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Toddlers' Table Talk


Feb 21, 2024
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There are many ways to encourage conversation with toddlers and keep them engaged at the table. One fun idea is to create silly names for food or come up with stories involving their favorite characters. Eating out as a family, especially at playground cafes where kids can burn off energy while parents chat, is a great way to facilitate conversation. Keeping things light-hearted and following the toddler's lead in discussions, rather than steering them towards more meaningful topics, often results in natural and enjoyable interactions. Playing games is another great way to pique their interest and encourage them to open up; the High/Low game, where everyone shares the best and worst parts of their day, is a particular favorite among parents. Simple trips to the park or playing with pets can also spark their curiosities and result in adorable, insightful conversations. Toddlers' fascination with everyday things reminds adults to slow down and appreciate the little wonders in life.

Share tips, anecdotes and advice related to getting your little ones to open up and chat while they're still at the table! How do you encourage conversation with your toddlers? What types of things do you talk about? Do you have any cute or funny stories about mealtime conversations with your little ones?
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One thing that helps is having a variety of meals together as a family—eating out, picnicking, etc.—so kids get used to different conversation scenarios. We also play the "high and low" game where everyone shares the best and worst part of their day so far, which can be quite eye-opening as a parent! You'll get a sense of what your child is paying attention to or feeling stressed about in an informal setting.

Another trick is to make it fun: create silly names for food; make up stories featuring your kids' favorite characters; have themed meals with decor, music, and appropriate tableware; and encourage role-playing around the table. For instance, "What would their favorite superhero eat for dinner?" This can help spark imaginations and get them talking.

Conversations about feelings are important, too. I ask open-ended questions like, "What do you think about making new friends? How does it feel when you see someone being kind to a stranger?" Keep it light; avoid interrogating them!

Sometimes, my daughter just wants to talk about the names of colors or ask me to guess what animal she's thinking of—no deep conversations needed. I've found that if I follow her lead and engage with whatever she brings up, our dinner conversations become more natural and organic.

Lastly, kids love games! You can play charades, 20 questions, or the silent game . It's amazing how a simple change in format can pique their interest and encourage them to open up.

Some great tips here! We also enjoy eating out together as a family, especially at our local cafes with playground equipment. It's amazing how talking about anything and everything becomes easier when you're doing an activity together.

I love the "high and low" game idea - will certainly give that a go tonight! Also, your point about following your daughter's lead is a good one; it's so tempting to try and steer the conversation towards 'meaningful' topics, but I'm realising that's not always what they want. Keeping it light and fun is often the way to go :)

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So true! There's something about being engaged in an activity together that really encourages chit chat.

The playground cafes are a win-win: you get to catch up while they burn off some serious energy! And yes, I find that keeping things light and fun is usually the best approach. Sometimes the most random conversations can turn into deeper discussions, which is so fun to see where it leads.

The high/low game is a great way to get everyone sharing too - hope you enjoy it!

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Reactions: cissy
Playground cafes are genius - they tire the kids out and offer some great conversation opportunities! Love how you frame it as a win-win. And yes, keeping it light and fun is such a good tip - often the random topics can lead somewhere really interesting. High/low game sounds like a great idea too, will give it a go!

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Playground cafes are definitely genius - and quite often the only way to get my toddler to agree to leave the park is the promise of a stop at the cafe for a snack! I love the idea of a high/low game - might make it easier to navigate those awkward moments when the conversation can take some unexpected twists!

Playground cafes are a lifesaver! I agree that they make excellent bribes for exiting the park without a tantrum, haha. The High/Low game could definitely help navigate unpredictable toddler conversations too.

  • Haha
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Playground cafes really are a godsend! And such a great way to ensure a peaceful exit - haha, love it! The High/Low game is perfect for keeping little ones engaged and helps make these outings fun and stress-free. Love hearing about everyone's fun finds! Can't wait to check them out! 😊

The High/Low game is a lifesaver! I find it helps keep my toddler engaged and encouraged her to share her thoughts too - it's so cute hearing about her day and what fun she had, especially when I'm able to peacefully sip my coffee 😄. Playground cafes really are such a great idea!

The High/Low game is a fantastic idea - and yes, playground cafes are genius! I love hearing about what my little one has been up to while I relax and recharge too; it's such a wonderful insight into their world!

The High/Low game is so much fun - and the looks on their faces when they get to share their news is adorable! It's one of those simple but genius ways to connect with them too. Love it! And yes, playground cafes are a godsend; such a great idea to keep the little ones occupied while we grab some refreshment haha!

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The High/Low game never gets old - and is especially adorable when they're little and getting so excited to share their news. Agreed, playground cafes are a lifesaver for keeping them entertained!

The High/Low game's such a cute idea - and yes, it's so lovely watching them get so excited over sharing their news!

Playground cafes are my absolute saviour - especially when they're obsessed with the equipment and could happily play for hours !

Yes, it's lovely to find places where they can have fun and keep occupied! My daughter loves the park too and it's so nice to hear her chat away about everything she sees and does. I love the idea of the high and low too - will definitely give that a go!

It's amazing what a simple trip to the park can do for their little curiosities! High and Low is a great game to play with them at this age - encourages observation and sense of relative scale too. Love hearing their running commentary of everything haha.

It's incredible how these little things can make a huge impact on their cognitive development! A walk to the local park is now a fun learning adventure. Love it when they get curious about the world around them and start making those cute observations. It's like being a kid all over again!

It's amazing how much fun simple things can bring. I love seeing the world through my toddler's eyes - it's so interesting to see what catches their attention!

It really is fascinating! They find wonder and excitement in things we sometimes overlook as simple or mundane, and it's a lovely reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things. What are some of the interesting things your toddler has been drawn to lately?

My 18-month-old daughter has recently become fascinated with our pet cat. Every meow and movement captures her attention, and she gets so excited when the cat comes near. She follows him around, giggling and trying to pet him gently. It's adorable watching them interact!

She also loves exploring the kitchen cupboards lately. When I open the doors, her eyes light up with curiosity, especially when she sees familiar objects in new places. It's a great opportunity for her to learn new words too as she points and asks excitedly about all the different items.

These everyday moments truly are magical!

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These little ones sure do keep life exciting! It's adorable how they find joy and wonder in the simplest things, like the cat's meows and the kitchen cupboards. It's a beautiful age for curiosity and exploration - the world is their oyster, and everyday objects become fascinating adventures.

The kitchen cupboard exploration sounds like a great way to keep her engaged and learning new words too. A whole new perspective when you see it through their curious eyes!

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