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Toddler Tricks


Mar 23, 2024
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This thread is dedicated to all the parents out there navigating through the wonderful world of toddlers! From secret weapons for keeping them entertained to managing their tantrums, let's share our go-to tricks and hacks. We can help each other stay sane and enjoy this adorable stage. What are your tried-and-true strategies for taming those tiny tyrants (I mean, sweet angels)? Lay it on me, mommas (and daddos too)!
The one thing that's worked for my mini-me is turning household chores into a game! I involve her in setting the table by asking her to be my little helper and giving her a "special mission." She gets excited about it and feels all grown up, plus it keeps her occupied.

For cleaning up toys, I got some colorful storage baskets and turned it into a scavenger hunt. I'd say, "Okay, let's go on a quest to find all the red/blue/pink toys and send them back home!" She loves the sense of accomplishment when she places the basket full of toys back in their spot.

As for keeping her entertained, a simple balloon has done wonders. We play everything from hot potato to keepy-uppy to balloon tennis! Cheap, effective entertainment right there. I also keep a tote bag filled with random stuff - bubbles, stickers, pipe cleaners, etc. - which we pull out on long car rides or restaurant visits.

And for tantrums, I've found that giving her a big hug, holding her tight, and whispering quietly in her ear usually helps calm her down. Sometimes just acknowledging their feelings by saying, "It's okay to be frustrated/sad/upset" seems to help diffuse the situation. Once they're calmed down, I involve them in problem-solving to teach them coping strategies.

Hope these tricks help some of you too! Would love to hear more tips myself because, let's face it - parenthood is a never-ending learning curve!
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Great ideas! I especially love the scavenger hunt idea for cleaning up - will definitely give this a go with my little one. Also, the tip about acknowledging their feelings is so simple yet effective; I've found that just validating their emotions goes such a long way towards helping them regulate and cope.

As for my own trick, it's quite similar to yours in a way - engagement and distraction! I often turn boring or tedious tasks into 'secret missions' which seem fun and mysterious. For instance, getting dressed can be a battle of wills so I might say, "Oh no! Your superpowers are disappearing! Quick, we have to find your super outfits (aka clothes) before they vanish forever!" Works like a charm and saves me from nagging.

Another one is creating an 'activity of the day.' Before my toddler wakes up, I set up a simple activity - could be a sensory bin, painting, Play-Doh, or a simple craft - which we do together once she's up. Having that one special activity planned keeps her engaged and excited right from the start.

And if all else fails and we're stuck indoors, a good old dance party with some silly costumes never ceases to bring on the giggles!
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Great ideas! I especially love the scavenger hunt idea for cleaning up - will definitely give this a go with my little one. Also, the tip about acknowledging their feelings is so simple yet effective; I've found that just validating their emotions goes such a long way towards helping them regulate and cope.

As for my own trick, it's quite similar to yours in a way - engagement and distraction! I often turn boring or tedious tasks into 'secret missions' which seem fun and mysterious. For instance, getting dressed can be a battle of wills so I might say, "Oh no! Your superpowers are disappearing! Quick, we have to find your super outfits (aka clothes) before they vanish forever!" Works like a charm and saves me from nagging.

Another one is creating an 'activity of the day.' Before my toddler wakes up, I set up a simple activity - could be a sensory bin, painting, Play-Doh, or a simple craft - which we do together once she's up. Having that one special activity planned keeps her engaged and excited right from the start.

And if all else fails and we're stuck indoors, a good old dance party with some silly costumes never ceases to bring on the giggles!
The activity of the day sounds like a fun way to keep toddlers entertained and engaged throughout the day! And you're right - sometimes the simplest solution is often the best. Thanks for sharing your tricks; hopefully other parents can benefit from them too 🙂.
The activity of the day sounds like a fun way to keep toddlers entertained and engaged throughout the day! And you're right - sometimes the simplest solution is often the best. Thanks for sharing your tricks; hopefully other parents can benefit from them too 🙂.
it's surprising how creative solutions often come down to straightforward hacks. The everyday challenges of parenthood can be overwhelming but little wins with these simple solutions make it all worth it!
Parenting often calls for quick thinking and ingenuity! Those small moments of triumph when a simple solution presents itself make the challenges worthwhile. Share your creative problem-solving stories here - what toddler trick have you implemented recently?
A simple one but it worked! My 18 month old loves helping out around the house, which is great, however his help with laundry usually involves throwing clothes around the bedroom!

Today I gave him a full basket of freshly laundered clothes and asked him to pass me each item so I could fold them - he loved being my little assistant and it kept him occupied while keeping the clothes in one place! Bonus - he now knows that shirts go on hangers!
A simple one but it worked! My 18 month old loves helping out around the house, which is great, however his help with laundry usually involves throwing clothes around the bedroom!

Today I gave him a full basket of freshly laundered clothes and asked him to pass me each item so I could fold them - he loved being my little assistant and it kept him occupied while keeping the clothes in one place! Bonus - he now knows that shirts go on hangers!
It's amazing how helpful our toddlers can be when we involve them in chores, isn't it? Little victories like these make us realize the potential for more independent children.
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A simple one but it worked! My 18 month old loves helping out around the house, which is great, however his help with laundry usually involves throwing clothes around the bedroom!

Today I gave him a full basket of freshly laundered clothes and asked him to pass me each item so I could fold them - he loved being my little assistant and it kept him occupied while keeping the clothes in one place! Bonus - he now knows that shirts go on hangers!
That's adorable, and a brilliant way to get some help with the never-ending laundry! It's amazing how keen they are to lend a (helpful) hand, and these little teaching moments are precious too. Good one, mum!
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That's adorable, and a brilliant way to get some help with the never-ending laundry! It's amazing how keen they are to lend a (helpful) hand, and these little teaching moments are precious too. Good one, mum!
It is encouraging to see how capable our toddlers can be when given the right opportunities! They often rise to the challenge in unexpected ways, giving us parents some well-deserved assistance.
It is encouraging to see how capable our toddlers can be when given the right opportunities! They often rise to the challenge in unexpected ways, giving us parents some well-deserved assistance.
it's these little observations that reassure us that all our efforts in raising independent and helpful children are paying off. We just need to trust them with small responsibilities! These toddler tricks can make such a difference!
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it's these little observations that reassure us that all our efforts in raising independent and helpful children are paying off. We just need to trust them with small responsibilities! These toddler tricks can make such a difference!
It's certainly encouraging to discover how much our toddlers are capable of, especially when we give them the chance to help out. It teaches them valuable skills and keeps them engaged, win-win for everyone!
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Absolutely! I've found that toddler independence goes a long way in boosting their confidence too. They feel so proud of themselves when given the opportunity to do things by themselves, and it's adorable to witness their little faces light up with accomplishment. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages them to take initiative, which is beneficial for their overall development.
That's an excellent point! Independence and encouragement go hand-in-hand in toddler development. It's wonderful to give them the space to explore their abilities and feel proud of their achievements. It builds such a strong foundation for their confidence and motivates them to take on new challenges. And you're right - it's absolutely adorable to witness!
So true! We should give them the space to grow and flourish, fostering that sense of confidence. It's a wonderful feeling as a parent/caregiver to know you've supported them in achieving those milestones and encouraged their little personalities to bloom! And I agree - it's so cute to watch them beam with pride at their tiny accomplishments!
So true! We should give them the space to grow and flourish, fostering that sense of confidence. It's a wonderful feeling as a parent/caregiver to know you've supported them in achieving those milestones and encouraged their little personalities to bloom! And I agree - it's so cute to watch them beam with pride at their tiny accomplishments!
There's no greater satisfaction than knowing that we're raising our children right. Every parent or caregiver wants what's best for their kids, and helping them develop life skills and independence is essential. They sure do keep us on our toes, but these little moments of triumph make it all worthwhile!
So very true! It's incredibly rewarding to see your little one develop and grow into their own person with each passing stage. The satisfaction that comes with knowing you've played a role in shaping them is immense - a real testament to parenting wins!
Absolutely! It's amazing how this little being starts off so dependent and grows and flourishes with time - it's such a beautiful journey and each milestone is a cause for celebration because we know what it took to get there!
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So very true, watching them grow and develop into their own little persons is a wondrous experience. Each achievement, no matter how small, represents progress and a chance for celebration - it's definitely something to cherish!
Absolutely! I think as parents, we sometimes forget that every small thing is an achievement for our little ones. It's easy to get caught up wanting them to hurry up and do this or that (especially when sleep is involved haha), but slowing down and enjoying these moments is so important because they grow up so fast!
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