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Toddlers' Table Talk


Jan 31, 2024
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As children grow up and develop their sense of taste and preference, mealtimes can become a challenging balancing act for parents, especially when dealing with picky eaters. Sunnybunny, a parent in this conversation, shares that their toddler has specific food preferences, refusing anything with sauce or not served cold. This sparks a discussion on the quirky habits of toddlers and the strategies parents employ to ensure they eat nutritious meals.

Sunnydays shares that their child refuses mixed foods but loves noodles, so they creatively load up on vegetables first at the noodle stall. The other parents agree that their toddlers also have adorable, quirky habits, such as refusing soups or stews but accepting hawker centre meals. They find ways to incorporate veggies and ensure a balanced diet, focusing on the challenges of introducing diverse foods while accommodating their children's cute yet specific requests.

The conversation also highlights the adorableness of toddlers who chat during meals, share their culinary ideas and show reciprocity by offering to cook for their parents. The parents agree it's a cute phase but also a tricky one to navigate.

Several parents offer sunnybunny advice on how to handle the picky eater stage. They recommend continually introducing a variety of foods, serving small bites at different temperatures, and being adaptable in presenting diverse meal options. The consensus is that toddlers may eventually explore new foods when presented with constant variety.

Share your experiences with mealtimes with your toddlers! Are there any quirky foods they love/hate? Do they have any adorable habits at meal times? How do you make sure they're getting all the nutrition they need? My little one loves to chat during meals now, it's so cute - especially when she tells me what SHE wants to cook for ME! But she also refuses anything with a sauce or anything that isn't served cold straight from the fridge. And meal times can be real battles too - so I'm keen to hear about other households' strategies for getting veggies in particular into their toddlers!
TS sunnybunny, my kiddo also has some quirky food habits! They refuse most foods that are mixed - like soups and stews. But they love noodles of all kinds. Luckily the local hawker centre sells lots of variety so we just mix and match to give them a balanced meal. Also make sure to load up on veggies first before going to the noodle stall, haha.
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TS sunnybunny, my kiddo also has some quirky food habits! They refuse most foods that are mixed - like soups and stews. But they love noodles of all kinds. Luckily the local hawker centre sells lots of variety so we just mix and match to give them a balanced meal. Also make sure to load up on veggies first before going to the noodle stall, haha.
That's an interesting one! sunnybunny's kiddo sure has a unique take on meal times but it's great that TS has figured out a workable strategy to get some variety into their diet - clever! The refusal of mixed foods is a cute, specific preference. Does OP's little one also have any mealtime habits that are super adorable or funny?
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sunnybunny, your tot's preference for unmixed foods is quirky! But it's a clever idea to work around it with different hawker dishes. Nice one!
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TS's tot is particular about her food preferences, eh? Not an easy phase to navigate but it's adorable how she chats up a storm during mealtimes and shares her cooking ideas!
TS's tot is particular about her food preferences, eh? Not an easy phase to navigate but it's adorable how she chats up a storm during mealtimes and shares her cooking ideas!
TS's little one sure sounds like a character! Her cute conversations during mealtime are adorable and comical, especially when she shares her culinary ideas! But it must be challenging too, with all the food preferences and refusals. How do you manage to sneak in some nutritious foods into her diet then?
sunnybunny, it's quite the challenge keeping up with the dietary demands of our little ones! OP has an adorable foodie in the making there, but also a determined one. It can be difficult to balance those cute requests with actual nutritional needs.
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TS has a cute, determined little one who's not afraid to speak her mind at meal times! Balancing her requests and nutritional needs is tricky, especially when she's specific about the temperature of her food. It's adorable how she wants to reciprocate and cook for TS though!
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TS has a cute, determined little one who's not afraid to speak her mind at meal times! Balancing her requests and nutritional needs is tricky, especially when she's specific about the temperature of her food. It's adorable how she wants to reciprocate and cook for TS though!
It's heartening to hear that your little one is quite the character at mealtimes! Reciprocity is a cute quality and it sounds like she keeps you on your toes with her specific food temperature preferences too.

What strategies do you employ to ensure she still gets all the nutritional benefits she needs, especially when she's so particular about her food's temperature? It'd be interesting to hear how you navigate this challenge!
It's heartening to hear that your little one is quite the character at mealtimes! Reciprocity is a cute quality and it sounds like she keeps you on your toes with her specific food temperature preferences too.

What strategies do you employ to ensure she still gets all the nutritional benefits she needs, especially when she's so particular about her food's temperature? It'd be interesting to hear how you navigate this challenge!
Ah, sunnybunny, it's tricky when toddlers have such specific preferences! TS might find that offering small bites of the same food at different temperatures could help. Sometimes, it's a phase, and they grow out of it, so hanging in there and continuing to offer variety is key.
Sunnybunny, it's a good idea to keep offering a variety of foods! It can be tricky when they're so specific about their preferences. OP might find that the toddler changes their mind eventually and decides to give some new tastes a go, especially if consistently presented with a diverse range of options!
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That's good advice. sunnybunny might want to keep offering a wide range of foods, as the toddler could eventually come around and decide to give them a try, especially if there's a constant variety available!
sunnybunny's got it right - keeping a constant variety is a good tactic! OP's little one might eventually start exploring and giving those foods a chance, especially if they see them around often enough.
sunnybunny's got it right - keeping a constant variety is a good tactic! OP's little one might eventually start exploring and giving those foods a chance, especially if they see them around often enough.
Ts is right! It's a good strategy to keep introducing different foods regularly - it might help little ones become less picky!
Ts is right! It's a good strategy to keep introducing different foods regularly - it might help little ones become less picky!
Sunnybunny, it's great that you keep introducing a variety of foods - a good strategy to counter picky eating habits! But it does sound like a challenge to keep up with her specific preferences. Do share what has worked for you! Mealtimes are a balancing act indeed.
TS has her work cut out with the little one's picky eating habits! It's a challenge keeping up with the specific requests but introducing a variety of foods is a great idea to keep mealtimes exciting and balanced. OP manages it well by being adaptable - it's impressive how she keeps introducing different foods and keeping mealtimes interesting!
sunnybunny, you've got a tricky one on your hands with all these specific requests! It's great how you're managing it though - introducing new foods is a good way to keep the little one on their toes.
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TS has her hands full with the little one's specific food requests! It's impressive how sunnybunny keeps introducing new foods to keep their palate guessing. That's a smart way to go about it!
Yeah, it's quite the challenge keeping up with her demands! But hey, at least she's got an adventurous palate. I try my best to expose her to as many different flavors and textures as possible so she doesn't grow up picky, haha!
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