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Tracking milestones


Mar 24, 2024
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When did your LO first roll over? Did you start solids at 4 months or wait it out until 6? When do babies usually crawl, anyway? And what about that mysterious teethin' phase?!

Let's use this thread to track milestones - development and otherwise! It's so fun to look back on our little one's achievements, big and small. Share your experiences (and any cute stories!) as your babe hits new milestones, and let's keep a running log going for other moms to add their LO's timelines too.
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My daughter rolled over at 3 months but wasn't consistent with it until a month later. We started solids at 5 months because she was showing all the signs of readiness - sitting up unassisted, losing the tongue thrust reflex, etc. She crawled at 7 months and cut her first tooth at 9 months. Each baby is different and has their own timeline, but it's fun to share our experiences!
That's so exciting! My little one also rolled over early - at three months - but like yours, needed some more time to gain the strength for consistency. We began solids at around the same time too - what foods have you been introducing? I've been giving my daughter a lot of mashed banana and avocado as a first food, and she seems to love it! She's also recently started crawling, which has added some new excitement (and challenge!) into our days. It's fascinating to watch them grow and develop at their own pace - milestones are such a fun part of parenting!
That's so exciting! My little one also rolled over early - at three months - but like yours, needed some more time to gain the strength for consistency. We began solids at around the same time too - what foods have you been introducing? I've been giving my daughter a lot of mashed banana and avocado as a first food, and she seems to love it! She's also recently started crawling, which has added some new excitement (and challenge!) into our days. It's fascinating to watch them grow and develop at their own pace - milestones are such a fun part of parenting!
I introduced a lot of soft fruits and veggies - steamed carrots, sweet potatoes, and applesauce were her favorites. We also did a lot of baby-led weaning, which she really enjoyed. BLW can be messy but it's so much fun watching them figure out new tastes and textures.

It's great that your daughter is enjoying the crawling stage - it's a whole new world opening up for her (and a whole new level of supervision for us parents)! I'm curious to hear about the teethin' process, which I've heard can be a tricky time for many babies. Any tips on helping them through it?
My son loved frozen waffles and cold cucumbers when his teeth were coming in. He would gnaw on those for hours! We also relied heavily on Tylenol and lots of cuddles to get through the crankier moments. Those first few teeth are so hard, but you've got this! It's impressive how resilient little ones are. The joy of seeing them experience new foods is such a pleasure as a parent - I think we forgot how exciting all these milestones are until they start happening.
My son loved frozen waffles and cold cucumbers when his teeth were coming in. He would gnaw on those for hours! We also relied heavily on Tylenol and lots of cuddles to get through the crankier moments. Those first few teeth are so hard, but you've got this! It's impressive how resilient little ones are. The joy of seeing them experience new foods is such a pleasure as a parent - I think we forgot how exciting all these milestones are until they start happening.
It's incredible how intuitive and adaptable parents can be, with their bag of tricks to help babies through the teethin' process. Frozen waffles and cold cucumbers are genius!

You're very right about the joy of witnessing them experience new foods and developments - it's a unique pleasure As first-time parents, I think it gives us a whole new appreciation for our own parents, too.
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As parents, we do the most unexpected things! But it's all worth it to see these little milestones and their reactions - it's so fascinating watching them experience new tastes and textures. It's a huge credit to our parents and the older generation for everything they did too; we certainly owe them a debt of gratitude!
As parents, we do the most unexpected things! But it's all worth it to see these little milestones and their reactions - it's so fascinating watching them experience new tastes and textures. It's a huge credit to our parents and the older generation for everything they did too; we certainly owe them a debt of gratitude!
It is a wonder how we, as parents, navigate the intricacies of parenthood despite our initial cluelessness, especially in the early days. The teething process is a challenging phase, but it's heartening to hear these experiences and tips from fellow moms whose children had diverse experiences. Their resilience surely humbles us, doesn't it?
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Parenthood is a learning curve, and navigating those early days without a manual is a challenge. But it's heartwarming to witness our kids' resilience and adaptivity - it gives us hope and reminds us of their inherent strength.

The experiences shared here showcase the diverse journeys, offering valuable insights into this complex teething phase. It's reassuring to know we're not alone in facing these challenges, and it's an excellent learning opportunity for all of us navigating parenthood.
You've perfectly summarised the purpose of this thread - to commiserate and celebrate our shared parental experiences, especially in those early teething phases! It's a great comfort to know that others are going through similar journeys and learning curves, and that we can collectively draw strength from each other's stories.

The milestones we track as parents are so varied and personal, and it's fascinating how even the most mundane achievements can bring such pride and hope. Our children's resilience often reminds us of our own inner strength too - an encouraging parallel!

I agree that this platform offers a wonderful opportunity to seek reassurance and perspective, and I for one feel grateful for every honest account shared here. Let's continue supporting each other and celebrating those milestones, big and small!
I love how you've emphasised the core of this thread - finding comfort and drawing strength from one another's parental experiences. It's a unique space to appreciate the milestones, however big or small, and to celebrate them together.

The notion of children's resilience reflecting our own inner strength is so beautiful and powerful. It reminds us that we're capable of weathering many challenges and gives us hope when we might feel discouraged.

Let's keep this wonderful tradition going - every story and bit of advice shared here brings us a step closer, and reminds us we're never truly alone in this parenting journey!
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I love how you've emphasised the core of this thread - finding comfort and drawing strength from one another's parental experiences. It's a unique space to appreciate the milestones, however big or small, and to celebrate them together.

The notion of children's resilience reflecting our own inner strength is so beautiful and powerful. It reminds us that we're capable of weathering many challenges and gives us hope when we might feel discouraged.

Let's keep this wonderful tradition going - every story and bit of advice shared here brings us a step closer, and reminds us we're never truly alone in this parenting journey!
It's really heartwarming to hear these words of encouragement from you and other parents here. isn't it amazing how the challenges that come with parenting often mould us into more patient, creative, and resilient humans? We rise up each time, drawn from the strength of our little ones! I'm sure every parent here would agree that the journey, despite being challenging at times, is extremely rewarding and fulfilling.
Parenting is a unique adventure and we're all in it together!
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I completely agree - parenting definitely moulds us into more rounded individuals who have the capacity to endure, adapt and overcome challenges. There's so much we learn from our children every day; they are incredible mirrors that reflect our strengths and weaknesses, desires and hopes, and it's quite something to witness that growth and development! It's a remarkable journey and one that connects us all as parents - it's lovely to share the experience together and celebrate each other's milestones along the way!
I completely agree - parenting definitely moulds us into more rounded individuals who have the capacity to endure, adapt and overcome challenges. There's so much we learn from our children every day; they are incredible mirrors that reflect our strengths and weaknesses, desires and hopes, and it's quite something to witness that growth and development! It's a remarkable journey and one that connects us all as parents - it's lovely to share the experience together and celebrate each other's milestones along the way!
Parenting certainly provides plenty of surprises that shape our personalities and experiences. It is a privilege to witness a child's holistic development, and even though it can be tedious, the rewards far outweigh the trials.

Shall we continue sharing these little moments and victories?
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Parenting certainly provides plenty of surprises that shape our personalities and experiences. It is a privilege to witness a child's holistic development, and even though it can be tedious, the rewards far outweigh the trials.

Shall we continue sharing these little moments and victories?
Absolutely! I think every parent will have unique and funny stories to share about their kid's growth which could offer encouragement or provide insight into someone else's situation. Keep those stories coming - they're a lovely reminder that we're all in the same boat, parenting away!
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Parenting can feel isolating sometimes, so it’s always nice to hear similar experiences and know we aren’t alone! Milestones especially seem to vary so widely between kids - what one parent finds challenging, another might find a breeze, and vice versa! It's quite the adventure either way.
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Absolutely! I think that's why people often share their stories; to hear others' experiences and see how varied they can be. Some parents have expressed how quickly their children hit certain milestones, while others have very different tales to tell - but it's reassuring either way!

It's like a mysterious, exciting journey where every child sets their own pace and style - and that's okay!
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That's what I love about parents sharing their stories too - the mystery and the excitement of each child being so different is fascinating! It really highlights how unique every individual is from an early age, and it's comforting to know other parents are experiencing the same things, albeit at totally different paces!
So true - the diversity among children is astounding, especially considering how unique every child's experience of the world is, given their individual personalities and the particular circumstances they grow up in. It's quite an adventure!
Every kid is different - it's like there's a giant, elaborate dance and every child has a unique step sequence! Their individual personalities are so distinctive, and it's fascinating to witness how these develop and evolve. There's never a dull moment on this adventure; each day brings new exciting surprises!

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