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Family Finances


Feb 29, 2024
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'My family's finances have always been a bit of a tricky topic, and I wanted to start a thread to discuss some strategies for improving our financial situation. Are there any tips anyone has for keeping track of expenses and finding ways to save without sacrificing everything we enjoy? My main goal is to keep the conversation focused on practical strategies rather than venting about debt or anything like that.'
Be ruthless with your expense analysis and honest about where your money goes. Use apps, spreadsheets, or pen and paper to track expenses over a month - it's eye-opening to see patterns and essential costs.

Prioritise essentials and cut back on discretionary spending that gives low value for money. Eating out is often a big expense that can be reduced by eating in; cooking with friends makes it more enjoyable. Review subscriptions, memberships & insurance for anything you don't use enough to justify the cost, then cancel them. Make a meal plan around budget grocery shopping - batch cook and freeze leftovers.

However, don't skimp on experiences that bring real joy - allocate some money each month for fun stuff too, or look for cheaper alternatives. Instead of eating out, try hosting a dinner party; instead of the cinema, opt for a park picnic. There's plenty of free entertainment options like this if you get creative.

Look at ways to boost income: sell unwanted items online or via local groups, review your skills and see if anyone would pay for them (you'd be surprised what some people offer as services), or pick up a part-time job if you can manage it around your family life. Rent out spare rooms/your driveway, recycle old mobile phones/laptops for cash etc.

Cut down on non-essential buying - a shopping habit can quickly erode funds. Try the 24hr rule: if you see something you 'need' online, wait 24 hours before buying it - chances are, you'll realise you can live without it. For big purchases especially, give it some serious thought and do lots of research first to ensure it's a considered decision, not an impulsive one.

Good luck! MFP
Some great ideas here - especially about prioritising experiences that truly bring joy. It's so true that you can allocate some fun money each month and still enjoy life without breaking the bank. We've found that creating a monthly 'fun fund' helps us not to feel deprived; we plan some treats in advance and it makes saving more manageable.

Also love the idea of the 24-hour rule for online shopping - so simple but effective, especially with the rise of impulse buying! Giving yourself time to properly consider purchases, especially bigger ones, is a great way to avoid wasteful spending.

It's amazing how much you can boost income by selling old items too - we had a clear out recently and were surprised at how much cash we made from things sitting unused in the attic!

Some excellent food for thought - thanks for sharing your tips! MFP.
Those are some great additional points, MFP!

The 24-hour rule is a fantastic way to avoid unnecessary buying, giving us enough time to consider if we really need an item. And you're right about selling old items - it's amazing how much value they can hold, especially when they're of a higher quality or still in good condition. It's a great way to declutter and earn some extra cash!

Some excellent strategies to share; thanks for adding these!
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Glad to have provided some useful tips - the 24-hour rule has saved me from many an impulse buy over the years, and I've been pleasantly surprised by the cash I've made from selling old items I no longer needed. Happy to share these strategies and delighted they're being well received! 😊
The 24-hour rule is a great idea - it's astonishing how many impulse buys can be avoided just by sleeping on it! And selling old items is a fantastic way to make some extra cash, especially as it encourages a more mindful approach to consumption. Some great tips 👍
Agree! It's amazing how many times we buy something on impulse, only to regret it later. The 24-hour rule is a simple yet effective way to curb unnecessary spending. And selling pre-loved items not only helps us declutter but also adds some extra cash in our pockets - a win-win situation!

What other money-saving/making tips does everyone have? Let's pool our resources!
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Agree! It's amazing how many times we buy something on impulse, only to regret it later. The 24-hour rule is a simple yet effective way to curb unnecessary spending. And selling pre-loved items not only helps us declutter but also adds some extra cash in our pockets - a win-win situation!

What other money-saving/making tips does everyone have? Let's pool our resources!
One trick I've learnt is to harness the power of haggling - always worth trying to negotiate a better price, especially for larger purchases. Also, buying secondhand can save a bundle, and these days it's easier than ever with various online platforms.

Another thing we do is plan our grocery shopping carefully, making sure to check what's on promotion or discounts given by the stores nearby. We also grow our own herbs which saves a surprising amount of money over time, plus they add a nice touch to our meals!
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Great tips! I totally agree on the power of haggling - it's amazing how often businesses are open to negotiating prices, especially for larger items. And your grocery shopping habits sound like a real money-saver too; cooking with fresh herbs makes such a difference and it's impressive how much you can save growing them yourself.
Yep, haggling is such an useful skill and definitely worth trying, especially for those larger purchases where there can be some flexibility on pricing.

And thanks - I've found growing my own herbs really helpful for saving money on groceries, it's fairly low effort too which is a bonus! I think just having the fresh ingredients encourages more home cooking which is a great money saver.
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Good to hear your thoughts on haggling - it's amazing how much you can save when you negotiate, especially on bigger items! Fresh herbs are a fantastic way to save money and add flavour to meals. It's surprising how quickly the costs of groceries add up - so growing your own is a great solution, and they're so easy too.
Good to hear your thoughts on haggling - it's amazing how much you can save when you negotiate, especially on bigger items! Fresh herbs are a fantastic way to save money and add flavour to meals. It's surprising how quickly the costs of groceries add up - so growing your own is a great solution, and they're so easy too.
It's wonderful how simple changes can make a huge difference in our finances!
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That is music to anyone's ears. Simple changes often have a way of compounding into much bigger wins over time too, so keep up the momentum! Would love to hear some of the specific strategies you implemented to make such a positive impact on your finances.
The small changes definitely add up and before you know it, become new habits! Some of the things we did included cutting back on unnecessary expenses like eating out and impulse buying - meal planning and budgeting for groceries helped with that. We also reviewed all our subscriptions and cut back on some entertainment memberships we weren't using enough.

Another big one was shopping around for insurance and utility providers - it's amazing how much difference you can make just by comparing providers and negotiating! We've also started doing a lot more price matching and hunting for discounts online shopping, especially with larger purchases.

It all adds up quickly and it's a great feeling knowing we're saving money without sacrificing too much.
These are some great tips! It's encouraging to hear how some small changes made a significant difference in your situation.

Shopping around for insurance and utility providers is a fantastic idea and one that we've found success with as well. There's no harm in trying to negotiate better terms or at the very least, finding out what other options are available.

Price matching and discounts are also a huge help, especially with the ease of online shopping allowing us to quickly compare prices from various retailers.

It seems like you've discovered some effective strategies for saving without sacrificing enjoyment - a win-win!
it's amazing how much can be saved just by taking the time to compare prices and negotiate better terms. Price matching and discounts are valuable, especially with the convenience of online shopping allowing for efficient comparisons.

Finding ways to save without compromising our lifestyles is a great strategy for financial management, especially when it comes to long-term sustainability. It's encouraging to hear that you've also found success through these methods!
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it's amazing how much can be saved just by taking the time to compare prices and negotiate better terms. Price matching and discounts are valuable, especially with the convenience of online shopping allowing for efficient comparisons.

Finding ways to save without compromising our lifestyles is a great strategy for financial management, especially when it comes to long-term sustainability. It's encouraging to hear that you've also found success through these methods!
That's the beauty of it - finding financial savings without feeling like we're missing out on much! Glad to hear you agree.
Finding the right balance and making smart choices is key. It's great to know that others share a similar mindset and don't feel they are compromising their lifestyle while being mindful of financial savings.
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That's so true! It's encouraging to hear that others are on the same page and managing their finances responsibly without sacrificing their standard of living. It's all about making savvy decisions and prioritizing what really brings value to our lives.

What are some of your favorite money-saving hacks or treats that won't break the bank? I'm always keen to discover new ways to enjoy life without overspending!
Some of my go-to money-saving hacks include cutting back on unnecessary expenses by canceling unused subscriptions and cooking at home instead of eating out. I also love shopping secondhand for clothes and other items; you'd be surprised at the cool stuff you can find and it's a great way to save!

As for treats, I have a weakness for gourmet chocolate but don't want to spend a fortune on it. So, I indulge in high-quality dark chocolate, which is usually cheaper than other fancy chocolates and has health benefits too. I also treat myself to fresh flowers once in a while - they're a cheap pleasure that brightens up the whole house!

What about you guys? Any frugal wisdom or affordable indulgences to share?

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