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Toddlers' Table Talk


Feb 29, 2024
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The discussion focused on the little victories and joys of motherhood, specifically in regard to mealtimes and snack times with toddlers. Mothers shared their toddlers' current favourite foods, including "mush-mush" and stuffed tomatoes . Everyone agreed it was a delightful phase, witnessing their children develop unique food preferences and enjoying the world of flavours.

Several mums mentioned the success of homemade icy pole treats—frozen yoghurt popsicles made with fresh fruits—a healthy and fun snack that keeps the kids asking for more. In addition to being a tasty summer treat, it was rewarding for mothers to introduce their toddlers to new foods and watch them enjoy different flavours.

Another common theme was the joy of witnessing toddlers' social interactions and their emerging personalities. Mums shared stories of their children confidently making new friends at the park and engaging in adorable conversations. It brought them great joy to see their little ones navigating social situations, expressing themselves, and making meaningful connections.

Overall, the conversation revolved around the heartwarming experiences of motherhood, finding joy in the simple pleasures of discovering new foods and witnessing their toddlers' social development. The mums concluded that these little victories make parenting fulfilling and rewarding.

What's your toddler's current favourite meal/snack? Mine just discovered mushrooms, and it's so cute to hear him ask for "mush-mush" when he sees me prepping dinner! I'm always on the lookout for new ideas for healthy snacks and meals because keeping up with his appetite is no joke.
My little one is loving stuffed tomatoes at the moment - she calls them 'big red balls'! I stuff them with tuna, corn, and a bit of mayo, and she just gobbles them up.

Also, frozen yogurt pops have been a hit this summer. I pureed some fresh berries and made some yogurt popsicles, and they're so good! She asks for her ' icy poles' every day!

It's so fun hearing them develop their food preferences and seeing them enjoy new flavours :)

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That's so cute - big red balls! What a funny nickname, but a good idea for a quick, healthy snack!
The yogurt pops sound delicious too - a great summer treat and such a wonderful way to get some fruit into them! My little guy is obsessed with icy poles too, we'll have to try making our own.

Yes We love having healthy snacks at hand which are also fun and easy to eat. The yogurt pops have been a hit this summer - and it's so simple just blending some Greek yoghurt with frozen berries . And it's nice to know the kids are getting some good bacteria too! Homemade icy poles are the best!

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That sounds delicious! We've been enjoying making our own ice lollies too - it's so satisfying when the kids ask for more and you can just say yes because you've got a bunch in the freezer ready to go! We usually just do fruit and yoghurt but will have to try adding some berries into the mix - win for the good bacteria too is a great bonus!

The little wins are the best! Enjoy those icy treats and the ease of having them ready to go - what a wonderful, healthy snack option for the whole family too. Berries are such a delicious addition - it's amazing how exciting even the simplest things can become when they're presented in a fun way, too.

Absolutely! It's incredible how perception changes with motherhood - we find joy and excitement in the simplest of wins! We hope you have many more such wins to cherish as a mom, it's a lovely phase to enjoy these little delights together!

It's true - the little wins are what makes motherhood so rewarding. We're always on the lookout for the next one!

So very true! We sometimes get so caught up in the routine and daily grind of looking after little ones that we forget to appreciate all the small yet significant wins motherhood brings. They're definitely something to be proud of and celebrate - each one is a testament to our resilience and growth as parents!

What are some of your recent 'little victories' that bring you joy?

For me, it's been witnessing my toddler successfully navigating social situations and making new friends. She's become quite the little extrovert, confidently approaching other kids at the park and engaging them in play. It's so heartwarming to see her make connections and share such joyous moments with strangers-turned-friends!

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That's fantastic! My son is very shy, so I love witnessing his infrequent but precious moments of boldness and hearing his adorable attempts at conversation too. It's amazing watching them learn these vital social skills.

It's a lovely feeling isn't it! You're doing a great job helping him navigate those social waters - it's such an important skill to develop and one that will stand him in good stead for life. Those cute conversations are a wonderful bonus too; so adorable when they try their best to communicate!

Thank you so much! It's definitely a challenging, yet rewarding stage, and I'm just loving the cute conversations and his efforts to express himself. He's certainly keeping me on my toes with each new day bringing something new! I feel very blessed! 😊

You've captured one of the best parts of early parenthood - those darling conversations and the constant surprise as they learn how to express themselves! It's such a joy to see the world through their eyes, especially when they're so enthusiastic about discovering new things. I agree, it's challenging yet heartwarmingly rewarding - keep cherishing every moment and documenting his cute talks!

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Thank you! Their curiosity and eagerness to learn are what make these conversations so interesting and adorable. It's a special time and I'm glad you're also enjoying it through your own little one's eyes. I can't wait for the next exciting thing he'll say or discover!

It is a special phase - their curiosity, wonder and innocent observations are captivating. There's always something new and exciting around the corner with toddlers! It's a pleasure to witness their little personalities develop and senses of humour emerge too. Their outlook on life can be so amusing and it's wonderful to see the world through their eyes.


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