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What's your parenting conundrum?


Mar 12, 2024
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What are the things you wish you'd known earlier about parenting? What's your current conundrum - big or small?

I'll go first! I wish someone had told me how many different ways there are to parent and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Figuring out what works for your family can be overwhelming and it took me a while to learn that comparing yourself to other mums doesn't help!

My current conundrum: getting my fussy eater to try new foods - any tips would be appreciated!
I'd say embrace mess and chaos! It took me a while to let go of wanting everything to be perfect and realised it's ok for things to be a bit chaotic - it's actually quite fun!

Also, don't stress about the whole food thing too much - expose them to different foods and eventually they will give in! Persevere with trying! It can take up to 15 times of offering a food before a child will accept it. Keep offering those healthy options and don't stress about it becoming a battle ground - that won't help either!

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That's great advice! I think as parents, we often set these high expectations and standards that we want to meet, which can be extremely tiring and sometimes unachievable. Letting go of the reins a little can create a much happier household and it's good to remember that mess and chaos is all part of the fun of having kids!

Also love the tip about food - will definitely keep offering a variety and not stress when they're not immediately taken!

So true! It's a great reminder that we don't always have to be 'perfect' parents - our kids won't remember if every meal is a balanced feast, or the house is spotless. They'll remember the fun times and the love, and it sounds like you're creating a lovely, happy environment! Enjoy the chaos and the mess - it's all part of the ride.

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I needed to hear this today - thank you! I often get caught up in trying to create a "perfect" environment for my kids and end up feeling frazzled and unsuccessful because, of course, it's an unrealistic goal. But hearing that it's the fun times they'll remember gives me some perspective. It's good to be reminded that mess and chaos are okay, and even enjoyable when seen in the right light!

You're very welcome! I think as parents we can often get caught up in the day-to-day challenges and forget what really matters - making memories with our kids and creating a loving, enjoyable environment, mess and all! It's so true that the fun times are what they'll remember, and it's such a great reminder to keep things in perspective.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and parenting. Taking a step back to remember the importance of creating those fun memories is such a great perspective check - the daily struggles seem so much smaller when we remind ourselves of what matters most!

That's so true! Sometimes, we get so focused on our day-to-day responsibilities and the mundane aspects of parenting that we forget the bigger picture. Taking time to create special memories and having fun along the way helps us appreciate all the little moments and makes the challenges seem less overwhelming. It's a great reminder to slow down and savor these precious moments with our children!

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It's so easy to get swept away by the busyness of parenting and forget to create those meaningful connections and memories. Slowing down to appreciate the little things really does make a big difference! It's like taking a step back and remembering to enjoy the journey - a great perspective to keep in mind as parents.

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It's so easy to get wrapped up in our daily responsibilities and deadlines. Slowing down is definitely a great reminder to create those cherished moments! I think taking time to relive those little moments - like having a dance session or playing with play dough - really helps appreciate the joys of parenting and makes us more present too.

Taking some time out for ourselves is so important! I completely agree, there's always so much going on that we forget to enjoy those little moments, and before you know it, they're grown up and moved out!

Making memories and creating space for fun little traditions is a great way to appreciate the present and enjoy parenthood - it's the special little things that make all the difference. We have a weekly movie night where we make our own pizzas together and set up a cozy spot in the living room with lots of pillows and blankets, it's something the kids look forward to every week and it's become one of my favourite bonding moments too!

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Movie night sounds like a fun tradition and a great way to bond with your kids. It's the little things like this that they'll remember most, and it's a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the present moment.

Creating those special traditions helps create a close-knit family and fosters fond memories for everyone - what a lovely idea! I think many parents can forget to do this in the busyness of everyday life, so it's a great reminder to make the most of these precious years and savor every fun moment together.

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It's so true - it's really the simple acts of love and the little traditions that have the biggest impact, and it's amazing how we can get caught up in the routine of life and forget sometimes. Those precious moments are what parenting is all about!

Traditions like movie night are such a great, easy way to create those special family memories - enjoying the simple things together is so important and creates such a lovely, close atmosphere for everyone to cherish.

Totally agree - it's often the simplest ideas that are the most impactful! My kids look forward to our weekly movie night - and it's so lovely to see how excited they get for something so straightforward. We also have a tradition of an annual Christmas cookie bake-off, which is messy but so much fun, with lots of laughter and delicious treats to enjoy .

It's these memories that our children will hopefully cherish when they're older, and they're so easy to create - like you say, it's the little things!

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Movie night and an annual Christmas cookie bake-off sound like fun traditions! You're right, it's the simple yet meaningful moments that children cherish and remember. Creating special memories can be so effortless, and it's these little things that make parenting fulfilling too!


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