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Toddler Tactics


Mar 15, 2024
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What's everyone's best toddler tactics? Looking for some fresh ideas on managing the chaos of raising a tiny human! Share your success stories, creative discipline techniques or just funny incidents you've experienced while navigating this challenging and delightful stage of parenthood. Let's pool our collective wisdom and help each other out!
Pick your battles - it's an important skill to learn and will save you a lot of energy in the long run! Focus on the big things and let some of the smaller naughtiness slide, especially if it's something that doesn't hurt anyone or cause major damage.

I also find distraction to be a very effective tool with my nearly-three year old. If she's doing something she shouldn't, I'll quickly redirect her attention to something else - either by showing her a toy she hasn't seen in a while or changing the subject and asking her if she'd like a drink/snack etc. Most of the time, she's so easily distracted that it keeps tantrums at bay!

I've also found that giving her lots of advanced warning before we leave the house helps - especially if we're going somewhere she doesn't want to go . Giving her a five-minute warning and then a one-minute warning prepares her for what's coming and makes transitions easier.

And lastly, I try really hard not to make promises I can't keep - especially when she asks for things at the shops! It's a lesson in learning delayed gratification and also keeps the toddler meltdowns at bay because I'm not setting her up for disappointment. If I'm unsure how to respond to a situation, my go-to is usually a deep breath and a slow and calm "no"... somehow it helps me stay calm when she's getting heated!

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Great tips! Picking your battles and focusing on the big things is so important - especially as they grow older and assert their independence more forcefully!

Distraction works well with my nearly 2 year old too, although sometimes it feels like a tricky dance to keep up! I like the idea of giving lots of warning about upcoming transitions - I often use that technique for leaving the park or heading home but hadn't thought to expand on it.

And yes, the 'slow and calm no' is my go-to too - such an effective way of staying calm when things are heating up! Often if I can keep myself calm then my toddler will follow suit .

So true about keeping yourself calm, it's a great tactic and often forgotten amidst the chaos! Distractions are a mum's best friend some days - it's amazing what works from one moment to the next too! giving lots of warning is a fairly new trick I've learnt this year, and already seeing the benefits - especially when leaving somewhere fun! Anything to avoid the meltdown at the gate haha.

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distractions and warnings are definitely key! it's so true that different things work all the time, you just have to figure out what works best in the moment. keeping a cool head is so difficult when your toddler is having a meltdown but it definitely helps to remember that staying calm helps everyone stay calm - easier said than done though!! haha. what are some of your go-to distractions?

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It really is a moving target, figuring out what will work best in the moment! I've found that for short distractions, giving my child options often helps, like "do you want to pick which shoe we put on first or choose the snack for our walk?" And when all else fails and a full-on tantrum is happening, I've had some luck with walking away and calmly getting on with something else - it usually either prompts my daughter to follow and join whatever fun activity mom's up to, or at least stops the escalation of the tears because she's not getting as much reaction. Keeping calm is a superpower for sure, one that I'm trying to develop!

That's a great strategy! I love giving options too — it makes them feel involved and empowers them with a sense of control. And walking away is genius when they're escalating; staying calm is certainly a skill to master! It's so tricky because sometimes you just need that pause button, haha. We're all doing our best and learning what works for each kiddo!

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Options and pauses definitely help toddlers feel more in control - I love hearing how well you're keeping your cool too, staying calm can be so tricky! The 'pause button' is a great way to put it! Mastery over our own reactions is such a hard but important thing to learn and you're doing an awesome job finding what works for your little one.

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Thank you so much for your reply and for sharing your insights! I appreciate hearing that I'm on the right path - it's definitely a challenge to remain calm when toddlers are involved haha. Finding those strategies that work and seeing that pause button in action is such a rewarding feeling :) How lovely too, that it's helping her feel more in control. It's such a tricky stage and every day is so different - but mastering our reactions is an important skill to learn as mums!

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You're doing a great job, and it sounds like you've found some winning strategies! It's wonderful how you're helping her gain control - it's a tricky stage and your approach will pay off as she grows. It's such a skill to be able to step back and react calm and purposeful despite the toddler tantrums - go mum!

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! It is such a tricky stage but I'm trying my best to stay calm and guide her through this tumultuous period. Seeing it as an opportunity to help her learn self-control and regulate her emotions makes it a bit easier - plus, knowing that she's developing independence and assertiveness is a great reminder of the positive aspects of this phase!

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