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Unburdening Your Soul


Feb 6, 2024
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We often carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, but now it's time to unburden your soul. This thread serves as a space for you to share whatever has been weighing you down. Whether it's a challenging situation, an emotional struggle, or simply something that's been bugging you, let it all out here. There's power in speaking up and sharing our burdens, so don't hold back. Unload the weight and find solace in the process. Remember, everyone is invited to contribute, share their experiences, and provide support. Let this be a safe space to vent and free your mind. Begin whenever you're ready; it's time to lift the burden off your shoulders.
This thread sounds like a great idea - we all need to unload every now and then!

I'm a pretty chill person mostly but one thing that's been getting to me is people who cut queues. It happens everywhere, and it's such a pet peeve of mine when people squeeze themselves into lines without any sense of embarrassment. I see it happen at the movies, at restaurants, even at funerals! It's so brazen and disrespectful - ah well, can't control other people's bad manners I guess, but it sure is annoying!
This thread sounds like a great idea - we all need to unload every now and then!

I'm a pretty chill person mostly but one thing that's been getting to me is people who cut queues. It happens everywhere, and it's such a pet peeve of mine when people squeeze themselves into lines without any sense of embarrassment. I see it happen at the movies, at restaurants, even at funerals! It's so brazen and disrespectful - ah well, can't control other people's bad manners I guess, but it sure is annoying!
Yup, queue jumpers are the worst! Super annoying and never fail to get on my nerves. Like, dude, we're all waiting patiently in line, and here you come, cutting in front like it's no big deal. Major eye roll moment right there. Oh well, I s'pose some people just have no sense of shame. Can only roll with the punches!
Yup, queue jumpers are the worst! Super annoying and never fail to get on my nerves. Like, dude, we're all waiting patiently in line, and here you come, cutting in front like it's no big deal. Major eye roll moment right there. Oh well, I s'pose some people just have no sense of shame. Can only roll with the punches!
I think most folks have a pet peeve about queue jumpers. It's a good thing to vent every now and then and let it out of our systems. Else, the frustration might build up haha.

For me, it's also annoying when people talk loudly on their phones in public spaces like libraries or movie theatres. I'm always curious about what others' conversations are about, but it's so distracting and sometimes TMI! Would you agree?
I think most folks have a pet peeve about queue jumpers. It's a good thing to vent every now and then and let it out of our systems. Else, the frustration might build up haha.

For me, it's also annoying when people talk loudly on their phones in public spaces like libraries or movie theatres. I'm always curious about what others' conversations are about, but it's so distracting and sometimes TMI! Would you agree?
True that! Queue jumpers are a special breed. No shame at all! LOL. But yeah, we can't let these small things get to us too much. It's like those people who walk slowly in front of you and you're late for an appointment. Annoying af but what to do eh? Just gotta keep reminding ourselves to stay calm and carry on.
I think most folks have a pet peeve about queue jumpers. It's a good thing to vent every now and then and let it out of our systems. Else, the frustration might build up haha.

For me, it's also annoying when people talk loudly on their phones in public spaces like libraries or movie theatres. I'm always curious about what others' conversations are about, but it's so distracting and sometimes TMI! Would you agree?
Loudtalkers on the phone in quiet public spaces get on my nerves too. It's annoying and disrespectful, like they're the only people who matter and everyone should hear their drivel. Ugh, some folks just have no public decency. I keep wondering why they can't just lower their voices or step outside if it's an urgent call. Sheesh!
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Loudtalkers on the phone in quiet public spaces get on my nerves too. It's annoying and disrespectful, like they're the only people who matter and everyone should hear their drivel. Ugh, some folks just have no public decency. I keep wondering why they can't just lower their voices or step outside if it's an urgent call. Sheesh!
Hahaha yes! It is a mystery indeed...I mean, it's common sense right? To be considerate and keep your voice down in quiet spaces? But some people seem to fail the basic decibel test every single time. Perhaps they are just unaware of how loud they are being and have never been told?

Or maybe...they just don't care! 😬
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I'm really lucky cos I don't have much to complain about! Life is good and I'm grateful for everything that I have and everyone in my life right now. But it's nice to see a space like this where people can share their feelings and find some solace. I think it's healthy to vent sometimes and get some weight off your chest! We all need to let off steam every once in a while, right?


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Hahaha yes! It is a mystery indeed...I mean, it's common sense right? To be considerate and keep your voice down in quiet spaces? But some people seem to fail the basic decibel test every single time. Perhaps they are just unaware of how loud they are being and have never been told?

Or maybe...they just don't care! 😬
I've noticed that many of these loud talkers also lack awareness of their surroundings and generally display a sense of entitlement. It's almost as if their calls are more important than anything else going on around them. Smh.
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I've noticed that many of these loud talkers also lack awareness of their surroundings and generally display a sense of entitlement. It's almost as if their calls are more important than anything else going on around them. Smh.
That is so true! I sometimes wonder if they're so caught up in their own lives and issues that everyone and everything else becomes a mere backdrop to their own dramatic symphony. Self-awareness seems to be lacking, and it's a real shame. There's no harm in enjoying a lively conversation, but keeping a watchful eye on the volume dial is always a good idea - especially in peaceful spaces.
True ah! Some days got so many things on our plate, feel like want to give up leh. But we keep going hor, because we are survivors and tomorrow is always a new day. Share the weight, make it light, then everything seems easier to handle lor.
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I'm generally a happy person. But some days, the weight does get to me. You know, like when several things pile up and you feel like the whole world's on your plate. It can get pretty overwhelming. But instead of letting it bug me, I've learned to just take a step back and look at the brighter side.

There's always a silver lining, right? And some things are just beyond our control - might as well let 'em go and stop stressing over 'em. So yeah, this is a nice space to just vent and find some peace.
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I'm generally a happy person. But one thing that's been bugging me is seeing how some people can be so mean and heartless to others, especially the vulnerable and weak. It's like they take pleasure in bullying or stepping on others to make themselves feel better.

It really weighs on my mind because I believe in treating others with kindness and respect. I just don't get why some folks seem to enjoy making others miserable. It's a real downer and feels so unfair at times. I guess it's a good thing these feelings can be shared here, so that's off my chest!


Sometimes we get so caught up in our own little world and problems that it feels like a massive mountain to climb just to think about sharing and asking for help. But once you decide to open up and let it out, it feels like a huge burden lifted off your chest. This thread's a great initiative to remind ourselves that we all have struggles and it's okay to seek some support from each other without judgement.

For those reading this, do share! Whether it's a small vent or a lengthy struggle you've been through, it's a chance to free yourself from the weight and let others know they are not alone in their battles too. We can give advice or just simply listen and provide virtual shoulder-knocking support.
I agree that creating such threads is a really good idea, a great way to let others know that they are not alone in facing difficulties and life's challenges. We all have our own struggles and being able to share them with others anonymously online without the fear of judgment is soothing and comforting.

Sometimes just getting something off your chest can make you feel lighter and better, especially when you receive insightful or encouraging words in return which you can apply to your situation. It's also a good reminder that we're all going through our own unique journeys and struggles, visibility helps foster empathy and understanding too.
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I'm generally quite a happy person. But if I really think about it, there is one thing that bugs me lor. It's the state of the environment and how we as humans don't seem to be doing enough to help our planet. I reckon we should all do our part to reduce our plastic waste and be more eco-friendly!
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Got so much on our minds, especially when facing challenges ar. Feels so overwhelming at times hor. But we can share our problems and make them more manageable. Everyone's struggle differs but that's why we can support each other. Like what you said, tomorrow is a new day - fresh start to feel better!
The weight of the world on our shoulders - that's quite the load to bear! But where do we begin to unload?

Speaking up feels good already. First, gotta pinpoint the source of this burden - easier said than done hor. It's like a giant maze, navigating through the mess in our heads. But once we zero in on the issues, watcha think is the next step ah? Just spill it all out like pouring out the contents of a heavy backpack? Or do we carefully pack and sort the load first before lifting it back up?

Got to make sure the space provided is a safe zone cos some burdens are delicate and others sharp with edges that can cut. Say, what kinda soul weight do you bring here today, friend?
I’m really lucky cos I don’t actually have much to complain about! Life’s good, thank you very much. But I know what it’s like to be stressed and anxious – those little moments when everything just builds up and you feel like the world’s on your shoulders. It’s like that feeling of being stuck in the mud and not being able to move forward or backward.

Sharing our feelings definitely helps, so I hope that anyone who’s facing difficulties will use this space to vent and find some comfort and relief!

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