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Voicing Venturing


Feb 27, 2024
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This is my safe space, so let me say...

There's so much I want to convey but often find myself at a loss for words, especially when emotions run high. It's like there's a lump in my throat, and speaking up seems daunting, almost impossible at times. But holding everything inside isn't healthy either; it's like my feelings are trapped, needing an outlet.

I want to speak, share my thoughts and opinions, but deciding what to vocalize is overwhelming—there's so much unspoken. And sometimes, when I finally manage to voice my mind, I'm met with reactions that make me regret opening up at all. It's like a terrible cycle.

Does anyone else feel this way? How do you navigate those moments when your feelings are so strong, yet finding the right expression seems impossible? Does anyone else struggle with the aftermath of speaking their truth, only to be met with unnecessary criticism or worse, indifference?
I think many people can relate to this feeling of being unable to express oneself effectively, especially when emotions are involved. It's challenging because, like you said, keeping it all inside isn't healthy either. But I also understand the difficulty in finding the right platform or space where you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, especially when the fear of judgment is so real.

I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced less-than-ideal reactions after opening up. It's disheartening and can make one feel like it's not worth the risk to speak up. You're not alone in this struggle - it's like a catch-22 situation, and many of us have been there at some point.

I find that taking time to process my thoughts and feelings first helps me articulate them better. Writing them down or even talking to a trusted friend can help organize the jumble of emotions. And sometimes, it's okay to pick and choose which battles to fight – not everything needs an immediate response or resolution.

You'll find your groove and a safe space that works best for you. Hang in there!
I feel ya, mate! That's a really tough spot to be in.

It happens to me too, especially when I'm super worked up about something. It's like my brain goes blank and I can't seem to get the right words out. Or worse, I blurt out the wrong things and regret it later. Been there, done that! Haha!

I find that taking a moment to calm myself and collect my thoughts helps. Deep breaths, count to 10, that sort of thing. Otherwise, I might just jot down what I want to say on my phone or a piece of paper first. That way, I can organize my thoughts and figure out how to say things in a way that won't come across as mean or harsh.

Also, ya know, some people are just gonna criticism no matter what. Can't really please everyone and there's always gonna be someone who has something negative to say. So these days, I mostly just focus on saying my piece to the few folks who truly matter. Save the venting for them and keep the peace with the rest.
I can definitely relate sometimes it's like there's something blocking me from saying what I truly feel. Like the words are there, right at the tip of my tongue, but they just won't come out. And it's frustrating 'cause I know that holding it all in isn't good for me, but I'm also scared of how people might react to what I gotta say.

But I find that taking my time helps--I let myself gather my thoughts and then slowly share them bit by bit. It's easier for me this way, and I don't feel so overwhelmed. Also, knowing that I have a choice in how I express myself gives me some control over the situation and calms me down. Like, I can choose to share selectively or just keep some feelings and thoughts to myself if they might cause harm. I just try my best to balance it all out.
I think lots of people get this way sometimes, like there's something blocking us from saying what we truly feel. It's tough when you pour your heart out and the response isn't so great - scary even, 'cause it discourages us from sharing our thoughts.

But I find that being honest about how you're feeling in a calm manner, without blasting anyone or getting too emotional, is a decent way to go. Not everyone will react nicely, but at least you shared your truth - that's what matters most! Some folks might not know how to react and need time to process what they think. It happens. So, give them some space and time, and maybe try again later.

Anyway, sharing our feelings is never easy, so we gotta be proud of ourselves for trying!


Same! I also get tongue-tied sometimes, especially when I very angry or upset. And then I think carefully about what I wanna say, I end up not saying anything cos’ by that time, the moment gone liao. Or I say something else instead, which doesn’t really...feel right. It’s like my brain and mouth aren’t connected at such times. But yeah, it’s a real struggle man, this whole communication thing.
I feel ya! It's tough when you gotta get stuff off your chest but they just stick in your throat. Like there's a mighty traffic jam in your head and the exit lanes are blocked. And then, you fear the backlash of speaking up too.

It happens to me sometimes, so what I do is give myself some time to calm down and think about the main point I wanna make. Give yourself a little space, let the dust settle, and then slowly craft your thoughts - it gets easier that way.

Also, I find that it helps when you keep an open mind and brace yourself for reactions, good or bad. Like, prepare yourself mentally for any outcome? That way, you're not too discouraged if things don't go as you hope.

Anyway, just my two cents! Hope it helps!

I feel ya! It's tough when you gotta get stuff off your chest but they just stick in your throat. Like there's a mighty traffic jam in your head and the exit lanes are blocked. And then, you fear the backlash of speaking up too.

It happens to me sometimes, so what I do is give myself some time to calm down and think about the main point I wanna make. Give yourself a little space, let the dust settle, and then slowly craft your thoughts - it gets easier that way.

Also, I find that it helps when you keep an open mind and brace yourself for reactions, good or bad. Like, prepare yourself mentally for any outcome? That way, you're not too discouraged if things don't go as you hope.

Anyway, just my two cents! Hope it helps!
I usually just take some time to relax and clear my mind when I feel like that. You know, just chillax and think about what's really bugging me. It's easier then to sort out what I wanna say. And yeah, being prepared for any reaction helps, so I don't get too disappointed if things don't go well.

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Same here! I also very scared one lah. But cannot keep everything inside only hor, later explode like volcano. Better to find a way to let steam out slowly, otherwise also very sian and miserable.

Sometimes I write down what I want to say first, then show some trusted friends. They help me make sure I'm not being too harsh or missing any important points. If still cannot say, maybe just take a deep breath and say a little at a time. Don't need to blast everything all at once right! Baby steps also can. Good luck ya!

Same here! I also very scared one lah. But cannot keep everything inside only hor, later explode like volcano. Better to find a way to let steam out slowly, otherwise also very sian and miserable.

Sometimes I write down what I want to say first, then show some trusted friends. They help me make sure I'm not being too harsh or missing any important points. If still cannot say, maybe just take a deep breath and say a little at a time. Don't need to blast everything all at once right! Baby steps also can. Good luck ya!
Same here! Better to let out a little at a time than keeping everything inside. That's a good idea to jot down what we want to say first. Sometimes we get so caught up in our feelings that we might say everything all at once and later regret it. Take baby steps, and slowly but surely we can vent without bursting like a volcano!

Same here! Better to let out a little at a time than keeping everything inside. That's a good idea to jot down what we want to say first. Sometimes we get so caught up in our feelings that we might say everything all at once and later regret it. Take baby steps, and slowly but surely we can vent without bursting like a volcano!
Yep, exactly! It's so easy to get swept away when we're upset. Penning our thoughts first and sorting them out helps a lot in organizing our feelings too. We can identify the main points and issues, and it becomes clearer how to approach them. Not easy though, to find the right balance between saying enough and not too much.

And you're right - slow and steady! Better than having a huge falling-out all at once.
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