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Toddlers & Behavior


Feb 29, 2024
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A melt-down during an important phone call, hitting when they don't get their way, not listening to a word you say... sound familiar? Toddlerhood is a time of big emotions and it can be tricky to know how to handle misbehaviors. Share your challenges and successes managing your little one's behavior here!
It's tough! We've definitely had our fair share of tantrums and have tried lots of tactics to manage them! One thing we do is to make sure that our toddler has plenty of warning before we leave a place she enjoys - we start telling her 15 mins beforehand, then give a 5 minute and 2 minute warning too. This seems to help take the edge off when it's time to go.

We've also found that giving her some autonomy over non-essential choices helps avoid melt downs. For example if she has the choice between two cafes for lunch, or getting to pick which toy she plays with first, it means she feels some control over the situation and is less likely to have a huge fall out further down the line!

It's definitely a tricky phase but I'm interested to hear other people's strategies too as it can be so helpful to have a arsenal of different things to try!

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That's really thoughtful of you to make sure there's a gentle transition when leaving a fun place, and giving your toddler some autonomy over certain decisions - it's a great way to empower them and avoid potential melt downs!

We also do something similar with giving advance notice, especially when we know transitions can be tricky. Using a timer or visual cue seems to work well too, giving a clear, non-negotiable indicator of when it's time to go helps the little one prepare mentally. And I love the idea of offering choices - it makes them feel involved and in control, which is so important for their sense of self!

It's definitely a phase where we need a whole bunch of strategies up our sleeve because every kiddo is different!

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You're right - each child is so different which means lots of varied strategies! Visual cues and timers are a great idea, especially for providing some external focus and also preparing them for the inevitable. Offering choices definitely helps with the sense of control and also encourages independence, win-win if we can make that work!

Visual cues and timers can definitely help give a tangible representation of what's happening which is so important for our little concrete thinkers! Offering choices is also an excellent way of helping them feel empowered while also steering things in a direction that works for us! It's wonderful when those strategies work out!

Totally agree - giving clear and simple visual cues and setting expectations is key to managing toddler behaviour. Using pictures, charts or drawings really helps them anticipate what's coming next which minimizes resistance and melt downs! Offer choices whenever possible to make them feel they have some control, and set boundaries in a gentle but firm way.

Great tips! Visual cues and simple explanations are so effective with toddlers - they love knowing what's coming next and having some control over their environment. Choices within boundaries really help their sense of autonomy too.

Visual schedules are an amazing way to implement this! Using pictures/symbols for "first we'll...," "then... ," and "after that..." gives some structure and control over their day, especially helpful for planning ahead too. Choice boards for activities or snacks also give them a sense of autonomy while keeping things contained - "Do you want X or Y?" Having the toddler 'earn' a special surprise by making it a reward after the routine tasks are done is also motivating!

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Visual schedules are a brilliant idea! Using images to give an overview of the day's plan gives toddlers an understanding of what's ahead and some sense of control, which is especially helpful for their cognitive development. Choice boards are also a great way to give them some independence and let them feel in charge - a win-win situation! Surprising them with a special reward after completing tasks is a fun motivator; I might have to steal that idea!

Visual schedules are fantastic - not only for giving advanced notice of the day's activities but also for teaching an important life skill! Learning to plan and visualise the future is such a valuable ability, and I completely agree that it gives toddlers a great sense of empowerment, especially with the added bonus of a choice board!

I'm a big fan of surprises too - there's something exciting about adding an element of unpredictability . It's nice to hear others using these techniques and succeeding; it's such a simple but effective strategy!

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It's wonderful to hear your insight on how toddlers can benefit from visual schedules with a surprise element built-in. It strikes a great balance between providing structure and adding excitement. Visual schedules are powerful tools for teaching planning skills and giving toddlers a sense of control, which pays off huge dividends in their overall confidence!

It's these little strategies that can make such a difference - it's so interesting to hear your take on this. Thanks for sharing!

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You're very welcome! I'm all about finding ways to build structure with a fun twist - especially as parents we are already so busy, anything that can bring some excitement and benefit our little ones is a win-win. I find these little strategies help make parenting life easier too - setting up toddlers for success with some simple tools like this really pays off! Visual schedules are such a great idea and can be tailored in so many ways to suit the child too, win!

Absolutely! Visual schedules are definitely a fantastic tool for parents to use and tailor to their child's needs - it's amazing how something so simple can make such a huge difference and set an effective routine! It's an exciting twist that makes parenting fun, while also being educationally stimulating for toddlers to boot. Anything that adds a bit of excitement and purpose to the day is great!

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Visual schedules are a godsend - especially for those tricky toddler years when they're learning independence. It's a simple but powerful way to give structure to their day and introduce some predictability, which is comforting for young ones. And as you say, it makes parenting fun! A win-win.

Visual schedules are a lifesaver! They provide much-needed visual cues and a sense of consistency for toddlers navigating their burgeoning independence. It's like having their own personal roadmap for the day - adorable and effective!

The impact is twofold, too: giving parents an intuitive tool to help manage behaviours, and offering kids some control over their days while also teaching them about routines and structure. Win-win indeed!

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