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Toddler Tales


Feb 15, 2024
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Share your stories here of your adorable toddlers and their cute, quirky behaviors! What's happening with their development that you're noticing? Any funny incidents, cute comments, new skills or achievements? What are some of the challenges you're facing now or anticipating as your little one hits new milestones? Let's share tips on how we manage the day-to-day adventures of toddlerhood. I'll go first! My 18 month old recently started this adorable game where he runs away giggling when I tell him it's time for his bath - he thinks it's so funny to hide from me, but of course I always find him and tickle him! It's such a cute way to make bath time fun.
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My 2 year old has started asking "what dat?" about everything she sees, which is adorable although it can get tiresome after the hundredth time! Also a runner - I love how they think they're so cheeky and clever though! She's also very into doing things herself, especially putting on shoes and socks. She'll spend ages trying to get her socks on, which is extremely endearing but means we have to allow lots of extra time for leaving the house!
My 2 year old has started asking "what dat?" about everything she sees, which is adorable although it can get tiresome after the hundredth time! Also a runner - I love how they think they're so cheeky and clever though! She's also very into doing things herself, especially putting on shoes and socks. She'll spend ages trying to get her socks on, which is extremely endearing but means we have to allow lots of extra time for leaving the house!
Yeah, my girl also has an insistence on doing things herself, especially when it comes to eating. She wants to feed herself, which is messy but I know it's a necessary skill for her to develop. Sometimes I just let her eat with her hands if she refuses spoons and forks, and she seems to enjoy the independence. I catch her copying adult manners too, like the other day she pretending to talk on the phone with her toy as she saw me chatting on mine. Kids this age are so observant and sponges everything up, it's adorable how they try to emulate our behaviors!
Yeah, my girl also has an insistence on doing things herself, especially when it comes to eating. She wants to feed herself, which is messy but I know it's a necessary skill for her to develop. Sometimes I just let her eat with her hands if she refuses spoons and forks, and she seems to enjoy the independence. I catch her copying adult manners too, like the other day she pretending to talk on the phone with her toy as she saw me chatting on mine. Kids this age are so observant and sponges everything up, it's adorable how they try to emulate our behaviors!
I think most toddlers go through a stage where they're particular about feeding themselves; it's like a rite of passage for them! It's a messy phase but like you said, it's part of their development and I guess it instils some sense of independence and confidence in them to manage meals on their own.
That's a great way to look at it! Yes, it definitely is a messy rite of passage, but as you say, an important one for their development and a step towards independence. It's lovely to hear your perspective on this and I'm going to channel your positivity next time there's food everywhere but the plate!
Positivity is the way forward - it's so easy to let the mess get you down, but as you say it's a vital step towards their independence and a joy to witness. Let's celebrate the mess! (Easier said than done some days though haha!)
Positivity is the way forward - it's so easy to let the mess get you down, but as you say it's a vital step towards their independence and a joy to witness. Let's celebrate the mess! (Easier said than done some days though haha!)
It is easier said than done! At least they're only small once, and this messy phase won't last forever. We'll look back on these messes fondly, I'm sure of it!
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It is easier said than done! At least they're only small once, and this messy phase won't last forever. We'll look back on these messes fondly, I'm sure of it!
this phase will one day be a distant memory, and we may even miss it despite the headaches it causes us now! Toddlerhood is such a curious and fascinating stage; they're like little scientists, exploring and experimenting with the world around them.
So very true! They're so inquisitive and their little minds are sponges - it's such a pleasure to see them discovering new things, even if some of their experiments end in tantrums or tears! It's a fascinating stage and definitely one to cherish amidst the chaos. We're always in awe of how much they soak up and the unique perspectives they bring to everyday things.
So very true! They're so inquisitive and their little minds are sponges - it's such a pleasure to see them discovering new things, even if some of their experiments end in tantrums or tears! It's a fascinating stage and definitely one to cherish amidst the chaos. We're always in awe of how much they soak up and the unique perspectives they bring to everyday things.
Their little spirits are so resilient too - they cry and throw tantrums, but often it's a short-lived mood and doesn't linger like it tends to for adults! It's refreshing in a way, this ability to let go of negative feelings quickly. They're a reminder that we're the ones making some mountains out of molehills!
They definitely keep us on our toes and remind us not to sweat the small stuff - which is most of it, really! It's a great perspective they bring and a good reminder to focus on the positive. Their moods can change so quickly that it's like magic! A great lesson in emotions regulation too as they navigate through those intense feelings, though challenging at times.
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They definitely keep us on our toes and remind us not to sweat the small stuff - which is most of it, really! It's a great perspective they bring and a good reminder to focus on the positive. Their moods can change so quickly that it's like magic! A great lesson in emotions regulation too as they navigate through those intense feelings, though challenging at times.
Their emotional turbulence could also be attributed to their innate curiosity and lack of filter - they want to explore and experiment with everything, including the limits of patience, especially when they're super excited about something! As adults, we could benefit from finding that balance between expression and restraint again; a reminder to be more childlike in some ways.
Their emotional turbulence could also be attributed to their innate curiosity and lack of filter - they want to explore and experiment with everything, including the limits of patience, especially when they're super excited about something! As adults, we could benefit from finding that balance between expression and restraint again; a reminder to be more childlike in some ways.
You've got a point there! As adults, we often suppress our emotions or feel society's pressure to remain stoic, but there's much to learn from toddlers' raw yet brief expressions of emotion. We could definitely use some of that unfiltered enthusiasm and curiosity about the world around us. It's a wonderful reminder to embrace our emotions and not fear them.
their unbridled feelings and intense focus on new experiences teach us a valuable lesson. We could all stand to embrace the world with such unabashed curiosity and passion! It's a great reminder of the richness that emotions add to our lives. We'd do well to remember this as we navigate our busy days - pause, feel, and marvel.
their unbridled feelings and intense focus on new experiences teach us a valuable lesson. We could all stand to embrace the world with such unabashed curiosity and passion! It's a great reminder of the richness that emotions add to our lives. We'd do well to remember this as we navigate our busy days - pause, feel, and marvel.
there's much we can learn from our little ones, their unfiltered expressions often reflect intense experiences of joy, excitement, or frustration at discovering something new. Savoring the moment and being present is a valuable life lesson they inadvertently teach us. Their world view is a humbling reminder to appreciate the wonders around us.
their unbridled feelings and intense focus on new experiences teach us a valuable lesson. We could all stand to embrace the world with such unabashed curiosity and passion! It's a great reminder of the richness that emotions add to our lives. We'd do well to remember this as we navigate our busy days - pause, feel, and marvel.
That's so true! They teach us to slow down and appreciate the little things, don't they? Even when their enthusiasm leads to messy situations, it's a reminder to find wonder in the everyday and not let distractions control our experiences. Toddlerhood teaches patience, wonder, and the importance of enjoying life's simple pleasures.
there's much we can learn from our little ones, their unfiltered expressions often reflect intense experiences of joy, excitement, or frustration at discovering something new. Savoring the moment and being present is a valuable life lesson they inadvertently teach us. Their world view is a humbling reminder to appreciate the wonders around us.
Yes, it's a constant reminder to slow down and appreciate the simplicity of the here and now. Toddlerhood is such an enchanting phase where everyday experiences become extraordinary adventures - whether it's a walk in the park or discovering the wonders of shadows on the wall. They help us regain our sense of wonder and appreciation for life's little miracles.
I love how you've described toddlerhood - it's so true! There's a heightened sense of wonder and excitement in the everyday that we often forget as adults. They remind us to slow down and appreciate the magic in the mundane.
It's incredible how toddlers see beauty and excitement in everything, it's such a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things! They have this amazing ability to find joy in the simplest of discoveries - it's a skill we definitely forget as we grow up!
It's incredible how toddlers see beauty and excitement in everything, it's such a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things! They have this amazing ability to find joy in the simplest of discoveries - it's a skill we definitely forget as we grow up!
they notice and appreciate the smallest things that many adults would overlook. Finding pleasure in simple delights is a unique talent toddlers possess, which adds so much richness and depth to their lives. It's almost like they have an instruction manual for finding happiness, uncovering wonder wherever they go. We could certainly learn a lot from this skill of theirs!

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