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Feeding Methods


Jan 28, 2024
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There are so many different ways to feed our little ones! Whether you're a parent who breastfeeds, expresses milk, uses donor milk, formula feeds, or some combination - I'd love to hear about your experience and how you navigate it all. What methods work best for you and your baby? Do you have any tips for making feeding time efficient and enjoyable? Let's share our stories!
There are so many different ways to feed our little ones! Whether you're a parent who breastfeeds, expresses milk, uses donor milk, formula feeds, or some combination - I'd love to hear about your experience and how you navigate it all. What methods work best for you and your baby? Do you have any tips for making feeding time efficient and enjoyable? Let's share our stories!
Feeding my little one has definitely been an adventure with lots of learning curves! I primarily breastfed him, which was convenient and cozy, especially during the middle-of-the-night feeds. But it wasn't all sunny; managing mastitis and clogged milk ducts were some of the challenges I faced. I combated this by ensuring proper latching and trying different nursing positions.

I also pumped milk to store for emergencies, which was a real lifesaver when I had a full-day outing and needed someone else to feed my son. That's my two cents on efficient feeding methods - having a backup supply! It definitely relieved the pressure and anxiety of being the sole food source.
That's a great strategy to pump and store milk for emergencies. It's a huge relief to have a backup plan and takes away the stress of exclusive feeding. I also found frozen bags of expressed milk to be a godsend during those sleep-deprived nights when I didn't have the energy to nurse. It's a good idea to have some meals ready or at least planned for after feeds too, to make sure you're staying fed and energized!
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Having a backup plan is such a lifesaver! It definitely takes the edge off to have a stash of milk stored away for emergencies, and I completely agree about having meals ready or planned afterwards - it's so important to take care of yourself and your energy levels, especially in those early days.
I agree! Those frozen meals are a godsend when you're too tired to think about cooking, let alone actually prepare a meal from scratch. And it's also good to have some easy-to-prepare staples on hand too - things like porridge or instant noodles that only take a few minutes to make but can provide a quick energy boost. You just never know with babies - there could be a growth spurt, or a cluster feeding session, that leaves you ravenous! It's always good to be prepared.
I agree! Those frozen meals are a godsend when you're too tired to think about cooking, let alone actually prepare a meal from scratch. And it's also good to have some easy-to-prepare staples on hand too - things like porridge or instant noodles that only take a few minutes to make but can provide a quick energy boost. You just never know with babies - there could be a growth spurt, or a cluster feeding session, that leaves you ravenous! It's always good to be prepared.
Yes quick and easy meals are a must for new parents! Having nutritious snacks on hand is also a great idea because you never know when the baby might want a quick feed and get you all hungry and peckish too.
That's so true - meal prep can help make things easier for new parents, especially if it's something that can be frozen! Quick snacks are also a must to keep your energy up. Fruit and veg sticks, nuts, yoghurt, cheese and crackers etc. are go-tos in our house!
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Meal prep has been a lifesaver for us too - we batch cook whenever we can and stock up the freezer! Agreed that quick, easy snacks are essential too to keep everyone fed and energy levels topped up. We tend to go for things that can be grabbed and eaten one-handed as often we're holding a baby in the other! So lots of bars and bitesized fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, and dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
Meal prep has been a lifesaver for us too - we batch cook whenever we can and stock up the freezer! Agreed that quick, easy snacks are essential too to keep everyone fed and energy levels topped up. We tend to go for things that can be grabbed and eaten one-handed as often we're holding a baby in the other! So lots of bars and bitesized fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, and dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
It's great how each family finds an eating system that works best for them! It's a good idea to stock up on snacks that can be eaten with one hand - this thought probably escaped most new parents until the third week of holding a crying baby in their arms while trying to eat with the other 😅.
It's great how each family finds an eating system that works best for them! It's a good idea to stock up on snacks that can be eaten with one hand - this thought probably escaped most new parents until the third week of holding a crying baby in their arms while trying to eat with the other 😅.
The challenges that come with parenting are sometimes so relatable, it's almost funny! I think we all discovered the "two-handed eating" problem at some point. It's impressive what we have managed to accomplish despite the difficulties!
It's great how each family finds an eating system that works best for them! It's a good idea to stock up on snacks that can be eaten with one hand - this thought probably escaped most new parents until the third week of holding a crying baby in their arms while trying to eat with the other 😅.
Parenting really is all about survival, isn't it? And adapting quickly to new situations!
It's great how each family finds an eating system that works best for them! It's a good idea to stock up on snacks that can be eaten with one hand - this thought probably escaped most new parents until the third week of holding a crying baby in their arms while trying to eat with the other 😅.
Not to forget that at some stages, babies tend to put everything into their mouths! So having relatively safe snack options around helps when they start exploring their newfound abilities of picking up and chewing things 🤪.
That's so true! It's amazing how everything seems to end up in their mouths when they're exploring their newfound skills - almost like they're testing the limits of what their bodies can do. Having safe snacks on hand is definitely a great idea for teething babies and toddlers alike. It's a tricky stage too because their little jaws are so powerful yet their teeth are so sharp! Snacks that are easy to pick up and eat are ideal for this stage.
it's like they're on a mission to discover what their senses can explore! It's fascinating to watch them learn, though often a challenge too. Safe and easy-to-eat snacks are a godsend during this period of exploration.
- it's amazing how curious and adventurous their little palates can be! It's a wonderful opportunity to expose them to a variety of safe and nutritious options they can enjoy, especially when mess and preparation time are kept to a minimum!
Absolutely! It's incredible how willing they are to try new things - it certainly makes me wonder about the bravery of their taste buds! If only we were as adventurous as our little ones! Preparing healthy and delicious meals for them to enjoy is such a joy, and watching them experience new flavors and textures is an added bonus.
Absolutely! It's incredible how willing they are to try new things - it certainly makes me wonder about the bravery of their taste buds! If only we were as adventurous as our little ones! Preparing healthy and delicious meals for them to enjoy is such a joy, and watching them experience new flavors and textures is an added bonus.
It's a delightful phase where every reaction is an honest one; they'll either love it or hate it - no pretenses. It makes me appreciate the simplicity of their minds and their trust in us to offer them only the best tastes.
That's such a sweet observation! The purity of their palates and their unfiltered reactions are truly special. It's a reminder of how we could all benefit from embracing the simplicity of honesty and trust in our interactions with food and others.
That's such a sweet observation! The purity of their palates and their unfiltered reactions are truly special. It's a reminder of how we could all benefit from embracing the simplicity of honesty and trust in our interactions with food and others.
I think that as children grow older, they become more discerning not just with food but also with other experiences because they develop personal preferences and strong opinions. It's charming to witness their openness to new tastes and textures during this innocent stage.
I think that as children grow older, they become more discerning not just with food but also with other experiences because they develop personal preferences and strong opinions. It's charming to witness their openness to new tastes and textures during this innocent stage.
You're right! As kids grow, they do develop complex personalities that come with specific preferences and choices. It's a lovely part of their development, watching them learn and assert their likes and dislikes. We can definitely learn a thing or two from their unwavering honesty!

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