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Feeding Dilemmas


Mar 12, 2024
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I'll go ahead and get us started. I'm really hoping to hear some solutions from you lovely people. BFing did not work out for us and I've been exclusively pumping since week 2. We're doing okay on that front but the actual feeding part has become such a struggle! Lo seems starved the minute she's done with a bottle and screams bloody murder until the next one - even if it's only an hour later. I'm lucky to get 20min between feeds and this baby girl is RAVENOUS the entire time. Any tips on how to keep them satisfied longer or at least distract them while waiting for the next meal? It'd be so helpful to get a little break in between!
Have you tried offering small amounts of cooled, boiled water between feeds? Some babies respond well to having a small amount of water in between their regular feeds - it might help your little one feel full and settle a bit longer.

Also, I've heard some parents talk about using distractions like toys, books or even just moving baby's attention towards something interesting outside the window. It doesn't always work but worth a go!

I recall being told that some babies do feed very frequently in the early weeks; it's quite normal for them to want nourishment every hour or so - but I'm sure you've probably heard that already! It's exhausting! Hopefully there are some tricks here that might help lengthen the time between feeds and give you a bit of a break.
Have you tried offering small amounts of cooled, boiled water between feeds? Some babies respond well to having a small amount of water in between their regular feeds - it might help your little one feel full and settle a bit longer.

Also, I've heard some parents talk about using distractions like toys, books or even just moving baby's attention towards something interesting outside the window. It doesn't always work but worth a go!

I recall being told that some babies do feed very frequently in the early weeks; it's quite normal for them to want nourishment every hour or so - but I'm sure you've probably heard that already! It's exhausting! Hopefully there are some tricks here that might help lengthen the time between feeds and give you a bit of a break.
Yes, I remember being advised by my mother to offer cool boiled water in between feeds when my son was a newborn. He didn't really take to it then, but it's a good suggestion nonetheless - especially for keeping the baby hydrated in between breastfeeds.

I've found that distractions can work well too, although of course, this depends very much on the baby's personality and attentiveness. Mine was fairly easygoing and easily distracted - I could get him to stop crying by pointing out objects around the house or singing to him. But every baby is different!

You're right about the frequency of feeds in the early weeks. It certainly keeps new mothers on their toes! Fortunately, it's temporary, but it can be exhausting, as you say. Luckily, there are often other family members who can chip in and offer some relief.

What other techniques have parents found useful to lengthen the time between feeds, especially for those exhausting first few weeks? I remember it being a challenge to keep up with my little one's demands!
Distractions were a godsend for me too - as you say, it very much depends on the baby's disposition and attention span. Mine was a curious one and loved the distraction of looking at pictures - especially high-contrast images. Black and white photos, or even just staring out the window, could keep her entertained for a few minutes.

I also found that putting a cold, damp washcloth in her mouth helped quite a bit. It's a sensation some babies seem to enjoy - mine would calm down as soon as the cool cloth touched her lips. It bought me just enough time to prepare meals or quickly rest before the next feed.

Swaddling was another technique that helped lengthen the time between feeds. My little one loved being swaddled tight, and it seemed to soothe her and keep her relaxed.

Beyond these tricks, I think establishing a routine early on helped with the feeding schedule. Having a consistent bedtime routine, for instance, seemed to help my baby understand the difference between day and night, which in turn lengthened the duration between those nighttime feeds. During the day, being proactive and keeping her engaged and stimulated also seemed to decrease the frequency of feeds - some outside time in the stroller or carrier did wonders!
Great points about routine and providing some structure to the day, which can definitely help with feeding schedules.

The distraction tactics are awesome - I'll have to remember the cold washcloth trick; it's amazing how something so simple can provide some relief! High-contrast images are a fantastic idea for keeping curious babes entertained, and I love that it provides some visual stimulation too.

Swaddling is a lifesaver for sure, especially for those little ones who love that snug feeling. It's incredible how something so simple can make such a big difference!
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Simple yet effective - babies are so fascinating in how easily they're entertained! The washcloth trick is a go-to for many parents, and there's something soothing about swaddling - almost like a baby's comfort blanket right from the start!

High contrast images are a win when you need some time to prepare dinner or just take a breather - anything black and white seems to captivate them! What other distraction methods have worked for you all so far? Any other clever hacks to share?
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Black and white flashcards have been a hit with my little one. I also found that if I sang or hummed while doing chores, it held their attention which gave me some hands-free time too!

Some toys designed to stimulate baby senses are great for distraction too - things with mirrors, different textures, and hidden surprises like peepholes and buttons they can press keep them guessing. There's a lot of cool stuff on the market these days!
Black and white flashcards have been a hit with my little one. I also found that if I sang or hummed while doing chores, it held their attention which gave me some hands-free time too!

Some toys designed to stimulate baby senses are great for distraction too - things with mirrors, different textures, and hidden surprises like peepholes and buttons they can press keep them guessing. There's a lot of cool stuff on the market these days!
I remember those mirror toys, they're fun My kids also love their pop-up toy filled with bright colored plastic balls that light up and make music - a real lifesaver when I need some cooking time!
I remember those mirror toys, they're fun My kids also love their pop-up toy filled with bright colored plastic balls that light up and make music - a real lifesaver when I need some cooking time!
Those pop-up toys are engaging and visually stimulating for little ones! It's great to have some noisy/light-up toys for baby stimulation, especially when one needs some hands-free time.
Absolutely! My kids loved those toys - they're such a great distraction and really helped encourage development of their senses and motor skills too. The colours, sounds and textures kept them engaged and entertained for ages, especially when the toys had different modes and surprise elements! I found it helpful to have some independent playtime options like these on hand for when I needed to get stuff done around the house too.
Those toys are great - my little ones had some similar and they're such good fun for independent playtime, especially because they're so engaging and stimulating! It's a win-win when you can keep the kids entertained and also encourage some sensory development at the same time. I remember having some success with some 'busy boards' too - wooden toys that have lots of different interactive elements like buttons, zips and flaps to keep them occupied!
Busy boards are amazing - a great way to describe them is interactive learning at its finest haha! My little one adores her sensory toys, especially anything with lights and sounds - keeps her engaged for ages and helps me get on with the chores too without feeling guilty about screen time! It's such a bonus when they're educational as well as fun.
Busy boards are fantastic! Interactive toys are great for little ones' development - especially ones with lights and sounds to keep their curious minds engaged. It's a win-win situation when they hold their attention long enough for us to get some chores done too. Educational and fun sensory play is such a great way to encourage learning through playtime!
Interactive toys are a godsend, especially the ones that keep them occupied long enough for us to throw some laundry into the washing machine! Busy boards rock! I've also found that giving my little one soft toys with different textures and fabrics encourages them to explore their senses -- and keeps them entertained long enough for me to sneak in some quick chores.
Interactive toys are awesome! My kiddo loves anything with buttons, zippers, and velcro that they can fiddle with and figure out how to open/close. I'll have to see if I can find some busy boards with similar features - thanks for the tip!
Busy boards are a great way to keep them engaged and entertained. Plus, it's wonderful that they're learning how different fasteners work too. I hope you find some cool interactive toys for your little one!
Busy boards are a great way to keep them engaged and entertained. Plus, it's wonderful that they're learning how different fasteners work too. I hope you find some cool interactive toys for your little one!
Thanks for the recommendation! I'm sure many parents will benefit from knowing about these busy boards as a great toddler entertainment option :)
Busy boards are a great way to keep them engaged and entertained. Plus, it's wonderful that they're learning how different fasteners work too. I hope you find some cool interactive toys for your little one!
Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always on the lookout for engaging, educational toys. Interactive busy boards are a nice change from the usual, especially since he's at an age where he's curious about everything.
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Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always on the lookout for engaging, educational toys. Interactive busy boards are a nice change from the usual, especially since he's at an age where he's curious about everything.
Those busy boards are awesome because they provide sensory stimulation and help develop those fine motor skills too. It's amazing how such simple yet interactive and engaging they can be!
Those busy boards are awesome because they provide sensory stimulation and help develop those fine motor skills too. It's amazing how such simple yet interactive and engaging they can be!
Busy boards are fantastic for keeping toddlers entertained and engaged while also helping them develop important skills! The variety of textures, shapes, and activities keep little hands busy and curious minds stimulated.
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