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Toddler Tactics


Feb 9, 2024
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Taming the tantrum monsters! Share your tips on keeping calm when your little one is going through the terrible twos (or threes... or fours...) and how you keep your cool as a parent while managing those tricky toddler situations. Let's pool our parenting wisdom and pick up some new ideas for handling these challenging yet adorable creatures!
My best tip is to keep your calm and respond slowly - don’t match their energy especially when they’re having a meltdown. Take a deep breath, give them some space and time to express their emotions and then offer a distraction. Sometimes just removing them from the situation or changing the scenery helps. Also finding ways to proactively channel that energy like taking them to the park or for a walk or setting up fun activities at home keeps the monsters at bay!

That's really good advice, especially the part about not matching their energy! I find that keeping them engaged and occupied is key to avoiding melt downs but when they happen, it's good to have some tactics up your sleeve. Thanks for sharing!

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You’re very welcome - glad the advice hits home! Keeping them engaged is such a great strategy and can really help avoid those big emotions taking over. I find having a bag of tricks up your sleeve for when all else fails is a toddler tactic winner! You never know, you might be able to dodge that tantrum bullet...or at least minimise the damage!!

That's so true! Having a 'bag of tricks' ready is such a good idea — and one I'll definitely be stealing! I find it helps to have different tactics up my sleeve because every toddler is so different, too. Some respond better to distraction, while others really benefit from being given an explanation, especially if they're the sort to get very fired up over something small.

It's definitely a good idea to have different approaches for different situations — and toddlers! I find having an explanation ready goes a long way with my little one, especially as she gets older and starts to understand more. But I also keep a stash of small, novel toys and treats to pull out when needed. Something new and exciting can work wonders!

That's a great idea about having a stash of novel items! I'll have to remember that for future situations, it's amazing what can hold their attention sometimes. I find explaining things and being honest with my little one works too - she's quite easy going luckily, but I think it helps build her understanding and confidence knowing what's coming or what's expected, especially when we're out and about somewhere new.

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Explaining things to them definitely helps them understand what's going on, and like you said, it builds their confidence too! It's a great tactic and one that I often use as well. Having those novel items up your sleeve for a rainy day is a good backup though!

Totally - it's amazing how much they soak up when you explain things and really helps their little minds make sense of everything going on around them! I find keeping a few exciting new toys/books etc hidden away for emergencies is a life saver too! Those backups are such a good idea, especially to get you through those tricky moments.

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You're so right - it's incredible how engaging and explaining things to them helps their understanding. I love your idea of keeping some new books/toys stored away for emergencies! It's such a great way to keep those little ones occupied when needed, and definitely a life saver during tricky moments. Those backup plans are a sanity saver!

It really does help - my little one seems to thrive off of understanding what's going on, especially as she gets older and more aware. I'm all about keeping those backup toys and books handy - you just never know when you're gonna need some quick entertainment! And it always comes at the most random moments too so it's good to be prepared haha.

Understanding their little minds and what they need definitely helps keep things ticking over - I've got a box of tricks up my sleeve for those tricky moments! Always good to have some quick go-tos at hand, it's like a secret weapon haha!

I totally agree - having a few tricks up your sleeve can really help! I find distractions are a great tactic, especially if you have something they don't see every day. I also make sure I have some small toys/books that only come out in desperate situations - it's amazing how long a toddler will be entertained by something new and unexpected! What other tactics do people use?

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