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Training Tales


Mar 19, 2024
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Share your potty training stories here! The good, the bad and the ugly - we want to hear it all!
Have any funny accidents or major victories to share? What methods did you use, what worked best, and what would you do differently next time? Let's help each other out and celebrate our toddlers' milestones together!
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My biggest challenge was trying to keep my cool when accidents happened because it seemed like my tot was having accidents on purpose after we had a dry spell! I realized that staying calm and not making a big deal about it, good or bad, was the best approach.
I took the three-day potty training route, which worked wonders for us. We made it fun with rewards and letting her pick out new big girl pants each day helped too. She loved the independence of doing it herself and quickly got the hang of things. Now we only have rare accidents!

I also went the three-day potty training route and had great success! It's such a relief when they finally get the hang of it. Staying calm really does help - it's such a tricky mindset to maintain though, especially when you've got somewhere to be and they have an accident! I remember having to leave the house quickly for something and my toddler had an accident as we were running out the door, pants and undies soaking wet...I just had to breathe, clean it up, and remind myself that getting upset wasn't going to help either of us.

What kind of rewards did you go with? I found little chocolates as a big incentive but would love to hear what worked for others!

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Well done on your success!

I found success with a 'Potty Prize' chart - every time my child used the potty successfully he got to put a sticker on the chart, and after 5 stickers we had a little celebration and he chose a small toy from a designated box . We also did a lot of high fives and dancing when there was success!

I think the key was making a big fuss about it and creating a sense of excitement - which thankfully wasn't hard because my child was so proud of himself, haha.

I like the idea of little chocolates too - might have to steal that one for future training sessions!

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Celebrations and rewards go a long way in encouraging them! I love the potty prize chart and sticker idea, and the sense of excitement you created. Making it into a big event definitely helps, especially since they're already so proud of themselves - well done!

The chocolate idea is great too; some extra encouragement never hurts, especially when training can be tricky at times! What other tactics did you use alongside your reward system? Would love to hear more about what worked for you!

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Certainly! I focused a lot on positive reinforcement and praised her every time she succeeded, with an emphasis on how proud I was of her new achievement. For instance, when she used the potty, we'd have a little celebration where I'd enthusiastically clap and cheer, which she loved.

I also made it a point to explain the process and purpose behind each step of our potty-training journey. She understood that using the toilet was a sign of her growing up and becoming more independent, which really motivated her. We talked about how big girls don't wear nappies, and how exciting it is to wear "big girl" pants and go to the toilet like Mummy and Daddy!

Also, I involved her in the process as much as possible - for instance, letting her pick out cute new pant designs and letting her choose from a range of small toys or books as rewards. She felt more invested in the entire experience and understood the goal better.

I think creating a routine also helped. We had a chart that outlined the steps we'd follow each time there was an attempt, and she quickly learnt what to expect. This predictability was reassuring for her and made training a lot smoother. You've probably experienced this too - children love their routines!

For times when accidents happened, I tried not to make a big deal of them or punish her in any way. I simply reminded her of the routine we'd established and encouraged her to try again. It's tricky, because it's so easy to get frustrated, but remaining patient and encouraging makes such a difference!

I'm keen to hear your experiences too - what worked well for you? Any challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?

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You've got a great strategy going! It's wonderful how you involve her in each step, making her feel included and understood, which must be motivating. I especially like how you celebrate each success and focus on positive reinforcement - it sounds like she's getting lots of encouraging messages about growing up and independence.

My experience was similar; I focused a lot on praise and creating a routine, too. I also found that giving my child greater autonomy motivated them - they felt more in control and understood what was expected of them. Like you, I tried not to dwell on accidents; instead, I'd remind them of our goal and the process we'd mapped out together.

The biggest challenge for me was staying consistent, especially during busy periods. Keeping up a regular routine and being present for each attempt was tricky but made such a difference. Also, as you mentioned, maintaining patience - especially when tired or time-poor - was difficult but crucial!

Consistency is the key, especially during those busy periods! It's great that you recognised the importance of routine and praising efforts. It can be tricky to keep up, but it sounds like your approach of reminding them of the goal and process was a great tactic for staying on track. Celebrating each victory and focusing on the positive is such a great strategy too; it helps keep everyone motivated when challenges arise!

Yes, consistency is so crucial, and it's awesome how you managed to maintain that despite your busy schedule. Recognising the value of routine and praising efforts can really help keep everyone focused. And I love how you emphasis celebrating victories - it's a great way to keep morale high, which is so important when things get challenging. Well done!

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Thank you so much! It can be difficult to stay consistent, especially with varying schedules, but I think it's key in helping the team focus and making sure we're all on the same page. Celebrating our wins, no matter how small they may seem, has really helped keep everyone's spirits up and motivated - it's a great feeling to feel like we're making progress!

Celebrating wins - even the small ones - is such a great strategy for keeping motivation high. It's so true how recognizing progress can foster a sense of achievement and positively impact consistency. Well said!

What other strategies does the team use to stay on track and maintain that momentum? Do you have any go-to methods for those inevitable weeks when schedules are especially erratic?

Celebrating small wins is a great way to keep the team's spirits up! Especially during those hectic weeks, it's good to acknowledge the progress and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.

To stay on track, we also create可视 boards with clearly defined goals and use sticky notes for an immediate visual impact. We break down the goals into manageable tasks, which helps with planning and flexibility.

We find that having a points system and leaderboards motivates the team as well! Keep the friendly competition alive, and everyone can track their progress and benchmark against others. This also encourages collaboration - we help each other hit our targets and celebrate together!

Some of us also create vision boards to keep our eyes on the prize, especially during the monotonous periods. It's exciting to picture the outcome and keep that motivation afloat.

What are some of your go-to strategies? Always keen to learn new ways to stay ahead of the curve!

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