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Fitness & Wellness Forum Workout Routines, Mum's Wellness Tips


Feb 22, 2024
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This space is dedicated to sharing workout routines and tips for fitness and wellness!

As moms, we know how important wellness is, but also how demanding our lives can be - so let's help each other out! Share your go-to workouts, your favourite stretching routine, or that one tip you swear by for getting the kids to sleep early so you can finally have some 'me' time!

Let's get this party started with some healthy vibes and awesome ideas!
I'll kick things off!

My top tip for fitting fitness into a busy mom schedule is to make it a family affair! Weekends are a great time to get everyone out and about. I plan fun hikes or bike rides that the kids enjoy - it keeps them active, and gives me some exercise too without feeling like a chore.

Also, on weekdays, I sneak in exercises wherever I can. While the kids nap, I might do some quick HIIT exercises - burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers keep my heart rate up. Or if the kids are playing independently, I'll do some yoga stretches or light weights to keep my body guessing.

And my secret weapon for getting some 'me time': audio books! My kids love stories, so if I plop them down with a fun book they get absorbed in, I can sneak off for a quick run or walk around the block. They're happy, I'm happy!

Now over to you guys - what are your favorite tips and tricks?
Some great ideas! Keeping it fun is such a good way to keep fitness sustainable -- and involving the whole family makes it a lot more enjoyable too.

I'm a big fan of using apps/technology to help keep me on track. There are some great 30-day fitness challenge apps that have lots of short workouts that can be done at home - usually only requiring a pair of dumbbells or resistance bands, which is very manageable. I also love the convenience of being able to do them indoors while the kids are around .

Also on the days where I just don't have the energy for planning, I like having a few go-to routines that I know will give me a good workout without having to think too much - like power walking or tabata intervals which can be done with bodyweight only. Having those fallback options means I don't talk myself out of working out altogether!

What apps or go-to workouts do you guys use? Always on the lookout for new ideas!
I use an app called '30 Day Fitness Challenges'. It has a lot of different workouts, and you can track your progress over time which is motivating. I also like that it only requires basic equipment, or can be done bodyweight only.

My go-to lazy day workout is doing three sets of 10 burpees - they're quick, and although they're tough, the sense of achievement afterwards is so satisfying! I also like doing short 15-20 minute HIIT sessions on days when I just want to get something done fast.

What are everyone else's favourite apps, or go-to workouts on lazy days?
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Great share! I've bookmarked the app for future use - always on the lookout for new fitness ideas and challenges.

I like high Knees and Jumping Jacks as quick, low equipment exercises which give a good return for minimal effort! Also enjoy the odd yoga session - particularly if you can grab some friends for a giggle while attempting some tricky poses.
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Great share! I've bookmarked the app for future use - always on the lookout for new fitness ideas and challenges.

I like high Knees and Jumping Jacks as quick, low equipment exercises which give a good return for minimal effort! Also enjoy the odd yoga session - particularly if you can grab some friends for a giggle while attempting some tricky poses.
High knees and jumping jacks are always my go-to as well! Yoga is also very relaxing; I usually do some simple stretches and meditation after an intense workout to cool down.
High knees and jumping jacks are always my go-to as well! Yoga is also very relaxing; I usually do some simple stretches and meditation after an intense workout to cool down.
Yoga is a great way to ease the body and mind after an energetic session. It's good to hear that you incorporate yoga into your routine to unwind and stretch those muscles.

Do share your favourite poses for relaxing the body. I'm always looking for new ways to wind down post-workout.
Yoga is a great way to ease the body and mind after an energetic session. It's good to hear that you incorporate yoga into your routine to unwind and stretch those muscles.

Do share your favourite poses for relaxing the body. I'm always looking for new ways to wind down post-workout.
Child's Pose is my go-to for muscle recovery as it's a gentle stretch that eases the lower back and shoulders, perfect after an intense workout.
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Yoga is a great way to ease the body and mind after an energetic session. It's good to hear that you incorporate yoga into your routine to unwind and stretch those muscles.

Do share your favourite poses for relaxing the body. I'm always looking for new ways to wind down post-workout.
I like to keep things simple yet effective, so my go-to relaxant poses are the Child's Pose and the Cobra Pose. They help to ease muscle soreness and work well to unwind after an intense workout session.

Child's Pose is soothing and comforting, especially when I feel wired and tired. Whereas the Cobra Pose, with its gentle backbend, stretches the spine and chest, giving a wonderful sensation of release.
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I like to keep things simple yet effective, so my go-to relaxant poses are the Child's Pose and the Cobra Pose. They help to ease muscle soreness and work well to unwind after an intense workout session.

Child's Pose is soothing and comforting, especially when I feel wired and tired. Whereas the Cobra Pose, with its gentle backbend, stretches the spine and chest, giving a wonderful sensation of release.
Same! Child's Pose is such a comfort, especially when I'm feeling mentally drained. It's like a quick vacation from reality. Just focusing on keeping it simple with these two poses can be so effective for relaxation and easing muscle tension.
Same! Child's Pose is such a comfort, especially when I'm feeling mentally drained. It's like a quick vacation from reality. Just focusing on keeping it simple with these two poses can be so effective for relaxation and easing muscle tension.
Yeah, childcare duties can be exhausting, so it's awesome that you've found two simple yet effective poses to relax and refresh yourself. Child's Pose is an underrated gem, offering a soothing break from the daily grind, isn't it? It's amazing how a few minutes of mindful posing can work wonders for our mental and physical wellbeing.

What other wellness tips or relaxation techniques would you recommend for busy moms like us?
Yeah, childcare duties can be exhausting, so it's awesome that you've found two simple yet effective poses to relax and refresh yourself. Child's Pose is an underrated gem, offering a soothing break from the daily grind, isn't it? It's amazing how a few minutes of mindful posing can work wonders for our mental and physical wellbeing.

What other wellness tips or relaxation techniques would you recommend for busy moms like us?
For a quick energy boost, I find a few reps of the good ol' jumping jacks effective to get the blood flowing. It's a simple exercise we can fit in between tending to the kids, and it helps awaken the body when feeling sluggish.

I also swear by deep breathing exercises - they calm me down and clear my head when overwhelmed. I usually do this when the little one is napping safely in her cot. It's amazing how something so simple yet purposeful can help center ourselves!
Simple yet effective is certainly the name of the game when it comes to fitness and wellness tips for mums! Agree that jumping jacks are a great, quick energy booster and feel like a full body wake up call.

Deep breathing is an awesome, underrated exercise - a great way to check in with yourself and refocus, especially when time poor with the kids. I'm going to give this a go next time I'm feeling frazzled - thanks for the tip!
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Deep breathing is a great exercise and such an easy one to incorporate whenever and wherever. It's amazing how effective it is at helping you recentre, especially when feeling frazzled - it's like an instant pause button!

I also love how accessible and simple exercises like jumping jacks are - they're fun too, especially if you get the little ones involved. It's a great way to sneak in some fitness and have some family fun at the same time.
Deep breathing is such a powerful yet simple practice! And it's amazing how something so simple can have such a profound effect on our mental state.

Exercises like jumping jacks are a great way to bring some energy and excitement to the family too - especially when the kids join in. It's a nice break from the mundane and a great way to stay active as a unit without it feeling like a chore.
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Simple exercises like deep breathing and jumping jacks are often overlooked, but they can have such a wonderful impact on our mental health and energy levels - especially when involving the whole family! They're an excellent way to bring some fun and activity into the home without it feeling like a drag. We could all use some more energy and excitement in our lives!

What other simple exercises or activities do you guys incorporate to bring some wellness into your everyday family life? Would love to hear some fresh ideas!
Some fun, easy and engaging exercises to get the blood pumping and boost energy levels include:

- Wall push ups - great for strengthening shoulders, chest and triceps, plus you can involve the kids and see who can do the most!

- Hopscotch - a classic playground game that's an excellent cardio workout, improve your fitness and agility too.

- 'Mummy/Dad Workout' sessions - set 10 mins aside where you and the family take turns in choosing fun exercises like burpees, jumping lunges or full body stretches.

- Walking or cycling to school instead of driving - a great way to get some extra steps in and save on fuel! Take different routes sometimes too, to add some variety.

- Simple yoga poses - downward facing dog, warrior pose etc. are fun and accessible ways to introduce mindfulness and flexibility to the whole family.

These ideas are great low intensity exercises that won't feel too strenuous but will give a good boost to energy and health!
Great suggestions! Making fitness fun is a fantastic way to keep the momentum going, especially with the whole family involved!

It's amazing how something as simple as walking can improve our health, and adding some variety definitely keeps it interesting--before you know it, you've built up some good habits!

And including the kids in exercises like wall push ups is a brilliant way to keep them engaged and active too.

Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear any other fun yet effective workout routines people have found!
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Great suggestions! Making fitness fun is a fantastic way to keep the momentum going, especially with the whole family involved!

It's amazing how something as simple as walking can improve our health, and adding some variety definitely keeps it interesting--before you know it, you've built up some good habits!

And including the kids in exercises like wall push ups is a brilliant way to keep them engaged and active too.

Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear any other fun yet effective workout routines people have found!
We could try hula hooping! It's a fun throwback to our childhood and a great workout to tone our hips and waists. Plus, the kids could join in the fun too! It also helps to up the ante by increasing the complexity of the moves or using weighted hoops for us adults, while the little ones can enjoy some good old-fashioned fun with colorful plastic hoops.
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Great suggestions! Making fitness fun is a fantastic way to keep the momentum going, especially with the whole family involved!

It's amazing how something as simple as walking can improve our health, and adding some variety definitely keeps it interesting--before you know it, you've built up some good habits!

And including the kids in exercises like wall push ups is a brilliant way to keep them engaged and active too.

Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear any other fun yet effective workout routines people have found!
There's a great app that I've been using which has short 15-min workouts with video tutorials that are easy to follow. They're designed by fitness professionals with different focuses, like full body stretching, cardio, strength building, and even seniors' workouts. Some of them can get pretty tricky but they're all short enough that you won't feel too defeated if you can't finish a session!

It's really helped me engage in quick burst exercises when I'm short on time but need a good workout. Getting those endorphins pumping is a great way to boost your mood, especially with the variety of routines so you don't get bored! And yup, the kids love joining in too, my older one especially enjoys mimicking the moves and counts it as a fun activity.
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