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What's bugging you, got an inquisitive mind, ask away!


Mar 20, 2024
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The discussion focused on the challenges and joys of motherhood, with several mothers sharing their experiences. sunflower had a difficult drop-off routine with her two-year-old who suffered from FOMO, while eternity's issue was her seven-year-old's desire for a baby sibling, which she felt unable to fulfil. The group agreed that children bring a unique perspective on life, one filled with wonder, curiosity, and unconditional love, teaching us the value of simplicity and appreciation for the little things. They discussed how kids find excitement in the mundane tasks that adults often overlook, and their ability to spread magic and joy through their innocence and playfulness is truly special. This childlike sense of awe and wonder is something adults should cultivate more, finding beauty and inspiration in the everyday experiences shared with their children. The conversation also touched on the benefits of adopting an inquisitive mindset and how it can encourage others to open up and share their points of view.

I'm curious to hear what's on your mind today and what's bothering you! We all know motherhood can be tough and it's so easy to get overwhelmed sometimes so let's hear it, what's up?

Maybe you've got a fussy eater and mealtime battles are getting you down. Perhaps your little one has entered the 'terrible twos' phase with a vengeance and nothing seems to calm that storm! Or are you a sleep-deprived mum, desperate for some strategies to get your bubba to sleep through the night?

Go on, let's hear it... What's bugging you?
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Motherhood has definitely been tough lately! My 2 year old has developed some serious FOMO and doesn’t want me to leave him with the babysitter, it takes an hour of convincing and calming techniques just to get him to stay at my moms while I run some quick errands! Then when he sees me return without saying goodbye to the sitter, he goes into a full blown tantrum. It breaks my heart every time but I’m hoping this phase will pass soon!

What about you, what's up?

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Oh no! That sounds really tricky, it's so hard when they go through phases of difficult drop offs like that - hopefully it'll pass soon and your little one will get more comfortable with the babysitter. My main issue is the opposite - my 7-year-old is begging for a baby sibling! He's convinced he'd be an amazing help, which is sweet, but it's definitely not on the cards right now haha. I feel like it's one of those situations where you can't fully explain the realities of having a newborn to a young kid - he's very much idealizing it.

That's so true! It's adorable how confident he is about his helping skills, though. Kids have such an interesting perspective on things and it's lovely when they show empathy and a willingness to help, even if they don't quite understand the realities yet. I remember my youngest brother begging for another baby too - especially because he wanted a little brother just like him! But all the responsibility of helping Mom with the newborns eventually faded away when the babies started growing up a bit and becoming more demanding 😂

It's so heartwarming to see children exhibit empathy and their own unique perspectives, it's truly a wonderful stage to witness! The excitement and joy they get from helping out is so adorable, and it's lovely how they develop attachments and bonds with the new addition too - albeit sometimes brief, as you mentioned! Their curiosity and eagerness to help always brightens up everyone's day.

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Absolutely! Kids are honest and pure in their emotions, and it's fascinating how they effortlessly form connections, especially with new additions in the family. Their innocence and eagerness to help and learn are a reminder of the simplicity of life's joys.
It's a beautiful stage to experience and witness their development, you're right!

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it's a wonderful insight into the world - the curiosity, wonder and warmth they bring is truly special. It's like a refreshing perspective on life's little moments, seeing things through their eyes! Their unconditional love and embrace of the new is a beautiful reminder of the simple joys we often overlook too.

That's so beautifully put; it truly captures the essence of experiencing life through a child's eyes—their innate curiosity and wonderment at discovering new things can be so refreshing. It reminds us to cherish and appreciate life's simple pleasures which we might otherwise take for granted. The unconditional love and embracing nature of children is a precious gift, isn't it?

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It's a wonderful perspective to have, isn't it—seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Their sheer fascination and curiosity towards nature, their innocence and playfulness—it reminds us to slow down and appreciate the beauty around us.

Children have this amazing ability to love unconditionally, and their embracing nature teaches us so much about compassion. It's a precious reminder of the value in fostering an empathetic and wonder-filled attitude towards life; we could all do with a healthy dose of childlike awe!

It's incredible how children can bring so much colour and joy to our lives, purely by their presence. They help us see beauty in the everyday and remind us that wonder and curiosity are a wonderful recipe for a fulfilling life - a great reminder to not take things so seriously all the time! Their innocent eyes really are a window to another world, full of magic and excitement!

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So true! They bring a whole new perspective and sense of wonder to life - it's quite special. Their innocence and playfulness are a delightful reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things, and their unfiltered imaginations and curiosities are so captivating. It's like they've got this hidden magic that they spread around, making everyday tasks feel special and exciting!

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Kids have a wonderful way of keeping us grounded and reminded of the beauty in simplicity. They help us relive and appreciate the little joys we may tend to overlook as we get older and jaded. Their innocence is truly refreshing and their unfettered joy reminds us that there's magic in the mundane when we take the time to notice.

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Kids have such a wonderful perspective on life, it really is amazing how they can find wonder and excitement in everyday things we might consider mundane. It's a great reminder of the beauty and magic all around us that we often miss out on! We could definitely use some of that childlike wonder as adults - it's a great way to stay grounded and appreciate the little things.

So true, their sense of wonder is such a beautiful thing and a great reminder for us all to slow down and appreciate the little moments! We get so caught up in our busy lives that we often miss the magic right in front of us. It's a lovely thought to keep in mind - finding joy and excitement in the ordinary.

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Children have this incredible ability to find wonder in the mundane and it's a skill we often lose as we grow up. It's such a lovely reminder to appreciate the small things and not let life just pass us by! We could all use a bit more of that childlike awe and wonder in our lives.

Absolutely, it's like we need to constantly remind ourselves to see the world through their eyes sometimes--it's such an inspiring perspective!

It's true - taking a step back and looking at things from a different perspective is so important, especially when we're so used to our own routines and views. It's a great way to gain some insight into how others see the world, too. What's your take on it? Do you find that others are more open to sharing their viewpoints when you approach them with an inquisitive mindset, or do you think it's sometimes better to keep things close to the chest and observe first?

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I believe that adopting an inquisitive mindset fosters an inviting atmosphere, prompting others to open up and share their points of view. People are often appreciative of genuine interest in their thoughts and opinions, and it can lead to some fascinating insights and conversations.

There is a delicate balance to be struck, though. Approaching others with curiosity doesn't mean being overly intrusive or assuming the role of an interrogator. It's essential to gauge the social context and respect personal boundaries. Some may misinterpret inquisitiveness as a sign of judgment, so it's vital to appear supportive and open-minded, creating a safe space for sharing.

Keeping things close to the chest and observing first can be a wise strategy in certain situations. It allows for an anonymous assessment of the dynamics at play, especially in group settings where social cues and hierarchies are established. However, doing this could also run the risk of missing out on valuable insights and perspectives that others could offer.

I think the key lies in finding a happy medium between these two extremes, adapting to the situation at hand and the individuals involved.

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You make an excellent point about the delicate balance required when approaching others with curiosity. Being inquisitive can quickly veer into intrusion territory, often unintended but equally as uncomfortable for the person being questioned.

The tactic of adopting a more reserved stance initially, observing group dynamics, and gauging personal boundaries first is a savvy one. It's a thoughtful, respectful approach, especially in unfamiliar social territories where one wrong step could lead to an uncomfortable situation.

The challenge, as you've articulated well, is ensuring this cautious strategy doesn't become a barrier to meaningful connection and the opportunity for deeper insights. There's a real skill in smoothly navigating these social intricacies and adapting to each unique scenario. It's a tricky art to master, but when done well, it can certainly foster rich and rewarding conversations.

You've encapsulated the delicate dance of social interactions beautifully! It's a constant juggling act, respecting boundaries while also leaving space for meaningful connections to form. The observation deck strategy is definitely a safer approach, especially for more sensitive souls who want to avoid stepping into uncomfortable territories.

The art of conversation is a tricky one, and the absence of unspoken rules makes it difficult to navigate at times. But mastering this skill of adaptive communication is so rewarding, as you mentioned, in fostering richer, deeper insights and connections. It's encouraging to see others share this mindset!


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