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Baby Gear Reviews


Mar 11, 2024
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Now that we're past the pregnancy stage and into the "omg what do we actually need" phase, I'd love to hear about some of your must-have items. We've got a good handle on the big things like the stroller, crib, etc., but I'm curious what smaller or unexpected items have been life savers for you. Diaper bag essentials, car seat toys, bouncers, swings - bring it!

Share your favorite baby gear and why you loved it. Pictures are always helpful too!
One unexpected item that became a godsend for us was an ergonomic baby carrier. We have an Ergobaby Adapt Marae, which is super comfortable and easy to use - it distributing baby's weight really well, taking the strain off your back.

We found it especially useful when our little one was a bit older and wanted to explore but needed a nap. Popping him in the carrier faced towards us, he could see the world but the gentle bouncing motion as we walked plus being so snuggly helped him drift off. It also left our hands free to push the stroller or carry other things!

Also, I know it's kinda obvious, but muslin squares - you can never have too many! Great for mopping up milk/snot/dribble or using as a little cover for privacy while feeding, and they're lightweight so they don't take up much room in the diaper bag.

We also loved our play mat. The bright colours and fun crinkly noises kept our little one entertained while we made dinner etc., and it gave him a nice safe place to roll around on when he got a bit older too.

Anything that attached to the car seat didn't really work for us - our guy wasn't too interested in toys until he could grasp things himself! But a friend swears by those toys that attach with velcro, as her little one was transfixed by them.

Hope this helps and that you get some other good recommendations - it's such a helpful thread idea!
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One unexpected item that became a godsend for us was an ergonomic baby carrier. We have an Ergobaby Adapt Marae, which is super comfortable and easy to use - it distributing baby's weight really well, taking the strain off your back.

We found it especially useful when our little one was a bit older and wanted to explore but needed a nap. Popping him in the carrier faced towards us, he could see the world but the gentle bouncing motion as we walked plus being so snuggly helped him drift off. It also left our hands free to push the stroller or carry other things!

Also, I know it's kinda obvious, but muslin squares - you can never have too many! Great for mopping up milk/snot/dribble or using as a little cover for privacy while feeding, and they're lightweight so they don't take up much room in the diaper bag.

We also loved our play mat. The bright colours and fun crinkly noises kept our little one entertained while we made dinner etc., and it gave him a nice safe place to roll around on when he got a bit older too.

Anything that attached to the car seat didn't really work for us - our guy wasn't too interested in toys until he could grasp things himself! But a friend swears by those toys that attach with velcro, as her little one was transfixed by them.

Hope this helps and that you get some other good recommendations - it's such a helpful thread idea!
I second the muslin squares and will add that having a couple of lightweight blankets on hand is also super useful for similar reasons - cooling, shielding, and comforting!

Another unexpected essential for me was the nasal aspirator. Those tiny little noses can get so clogged up, and it's quite scary when they're so young and unable to blow their own noses. We used the Frida Nasal Aspirator, which is basically a vacuum for snot! It's nice and compact, easy to use, and has different sized tips for different ages.

Also, with all the vomiting and dribble that comes with little ones, we found cloth diapers useful as impromptu burp cloths. They're so absorbent and you can get some really cute ones these days - they add a bit of fun to an otherwise mundane item!

One last thing - a good baby monitor with movement sensor. We got the Arlo Baby Monitor, which gave us peace of mind when our kids were napping or playing independently. Being able to check in and see them without entering the room was so helpful. The movement sensor also alerted us when they were wriggling around and might need some comfort.

What have other parents found useful? Picture attachments are always fun!
Great call on the lightweight blankets - they're versatile and a must-have!

We also had a nasal aspirator, it's amazing how much gunk can build up in those tiny noses! We used the same one as you, and it definitely came to the rescue many times.

Cloth diapers are a fantastic idea for burp cloths - they're so absorbent and cute

We also invested in an Arlo Baby Monitor and it was well worth it. The movement sensor especially gave us peace of mind when our little one was napping.

Our unexpected essential was a baby carrier - great for hands-free cooking, walks, and soothing our fussy babe. We loved the Ergobaby Omni 360!

Anything else folks recommend? Would love to hear about other useful gear that made your parenting journey easier!
A baby carrier is an excellent idea and a real lifesaver when you need hands-free mobility. We also found the Ergobaby Carrier super comfortable and convenient, especially for our little one who loved being close to us.

Another item that became a quick favorite was the rock n play sleeper! It's a versatile piece that can be used as a rocker and has a safe inclined sleep position. Plus points for the convenient size and easy mobility!

The white noise machine was also a surprising win for us. Our little one responded well to it, and it helped them sleep better, which eventually meant more rest for us too. We even use it during car rides or when we travel, as it's small enough to pack.

And I second the vote for cloth diapers as burp cloths - they're absorbent, soft, and you don't feel precious about ruining them with all the spit-up!
We also loved our Ergo Baby Carrier, especially for hiking and walking outdoors. The rock n play sleeper sounds intriguing too - never used one but will keep it in mind for the future!

I found that having a small, portable sound machine was a godsend when my little one struggled to sleep while traveling. It's amazing how something so simple can be so effective.

Cloth diapers are versatile We used receiving blankets as burp cloths - they were absorbent and easy to wash, which was a priority!
We also loved our Ergo Baby Carrier, especially for hiking and walking outdoors. The rock n play sleeper sounds intriguing too - never used one but will keep it in mind for the future!

I found that having a small, portable sound machine was a godsend when my little one struggled to sleep while traveling. It's amazing how something so simple can be so effective.

Cloth diapers are versatile We used receiving blankets as burp cloths - they were absorbent and easy to wash, which was a priority!
Receiving blankets serve multiple purposes and come in handy during the early stages. For first-time parents, they can be a real savior because of their versatility and soft fabric that's gentle on the baby's skin.

Another item I found useful was the Boppy Feeding Pillow - it's designed to help support the little one and take some strain off your arms when feeding. It also has multiple uses - you can use it for propping up the baby when they're learning to sit or as a snugly cradle for them to lie in while playing.

What other unexpected discoveries have parents made?
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As a first-time parent, I found the humble Muslin squares incredibly useful - great for mopping up milk/drool, swaddling and even as a quick makeshift comforter.

The Fisher Price rock'n play was a godsend for us - it's a rocker that has multiple recline positions and is super convenient for napping or soothing a fussy baby. It's portable and easy to move around the house too, which is a bonus!

Also, not sure if anyone else has experienced this but those little toddler spoons with the enclosed edge actually helped my baby learn to feed herself sooner. She was able to get food into her mouth more easily which encouraged her to keep trying - full-sized spoons were a bit tricky for her at first but these smaller ones were a hit!
Muslin squares are versatile and a must-have for dribble and mess!

We found the rock'n play so helpful for our little one too - it's a great, safe space for them to hang out and the different recline positions are fantastic.

We also found the same with the toddler spoons! Our little one found them easier to use than regular spoons, and it was encouraging to see her feed herself. She got the hang of it sooner than we thought!
Muslin squares are a lifesaver - so versatile and practical with all the dribbling and mess that comes with having a little one!

The Rock'n Play sounds like a fantastic product, especially with the various recline options to keep baby comfortable. It's great to hear it provided a safe space for your little one too.

It's encouraging to hear that the toddler spoons helped your LO develop their self-feeding skills. It's amazing how quickly they pick things up - sounds like you've got a little foodie in the making!
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Muslin squares are versatile and a must-have for dribble and mess!

We found the rock'n play so helpful for our little one too - it's a great, safe space for them to hang out and the different recline positions are fantastic.

We also found the same with the toddler spoons! Our little one found them easier to use than regular spoons, and it was encouraging to see her feed herself. She got the hang of it sooner than we thought!
Seems like many parents swear by the effectiveness of the Fisher Price rock'n play and muslin squares - a testament to their practicality and versatility! Toddler spoons leading to successful self-feeding is an interesting insight too.

For us, boby pins/clips were unexpectedly useful. We used them to secure the nursing cover, keep the swaddle wrap snug, and even as makeshift clothespins! A real multitasking essential that every parent seems to benefit from!
Muslin squares are versatile and a must-have for dribble and mess!

We found the rock'n play so helpful for our little one too - it's a great, safe space for them to hang out and the different recline positions are fantastic.

We also found the same with the toddler spoons! Our little one found them easier to use than regular spoons, and it was encouraging to see her feed herself. She got the hang of it sooner than we thought!
It's fantastic how these simple items can make such a difference! Isn't it fun discovering these little gems that make parenting a bit easier?

For us, another useful find was the Skip Hop changing mat. It's a compact, sturdy changing station with plenty of storage for nappies, wipes, creams, etc. We could easily pop it into our bag and use it wherever we were - no more fumbling around for supplies!

Also, a simple one but worth mentioning - the Paci steriliser case. It's a life saver when you're out and about, and you realize your dummy has fallen on the floor... Pop it in this little case with some water, and you've got a sterile pacifier in an emergency!
Muslin squares are a lifesaver - so versatile and practical with all the dribbling and mess that comes with having a little one!

The Rock'n Play sounds like a fantastic product, especially with the various recline options to keep baby comfortable. It's great to hear it provided a safe space for your little one too.

It's encouraging to hear that the toddler spoons helped your LO develop their self-feeding skills. It's amazing how quickly they pick things up - sounds like you've got a little foodie in the making!
it's delightful to witness their little personalities develop and skills emerge. They pick up things we least expect, keeping us on our toes!
Seems like many parents swear by the effectiveness of the Fisher Price rock'n play and muslin squares - a testament to their practicality and versatility! Toddler spoons leading to successful self-feeding is an interesting insight too.

For us, boby pins/clips were unexpectedly useful. We used them to secure the nursing cover, keep the swaddle wrap snug, and even as makeshift clothespins! A real multitasking essential that every parent seems to benefit from!
That's true - those humble Bobby pins are incredibly versatile and seem to have a myriad of uses! A lot of parents will definitely resonate with your discovery. They come in handy for keeping things snug and secure, especially when you're dealing with wiggly little ones.
it's delightful to witness their little personalities develop and skills emerge. They pick up things we least expect, keeping us on our toes!
The skip hop changing mat sounds handy, especially for travels or days out - having a dedicated space to change diapers is a sanity saver!

A paci sterilizer case is a brilliant idea - simple yet effective, especially for the germ-conscious parents out there. Who'd have thought such a small item could be so useful!
Those two products seem like must-haves for any parent - the changing mat is a sanity saver, especially when you're out and about, and the paci sterilizer case is such an easy yet effective solution! It's amazing how something so small can make such a big difference in keeping little ones healthy.
Those two products seem like must-haves for any parent - the changing mat is a sanity saver, especially when you're out and about, and the paci sterilizer case is such an easy yet effective solution! It's amazing how something so small can make such a big difference in keeping little ones healthy.
parents will appreciate the convenience these products offer, especially when out of the comfort of their homes. With so many exciting new essentials popping up, it's enticing to think about all the ingenious inventions that make parenting a little more manageable.

On another note, have you guys heard about or tried any unique baby carriers? I'm curious as to whether they are worth the hype!
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I've found that baby carriers are an absolute God-send, especially if your little one is quite active and always on the go. I recently came across a new brand that offers some awesome full buckled carriers with amazing back support - a serious plus for us parents!

The best part is they're super stylish too so you don't feel like you're compromising on fashion. Win-win in my books!
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That sounds amazing - especially the back support! Would love to hear more about this brand and see some pictures of their carriers. Style AND functionality is definitely a win! Can you share the link?
That sounds amazing - especially the back support! Would love to hear more about this brand and see some pictures of their carriers. Style AND functionality is definitely a win! Can you share the link?
The brand I've recently come across is called Babyslingpro. They have a variety of cute designs, and the best part is they're so ergonomic! I'm all about comfort when it comes to carriers. Here's their website: https://www.babyslingpro.com

They have a range of sleek baby carriers with different patterns and colors to choose from, and they look so comfy too. I'm sold on the notion of being able to explore new places with my little one while keeping my hands free - it's a huge bonus! The reviews online also seem quite promising!

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