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What's the best new baby kit?


Feb 15, 2024
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Hello everyone, hoping to tap into your expertise! We're thinking of what to stock up on for our soon-to-arrive little one and wanted to hear some recommendations for must-have items for a new baby.

What are some of the best products or gear that you've found useful as a new parent? Any essentials that really helped you through those early weeks/months?

Looking for practical, experienced advice - any suggestions would be awesome!
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Some must-haves for those early weeks:

1. Muslin cloths - great for mopping up milk/sick/other mysterious fluids, and good to swaddle with. Get a few packs because you'll use them ALL the time.

2. Calming lotion or spray - something to help relax baby, lavender or chamomile-based products are lovely for bedtime.

3. White noise machine or app - blocks out odd noises that might disturb baby's sleep .

4. A good stroller/pushchair - something easy to maneuver and compact. Bonus points if it has a carrycot option for those first few months.

5. Nappy changing essentials: nappies, wipes, cream, and some kind of mat or basket to keep everything together. We also found a pack of disposable change mats handy for when you're out and about.

6. Baby monitor - obviously for peace of mind, but also helps you figure out how far away you can go while baby sleeps!

7. A wearable baby carrier - great for hands-free parenting, especially if you want to keep baby close but still have two arms free.

Bonus: a box of wine and some chocolate for mama - because why not? Those first few weeks are tough, and anything that makes the sleepless nights easier is a win!
Great list!

I'd second the stroller recommendation - it's so handy to have a good quality, easy to use one, and the carrycot addition is a must for newborn comfort. We also found a small, portable changing bag really useful for when we were out and about - sometimes you need to change baby and having a dedicated space/mat is so much easier than trying to find a suitable spot!

And yes, definitely treats for the parents too - those first few weeks can be a blur of feeds and changes, so anything to keep morale high is a good idea!
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Great list!

I'd second the stroller recommendation - it's so handy to have a good quality, easy to use one, and the carrycot addition is a must for newborn comfort. We also found a small, portable changing bag really useful for when we were out and about - sometimes you need to change baby and having a dedicated space/mat is so much easier than trying to find a suitable spot!

And yes, definitely treats for the parents too - those first few weeks can be a blur of feeds and changes, so anything to keep morale high is a good idea!
A portable changing bag's a great idea! Something compact yet functional. And yup, some days are a blur so might as well make them more enjoyable with snacks/treats on hand too!
Great list!

I'd second the stroller recommendation - it's so handy to have a good quality, easy to use one, and the carrycot addition is a must for newborn comfort. We also found a small, portable changing bag really useful for when we were out and about - sometimes you need to change baby and having a dedicated space/mat is so much easier than trying to find a suitable spot!

And yes, definitely treats for the parents too - those first few weeks can be a blur of feeds and changes, so anything to keep morale high is a good idea!
Changing bags that open up like a mattress are convenient - saves you from searching high and dry for a clean changing space. Plus it's refreshing to have treats stashed away for weary parents; those first few weeks can be daunting!
That's a great tip about the changing bags - especially the bit about keeping some treats handy for the parents! It's such a good idea to have everything you need to hand and not have to faff around when you're out and about, because you never know when baby might need something. And those first few weeks are daunting, so anything that makes life easier is a must in my book!
Absolutely! You want to be able to focus all your attention on the little one and not have the added stress of rummaging through your bag trying to find what you need. Having everything organised and easy to reach is a huge help, especially when you're doing it sleep-deprived. Those treats are also a great idea for tired parents - sometimes you just need a little pick-me-up!
Having a well-organized baby kit can really make a difference, especially when you're exhausted and sleep-deprived. It's an absolute must to have everything easily accessible! And those treats are a fun addition - a little sugar rush can be a life saver sometimes. ;-) What other essentials do people think should be in the perfect baby kit?
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Some additional items I found super helpful:

- Change of clothes for mum and some comfortable, easy-access pyjamas or outfits for those first chaotic nights.

- Small pack of wet wipes - great for spills, sticky hands, and as an alternative to washing your hands when out and about! Also good to have some in the car.

- Muslin squares - great for mopping up milk/snot/drool! And nice to lay baby down on if you're somewhere that's not super clean.

- A couple of small toys or comforters - great to keep baby entertained, especially if they have a favorite item to help them self soothe.

- Hand sanitizer and some form of hand cream - all that washing takes its toll!

And agree on the snacks - anything you can eat with one hand is a winner, and keeps your energy up when it's hard to find time to eat!
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Those are some great additions!

The first few days are always so hectic, so having easy access outfits is a fab idea - and definitely something comfortable and loose-fitting for mum!

I found muslins an absolute God send, especially when out and about, and small wet wipes packs are a must have in my opinion. I always kept one in my purse and one in the car too.

Snacks are a must - one handed food is a maternity wardrobe essential! Anything to keep your energy levels up while keeping baby fed, clean and content takes priority!
Absolutely! I'd also recommend stocking up on small packs of nappies and different sized vests - babies can have growth spurts and you don't want to be caught short! And speaking from experience, muslin cloths are the most versatile item - great for mopping up milk/sick/poo explosions, shielding your shoulder when burping baby and keeping them snuggly warm.

What other suggestions does anyone have for first time parents? Would love to hear other recommendations too!
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One thing that really helped me was having a little 'parenting essentials' kit that I could grab in a hurry if we were going out - so a small bag with a few nappies, spare change of clothes, pack of wipes, muslins and some hand sanitiser/wipes etc. That way, when you're running out the door you don't have to faff around gathering everything together!

Also second the vote for vests - we went through so many as our little one had a thing for sick!! And speaking of which, lots and lots of muslins at the ready! You really can't have too many!!!
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That's such a good idea to have a parenting essentials bag packed! Can save so much time when you're running out the door, and you're not scrambling to gather everything last minute.

Will definitely be putting together something similar - don't want to be stuck without any essentials when we're out and about! And lessons learned early on mean that I won't leave home without a few extra vests and muslins!
That's such a good idea to have a parenting essentials bag packed! Can save so much time when you're running out the door, and you're not scrambling to gather everything last minute.

Will definitely be putting together something similar - don't want to be stuck without any essentials when we're out and about! And lessons learned early on mean that I won't leave home without a few extra vests and muslins!
It's a good idea to be prepared and have a bag of parenting essentials, especially when you have a young baby who needs lots of attention and care. It certainly saves the hassle of packing last minute and reduces the chances of forgetting something important.

Having extras of the essentials like vests and muslins is a wise move - you never know when you might need them! It's a good thing to stock up on these items, especially if you're often on the go.

Do you have any other essentials you'd recommend throwing into a parenting bag? Some snacks for mom and dad might be a good addition, too, for those hungry moments out and about!
A full change of clothes , a portable changing mat, some diapers and wet wipes, an insulated cup/bottle holder and a couple of toys or comforters, especially if baby is teething.

For snacks, it's a good idea to have things that you can eat one handed - energy bars, cereal boxes with easy pour spouts, individual packets of trail mix etc. You never know when your little one might need comforting mid-meal! Maybe some drinks too - juice boxes or milk in an insulated flask?

If you're thinking ahead to toddlerdom, a small pot of sticker rewards could come in handy for the tantrum prone!


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That's a really comprehensive list!

I'd also recommend some baby powder, diaper cream and hand sanitizer for momma - especially if you're out and about with no access to soap and water.

I made the mistake of not packing any sanitary wipes when I first started taking my little one out and had to make a mad dash to the car when he had an explosive poo! Better to be over prepared!

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