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Fitness & Wellness Forum Workout Tips for Active Mums


Feb 22, 2024
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Hello ladies! We all know how difficult it can be to maintain a fitness routine with our busy schedules, so let's help each other out and share our tips for keeping active and fit as moms. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or juggling work and school drop-offs, we want to hear your go-to workout strategies and favourite exercises.

What are some of the challenges you face when trying to stay fit, and how do you overcome them? Do you have any pre/post-workout snacks or meals that give you an energy boost? Let's make this a supportive community where we can motivate each other and share our journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to share your favourite recipes, workout gear recommendations, or even your favourite activewear brands!

Get ready to sweat, have fun, and be empowered!
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As a busy mum, finding time for myself amidst the chaos of work and family commitments can be tough. My solution: quick, efficient workouts snuck in whenever I can! 15-20 mins of HIIT or tabata style exercises are my go-to when time is tight. Short bursts of activity keep me energized and make me feel like I've accomplished something.

Also a big fan of incorporating the kids - take them to the park and do some kid-friendly workouts together, like races, bear crawls, or even just pushing them on the swings - great arm workout! Also, invested in a sturdy baby carrier for when my little one was smaller, which was excellent for hikes and walks.

Big fan of smoothies for a quick energy boost: banana, frozen berries, spinach, yogurt, and protein powder blended together. Delicious and nutritious!

Let's share more ideas; it's great to have a supportive group keeping each other motivated!

Great tip about using a baby carrier for hikes - that's a wonderful way to enjoy nature and get some exercise in with the little one!

I also love how you sneak in workouts whenever you can. Quick HIIT workouts are sometimes all we busy mums have time for, and it's amazing how good we feel afterwards!

Incorporating kids into our workouts is a fantastic idea - makes it more fun for us and sets a healthy physical activity standard for them. Love the suggestion of turning activities into little competitions or races; that'll surely keep things interesting.

The smoothie idea is something I'm definitely stealing too - easy to prepare and a great way to pack in some essential nutrients.

Keep the ideas coming, ladies! It's so helpful to hear everyone's tips for staying active.

So glad you found these tips useful! I feel energized just reading about all of these ideas. It's amazing how creative we can get with incorporating our kids into our fitness routines and making it fun for everyone.

And yes, those quick HIIT workouts are lifesavers for busy days - and the satisfaction of accomplishing a workout in a short time is so rewarding. Not to mention the endorphin rush afterward!

Keep sharing your ideas everyone, the more the merrier!

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I love how this thread highlights the creativity that goes into keeping fit as a parent - it's definitely inspiring! The sense of satisfaction from completing a tough but quick HIIT workout is such a great feeling, and the endorphin rush is the cherry on top. Keep the ideas coming! There's so much we can do to stay active with our little ones.

So true! It's amazing how rewarding a short, intense workout can be - especially when you're crunched for time as a parent. The endorphin rush is such a great natural high and it's a fantastic stress reliever too. Let's keep sharing these awesome workout ideas!

So true! High-intensity interval training workouts are a great way to get the heart rate up and release those feel-good endorphins, especially when short on time.

Some quick, simple exercises that can be done at home or outside with minimal equipment include:

- Sprints: A few short bursts of sprinting, followed by a recovery period.

- Jump Rope: Fun and functional, skip rope for a couple of minutes. It's a great cardio workout and tests your coordination too. Grab an affordable skipping rope and get going!

- Bodyweight Burpees: These full-body exercises are a great way to get the blood pumping and strengthen multiple muscle groups.

- Hill sprints or Stair Runs: Find a steep hill or a tall building with stairs and sprint up, jogging back down. This is a challenging, effective way to train.

These intense workouts can be done in under 15 minutes and will leave you feeling rejuvenated and energized - a great pick-me-up during the day.

Keep sharing the workout love! It's inspiring to hear other mums' fitness ideas.

Some great, quick ideas there - and a good reminder of how effective short, sharp bursts of activity can be, especially when time is short!

I'd also suggest including some simple strength exercises like squats and lunges which can be done with or without additional weight, and are a good way to target multiple muscle groups too.

Anything that can be done quickly and with minimal equipment is perfect for fitting into a busy schedule, and these kind of workouts can really help boost energy levels too - win-win!

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Short, sharp bursts of activity are a mom's best friend! And your suggestion about including simple strength exercises like squats and lunges is spot on - they're not only effective but also versatile and can be easily adapted to suit different fitness levels.

The energy boost from these kinds of workouts is such a great bonus, especially when time is precious and rest is hard to come by! It's also wonderful how these exercises target multiple muscle groups, making them fantastic space and time-savers.

Do you have any other favorite go-to strength exercises that are your sanctuary in the midst of busy mom life? Images like the one included are so motivating too - thanks for sharing!

For some variety, I also love my resistance bands - especially for travelling or when I'm short on space at home. You can get a full-body workout with just a medium-strength band and they're so compact to pack!

Some of my favourite exercises with them are:
- Squats: You can really feel the burn with the extra resistance and it's a great way to target your glutes, quads and hamstrings.
- Chest presses: I love that this targets my upper body too - it's like getting an express workout!
- Leg presses: Again, targeting those leg muscles is such a great way to strengthen and tone.

I find these exercises are so adaptable - you can easily modify the intensity depending on how you position your body or the stretch of the band. I'd recommend them to anyone who's time-crunched but wants an effective workout!

Resistance bands are a great suggestion! I've not used them much, but they seem like a handy alternative to weights, especially for travelling.

I'll give your recommended exercises a go - I love how adaptable they sound and that they target specific muscle groups. Do you have any other recommendations for resistance band workouts? I'm particularly interested in ones for the core - I've been trying to focus on my core strength lately!

For core exercises using resistance bands, try the Russian twist. This is a great way to strengthen your obliques and your transverse abdominis - which is the deepest layer of your abdominal muscles, helping to create that all-important stable core.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep the band at shoulder width apart, with the resistance in the middle of the band touching your knees. Twist your torso to one side, keeping your eyes peered ahead. Then return to the centre and repeat for the other side - that's one rep!

You can also try lying on your back with the band wrapped around your middle foot and pulled taut against the resistance. Lift your legs off the ground until they're at a 90-degree angle, then twist at the hips, pulling the band across your body towards the floor on one side. Keep your core engaged and your shoulders pressed into the floor. Alternate sides for a full rep.

These exercises are great as you can increase the intensity by really focusing on slow and controlled movements, and they're easily adaptable to different fitness levels. Give them a go!

Great tips! I love using resistance bands - they're such a versatile tool and really effective for targeting different muscle groups.

That second exercise you described is one of my favourites - it really burns but in a good way! I like to add a crunch at the end too, lifting my head and shoulders off the ground when twisting, for an extra burn.

I've found that using resistance bands also helps with my balance, especially when doing standing exercises. It's like killing two birds with one stone!

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Great add on to the second exercise - that extra crunch will definitely up the ante!

Yeah, resistance bands are fantastic for helping with balance - especially with standing exercises. It's amazing how you can really feel those muscles working hard when using them. I find that they really help activate and strengthen the smaller stabilizing muscles too which is so important for overall strength and injury prevention.

What other tools do people use at home that have helped with their postnatal fitness journey? Would love to hear about any recommended equipment that can make working out with a busy mum schedule a little easier!

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Resistance bands are a great, affordable option for at-home exercise - portable, lightweight and versatile! I also love that they're suitable for multiple fitness levels as the resistance can be adjusted so easily.

I've found that mini exercise balls are a useful addition too - great for core work and also helping with balance . Not only do they take up minimal space, but they're an excellent prop for helping activate those deep core muscles. You could even use them as a seated chair for some desk work - a subtle exercise ball core workout!

Also on my list of must-haves are a good pair of sliders. These can be used for low-impact exercises that target the arms and legs, and they're especially helpful if you want to focus on strengthening your shoulders, back and glutes. They're so compact and easy to use - I often take them outdoors for some backyard workouts in the sun!

Lastly, for something a little more high-tech, I've been loving my fitness tracker. It's motivated me to up my steps and keep active throughout the day. Plus, it's a great reminder to celebrate when you've hit those 10,000 steps! Having this kind of awareness of my activity has definitely helped me stay on track and hold myself accountable - especially on those busy days when exercise time is limited.

What about you? Any other nifty fitness tools that have helped you along the way?

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Great suggestions! I totally agree about resistance bands - so affordable and versatile. I find they're especially good for travel too as they don't take up much space.

I've been meaning to get a fitness tracker - which one do you have and would you recommend it? I'm tempted by the FitBit but there are so many out there!

Also, do you have any recommendations for a good workout app or online subscription? I'm looking for something with quick, effective workouts that I can squeeze in during lunchbreaks. Something with variety is key for me as I get bored easily. Thanks!

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Regarding fitness trackers, I've had a Fitbit for years now and I'm still in love with it! I have the Charge 3 model, which tracks steps, calories burned, distance travelled, floors climbed and heart rate. It also has a pretty comprehensive app that lets you set goals and monitor your progress - the stats really help keep me motivated.

There are other great ones out there too - the Apple Watch is a popular choice, and some of my friends love their Garmin devices for the detailed running metrics. But I find the Fitbit suits all my needs and it's really affordable compared to some of the other brands.

For workout apps, I'd recommend the Nike Training Club app. It's free, which is a huge bonus, and has a great selection of workouts that are quick and effective. The app offers bodyweight exercises and workouts with equipment, catering to different fitness levels. The variety is fantastic - there are strength, cardio, yoga and stretching routines all in one place, and they add new workouts regularly.

I also like that you can filter workouts by muscle group, so if you want to focus on say, your legs or core, there are specific workouts for that. It's definitely worth checking out!

Great recommendations!

I'm also a big fan of my Fitbit - it's such an excellent motivator and I love how versatile it is. I can see why you've stuck with it for so long. The Nike Training Club app sounds fantastic too, especially with the muscle group filter - it's so useful to be able to focus on specific areas.

I'll definitely be checking that one out, thanks for the tip!

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I'm glad you found the recommendation useful. The Nike Training Club app has been a godsend for me - hope you enjoy it! Fitbits are awesome - that little buzz when you hit your goals is such a great feeling. What model do you have?

The Nike Training Club app is amazing - so many different workouts to choose from! I've never used Fitbit, but that buzz of reaching your goal sounds motivating. I wonder which model is best though - there are so many options!

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