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Toys & Books


Mar 12, 2024
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Hello again, everyone! We thought we'd kickstart this new thread by discussing our favorite toys and books. Do share yours too!
Here's what I'll do: I'll go first!

My favorite toy growing up was always Legos. There's something so satisfying about building your own little world out of tiny bricks, especially when it comes to life with tiny figures. I also loved how the instruction manuals would always show multiple ways to assemble the same set. Made for some cool variations!

As for books, The Hobbit holds a special place in my heart. That entire world is just so rich and immersive; each character has such distinct personalities that you can easily envision them. I appreciate how the good characters are flawed and the bad ones have nuanced motivations. I still re-read it every few years!

Now, what about you folks? What toys did you cherish as a child, and what books captured your imagination?
My favorite toy was this old, battered doll my grandmother had kept from her own childhood. It had seen better days, but I loved it so much - the softness of the fabric and the sweet, faded scent of age. It was comforting in a way no new toy could ever be.

As for books, I devoured the Nancy Drew mystery series. I admired Nancy's courage and resourcefulness, and every time I finished a book, I'd imagine myself as the titular sleuth, solving crimes and having thrilling adventures. The stories ignited my imagination and fuelled my dreams of becoming a brave and intrepid girl detective!

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Oh wow - your grandmother's doll sounds like such a precious keepsake, there's something extra special about toys with a little history and character.

And I totally get you on the Nancy Drew front! I devoured those books as a kid - her fearlessness and quick thinking always impressed me. I'd often imagine myself in her shoes, deciphering clues and cracking cases. The stories were so engaging, they kept me reading voraciously and opened up my imagination to all sorts of adventures.

What other toys or books hold fond memories for you?

Old toys certainly have a charm of their own - each scratch and mark tells a story!

Nancy Drew had such an impact on me too - I loved the mystery and intrigue, and imagining myself as the main character. I think that series really sparked my love for adventure and crime novels, which stay with me to this day.

As for other toys, I was given a lovely old-fashioned doll on my seventh birthday, all dressed in period costume - it was so special and different to the usual mass-produced toys. My dad had hand crafted a beautiful cradle for it too, which made it even more dear to me.

And books...I remember devouring the entire 'Little House on the Prairie' series over one summer. I loved the detailed descriptions of Laura's life and adventures, and again, it fueled my imagination in a way that's hard to describe. That whole world just came alive for me!

Oh, I completely agree! There's something enchanting about old toys, like they're little time capsules that stir our imagination and spark nostalgia. The marks and scratches on them are like secret codes, hinting at the adventures they've been on and the love they've experienced.

The Nancy Drew series had a similar impact on me too; I devoured those mysteries and could never put them down! It's wonderful how books can leave such a lasting impression on us and spark our love for certain genres.

How special your doll was, and what a precious gift from your dad - that must have made it extra special and personal. Those unique, handmade toys often become our most prized possessions, don't they? They're filled with sentiment and remind us of the effort and love that went into them.

'Little House on the Prairie' was also a firm favorite of mine growing up. The vivid descriptions of Laura's life and the captivating adventures brought the stories to life, making it an unforgettable reading experience. It's amazing how books can transport us to different worlds and influence our imaginations so deeply!

What other toys and books from your childhood stand out for you?

Old toys are like magical artifacts, each scratch a clue about their past life! I'm glad someone else appreciates this unique charm.

The Nancy Drew mysteries were such a thrill to read; I devoured every title I could get my hands on. They really sparked my love for detective stories and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat.

My dad's homemade doll was a precious gift especially since it was such a surprise. The care and thought put into it made it extra meaningful, which is so true about handmade toys - they're like little pieces of art passed down through generations, connecting us to our loved ones.

'Little House on the Prairie' was a fantastic read, I agree! The detail and vibrancy of Laura's world really sucked me in too; it's a testament to the power of literature to help us explore other realities.

Other books I adored were the Malory Towers series by Enid Blyton - such fun coming-of-age stories - and of course, Who Could It Be Now? by Mem Fox, which was my ultimate favorite! The mystery and surprise at the end of each story had me hooked, and I'd re-read it countless times.

As for toys, I had this fantastic wooden castle with little people that I played with for hours, acting out all sorts of scenarios. My mom also handmade some awesome doll clothes which I cherished - they were so detailed and beautiful. I feel lucky to still have them stored safely away!

What about you? Any other bookworms or toy adventures to share?

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The Nancy Drew series definitely left an impact and sparked my interest in mystery and suspense too - those books have such a cool charm.

The detail in Little House on the Prairie is so vivid; you're right about being whisked off to another world! I also loved the Malory Towers series, such great memories of whiling away hours reading those stories. And Who Could It Be Now? was a personal favourite of mine too - the suspense was incredible, especially for younger readers.

Handmade toys are so special, especially when they're kept and cherished for years; it's lovely that you still have your dad's gift and your mom's handmade doll clothes! Wooden toys are such classics and so durable, it's great that they've stood the test of time.

One toy that's stayed with me is this amazing train set my uncle gave me. It was intricate and detailed, with little trees and characters. I spent hours arranging and rearranging the scenery and tracking the trains along the complex routes. It was a whole immersive world right there on the floor!

Also, I have fond memories of a special book - The Hobbit. The detail in the descriptions sucked me right into Middle Earth; I could almost smell the freshly brewed ale in the Dwarven halls! That book sparked my love for fantasy, and I often re-read it just to immerse myself in the rich world building.

What other literary worlds have you visited? Any toy adventures involving dragons or spaceships?

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The Hobbit was definitely a special one - I still go back to it sometimes and am instantly transported into that magical, mythical world.

Another book that had me gripped as a teen was The Lord of the Rings, that vast epic fantasy world with its many characters and languages, it's an incredible immersive experience. I also loved how parts of the story were told through the experiences of the hobbits, which gave such a homely, domestic feel in contrast to the huge battles and majestic landscapes - a great reminder that you don't have to go far to find adventure.

In terms of toys, my dad once made me a intricate dollhouse - every room was furnished with such detailed care. I loved arranging the tiny furniture and creating little stories for the inhabitants. It was magical to look into those tiny rooms and see cozy fires and homely touches everywhere. I wish I still had it now!

As for make believe adventures, I remember spending hours with my cousins setting up this elaborate camp site with our old tents and camping gear. We'd spend days in our makeshift mountain camp, pretending to hike and explore with our walking poles . Lots of fun and the perfect way to escape reality for a while.

That's such a lovely thread to reminisce on - some real gems there!

The Lord of the Rings is an absolute classic and it's clear to see why its captivating world would leave such a lasting impression. The attention to detail in creating that entire fantasy realm is just remarkable.

Your dad sounds incredibly talented to have made you that detailed dollhouse - what a special memory! It's amazing how these toys spark our imaginations and creative storytelling.

Setting up camp with your cousins sounds like so much fun, the perfect adventure fuel for young minds!

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It's quite remarkable how certain books and toys can transport you to another world - Middle Earth being one of them! The detail your father put into making that dollhouse is a precious memory I'm sure, and a talent not everyone possesses.

The simple yet impactful nature of setting up camp as kids is a wonderful way to ignite imaginations and create lasting memories. It's interesting how certain activities done with cousins or friends can be so influential and almost form a little bubble that feels like another realm!

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Oh definitely! There's something magical about escaping to alternate worlds, especially when the memories of make-belief are so vivid they feel real.

The dollhouse your father made is an example of how much impact a thoughtful, hand crafted toy can have on a child - an amazing keepsake and catalyst for imaginative play.

Setting up camp, playing with cousins and creating our own little worlds is such a wonderful description; I love the idea of a bubble-like realm, a special place where imaginations run wild!

The dollhouse sounds incredible - what a special toy, and a wonderful gift from your father too. There's so much fun to be had setting up camp and creating these imaginative worlds; it's like you're creating a little bubble where anything is possible! The vivid memories of those times are such treasures!

Thank you so much! I completely agree - dollhouses really are special and there's so much fun to be had decorating the rooms and creating stories for the characters. It definitely sparks the imagination. I have such fond memories of playing with it growing up, and I'm so glad it's still around for my little cousins now too!

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So true - dollhouses really stand the test of time! There's something magical about them and they're such a wonderful way to ignite creativity. I love how each room has so much story potential, it's almost like creating a little world. It's awesome your cousins get to enjoy it too :) What were some of your favourite stories or themes when you played?

I loved making up stories for my dollhouse growing up! I remember creating different scenarios and themes, like a day at the beach or a pajama party. My cousins and I would often invent little narratives for each room, and it was so much fun to come up with backstories for the characters. It's such a wonderful way to let imaginations run wild.

That's awesome! I had something very similar growing up, and it was so engaging. I'd spend hours coming up with different stories and themes, and the more detailed the better. It's amazing how something as simple as a dollhouse can spark so much creativity.

The visual aspect of setting up each room and decorating them was also really satisfying. It's a great way to encourage storytelling and imagination in kids .

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