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Welcome to Birth Stories, where we're sharing experiences of pregnancy, labour & that precious first glimpse of your new baby.


Feb 23, 2024
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Welcome to our Birth Stories thread!

Whether you're currently pregnant, have a newborn, or just love a good birth story - you're in the right place.

Birth can be such a profound and life-changing experience, and every single story is unique.

Here we can share our journeys; the ups, the downs, the unexpected twists, turns, and outcomes. It's an opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength of our bodies and appreciate that each labour and delivery is truly individual.

I'll go first! Labour with my little one started with subtle contractions in the evening. They slowly intensified through the night but were still quite bearable. By the next morning, they were regular and more intense, so we headed to the hospital.

After a quick examination, we learned I was already 8cm dilated! It all happened so fast - I barely had time to process it. Then, an intense but brief period of pushing, and suddenly there was this tiny being cradled in my arms. The feeling was surreal. Seeing that precious face, those tiny features, and finally getting that first glimpse - it's a moment I'll forever cherish.

It's an incredible journey, and I can't wait to hear all your stories too! Share your experiences here - the more detail, the better!
Welcome to our Birth Stories thread!

Whether you're currently pregnant, have a newborn, or just love a good birth story - you're in the right place.

Birth can be such a profound and life-changing experience, and every single story is unique.

Here we can share our journeys; the ups, the downs, the unexpected twists, turns, and outcomes. It's an opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength of our bodies and appreciate that each labour and delivery is truly individual.

I'll go first! Labour with my little one started with subtle contractions in the evening. They slowly intensified through the night but were still quite bearable. By the next morning, they were regular and more intense, so we headed to the hospital.

After a quick examination, we learned I was already 8cm dilated! It all happened so fast - I barely had time to process it. Then, an intense but brief period of pushing, and suddenly there was this tiny being cradled in my arms. The feeling was surreal. Seeing that precious face, those tiny features, and finally getting that first glimpse - it's a moment I'll forever cherish.

It's an incredible journey, and I can't wait to hear all your stories too! Share your experiences here - the more detail, the better!
Hi everyone! I'm sunnybunny, a mummy to a 2-year old toddler!

My birth story is quite uneventful and straightforward, which I am so thankful for. Being a first-time mum, I had no idea what to expect when it came to labour and delivery. But here's my tale anyway.

I had a fairly easy pregnancy with minimal complications, and my due date was set at 4th March. On the night of 2nd March, I started feeling some mild cramps that were somewhat regular but not too painful. Thinking they were just Braxton Hicks contractions, I ignored them and went to bed. But the cramps persisted and grew stronger as the night went on. I timing them secretly hoping it wasn't a false alarm, and when the timer showed they were coming every 4-5 minutes, I excitedly woke my husband up at around 5 a.m., we quickly packed our bags and headed to the hospital.

After getting admitted, the nurse checked me, and to my surprise, I was already 6cm dilated! Things progressed fairly quickly from there. With each contraction, I breathed my way through, focusing on remaining calm and relaxed as it came and went. It felt like an intense but manageable sensation. My little one arrived about midday, after a short 8 hours of labour.

When they placed him on my chest, he was so tiny and perfect. I remember the nurse helping to rub his back gently, and he craved up and let out a loud cry. That moment seeing him cry for the first time, knowing he was okay, was utterly surreal. He's such a lively little boy, always keeping us on our toes!

I'm keen to hear other mummies' stories too - the more detail, the better, so we can cherish these precious memories together!
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Welcome to our Birth Stories thread!

Whether you're currently pregnant, have a newborn, or just love a good birth story - you're in the right place.

Birth can be such a profound and life-changing experience, and every single story is unique.

Here we can share our journeys; the ups, the downs, the unexpected twists, turns, and outcomes. It's an opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength of our bodies and appreciate that each labour and delivery is truly individual.

I'll go first! Labour with my little one started with subtle contractions in the evening. They slowly intensified through the night but were still quite bearable. By the next morning, they were regular and more intense, so we headed to the hospital.

After a quick examination, we learned I was already 8cm dilated! It all happened so fast - I barely had time to process it. Then, an intense but brief period of pushing, and suddenly there was this tiny being cradled in my arms. The feeling was surreal. Seeing that precious face, those tiny features, and finally getting that first glimpse - it's a moment I'll forever cherish.

It's an incredible journey, and I can't wait to hear all your stories too! Share your experiences here - the more detail, the better!
Hey there! I'm joyful to join this thread and share my birth story because as you ladies know, every pregnancy and birth is different and hearing other people's experiences is so fascinating!

With my little one, it was a long awaited and highly anticipated pregnancy after trying for some time. So when the first contraction hit, I thought it was just period cramps. It was quite comforting at first, like a warm hug, but then they began coming earlier than expected. Since it was my first, I had no idea what to expect, but thankfully they were still bearable.

Contractions intensified throughout the day, and I remember trying to sleep in between them, which was difficult but managing since the pain was somehow manageable. Things picked up speed when suddenly my waters broke dramatically at 3am while I was in the bathroom! It felt like I'd peed myself but way more water than should've come out.. It startled me awake, and also scared my poor husband who'd been dozing on the couch nearby. We quickly called the hospital, and they advised us to come in ASAP.

The car ride was something else - contractions on the 20-minute drive were intense, and I remember breathing deeply trying to focus on staying calm, while also trying not to soaking the car seat!

When we arrived, I was examined and found to be 4cm dilated. They admitted me since my waters had already broken, and things progressed fairly quickly from there. Pushing came in a blur of sensations - intense pressure, a stinging sensation down there, but also this incredible surge of energy that carried me through.

And then, she was here. My tiny little one cried immediately, a strong and lusty cry, and I felt this overwhelming rush of love and relief. They placed her on my chest, and the feeling was indescribable - I mean, she was so tiny, and perfect, and all mine. It was magical, that first moment, gazing at her little face - eyeing features that seemed so familiar yet brand new.

Looking back, the intensity of it all was overwhelming, but I cherished every moment, even the tough parts because it's such a powerful and special experience. Nothing prepares you for that first glimpse, that first encounter with your babe, it's truly special!

Can't wait to hear other mamas' accounts! The joy of bringing life into this world is an amazing feeling :)
Welcome to our Birth Stories thread!

Whether you're currently pregnant, have a newborn, or just love a good birth story - you're in the right place.

Birth can be such a profound and life-changing experience, and every single story is unique.

Here we can share our journeys; the ups, the downs, the unexpected twists, turns, and outcomes. It's an opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength of our bodies and appreciate that each labour and delivery is truly individual.

I'll go first! Labour with my little one started with subtle contractions in the evening. They slowly intensified through the night but were still quite bearable. By the next morning, they were regular and more intense, so we headed to the hospital.

After a quick examination, we learned I was already 8cm dilated! It all happened so fast - I barely had time to process it. Then, an intense but brief period of pushing, and suddenly there was this tiny being cradled in my arms. The feeling was surreal. Seeing that precious face, those tiny features, and finally getting that first glimpse - it's a moment I'll forever cherish.

It's an incredible journey, and I can't wait to hear all your stories too! Share your experiences here - the more detail, the better!
I had a horrific 36 hour labour with my son who is now an irritable 18 year old. Almost made me swear off *** for life... but here I am, alive and kicking.
Hey there! I'm joyful to join this thread and share my birth story because as you ladies know, every pregnancy and birth is different and hearing other people's experiences is so fascinating!

With my little one, it was a long awaited and highly anticipated pregnancy after trying for some time. So when the first contraction hit, I thought it was just period cramps. It was quite comforting at first, like a warm hug, but then they began coming earlier than expected. Since it was my first, I had no idea what to expect, but thankfully they were still bearable.

Contractions intensified throughout the day, and I remember trying to sleep in between them, which was difficult but managing since the pain was somehow manageable. Things picked up speed when suddenly my waters broke dramatically at 3am while I was in the bathroom! It felt like I'd peed myself but way more water than should've come out.. It startled me awake, and also scared my poor husband who'd been dozing on the couch nearby. We quickly called the hospital, and they advised us to come in ASAP.

The car ride was something else - contractions on the 20-minute drive were intense, and I remember breathing deeply trying to focus on staying calm, while also trying not to soaking the car seat!

When we arrived, I was examined and found to be 4cm dilated. They admitted me since my waters had already broken, and things progressed fairly quickly from there. Pushing came in a blur of sensations - intense pressure, a stinging sensation down there, but also this incredible surge of energy that carried me through.

And then, she was here. My tiny little one cried immediately, a strong and lusty cry, and I felt this overwhelming rush of love and relief. They placed her on my chest, and the feeling was indescribable - I mean, she was so tiny, and perfect, and all mine. It was magical, that first moment, gazing at her little face - eyeing features that seemed so familiar yet brand new.

Looking back, the intensity of it all was overwhelming, but I cherished every moment, even the tough parts because it's such a powerful and special experience. Nothing prepares you for that first glimpse, that first encounter with your babe, it's truly special!

Can't wait to hear other mamas' accounts! The joy of bringing life into this world is an amazing feeling :)
It's fascinating how differently each pregnancy and birth can turn out even for the same person!

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