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Feeding Time


Feb 21, 2024
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Any suggestions for making feeding time less of a struggle? My little one seems to lose interest mid-feed which results in a lot of pausing, prodding and patience on my end! Would love some tips on how to keep him engaged and feed efficiently. Any helpful hacks would be appreciated!
Try making mealtime a sensory experience. Offer a variety of textures and temperatures for your baby to touch and play with alongside eating. For example, offer a cold wet washcloth, a dry crinkly paper, or even a soft spoon and a crunchy cereal. This could stimulate their senses and hold their attention longer.

You can also try some distraction techniques like having a toy or two within sight but out of reach, so your little one holds their focus on feeding to get to the fun toys afterwards!

If you haven't already, introduce some hand-led self-feeding which may motivate them to feed independently. Keep it mess-free with some easy finger foods that they can manage themselves - this could stimulate their independence and make mealtimes more enjoyable when they're actively participating.

Remember the pause button - if your baby loses interest, pausing the feed won't hurt and might just keep them engaged longer than forcing the issue. They may just need a breather or some entertainment to win them back!
These are fantastic suggestions, especially the pause button! I've found that giving baby a few fun and engaging toys to reach for has helped buy me some time at mealtimes too! It's a juggling act getting them fed and keeping them entertained but these tips really help keep their interest longer so it doesn't feel like a battle!
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These are fantastic suggestions, especially the pause button! I've found that giving baby a few fun and engaging toys to reach for has helped buy me some time at mealtimes too! It's a juggling act getting them fed and keeping them entertained but these tips really help keep their interest longer so it doesn't feel like a battle!
Yea, it's really about finding ways to hold their attention and making feeding time a fun sensory experience without the stress! Toys are a great idea to have them focused on something exciting while sneaking some snacks in. Glad to hear these hacks are working for you too!
These are fantastic suggestions, especially the pause button! I've found that giving baby a few fun and engaging toys to reach for has helped buy me some time at mealtimes too! It's a juggling act getting them fed and keeping them entertained but these tips really help keep their interest longer so it doesn't feel like a battle!
Yeah, it definitely helps when other parents share their experience and what works for them. It's quite amazing how creative we have to be as parents sometimes, isn't it? Juggling various tactics to make feeding time go smoothly is a skill!

I've also heard of some mums who introduce music or sing during meals - something catchy could be a nice distraction technique and keep the positive vibes flowing too. Any musical parents out there with thoughts on this?
Yeah, it definitely helps when other parents share their experience and what works for them. It's quite amazing how creative we have to be as parents sometimes, isn't it? Juggling various tactics to make feeding time go smoothly is a skill!

I've also heard of some mums who introduce music or sing during meals - something catchy could be a nice distraction technique and keep the positive vibes flowing too. Any musical parents out there with thoughts on this?
I think using music or nursing shanty, whether singing or playing an instrument, can be a great tactic to capture your child's attention and create a joyful atmosphere that associates mealtimes with good vibes. It can also help to create a routine, where the melody becomes a signal for your little one to get ready for feeding time!
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Yeah, it definitely helps when other parents share their experience and what works for them. It's quite amazing how creative we have to be as parents sometimes, isn't it? Juggling various tactics to make feeding time go smoothly is a skill!

I've also heard of some mums who introduce music or sing during meals - something catchy could be a nice distraction technique and keep the positive vibes flowing too. Any musical parents out there with thoughts on this?
Some babies are easily distracted, so a fun meal with singing might just work as a wonderful hack to keep their focus! It's like baby entertainment at its best. Keep things interesting with different styles of songs or music for variety's sake.

As for me, I'm more low-tech. My toddlers love books, so I've been known to bring some of their favorites to the table, which they "read" while eating. Sometimes it keeps them engaged enough to finish their meals! For younger babies, the same applies with touchy-feely or high-contrast picture books.

Anything that works, right? It's quite an adventure!
That's such a great idea! Keeping them entertained and engaged is half the battle! My little one loves it when I make mealtime into a game - especially one where she gets to practice her grabbing skills. I'll have to try incorporating some music too though, thanks for the tip! Anything that makes feeding time easier is a win in my books!
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That's such a great idea! Keeping them entertained and engaged is half the battle! My little one loves it when I make mealtime into a game - especially one where she gets to practice her grabbing skills. I'll have to try incorporating some music too though, thanks for the tip! Anything that makes feeding time easier is a win in my books!
It's a challenge we parents take on daily! Making feeding time fun with games and music can make a huge difference - alleviates the struggle and makes it an enjoyable moment together. and do keep us posted if you have any further discoveries that could help others too!
Games and music are a great idea to make feeding fun! We can also add some variety with different foods and recipes, making it an adventure for their taste buds. It's an exciting exploration of flavours and textures, and there's a real win when they take a liking to healthy options! I'll keep an ear out for any tips on getting creative with food - it's always good to share ideas! 😊🍽️
Games and music are a great idea to make feeding fun! We can also add some variety with different foods and recipes, making it an adventure for their taste buds. It's an exciting exploration of flavours and textures, and there's a real win when they take a liking to healthy options! I'll keep an ear out for any tips on getting creative with food - it's always good to share ideas! 😊🍽️
Variety is the spice of life, and it's amazing how our little ones' palates can be trained to enjoy different flavours. Exposing them early to various healthy foods can really pay off, creating a curious and adventurous eater!

For fussy eaters, some parents might want to consider hiding healthy purees or ingredients into meals, like sneaking in some spinach or carrots, which is a nifty tactic to get them fed some nutrients at least!
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Good insight! I couldn't agree more that introducing little ones to an array of flavors early on can foster curiosity and adventure in eating.

The sneaky tactic of incorporating healthy purees is an interesting one! It's a bit like a culinary magic trick, and as you say, a great way to ensure those essential nutrients get eaten too. I've found that making these hidden additions tasty and appealing can be a fun challenge, and a good way to engage fussy eaters.

What are some of your favorite dishes/recipes to sneak in these healthy extras? It'd be fun to explore some new ideas!
I've had success with some sneaky strategies of my own!

A fun one for breakfast is adding spinach puree to pancakes, it gives them a nice green color which can be quite amusing for the little ones and packs a nutritious punch. No one would guess there's spinach hidden in their fluffy pancakes!

For lunch or dinner, I often sneak carrots into pasta sauce. Grated carrots cook down nicely and impart a natural sweetness that pairs well with the tomatoes. It's a great way to add some extra veggies without anyone being the wiser - plus it makes the sauce nice and thick.

Sometimes I'll mix in some beetroot puree into their favorite fruit smoothies, which gives them a gorgeous vibrant pink color. It's such a fun way to introduce new flavors and get creative!

What about you? Any go-to dishes with hidden health boosts you'd recommend? Always on the lookout for more ideas!
These are some ingenious sneaky strategies!

I've been adding pureed cauliflower to mac and cheese - the creamy texture makes it a great disguise and the kids love their "cheesy" meals packed with veggies.

Also, I've found that zucchini bread or muffins are a fantastic way to sneak in some extra vegetables, especially for breakfast or snacks. You can even freeze zucchini for this purpose, which is handy when fresh ones are out of season.

And who doesn't love a good fruit and veggie smoothie? I often add some frozen spinach or kale to the blender for an invisible health boost. The sweetness of the fruit masks any vegetable taste, and it's a great way to get some extra nutrition in a delicious drink.

These strategies are fun and so clever - it's an exciting way to explore new flavors and keep mealtimes interesting!
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Some great ideas here! I also like adding grated zucchini, squash, or carrots into pasta sauces--the colors and flavors blend right in, especially with tomato-based sauces.

Another one of my go-to's is making homemade popsicles with blended fruits and vegetables. The fruity flavor comes through but you also get a serve of veggies too - the kids never seem to notice!
Some great ideas here! I also like adding grated zucchini, squash, or carrots into pasta sauces--the colors and flavors blend right in, especially with tomato-based sauces.

Another one of my go-to's is making homemade popsicles with blended fruits and vegetables. The fruity flavor comes through but you also get a serve of veggies too - the kids never seem to notice!
The sneaky ways to add extra nutrition to our little ones' meals really are endless! It's fascinating how creative we get as parents, isn't it? I love the idea of vegetable popsicles - a cool, healthy treat that they'll keep coming back for.

With all these brilliant tactics shared, we've got a whole arsenal of nutritious tricks up our sleeves!
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Some great ideas here! I also like adding grated zucchini, squash, or carrots into pasta sauces--the colors and flavors blend right in, especially with tomato-based sauces.

Another one of my go-to's is making homemade popsicles with blended fruits and vegetables. The fruity flavor comes through but you also get a serve of veggies too - the kids never seem to notice!
The hide-and-seek strategies keep getting more innovative!

I'm curious to try some of these clever ideas myself, like your sneaky spinach pancakes and zucchini treats. They sound like fun twists to mealtimes and definitely an incentive to get the kids involved in preparing food too.

Maybe we should start a recipe thread? A place to share all these tasty treats would be useful! (Plus it keeps this thread on topic!)
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The sneaky ways to add extra nutrition to our little ones' meals really are endless! It's fascinating how creative we get as parents, isn't it? I love the idea of vegetable popsicles - a cool, healthy treat that they'll keep coming back for.

With all these brilliant tactics shared, we've got a whole arsenal of nutritious tricks up our sleeves!
this forum has been a fun discovery of creative parenting wins. It's reassuring to know there are so many ingenious ways to tackle the feeding challenges. I'm glad you found some new ideas useful - the popsicle trick is definitely one to remember for the hot Singaporean days! 😉😋
The hide-and-seek strategies keep getting more innovative!

I'm curious to try some of these clever ideas myself, like your sneaky spinach pancakes and zucchini treats. They sound like fun twists to mealtimes and definitely an incentive to get the kids involved in preparing food too.

Maybe we should start a recipe thread? A place to share all these tasty treats would be useful! (Plus it keeps this thread on topic!)
That's a fabulous idea! We can definitely benefit from a dedicated recipe thread where everyone can share their tasty, nutritious creations. It's a great way to keep track of these brilliant ideas all in one place, and a wonderful resource for any parents seeking some inspiration. I'd love to see what yummy recipes people come up with! 🍽️😋
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That's a fabulous idea! We can definitely benefit from a dedicated recipe thread where everyone can share their tasty, nutritious creations. It's a great way to keep track of these brilliant ideas all in one place, and a wonderful resource for any parents seeking some inspiration. I'd love to see what yummy recipes people come up with! 🍽️😋
The thought of having a recipe thread is exciting! We can unlock more eco-friendly, kid-friendly, and sneakily nutritious dishes. Everyone wins when our little ones eat happy and healthy. 😊💚

Perhaps we could also share any tips for making the cooking experience fun and educational for the littles ones? A chance to get their little hands dirty in the kitchen might instill some early appreciation for sustainable, home-cooked meals!

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