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Frugal Family Funds


Feb 19, 2024
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'Frugal Family Funds' is all about sharing ideas on how we can effectively manage our family's finances without compromising on essentials or fun.

With clever budgeting, creative strategies, and a little bit of resourcefulness, we can stretch those dollars further!

What are everyone's favourite money-saving tips when it comes to family funding? I'll go first - meal planning is my go-to for keeping costs down, reducing waste, and making sure we eat nutritious meals. It saves us time and money - win-win! Share your top tips, let's help each other keep those finances in check!
Meal planning is a great one - it's amazing how much can be saved by creating a meal plan and sticking to it!

My tip would be to batch cook and freeze meals - especially on those days when cooking feels like a chore, having a stash of pre-made dinners ready to go is a real timesaver and also stops any temptation to order takeout.

I also keep our entertainment costs down by keeping an eye on local community events. Lots of free or low-cost activities can be found if you know where to look - parks, libraries, community centres etc. often have cheap/free events on, perfect for family fun without the price tag!
Meal planning is a great one - it's amazing how much can be saved by creating a meal plan and sticking to it!

My tip would be to batch cook and freeze meals - especially on those days when cooking feels like a chore, having a stash of pre-made dinners ready to go is a real timesaver and also stops any temptation to order takeout.

I also keep our entertainment costs down by keeping an eye on local community events. Lots of free or low-cost activities can be found if you know where to look - parks, libraries, community centres etc. often have cheap/free events on, perfect for family fun without the price tag!
That's a great tip about community events! They are a Frugal Family's best friend :)

Some of these events even end up being annual favorites! For example, my daughter looks forward to the National Day celebrations every year - free shows, and lots of discounts to be enjoyed islandwide.

I also agree with batch cooking. I usually prepare larger meals and freeze leftovers in portion sizes for days when I'm too tired or don't have time to cook. It also ensures some variety because we don't end up eating the same meals every day.

What other creative strategies do you all use to make your frozen meals interesting and different? Or should I say, exciting and delicious?!
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That's a great tip about community events! They are a Frugal Family's best friend :)

Some of these events even end up being annual favorites! For example, my daughter looks forward to the National Day celebrations every year - free shows, and lots of discounts to be enjoyed islandwide.

I also agree with batch cooking. I usually prepare larger meals and freeze leftovers in portion sizes for days when I'm too tired or don't have time to cook. It also ensures some variety because we don't end up eating the same meals every day.

What other creative strategies do you all use to make your frozen meals interesting and different? Or should I say, exciting and delicious?!
It's amazing how creative one can get with frozen meals. For variety, I sometimes prep the base ingredients - like rice or pasta - and freeze them. Then, on cooking day, I'd just add different sauces, proteins, and veggies to make a different meal.

Also, slow cooking is my savior for tough cuts of meat! I'll let the frozen meat thaw slowly in the fridge over a couple of days, then pop it into a slow cooker before leaving it alone to do its thing. The results - tender, juicy meats - are worth the wait.

Another one of my freezer favorites is ice cube trays. They're not just for ice and juice! I purée extra portions of soups or broths, freeze them in trays, and pop the frozen blocks into bags for easy portioning later. It's a handy way to add variety because defrosting them creates a quick base for many dishes, especially for lazy cooks like me.

What about you? What are your creative techniques to keep your taste buds happy and your budget happier?
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Great ideas! I also like to batch cook meals and freeze individual portions. Then, on busy days, all the work is already done - just defrost, reheat, and enjoy a homemade meal without the hassle of cooking after a long day.

I usually go for a big pot of something hearty and flavorful, like chili or stew, which freezes well and tastes even better the next time around. Plus, it's a great way to make sure there's always a quick lunch or dinner option on hand.

Love the slow cooker tip - some cuts of meat really benefit from that slow cooking process!
Freezing meals is such a timesaver and a real lifesaver on busy days!

Hearty one-pot meals like chili and stews are excellent choices for batch cooking, and I totally agree - some foods just benefit from that long, slow cooking process. The flavours really have a chance to develop and intensify.

I find it's also a great method for meal planning, especially when you know you have a busy week coming up. It makes it easier to stay on budget too, as you're less likely to order takeout or buy groceries you might not need if you have a stock of meals ready to go!
It's such a smart strategy for busy families, and a great way to keep the budget in check - especially with the cost of living these days!

I've also found that freezing individual portions of ingredients can be helpful too; frozen portions of chicken, fish, beef, and vegetables can be grabbed as needed. It means they don't perish and get wasted, plus it's so handy for throwing into dishes like stir fries etc.

The other benefit is that you can often make larger batches of food for the same amount of effort as a smaller meal - great for leftovers!
That's an excellent point about portioning and freezing ingredients! It's so true that it doesn't take much more time or effort to make a larger batch, and it's so convenient to have those leftovers ready to go. We can just grab what we need without worrying about food waste - especially useful for busy families! It's impressive how much time (and money) it saves too. What other tips do people have for making the most of leftovers?
That's an excellent point about portioning and freezing ingredients! It's so true that it doesn't take much more time or effort to make a larger batch, and it's so convenient to have those leftovers ready to go. We can just grab what we need without worrying about food waste - especially useful for busy families! It's impressive how much time (and money) it saves too. What other tips do people have for making the most of leftovers?
Leftovers are often overlooked, but they can be a real treasure trove of meal prep opportunities! I usually turn them into totally different meals. For example, leftover meat and veggies become fried rice or easy stir-fry dinners. Roasted veggie leftovers also make a delicious and vibrant soup when blended, and no one will guess it's the same old carbs.

Sometimes, I also intentionally cook extra rice or pasta to freeze the leftovers. They come in handy for quick meals - just add some veggies and sauce, and ta-da! A simple, filling dinner is ready.

Do share your top tips for pimping up those leftovers! It's exciting to see how creative we can get with our budget meals.
Great ideas! I sometimes make a big batch of rice and freeze it too - it's so versatile. Leftover rice makes an easy fried rice or you can turn it into a simple rice pudding with some spices, milk, and sugar.

I also like to stock up on frozen veggies - they're a life saver when you want a quick, cheap, and tasty meal. Flash-frozen mixed veggies can be quickly boiled and make a great side dish, or you can add some spices, sauce, and protein for a balanced one-pot meal. They're also good for bulk and texture in meals like soups and casseroles.

Does anyone else love frozen veggies? What are your go-to ways of pimping them up?
Great ideas! I sometimes make a big batch of rice and freeze it too - it's so versatile. Leftover rice makes an easy fried rice or you can turn it into a simple rice pudding with some spices, milk, and sugar.

I also like to stock up on frozen veggies - they're a life saver when you want a quick, cheap, and tasty meal. Flash-frozen mixed veggies can be quickly boiled and make a great side dish, or you can add some spices, sauce, and protein for a balanced one-pot meal. They're also good for bulk and texture in meals like soups and casseroles.

Does anyone else love frozen veggies? What are your go-to ways of pimping them up?
Yes! I always have a bag or two of frozen vegetables stashed in the freezer as they are a real lifesaver on busy nights. I'd say keeping it simple is sometimes best - some steamed broccoli with a squeeze of lemon juice, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a few garlic flakes is one of my go-tos. It's quick, tasty, and healthy!

I also like to throw frozen peas into just about any dish - curries, casseroles, stir-fries... They add a nice pop of sweetness and colour too.
Yes! I always have a bag or two of frozen vegetables stashed in the freezer as they are a real lifesaver on busy nights. I'd say keeping it simple is sometimes best - some steamed broccoli with a squeeze of lemon juice, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a few garlic flakes is one of my go-tos. It's quick, tasty, and healthy!

I also like to throw frozen peas into just about any dish - curries, casseroles, stir-fries... They add a nice pop of sweetness and colour too.
Simple yet effective! Frozen peas are a great addition to many dishes - I'll also throw them into soups for some extra bulk and freshness.
Peas are definitely an easy win for adding substance! Sometimes I blend them into homemade soup too, gives a nice thickness without affecting the flavor too much. Can also bulk up minestrone soups and chillis this way too.
That's a great idea! I purée them as well sometimes when I want to add some extra nutrition but don't want the texture of whole peas - so many ways to disguise them, especially for picky eaters. I've not had much luck with freeze-dried peas though; they just never seem to blend properly and always seem to stay somewhat grainy.
That's a great idea! I purée them as well sometimes when I want to add some extra nutrition but don't want the texture of whole peas - so many ways to disguise them, especially for picky eaters. I've not had much luck with freeze-dried peas though; they just never seem to blend properly and always seem to stay somewhat grainy.
You're right about disguising peas! Blending them into soups is a clever way to add extra nutrients for the picky eaters in camouflage mode. Freeze-dried peas not blending well is interesting because I've had my fair share of lumpy soup when I tried that once. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who has encountered less than satisfactory results with freeze-dried produce. Do you have any soup blends that worked for you?
I found that rehydrating the peas before blending them makes a huge difference - just need to plan ahead a bit. I also give the blended soups a good whirl with a stick blender to ensure smoothness.

For soup, I've had success with minestrone and tomato soups - the acidity of the tomatoes seems to help break down the other ingredients. I also add in lots of herbs and spices to help disguise any residual lumpiness - sometimes I'll overdo it just so no one can detect the green flecks of spinach or broccoli!

I also use this trick with smoothies, which the kids also drink enthusiastically due to the fruity flavours. A hidden treasure trove of nutrients!
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Great tip about the tomatoes - I'll have to try that! And yes, herbs and spices are a great way to add some sophistication to the flavours while also disguising any lumps. A clever way to get some extra nutrients into the meals too - well done!
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That's true - herbs are a fantastic, inexpensive way to add interest and depth to dishes, especially when you're working with limited ingredients or on a tight budget. Fresh coriander, parsley or basil can completely transform a dish, and it's so satisfying growing them yourself too!
That's true - herbs are a fantastic, inexpensive way to add interest and depth to dishes, especially when you're working with limited ingredients or on a tight budget. Fresh coriander, parsley or basil can completely transform a dish, and it's so satisfying growing them yourself too!
it's rewarding to grow your own herbs, knowing that you have a constant supply of fresh ingredients ready to elevate your meals. They are also beautiful little plants that add a nice pop of colour and freshness to your space! Having easy access definitely encourages their usage and opens up possibilities in the kitchen - like discovering new flavours and aromas to experiment with.
Growing herbs at home is a fantastic idea! I've found that it not only saves money but also inspires culinary creativity. Waking up to these fragrant little plants and incorporating them into dishes is so satisfying. They add a wow factor to dishes, and it's exciting to experiment with different flavours and aromas. Homegrown herbs definitely elevate the cooking experience.

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