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Training Tales


Mar 11, 2024
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Share your training triumphs, tragedies and everything in between! We want to hear all the details - both the ups and downs help us understand what works (and what definitely doesn't!) for future reference.

What quirky techniques did you try? How did you keep yourself sane during the process? Any hilarious accidents or wins big and small - we're here to cheer and commiserate! Let's get a good collection of stories going so others can benefit from your experiences.
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I'll start us off with a training tragedy that ended up being a bit of a win!

So, I was trying to train my pup Percy to walk nicely on a leash - no easy feat in our rural community where there are lots of smells and critters to investigate.

I'd read about using a simple "Yes!" verbal cue when he walked at my side, and treating whenever he checked in with me. Well...Percy loved the praise and treats so much that he started walking right by my leg, almost like a heel. Too good to be true!

Until we hit the end of the sidewalk and I realized he'd been so focused on getting his treat that he'd practically been walking on my shoe. He nearly fell off the curb!

I had to laugh - he was so proud of himself for mastering this "new trick," totally clueless that it wasn't quite what I'd had in mind. It was adorable and hilarious, plus it showed me that he paid attention to my cues.

We took it as a win and I worked on actually teaching him the heel command, which he picked up quickly since he already had the idea down. The funny part is, he still walks right by my shoe sometimes, ready for his treat!
I'll start us off with a training tragedy that ended up being a bit of a win!

So, I was trying to train my pup Percy to walk nicely on a leash - no easy feat in our rural community where there are lots of smells and critters to investigate.

I'd read about using a simple "Yes!" verbal cue when he walked at my side, and treating whenever he checked in with me. Well...Percy loved the praise and treats so much that he started walking right by my leg, almost like a heel. Too good to be true!

Until we hit the end of the sidewalk and I realized he'd been so focused on getting his treat that he'd practically been walking on my shoe. He nearly fell off the curb!

I had to laugh - he was so proud of himself for mastering this "new trick," totally clueless that it wasn't quite what I'd had in mind. It was adorable and hilarious, plus it showed me that he paid attention to my cues.

We took it as a win and I worked on actually teaching him the heel command, which he picked up quickly since he already had the idea down. The funny part is, he still walks right by my shoe sometimes, ready for his treat!
That's a cute story and a great start to this thread! It's lovely how observant dogs are and how they try so hard to please us even if they don't quite understand the nuances.

I have a similar tale of my own involving my overeager pup and some inadvertent, adorable mishaps that turned into a training success.

I've been trying to teach my labradoodle the important "wait" command, which is proving tricky as she's so enthusiastic about everything! Mealtimes are especially crazy - she barks and jumps like a mad thing if I so much as touch her food bowl, which doesn't exactly create a peaceful dining experience.

I tried using a simple "stay" command while I prepared her food, figuring this would be an easy way to keep her out of trouble. Well, it turns out "stay" is too ambiguous for my eager pup. She'd freeze in place, yes, but so excitedly that she'd practically vibrate with the effort of staying put! Food prep time would become a shaking, wiggling frenzy, which was more comical than calming.

I realized I needed to be clearer about what I wanted, so I started using the "sit" command instead, and slowly things improved. She'd still get excited but the vibration reduced, and she learned that sitting quietly meant good things were coming. It took a few weeks, but now she sits (most of the time) and waits calmly for her food, which has made mealtimes so much more enjoyable.

It's amazing how these little challenges can become triumphs with some creative tweaking! Who knew such a simple solution would solve our mealtime madness? It's encouraging to see how adaptable our furry friends can be when we figure out the right approach.

Anyone else have any cute tales of quirky training techniques that worked, or fun miscommunications with your dogs? I love hearing these stories!
That's a great solution to use the sit command instead - it's amazing how something so simple can make such a difference! It's like they need that extra clarity, especially when they're excited.

My pupperino is a real foodie too, and getting him to focus during meal prep was a challenge. I ended up incorporating a 'watch me' command as well as 'sit', which helped enormously because it gave him a specific job - he'd focus on my face instead of the food!

It's incredible how quickly they learn the nuances once you find the right approach, and then you realize how much they were actually understanding all along. It's like they just needed that one A-ha moment, same as us!
Using the watch me command is a genius idea! I'll have to steal that trick; it's so true how providing them with a specific job can really help direct their focus. That A-ha moment is such a satisfying feeling, and it's amazing to realize what they've been understanding all along. It's like they just needed some extra clarity, or for someone to give them that little nudge in the right direction.
That's awesome! I'm glad you found it helpful; it's really a game-changer. Sometimes, all they need is a clear directive and some guidance to get on the right track. It's incredible how much they understand us and the world around them - such clever creatures! They just need that little bit of help sometimes to show us what they've got.
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It really is amazing what our furry friends can pick up on and how intuitive they are. It's almost like they have a sixth sense about them - especially when it comes to understanding our needs and emotions. Giving them some guidance and direction on what we want is so rewarding when they pick it up, because then it becomes a shared language and experience between owner and dog. It's an incredible bond!
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I couldn’t agree more! There is definitely an unspoken, special connection and it's astounding how attuned they are to us. The joy of training them and having them master a new command or trick is immense and very fulfilling. That shared language and the bond developed through training is a wonderful experience.
I couldn’t agree more! There is definitely an unspoken, special connection and it's astounding how attuned they are to us. The joy of training them and having them master a new command or trick is immense and very fulfilling. That shared language and the bond developed through training is a wonderful experience.
It's incredible how much these furry friends can teach us about patience, perseverance , and most of all, love .
I couldn’t agree more! There is definitely an unspoken, special connection and it's astounding how attuned they are to us. The joy of training them and having them master a new command or trick is immense and very fulfilling. That shared language and the bond developed through training is a wonderful experience.
The sense of accomplishment and that deep, unspoken connection makes all the efforts worthwhile! Dogs are amazing creatures.
That feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding! Their unwavering devotion certainly makes training them worth all the time and energy. It's a beautiful bond formed through the process too.
That sense of achievement is one of the best feelings ever and their unconditional love and devotion makes it extra special. Training definitely strengthens the bond!
That sense of achievement is one of the best feelings ever and their unconditional love and devotion makes it extra special. Training definitely strengthens the bond!
It's amazing how such little creatures can teach us so much about life ,love and patience..Our dogs' ability to forgives us even after we scold them never ceases to amaze me.. Their huge hearts make up for everything and their love is always unconditional..Truly an inspiration.
So true, they are little bundles of joy with so much wisdom to offer! Their perspective on life - living in the moment, their resilience and ability to forgive - is incredibly heartwarming and a great lesson for us all. We can learn so much from our furry friends about unconditional love and accepting people as they are. It's a beautiful reminder to stay present and appreciate the little things in life too.
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