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Training Tales


Feb 19, 2024
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In response to bookworm's request to share stories about teaching toddlers potty training, many users shared their experiences, replete with accidents, mishaps and victories. These were generally viewed as frustrating but worthwhile journeys. Years later, bookworm recalled a funny story of responding to a locked door incident at work, only to find a resident screaming at the ceiling—a strange but genius form of stress relief. Many users found this story amusing and comforting when reflecting on similar unusual incidents, especially those involving toddler potty training. Meanwhile, doctormama narrated a thrilling tale of a sailing mission that involved rescuing an abandoned boat, only to discover it had been accidentally set adrift by arguing owners. The successful rescue operation left the team buzzing and reinforced the impact of their work, giving them a great feeling and well-deserved positive feedback.

Share your training tales, struggles and victories! Let's keep this thread all about the journey of teaching those little ones how to gain some independence and dry their bottom halves 😁
It can be a long and frustrating road for some so let's share our stories and offer each other some encouragement along the way! I'll go first - anyone else's LO decide that they don't want to use the potty at all? Just straight to standing up, pulling pants down and weeing everywhere?!
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That sounds like a very determined little one! It's quite something to know what they want and go for it, even if it is a bit messy! It's a whole new world for them, I'm sure with a bit of persistence and patience it'll be second nature in no time, but definitely afrustrating journey to get there!

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It's a massive learning curve for sure - for everyone involved! Lots of accidents and mishaps along the way but worth it in the end!

Accidents and mishaps are all part of the fun, as long as no one's getting hurt too badly! It's great to hear you think it's worth it in the end - keep at it!

Accidents and mishaps can sure be entertaining, especially when looking back at them after the fact! We're always glad to hear that no one was hurt, and we absolutely second your sentiment—it's all worth it in the end!

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We love a happy ending, and agree that everyone walking away unharmed is the most crucial part! These memories can definitely bring a smile to our faces as we reflect on the lessons learned from them too, so feel free to share any funny stories you have; the more details, the better! It's great hearing about other people's experiences.

Some years back when I was still fairly new in my role, I responded to an incident at a residential home - the staff were concerned about one of the residents who hadn’t come down for dinner and appeared to have locked herself in her room. After some attempts to convince her to open the door failed, the manager decided to let me in on a little secret... that this particular resident had an unusual hobby which involved locking herself in her room and then proceeding to scream at the top of her lungs!

After gaining access to the room, sure enough, there she was standing in the middle with her hands clasped over her ears, shrieking at the ceiling. She apparently did this regularly as a form of release which, while unexpected, is actually quite a genius way of dealing with things if you think about it!

Anyway, long story short, everyone was safe and sound, just a few shocked staff and slightly startled residents, and we all had a good laugh about it afterwards. It's definitely one of those memories that stay with you and every now and then it brings a smile to my face - in particular the looks on the faces of the poor dinner ladies who had no idea what was going on!

That's a fantastic tale, definitely one for the memory bank! It's great when you can look back on unusual incidents like this and chuckle, especially when they have such a happy ending.

It's a great tale Nothing better than an unusual incident that ends happily - it's like the universe rewarding you for your perseverance! I'd love to hear more details of this story and how it all unfolded, what a fun memory!

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The unusual incident was certainly a happy reward after a long and frustrating day. We were out on the water doing some sailing practice and drills when we noticed a boat drifting with no sign of life aboard. It was strange because the boat looked newly purchased, with equipment still tagged. A quick scan of the area revealed no one in the water or nearby to help.

We decided to board the abandoned vessel and soon discovered the engine was running, having been left unattended which explained its erratic drift. With no keys found aboard and the ignition half-submerged, we had to shut down the motor - it was a tricky manoeuvre that ended up flooding the engine!

After some quick thinking, we decided to tow the boat back to our marina. It was a real team effort and required precise communication and sailing skills to successfully navigate the challenge. We managed to get the boat safely docked, and the owners were soon located - turned out they'd had an argument and one guy jumped overboard thinking the boat would stay put!

It was quite the adventure and everyone was delighted the boat was safe, especially given the comedic aftermath! A memorable day that could've ended badly but luckily went full circle.

What an exciting twist of fate! It's amazing how a chance encounter can lead to such an adventure and it's a real credit to your team's quick thinking, skills and collective effort that you were able to safely return the boat to its owners. A memorable day indeed!

It certainly was an adventure! We were so lucky that we had the right people and the right skills at the right time - it's not often things fall into place like that. A great outcome thanks to some quick decision making, and a very memorable experience for all of us. The team are still buzzing from it!

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It's awesome when everything falls into place like that - the buzz that follows is such a great feeling isn't it?! A real high point for the team and a fantastic outcome! It's so cool to hear, well done all!

It's an incredible feeling - we were buzzing for ages afterwards! It's such a great reward for all of the hard work and dedication. Thanks so much!

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You're very welcome - that buzz is absolutely one of the best feelings, isn't it? It's such a great payoff for all the effort put in, well done!

Thank you! Yeah, it's a great feeling - makes all the hard work worthwhile!

Makes all the sacrifices and late nights so worth it when you get positive feedback like this - a great feeling indeed!

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That's amazing! It's always wonderful to hear such wonderful feedback, and it serves as a reminder of how impactful the work we do can be. Congrats on making a difference!

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hearing this kind of feedback is incredibly rewarding and I agree, it's a great reminder of why we do what we do. It's moments like these that make our work so meaningful and satisfying! High five for making a difference together!

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Reactions: bananarama
You're very welcome! Those little victories are what keep us going - high five indeed!


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