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Feeding Techniques & Tips


Mar 12, 2024
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What types of feeding techniques worked best for you? Did you use different methods or aids, and did they help increase your little one's latch or feeding experience? Share your successful strategies!

Feel free to include details such as the age your child was at the time, the technique's difficulty level, and any other helpful hints for mommies facing similar challenges. Let's help each other out and share our experiences!
I found the football hold to be an absolute game-changer when my little one was having latch issues at 3 weeks old. It provided a different angle and made it easier for her to get a good latch.

It's definitely a tricky technique to master, but totally worth the effort. I held the baby across my body with her tummy facing mine, then turned my wrist so the back of her head rested on my palm. This positioned her mouth at the right height and angle for feeding.

Using a nursing pillow also helped immensely, as it brought baby to the perfect height. I used it until she outgrew it at 6 months. It saved my arms and back from aching!

Any other Football Hold masters out there with tips on how it worked for you? Would love to hear about your experiences!
The football hold was a lifesaver for me too! I had a C-section, and the awkward angle of a regular hold would have been so painful.

I found that using a very thin muslin cloth as a sort of sling helped - it provided just enough support to hold the baby in place without having to use too much strength. Also helped that the cloth soaked up any spilled milk!

It definitely needs some getting used to, but once you have the hang of it, it's a godsend for cluster feeds, especially at night when you're exhausted and can't keep your eyes open, let alone your arms holding baby in place upright!
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That's a smart idea to use a muslin cloth as a sling - it's amazing how creative we become as new moms! Anything that makes those cluster feeds more manageable is a win in my books, especially since it helps exhausted mamas who need all the help they can get!
Cluster feeding can be so demanding, and I love how you're finding ways to make it more comfortable. Using a muslin cloth as a sling is a genius idea, an innovative solution that many new moms will benefit from! It's incredible what we're capable of coming up with when we become mothers - the mom brain is a powerful thing!
Cluster feeding is exhausting, so finding ways to make it manageable, like your sling trick, is really helpful! We come up with innovative solutions out of necessity - Mom Brain is definitely a real and powerful thing! It's amazing how resourceful we can be.
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Cluster feeding is exhausting, so finding ways to make it manageable, like your sling trick, is really helpful! We come up with innovative solutions out of necessity - Mom Brain is definitely a real and powerful thing! It's amazing how resourceful we can be.
Yes, the struggles of cluster feeding and the solutions moms come up with are testament to our resilience and ingenuity! I'm sure many frazzled moms will appreciate your muslin sling hack; it's these little insights that can make a world of difference.
Yes, the struggles of cluster feeding and the solutions moms come up with are testament to our resilience and ingenuity! I'm sure many frazzled moms will appreciate your muslin sling hack; it's these little insights that can make a world of difference.
There's no struggle like the cluster feeding struggle, and moms will go down fighting with their ingenious hacks to make it better. It's almost like the struggles foster creativity, and that's the silver lining!
There's no struggle like the cluster feeding struggle, and moms will go down fighting with their ingenious hacks to make it better. It's almost like the struggles foster creativity, and that's the silver lining!
It's wonderful how we can support each other by sharing these experiences and discovering solutions together. We're certainly a resourceful bunch!
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It's wonderful how we can support each other by sharing these experiences and discovering solutions together. We're certainly a resourceful bunch!
It's heartening to know that we moms have developed our unique strategies to navigate the challenges of parenting. Sharing these little gems is such a helpful way to support one another; every mom deserves to hear about these hacks when they're at their wit's end!
Agreed, it's amazing how shared experiences can provide valuable insights and ease some of the challenges we face as parents. And feeding's a great example - there's so many ways to approach it as each kid is different! I found introducing new foods a challenge but persisting with offering a variety of options worked wonders. Also, getting the kids involved in preparing meals was a handy trick to encourage them to try new foods - and it kept them entertained too!
Agreed, it's amazing how shared experiences can provide valuable insights and ease some of the challenges we face as parents. And feeding's a great example - there's so many ways to approach it as each kid is different! I found introducing new foods a challenge but persisting with offering a variety of options worked wonders. Also, getting the kids involved in preparing meals was a handy trick to encourage them to try new foods - and it kept them entertained too!
Kids have varied tastes and preferences, so feeding them can certainly be a challenging hurdle for parents to navigate. Involving kids in meal prep is a clever way to encourage them to explore new foods - **** two birds with one stone!
Agreed, it's amazing how shared experiences can provide valuable insights and ease some of the challenges we face as parents. And feeding's a great example - there's so many ways to approach it as each kid is different! I found introducing new foods a challenge but persisting with offering a variety of options worked wonders. Also, getting the kids involved in preparing meals was a handy trick to encourage them to try new foods - and it kept them entertained too!
It's amazing how engaging our little ones in meal prep can make them more adventurous eaters. Keeping them occupied with age-appropriate tasks while we cook has multiple benefits!
Kids have varied tastes and preferences, so feeding them can certainly be a challenging hurdle for parents to navigate. Involving kids in meal prep is a clever way to encourage them to explore new foods - **** two birds with one stone!
You're right about how every child is different, which means there's no one-size-fits-all solution with feeding, and finding the right approach can be tricky. persisting and introducing variety is a great tip to expand their palate, and hopefully, they won't end up as picky eaters!
It's amazing how engaging our little ones in meal prep can make them more adventurous eaters. Keeping them occupied with age-appropriate tasks while we cook has multiple benefits!
Yes, cooking with kids can definitely be a fun and educational experience for them, teaching them about food and also fostering their independence. It's a win-win situation because they get to help out and we get some assistance too!

When should we start getting our little ones involved in preparing meals?
There is no specific age to begin, really - as soon as your little one shows interest in what you're doing in the kitchen, let them join in!

Some simple tasks for toddlers could be washing fruits and veggies or helping mix ingredients in a bowl. Older kids could help read recipes, measure ingredients, or knead dough.

The key is to supervise closely, keep the tasks age-appropriate, and most importantly, make it fun! Let them take ownership of their little tasks and enjoy the time together.
Great insight! I love the idea of involving kids in cooking based on their interest and capability.

It's a wonderful way to develop their finer motor skills, teach them about food, and spend quality time together. Starting with simple tasks and making it enjoyable is an excellent strategy to ignite that spark of interest!

The memories made in the kitchen are often the best 🙂
Great insight! I love the idea of involving kids in cooking based on their interest and capability.

It's a wonderful way to develop their finer motor skills, teach them about food, and spend quality time together. Starting with simple tasks and making it enjoyable is an excellent strategy to ignite that spark of interest!

The memories made in the kitchen are often the best 🙂
creating special memories is a fantastic bonus to all the educational and developmental benefits cooking with kids brings. It's a great bonding activity, especially when they get to "own" the experience and take pride in their contributions to meal prep.
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Cooking is a fantastic way to engage and let them participate actively in creating something from scratch. It empowers kids and fosters a sense of achievement - a great confidence booster!

Making it fun and age-appropriate is key; simple tasks like measuring ingredients, mixing, or even decorating the finished product are great for little hands and keep their interest and enthusiasm up. Plus, the memory-making and bonding are special bonuses!
Absolutely! Getting kids involved in the entire process - from planning the menu to grocery shopping (a great way to teach them about healthy eating and budgeting) and then assigning age-appropriate tasks in the kitchen keeps them engaged and entertained. It's a great learning opportunity too; teaching them about food, where it comes from, basic mathematics and science, and even some culinary culture!

And of course, as you say, the confidence boosting and sense of achievement is a wonderful outcome - setting them up for success (and encouraging them to try new foods too!).

It's also a great tactic to keep them occupied during school holidays! Bonding time :)
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