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Toddlers' Good Behavior


Feb 27, 2024
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Parents shared their tips on managing toddler behavior, with the common thread being toddlers' natural curiosity and fearlessness in exploring the world. Outdoor nature walks allow them to indulge their wonder and boost their confidence while learning new skills. These experiences provide opportunities for toddlers to embrace new challenges, navigate the unknown fearlessly, and develop a sense of adventure, which parents find inspirational. It reminds adults to let go of fears, appreciate the simplicity of the moment, and draw on childish curiosity and courage in their own lives. Toddlers' infectious energy and enthusiasm are a constant delight, encouraging everyone to slow down and savor these embraceable moments.

Threaded to discuss tips, stories, and strategies on handling and encouraging good behavior from our little ones! Share your success stories and the methods behind them because we all know a well-behaved tot is a happy tot (and parent)! Whether it's keeping calm in a tantrum situation or fostering kindness and consideration, let's explore the ways to foster the good. What worked for you and what doesn't? Let's help each other navigate this tricky phase with our sanity intact!
One thing that has worked really well with my son is giving him a 'cool down' option when he's having a meltdown.

I'll ask him if he wants a cool down and explain that he can either sit on the sofa and calm down, or I can help him to calm down by holding him. Usually, he opts for the sofa and sits there while taking some deep breaths.

It gives him an autonomy over the situation and acknowledges his feelings, but also sets a boundary - which he seems to respond well to.

It's not an instant fix, took about 2-3 months of consistent application before it started working, but now it's great because it gives him some independence in an otherwise overwhelming situation and also helps him develop strategies to manage big feelings.

Also, plenty of positive reinforcement when he does calm down quickly or displays good behavior! Lots of praise and little rewards go a long way.

That's a great strategy! Giving the child some autonomy and helping them develop strategies to regulate their emotions is so key. We do something similar with our little one and it's amazing how, over time, they learn to manage those big feelings.

Positive reinforcement is definitely key - we use lots of praise too when our daughter displays good behaviour or calms down after a meltdown. We also find that giving her a job to help us has been a good incentive! For example, asking her to help us set the table or 'sweep' the floor with a little broom helps direct that energy into something positive and gives her a sense of contribution too which she seems to enjoy.

It's wonderful to see these strategies work over time - patience is definitely required though!

You're right, it's amazing to witness how children learn to manage their big feelings with some autonomy and emotion regulation strategies. We, as parents, are certainly growing too alongside our little ones!

Positive reinforcement and praise go a long way and it's wonderful that you've found a helpful incentive in giving your daughter jobs to do. Giving them a sense of contribution certainly boosts their confidence too.

What other strategies does everyone use to keep toddlers engaged and direct their energy productively? I find taking my son on nature walks or to the park helps expend his abundant energy and he learns so much too! It's so fascinating to observe how they discover new things and their curiosity satisfaction keeps them engaged.

My son loves helping with simple chores and feeling like a big helper. I got him a small tool set which has a hammer, screwdriver, wrench etc., and he goes around fixing things for us! Teaching him to take care of pets has also been a great way to instill discipline - he feeds the fishes and cleans the aquarium. We also make it a point to involve him in planning our meals and he enjoys grocery shopping with us and picking out new fruits and vegetables to try. It keeps him excited about eating healthy too!

Nature walks are an excellent idea! My son points out all the different insects and plants and it's endearing to see how proud he is of his discoveries. A Park visit is a great way to exhaust all that pent up energy and I find that my son comes back from the park so tired but satisfied that naptime becomes a breeze!

Those are some lovely ideas! My daughter also enjoys helping out, especially with chores related to food - cooking, grocery shopping and even setting the table. She also loves caring for her plush toys like they're real pets - it's adorable! Nature walks and park visits are a great way to spend quality time together too and exhaust the little ones. It's heartwarming to see how children derive so much joy from doing these simple things.

Those are wonderful observations! There is much happiness to be found in the simple things, and involving kids in food-related chores or 'pet caring' with their toys is a great way to engage them meaningfully. I love the idea of nature walks and visits to the park; it's amazing how easily little ones can tire themselves out when given the chance to explore outside! It's a win-win for everyone.

Yes And creating a safe space for them to explore builds their confidence too. We often take our older kids on nature walks and park visits, and it's heartening to see how fascinated they get when they discover something new - like finding different types of leaves or birds. It's a great way to appreciate the outdoors and all the beauty around us.

That's so true! My little one is extremely curious and observing the environment closely really enhances their cognitive abilities. Nature walks are such a great idea; I'll have to remember to incorporate more of those into our routine. It's amazing how something as simple as a stroll outside can teach them so much and boost their confidence too.

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Curiosity and exploration outdoors are such great ways for little ones to learn! My son is also very curious, and I love how it enhances his sense of wonder and awe too. Nature walks with a tiny tot can be such a fun adventure, and definitely a confidence booster for them to navigate the world. They pick up so many skills just through observing their surroundings - it's incredible!

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I love this! There's so much learning happening during these curiosity-led explorations and it sets such a great foundation for their future adventures. The world is their oyster - literally when they're exploring nature. It's incredible how simply being observant can teach them so many skills and build their confidence too!

So true! It's amazing to witness how curious toddlers are and how they absorb everything like sponges. Their confidence grows with each new discovery, and it's heartwarming to see them take pride in their newfound skills. Nature walks and outdoor adventures are such a great way to encourage this sense of wonder and independence.

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It's incredible how they embrace each new experience with wide-eyed wonder and eagerness. Outdoor activities certainly foster their curiosity and help develop their problem-solving skills as they encounter new challenges. We can learn a lot from our toddler's innate desire to explore and their fearless approach to life!

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You're so right! Their adventurous spirit and fearlessness are really admirable, it's like they have this innate sense of wonder and curiosity that fuels their excitement for new experiences. It's a beautiful thing to witness how they approach each new challenge with an open and eager mind. They remind us to not let the fears and inhibitions we acquire as adults dampen our spirit of exploration. We could definitely use some of that toddler energy in our everyday lives!

It's fascinating how they approach life with such enthusiasm and fearlessness. They have so much to teach us about embracing the new and unknown. We could all use that reminder now and then - to not let fear hold us back! Those little ones are truly an inspiration.

So true! It's amazing how they navigate the world with curiosity and a fearless spirit. They remind us that embracing the unknown can open up so many possibilities. We could definitely use their unwavering enthusiasm and courage in our lives. Watching them explore brings such joy and is a beautiful reminder to let go of any fears holding us back. Their fearless approach to life is truly awe-inspiring!

It's incredible how toddlers bring a unique perspective and a sense of wonder to everyday experiences. They remind us of the beauty in simplicity and the excitement hidden within the mundane.

Their fearless approach is a reminder that many of our fears are learned, and it's never too late to reclaim some of that childhood courage and apply it to our lives. Let's embrace the lessons our toddlers offer so generously!

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You're so right about toddler's fearless approach to life - it's a wonderful reminder to not let fears control us as adults! Their unfettered excitement over little things is a constant delight and humbling lesson, especially when we get used to the fast pace and demands of everyday life.

It's a beautiful coincidence that they're also at an age where they're learning so many skills - it's almost like they have a secret code to unlock new challenges every day, and their determination to succeed is so pure and unwavering. Their energy is infectious, isn't it? They remind us often that the joy of discovery is its own reward, and we should savor those little moments.

Their ability to let go of fears and embrace the wonder around them is such a precious gift, we could all use a healthy dose of our toddler's fearless curiosity! Embraceable moments a great reminder to slow down and appreciate them.

You've painted a lovely picture of the wonderment and excitement toddlers bring to our lives -- it's like they view the world through a kaleidoscope of curiosity and joy! Their fearlessness is inspiring, especially when life gets mundane and routine for us adults.

Their relentless spirit in the face of new challenges is so pure and heartening. It's a great reminder to keep striving, keep exploring, and keep that childlike wonder alive, even in the smallest moments. They have so much to teach us, don't they? Their boundless energy and enthusiasm are a constant source of delight and a great nudge to appreciate the here and now.

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You've encapsulated it beautifully - toddlers do view the world with a special kaleidoscope of wonder, fearlessness, and joy!

Their unyielding curiosity and spirit are truly inspiring. Even when faced with disappointment or challenges, they dust themselves off and get right back into exploring with the same boundless energy. It's a wonderful reminder to embrace the present and find delight in the small things.

They're little teachers, these tiny tot trailblazers, showing us how to approach life with an intrepid spirit!


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