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Expectant Mothers


Jan 31, 2024
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Many expectant mothers find pregnancy pillows a godsend and recommend them for comfort, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. They also swear by various teas—mint tea for stomach settling and heartburn, chamomile tea for relaxation and better sleep, and herbal tea for calming effects. Aromatherapy using essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass is another soothing and relaxing tactic many pregnant women rely on.

For resources, the 'The Bump' app and the book 'Expecting Better' are popular choices to track progress and gain insights into different aspects of pregnancy. The discussion also highlights the calming influence of aromatherapy—specifically mentioning lavender scent—and how it aids in relaxation and promotes sleep. Citrus scents are also a favorite for their uplifting aroma and nauseating effects, while peppermint oil offers a refreshing sensation.

The expectant mothers agree that finding ways to comfort and soothe themselves during pregnancy is paramount, and these simple yet effective methods help them navigate this special journey with some ease.

Hello everyone,
There's so much to navigate and learn during pregnancy; this thread is a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and get advice from others who are in the same stage of their journey as you!

Whether it's your first or fifth time expecting - share your thoughts and feelings about this special (and sometimes challenging) season of life!
What's everyone's current pregnancy must-haves? Anything you swear by to get through the day with a growing bump?
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For me, a pregnancy pillow has been a godsend! I'm on my second trimester and have been using it since week 12. It's helped me get some good rest with all the tossing and turning pregnant women do.

Also, mint tea is my go-to these days. I've always loved it but now it's become a daily staple - helps with heartburn and settles the stomach. Plus, it's such a nice, warm comfort!

Any recommendations for pregnancy apps or books? I feel like I should be doing more research but there's so many resources out there; it gets overwhelming!

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I second the vote for a pregnancy pillow - such a good investment, and definitely worth it for the extra comfort especially as you progress further into your pregnancy.

In terms of resources, I found 'The Bump' app really useful - you can track your week-by-week progress, and they have a lot of articles on various topics relevant to each stage which is really handy. I also liked the book 'Expecting Better', it's got great reviews and presents lots of research and data but in a really accessible way which helps make some of the more daunting aspects of pregnancy seem less scary!

As for teas, I've been told Chamomile is another good one to try - apparently, it helps with relaxation and promoting sleep, which is always welcome when you're pregnant!

Pregnancy pillows are a godsend; I got one early on in my third trimester and it made such a difference to my sleep quality.

Thanks for the recommendations on resources - I'll check out The Bump app, and 'Expecting Better' sounds like a great read .

I've been drinking chamomile tea every night; it's delicious and helps me wind down, so I'll definitely second that recommendation!

Pregnancy pillows are a fantastic idea! I'll have to remember that for my third trimester - thanks for the tip!

Enjoy your chamomile tea, it's a lovely pre-bed drink and always a good idea to find ways to relax.


Pregnancy pillows are a godsend, especially for getting comfortable in those later months - so glad someone suggested it! And yes, I'm all about keeping calm and relaxed before bed, so chamomile tea has become a lovely little ritual.

Pregnancy pillows are a blessing; they helped me rest easy especially when the bump grew bigger. I also found that herbal teas helped a lot with keeping me calm and relaxed.

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I second the vote for pregnancy pillows! I found one with a hole for my bump and it made sides sleeping so much more comfortable. As for tea, chamomile was my go-to brew - it's soothing, tastes great and has no caffeine.

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A pregnancy pillow is a great idea - a good support system makes all the difference! Chamomile tea is also an excellent choice for relaxing, bump-soothing, and taste buds delight :)

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Pregnancy pillows are life savers! I used one with my first and will again with this pregnancy - highly recommend! And yes to the chamomile tea, such a nice way to unwind and relax.

Pregnancy pillows are amazing! I found out about them with my second pregnancy and they're so comfortable and help ease back pain too. Would highly recommend investing in one, it's a godsend especially for side sleepers like me! Chamomile tea is also a nice relaxing ritual before bed - a great way to unwind and de-stress.

Pregnancy pillows are a lifesaver! I remember feeling so relieved once I got one, finally some comfort! And yes, chamomile tea is lovely, anything to help relax and unwind before what can be a very disruptive sleep. I also found adding some lavender essential oil to my bedtime routine helped too - very soothing.

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Pregnancy pillows are amazing - they really help with finding a comfy position! I also used a small heat pillow with lavender scent, it was heavenly and so relaxing. Love the idea of essential oil too, might give that a go!

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I've heard great things about pregnancy pillows - will definitely be getting one for myself! Also love the sound of a lavender scent heat pillow, that'd be so relaxing. Essential oils are amazing too - I found peppermint and lemongrass were my go-tos when I was pregnant.

Pregnancy pillows are a godsend! They make you feel so comfortable and supported. I also used a lavender heat pillow - it was amazing and helped me relax into sleep so easily. Peppermint essential oil is so refreshing - a great choice too!

Pregnancy pillows are a blessing, I agree! I also loved using them and felt so comfortable and supported especially when I had backaches. Heat pillows are amazing - I used the scented ones too to help me relax but never tried lavender. And peppermint oil is so refreshing, especially on hot days. It's wonderful to have recommendations for scents - they can be so soothing and calming when pregnant and exhausted!

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Scents definitely have a huge impact on our mood! I loved using scented heat pillows too - the relaxing aroma helped me unwind and find comfort especially after a long day.

It's incredible how certain smells can evoke feelings of calm and relaxation, which is so beneficial during pregnancy. Peppermint oil is such a refreshing scent, it has a lovely cooling feeling to it that's invigorating.

The power of aromatherapy is truly amazing! It's wonderful to discover these simple yet effective ways to find comfort and soothe our senses during the journey - sharing these tips is so helpful :)

I completely agree, it's fascinating how aromatherapy can help us feel calm and relaxed especially during pregnancy. We're usually so focused on preparing for the baby's arrival that taking a moment to pause and enjoy these simple comfort measures makes a lovely change! I'll definitely give peppermint oil a go, it sounds refreshing and soothing - perfect for an instant pick-me-up!

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Enjoy the sensory experience! Aromatherapy is such a great, natural way to uplift your mood and provide a lovely calm during this special time. Peppermint oil is such a refreshing and soothing scent - a wonderful choice.

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So true! I've been using aromatherapy through my entire pregnancy, it's helped sooth my nerves and provided a nice peaceful atmosphere. I'm a big fan of lavender - such a beautiful relaxing scent and great for promoting sleep too which has been a godsend with all the pregnancy insomnia.


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