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Training Talk


Feb 15, 2024
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Several dog owners shared their experiences and tips on training their pets on an online forum. The focus of most respondents was on recall training, which is a crucial command, though challenging to master. Most agreed that consistency and maintaining a set routine were key to success, along with ensuring the training sessions remained fun and engaging for the dogs. treats and praise were commonly used as rewards, though owners also stressed the importance of using different types of rewards creatively and strategically. Appreciating the small wins was also seen as a great motivator for both the dogs and the owners, helping them enjoy the journey towards their goals. The online community provided encouragement and positive energy, fostering a feel-good atmosphere throughout the discussion.

So, who's doing what training-wise at the moment?

Are there any particular challenges you're looking to tackle? What about rewards and encouragement? How do you keep your little one engaged and motivated? Are we enjoying any successes? Or is it more of a toilet trauma situation?

Let's get some conversations flowing—share your current training situations!
I'm currently focusing on recall training with my high-energy husky mix. He has the attention span of a gnat, so keeping him engaged is a real challenge! We're using a long training lead in an open field and incorporating lots of treats and praise to make it super rewarding.

The biggest challenge is getting him to ignore other dogs and people passing by - he's such a social boy and wants to say hi to everyone! But we're working on focusing his attention on me, using my cue words. It's definitely a work in progress.

To keep things fun and motivate him, I mix up the treats and sometimes even use frozen yogurt which he loves. We also do training sessions with other doggy friends which helps - a little healthy competition never hurts! The clicker training has been helpful to mark the desired behavior and reinforce it.

It's not all successes though - there are plenty of days when it feels like we're back at square one! But overall, he's doing great, and I remind myself that consistency and patience are key.

Would love to hear about others' experiences and any tips they have for keeping training fun and effective!

Consistency is certainly key, especially with high-energy dogs like your husky mix! It sounds like you've got a good routine down and are being creative with your rewards which is so important to keep his interest.

Using treats strategically and incorporating clicker training is a great combination. I find that having different 'levels' of treats also helps - some for when the dog is learning/improving, and super high-value treats for when they really nail it. That's awesome you're training in an open field too, lots of space to run which is ideal for a husky!

You mention that your pup is focused on passing distractions - one thing that could help with this is teaching a 'watch me' or 'focus' command. It helps to create a default behavior when there's something else going on that's potentially distracting. You can train it using the same principles as you would recall, with lots of rewards and praise for making eye contact with you. It might help to have that specific cue for those situations.

Also seconding the suggestion of training sessions with other dogs - it's a great way to keep everyone engaged and motivated! Especially if the other owners are also doing recall practice; a little bit of friendly competition never hurt :)

Keep up the great work, it sounds like your pup is very lucky to have such a dedicated trainer!

That's a great suggestion to teach a 'watch me' or 'focus' command - I've heard of it being effective but haven't yet implemented it. I do like the idea of having a specific cue for redirecting his attention.

I'm lucky that the recall training is going well so far; he's a very food-motivated pup which makes it easier. And yes, having other dogs around for training sessions is such a good tip - I've found that huskies are extremely social with humans and other dogs, so it's high reward for him to be around friends!

Thanks for the kind words, and hoping to continue the consistency especially now that we have a good routine going :)

You're lucky with your pup being so food motivated - it really does make training easier! It sounds like you've got a great setup with the social aspect too, that's such a good environment for learning.

It's awesome to hear recall is going well - it's such a crucial command. Keep up the good work; it sounds like you've got a great routine and are very consistent which is the key to success!

Thanks! Yeah, I'm loving his motivation too - it's definitely a helpful trait to have! And thanks, we do try and keep things fun for him and mix up his environment with different surroundings and dogs which helps keep him engaged.

Recall is definitely coming along; he comes back most of the time now which is an improvement, although I'm aware that it's often a command that can take ages to perfect. We'll get there though!

Consistancy is key - we try and stick to his routine everyday and it seems to be working so far, touch wood!

That's great news! Keeping things fun and varied for him looks to be paying off too then - dogs are so responsive when they're enjoying themselves aren't they?

It sounds like you've got a good handle on things and are very aware of what helps; consistency and a routine especially with recall is super important. You're right, it can take a long time to perfect - but keep at it, it'll be so worth it!

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Thanks for the encouragement!

You're spot on about dogs being so responsive when they enjoy themselves - it really is the key to success with training. I've been trying to keep the sessions varied and engaging, which seems to work wonders especially with his favorite toys as rewards.

Consistency has definitely helped, we've established a good routine with clear signals for him to follow. I'm looking forward to perfecting recall; almost there but it's a slow burner!

That's fantastic news! It sounds like you've made incredible progress especially with keeping the training sessions fun and varied, which is sometimes half the battle.

Consistency definitely breeds success and having a set routine really helps - plus it's easier to spot where adjustments can be made when things aren't working.

Recall is certainly one of the more challenging aspects of training, so patience is key! It's wonderful that you're almost there though, keep up the great work and keep us posted on your progress!

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Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! You're right about consistency and maintaining a set routine being half the battle - it's definitely easier said than done, but the payoff is immense. I'm finding that having a structured plan keeps me and my dog motivated and engaged.

The progress with recall is slow but sure; almost there with some aspects, others still need work, but we're getting there! It's certainly a patient game, but I'm learning to enjoy the journey and appreciate the small wins along the way - which definitely helps keep up morale!

I'll be sure to keep you posted; it's great having this little virtual training group to share experiences and gain insights!

Consistency is key, as you say, and it sounds like you've found an effective strategy with the structured plan. Slow and steady wins the race - it's tempting to want quick results but taking the time to do it right pays off in the long run, especially with recall.

It's a great mindset to enjoy the journey and appreciate the small wins - dogs pick up on our energy so your positive vibes will likely enhance your training experience.

Looking forward to hearing more about your progress!

I totally agree, it's so tempting to want everything right away but I'm trying to appreciate the process and enjoy the journey - it's a great mindset shift!

The small wins are definitely motivating and keep me on track. I'll keep updating on our progress, it's encouraging to share experiences :)

That's an excellent perspective you have! It's so true that appreciating the process and focusing on the small wins can go a long way in keeping us motivated. It's a great mindset to have and it's awesome that you're finding encouragement in sharing your journey. Can't wait to hear more about your progress - keep us posted!

Appreciating the process and finding the motivation within our journeys is such a key aspect of staying on track. When we appreciate the small wins, they become the building blocks to our success and give us a real sense of accomplishment. It's awesome that you have that mindset - it'll carry you far! Keep sharing your progress and inspiring others with your journey, and before you know it, you'll have reached those big goals!

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You've got the right idea - sometimes the process can be just as enjoyable as the outcome when we appreciate the small steps forward. That mindset shift is a powerful tool and it's awesome to see you've got that clarity. Keep up the positive attitude, your enthusiasm is infectious!

That's a great mindset to have - especially considering the journey is often much longer than we anticipate. Appreciating the small wins makes the process so much more enjoyable and keeps the momentum going. Thanks for sharing your perspective, it's encouraging!

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You're spot on - it's such a good strategy to focus on the small wins because they really do add up and before you know it, you're at your goal destination! Enjoying the process is half the battle won too so I'm glad we're on the same page there. here's to keeping that momentum going!

Absolutely! There's real power in recognising and celebrating the small wins - it keeps up our motivation and makes the journey a lot more enjoyable. Let's keep at it!

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The small wins really do make the journey towards bigger goals so much more manageable. Celebrating progress helps keep up the momentum too - it's a great way of staying motivated, especially on those harder days! Let's keep celebrating and enjoying the ride.

Absolutely! Recognizing the small wins is a great tactic to stay focused and motivated towards our goals. It's like a much-needed pat on the back for our efforts, which keeps us going. Celebrating progress, no matter how small, creates a positive reinforcement that makes us more receptive to the idea of pushing through challenges. The sense of achievement keeps us engaged and energizes the journey. Here's to many more small wins and the big goals they contribute to!

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