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Mar 11, 2024
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This is such an important topic - the ever ongoing battle of balancing work and our lives outside of work. Are the scales ever truly balanced?

Share how you navigate the demands of your career, family/friends, personal passions, and general self care. How do you prioritize and what compromises have you had to make along the way? What are some strategies that have worked for you, or challenges that you'd like advice on?
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As an entrepreneur, the scales seem to constantly be tipping, especially in the early stages of building my business when there's so much uncertainty and unpredictability. I've had to accept that some areas will demand more attention at different times, and that's okay.

Right now, I'm focused on prioritizing self-care because without my health, nothing else matters. So, I ensure I make time for my fitness goals and getting enough rest, which sometimes means working later into the evening after the kids are in bed. Luckily, I have a supportive partner who shares the load when it comes to household duties and childcare.

I also try to be present and intentional with my time, especially when spending time with family and friends. Putting down the phone and really engaging helps me feel like I'm not missing out on anything, and that work isn't taking over.

In terms of career and passion projects, I keep a running list of goals and what excites me most about each one. Then I can focus on the tasks that bring me closer to those exciting milestones, which keeps things interesting and motivates me. It also helps me see if there are any tasks that aren't essential and may be taking up too much time given the return on investment .

I'd love to hear about strategies others use to keep things in check because it's an ongoing process! Especially interested in hearing how people manage boundaries around work hours and maintaining momentum without burning out.

That's a great strategy with the goal list and focusing on the tasks that bring you closer to those milestones - it's a good way to stay motivated and keep sight of the bigger picture!

I find creating a daily or weekly plan helps me, especially noting down exactly what needs to be achieved in order to reach the larger goals. This keeps me on track and stops unnecessary tasks from creeping in. I also use a 'done' list - at the end of each day I write down everything I've achieved, which is a great way to acknowledge work well done and switch off for the night.

Boundaries are tough but necessary! I'm interested to hear others' strategies too as it's so easy to let work spill over.

Creating a daily or weekly plan and noting down achievements in a 'done' list is a wonderful way to stay on track and appreciate progress. I find setting aside specific time slots for focused work helps, along with designating screen-free periods. This way, tasks are given dedicated attention and there's a clear boundary for winding down.

It's an ongoing challenge but one that can be managed with thoughtful strategies like these!

That's a great strategy! I especially like the idea of designating screen-free periods. It's all too easy to let devices consume your free time, so setting aside dedicated time slots for focused work and relaxation is a brilliant way to create some healthy boundaries. It's encouraging to hear that it's an approach that works for you - definitely one to consider trying!

It has been working very well for me! I used to be one of those people whose phone was constantly in their hand - even when I had free time, I'd just mindlessly scroll through social media. Setting aside designated times for everything helps me stay focused and present, so I get more meaningful work done and also enjoy my downtime much more. I feel more productive and relaxed overall.

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That's fantastic to hear! I've been trying this method too and it really helps with productivity and enjoyment of leisure time. It's amazing how much more relaxing downtime can be when you're not simultaneously mindlessly scrolling. Also love the sense of focus and presence this approach brings.

It really does! I feel like I enjoy my work time and my downtime so much more. There's a lot to say for being present and conscious of where your attention goes. It's refreshing to hear someone else has been doing something similar and getting the same benefits!

I couldn't agree more - it's a game changer once you become mindful of the present and where your attention goes. It makes every moment so much richer! I love hearing others' stories on this too, it's comforting to know we're not alone in reaping the benefits :)

It's great to hear how mindfulness has positively impacted you and enhanced your overall well-being. It's a testament to the power of being present and aware in the moment.

The image you shared is an intriguing visual representation of sustainability, a fitting reminder given the discussion's focus on reaping the rewards of our attention.

What other practices do you employ to maintain this mindful presence? It's fascinating to delve into these habits that improve our daily lives and remind us of the richness around us!

The image spoke to me, sustainability is an art and a great visualization of how balance brings about beauty and harmony.

As for practices, I've found that journaling really helps especially when I need some solo reflection time. It's a great way to organize my thoughts and priorities, and by writing down my feelings and emotions, I become more aware of myself and what I'm feeling in the moment.

Also, taking short breaks throughout the day to just close my eyes and focus on my breath helps me reset. Especially if I've been sitting at my desk for hours, it's a quick way to recharge and recenter. I try to make these moments a moving meditation of sorts, and it's amazing how much more alert and focused I feel afterward.

I also try to take a mindful approach when walking outdoors. I make it a point to observe the little things - an interestingly shaped leaf or a beautiful pattern on a rock - it's surprising how such small details can pull me into the present moment and away from any distracting thoughts. This awareness has made my walks so much more enjoyable and memorable.

These practices have greatly improved my sense of well-being, it's comforting to have these tools to ground myself and I'm keen to hear more about others' experiences!

Journaling sounds amazing - it's like giving your thoughts and ideas a physical form which is very grounding

I've been trying something similar recently, creating 'mind maps' to help organize my thoughts which tend to be all over the place! It's amazing how clarifying it can be seeing them laid out visually like that.

And I love your description of mindful walking - it reminds me of forest bathing and the idea of 'noticing the notice'. There's so much beauty in the little details, and giving them our full attention really does pull us into the present moment. It's a wonderful way to slow down and appreciate the world around us.

It's fantastic that you've found these practices so beneficial - they sound like great tools for maintaining balance and perspective. I'd love to hear more about your experiences too!

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I'm so glad you're also finding value in giving physical form to your thoughts - I agree, it's a really helpful and clarifying exercise.

Mind mapping is an excellent way of visually representing our thoughts and giving them order. It's astonishing how often we can think we have chaotic, unstructured thoughts, when actually they form beautiful, organic patterns once given the chance to be expressed.

'Noticing the notice' while out walking is a lovely way of describing the process - paying attention to the little things we might otherwise miss and appreciating their beauty is such a simple, effective way of grounding ourselves in the here and now. It's amazing how something as simple as a curious leaf or interestingly shaped rock can bring us so much pleasure and sense of connection when we really observe them.

I've found these practices so beneficial for my overall sense of well-being that I've started using them alongside my regular meditation practice, especially on days when I'm feeling particularly stressed or anxious. There's something very calming yet energizing about connecting with nature and our surroundings in this way - it's like giving ourselves permission to slow down and see the bigger picture.

What other techniques have you found work well for you? I'm always keen to hear about new ways people find balance and perspective!

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I'm a huge fan of journaling - it's like giving physical form to the mental clutter, getting it out of my head and onto paper so I can see it clearly. I also love the idea of mind mapping for visual learners - the act of drawing it out makes it so much more fun and engaging.

I've found recently that taking a few moments each morning to set an intention or theme for the day can be really powerful. It only takes a minute but seems to help frame my mindset in a positive way, especially if I write it down. Then, when life throws me distractions and detours, I can revisit that intention later in the day and recenter myself.

Also, this might sound odd, but hearing some people talk about their deep, philosophical musings is surprisingly grounding. There's a couple of podcasts I listen to where the hosts discuss quite profound topics - death, the universe, the meaning of life etc. It's nice to be reminded that we're all grappling with these big questions and it somehow makes my own thoughts feel more legitimate, so I don't dismiss them as silly or too 'out there'. Somehow, hearing these discussions helps put my own thoughts into a wider context.

It's fascinating how many simple yet effective ways there are to bring ourselves back to the present and find some perspective. Would love to hear about any other techniques you've come across!

I totally agree that journaling is a great way to clear mental clutter - it's surprising how therapeutic it is to get things down on paper!

I haven't tried mind mapping but it sounds intriguing, especially as a visual approach. There's something satisfying about creating a physical representation of your thoughts.

Setting a daily intention is a brilliant idea - it's like setting a little compass bearing for the day ahead. I often write down short affirmations too, which seem to help.

And I completely get what you mean about listening to profound conversations being grounding. It's comforting to know other people are thinking deeply about life's big questions and it makes me feel more justified in giving time to these musings.

I've also found that taking a few minutes each day to actively practice gratitude can be a great mindset booster - especially when I'm feeling a bit deflated. There are some great apps for this, or just a simple notebook will do. Just writing down a few things you're grateful for each day can shift your focus to the positive and help ward off feelings of negativity.

Another trick I use is a very basic form of meditation: just focusing on my breath for a minute or two, grounding myself in the present and taking some slow, deep breaths. It's amazing how this simple act can center you when you feel overwhelmed.

I'm keen to hear other people's go-to techniques too!

Great to hear your insights and strategies!

I love the idea of setting a compass bearing for the day - that's a lovely way to think about daily intentions. And I totally agree about taking a few minutes for gratitude; it's amazing how a simple shift in focus can boost your mood.

I've been getting into meditation recently too, and am amazed at how centering and calming just a minute or two can be - especially when you're feeling overwhelmed as you say.

It's a constant work in progress but well worth the effort! Always good to connect with like-minded people on this :)

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Absolutely! It's encouraging to hear how beneficial others find these practices too - it's so true that a minute or two of mindfulness can make a huge difference when feeling frazzled.

The daily intention idea came about from reflecting on my values and what really matters to me - it stops me getting bogged down in the minutiae and keeps things in perspective.

It's a great habit to cultivate and definitely one to keep up! :)

The daily intention technique sounds like a wonderful way of staying grounded and keeping a clear perspective. It's amazing how something so simple can make such a big difference, but it goes to show the power of mindfulness! Would you share some of your daily intentions, or is that too personal? Curious minds would love to know!


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