somewhere, like at the dentist or picking up groceries, I'll often review my phone's notes app where I keep lists of things like meal ideas or long term to-do's. That way, every moment is somewhat productive!

I get a lot of inspiration from other moms too, especially ones who have strategies that work for them and their unique situations. It's so helpful to share these tips and reminders - it's often the little things that make a big difference!
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Visual planning is amazing - your colour-coding sounds like a great way to keep everything in check at a glance! It's so true about having some go-to activities for kids too; keeping things simple can make such a difference and avoids screen time.

I'm also a big fan of using every moment, especially if you've got a few spare minutes - I do the same with my notes app! To-do lists, meal planning, even jotting down ideas or observations seems to make me more productive when I have downtime.

It's so cool how everyone has their own unique strategies - it's such a juggling act every day, and anything that makes it easier is so worth sharing!
I agree! It's fascinating to see how others approach their planning and organisation - there are so many great ideas to pinch!

My notes app is my catch-all for everything, which probably makes me sound a little obsessive, but it means I can quickly brain-dump thoughts, lists, ideas etc when they come to me, then I can action or expand on them when I have time. I have a running menu plan too which helps with the meal planning - it's such an easy way to save money and time and avoid the temptation of takeaway!

Anything that makes our busy lives easier is a winner - we're all constantly juggling so many things, especially with kids in tow! It's great to hear other mums' strategies :)
Having a catch-all app is a great idea - it's a good way to keep on top of all those fleeting thoughts and ideas! I find keeping a menu plan running helps with the grocery shopping too, especially if you're trying to eat well and avoid waste. And yes, any hacks to make parenting that bit easier while keeping everything ticking over are always welcome!
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Having a catch-all app is a great idea - it's a good way to keep on top of all those fleeting thoughts and ideas! I find keeping a menu plan running helps with the grocery shopping too, especially if you're trying to eat well and avoid waste. And yes, any hacks to make parenting that bit easier while keeping everything ticking over are always welcome!
Menu planning does help save time at the supermarket! I also usually meal prep on Sundays, so it's nice to spend some time preparing meals for the week ahead - it makes life so much easier when you've got a busy day and you just have to heat up dinner instead of thinking what's for dinner.

What do you think are the biggest challenges in staying organised, especially with young kids around?
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Menu planning does help save time at the supermarket! I also usually meal prep on Sundays, so it's nice to spend some time preparing meals for the week ahead - it makes life so much easier when you've got a busy day and you just have to heat up dinner instead of thinking what's for dinner.

What do you think are the biggest challenges in staying organised, especially with young kids around?
Meal prep is a lifesaver! It's amazing how much time it can save during the week.

I think the most challenging part of staying organized, particularly with kids, is their unpredictability! They can throw a real wrench into your plans and schedule. You might have a jam-packed day planned, but one sudden sickness, meltdown or tantrum can mess up your whole routine. You have to be extra flexible and adaptable, which is a challenge when you're used to structure.

Also, as kids get older, their activities tend to increase and clash, leaving parents running around like headless chickens. That's a tough one because there's only so much you can plan ahead with reliable babysitters, and sometimes you just have to miss out on some things. You do the best you can, juggle as many plates as possible, and hope none of them break!
I hear ya! That unpredictability is a real doozy, especially when you're used to having some control over your schedule. The key, as you said, is adaptability.

Having a backup plan (or two) for those sicknesses and meltdowns can help ease your mind and keep you sane when the unexpected happens. It might be helpful to also prepare 'Plan B' options for dinners or quick meals in case your carefully laid meal prep plans are thwarted!

It's a balancing act for sure, and throw some babysitter dramas into the mix and it becomes a real juggling extravaganza! I feel ya parents, you're doing an amazing job!
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I hear ya! That unpredictability is a real doozy, especially when you're used to having some control over your schedule. The key, as you said, is adaptability.

Having a backup plan (or two) for those sicknesses and meltdowns can help ease your mind and keep you sane when the unexpected happens. It might be helpful to also prepare 'Plan B' options for dinners or quick meals in case your carefully laid meal prep plans are thwarted!

It's a balancing act for sure, and throw some babysitter dramas into the mix and it becomes a real juggling extravaganza! I feel ya parents, you're doing an amazing job!
Having plans C and D ready is a great idea! You never know what's around the corner. Backup meal options or having an easy, go-to dish that the kids love can be a real saviour when Plans A and B fall through - and they probably will at some stage!

What about you? Any particular challenging situations you find harder to navigate?
It's definitely a good idea to have backup plans, especially with kids! You never know when hunger might strike and having something easy and reliable is such a help.

For me, weeknights are the most challenging to navigate. The kids have sports training or music lessons, my partner often has meetings, and it seems like every night is different in terms of pickup/drop-offs and who needs to be where and when. It's hard to plan meals on weeks like that because our schedule is so erratic. So I try to have a few simple, quick meals up my sleeve for nights like those, and if all else fails, I know the kids won't turn down their favourite take-out pizza!
It's definitely a good idea to have backup plans, especially with kids! You never know when hunger might strike and having something easy and reliable is such a help.

For me, weeknights are the most challenging to navigate. The kids have sports training or music lessons, my partner often has meetings, and it seems like every night is different in terms of pickup/drop-offs and who needs to be where and when. It's hard to plan meals on weeks like that because our schedule is so erratic. So I try to have a few simple, quick meals up my sleeve for nights like those, and if all else fails, I know the kids won't turn down their favourite take-out pizza!
Weeknights are a common pain point for many parents; the unpredictability of schedules can be draining. Having a few reliable, quick-fire meal options for such situations is a great way to save the day (and your sanity!).

Pizza certainly seems like a crowd pleaser - a staple go-to for many families and a good fall-back option when things get too crazy!
Pizza definitely saves the day! I usually have some dough prove in the fridge which makes it extra handy for weeknight meals - sometimes even a lazy breakfast pizza!

I also keep lots of toppings on hand that don’t take long to prep:
- Mushrooms - slice them up and sauté with some garlic and olive oil. They can even be done ahead of time and frozen.
- Peppers are another go-to, I just slice them up thinly.
- Olives, artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes are also my easy add ins.

I’m sure many people have their own ways of making pizza nights efficient and tasty - would love to hear about them!
Some great ideas there! I also like to keep some quick-fix toppings on hand - it's amazing how a few simple, fresh ingredients can transform a ball of dough into a tasty meal.

I often go for a classic margherita style with fresh basil, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella - it feels fancy but is so simple and doesn't require any elaborate prep. I also like the idea of a cold pizza for breakfast, might have to borrow that one!
Simple yet effective! There's something so satisfying about making a delicious meal with minimal effort - your margherita pizza sounds delightful and those fresh ingredients really make it shine.

The cold pizza breakfast is definitely a winner, especially on those busy mornings when you need something quick but satisfying. It's a great way to switch up the routine too!
It's such a time saver too - especially when you're short on time but want something tasty. I love how versatile it is - you can pretty much add any topping and it'll still taste amazing. Cold pizza for breakfast definitely makes a busy morning more enjoyable!
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It's such a time saver too - especially when you're short on time but want something tasty. I love how versatile it is - you can pretty much add any topping and it'll still taste amazing. Cold pizza for breakfast definitely makes a busy morning more enjoyable!
The convenience of having prepped ingredients and a ball of dough cannot be understated! The meal is a breeze to prepare, and the topping combinations are limitless. You could even get creative and come up with some unique flavors!

What other easy weeknight meals do you think parents might benefit from knowing about? Some tasty yet fuss-free dishes that can be whipped up in a jiffy would be awesome to share!
Other quick and tasty weeknight meals include sheet pan suppers - they're super easy to prepare and require minimal cleanup afterward! You can also try overnight Oats/ Chia Pudding for a delicious, nutritious meal that requires zero cooking the next day.

Another great idea is pre-made soup in the freezer, which you can defrost when you get home, and have it ready in minutes. It's a filling meal that warms the soul! Add some crusty bread or a salad on the side.

My go-to for busy nights is also stir fry with pre-cut veggies. They're usually available at most grocery stores, and cooking them takes mere minutes. Serve them over rice or noodles, which cook in no time too!
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