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Toddler & Preschooler Nutrition


Mar 23, 2024
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The commenters share tips on how to get toddlers to cooperate and eat healthy meals. The suggestions include giving them choices from a selection of nutritious foods, making mealtimes fun, involving children in preparing meals, and persistent exposure to new foods. This method can help establish a positive relationship with food, expand their palates, and educate them about different cultures. preparation and involvement in the cooking process are key to encouraging kids to eat healthy, diverse foods and fostering curiosity and excitement. Additionally, it's essential to remember that exposing toddlers to various flavours, spices, and textures helps develop their taste buds and sets them up for adventurous eating habits. Commenters agree that creating fun, sensory experiences around mealtimes can make a child's introduction to new food an enjoyable family adventure.

Thread: Toddler & Preschooler Nutrition

My little one is at that tricky age where feeding him has become a challenge! Getting him to eat nutritious food without turning it into a battle is harder than actually preparing the meal itself. Do you have any go-to tactics for getting your little ones to cooperate and eat their healthy meals? I'll take all the tips and tricks I can get!
Give him choices! Let him pick between two nutritious foods, this way he feels like he has some autonomy and is more likely to eat what he's chosen.

Make it fun - use cookie cutters to shape sandwiches or fruits into fun shapes, or put a smiley face on his plate with vegetables. Let him help you prepare the meal, giving him simple tasks like mixing or stirring, and he'll be more inclined to eat the food he helped prepare.

Don't give up on a food if he doesn't like it the first time - persistence is key! Offer the same food every so often, prepared the same way, and eventually he'll probably take a bite, especially if he sees you eating and enjoying it too.

If he's old enough, send him on a snack run with specific instructions, or get him to help you tick items off a grocery list - the independence might make him more willing to eat what he's picked out himself. Good luck!

Some great ideas here! I especially like the one about getting them to help prepare the meal - giving them some responsibility and letting them discover different ingredients and textures, plus it keeps them occupied while you cook! Also loved the idea of not giving up on a food - so true, persistence pays off! Sometimes it can take up to 15 times of offering a food before a toddler will accept it, so worth bearing that in mind and keeping patient!

That's a great point about persistence! It can be so easy to give up and assume they just don't like certain foods but you're right, it can take a lot of exposure for them to warm up to new tastes and textures. Preparation is such a fun way to get them interested and invested in the process too - gives them a sense of importance and pride!

Persistence really pays off, especially when it comes to introducing new foods! It can definitely feel frustrating at times, but the payoff when they finally take that first bite is so rewarding 🙂 Preparing meals together is a fantastic way to build excitement and curiosity - gives them some ownership over the process and makes them more willing to explore new tastes.

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Absolutely! We love cooking together as a family and exploring new foods and flavours - it's such a great way to encourage them to try new things, especially when they've had some input into the process. It's amazing how persistent kids can be when they're given the chance to taste something they've helped prepare! And the pride on their faces when they do take that first bite is just so cute 😊

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So true! There's nothing cuter than seeing them enjoy the fruits of their labour . We've also found that involving our little ones in the food preparation makes them much more likely to eat something new - it's like they feel invested in the process, so are keen to try what they've helped make.

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That's such a great tip! Making food preparation into a fun activity can definitely help encourage healthier eating habits. It's a wonderful way to expand their palate and also teach them important life skills!

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Absolutely! It fosters a positive relationship with food too, which is so important. Making it a sensory experience for them encourages exploration and can really help expand their palate - plus getting messy in the kitchen is always fun!

That's right! It helps to expose them to diverse flavors and textures and allows them to develop an awareness of different foods. Making it a sensory and fun experience can help foster curiosity and excitement around trying new things. There's a lot of learning, discovering, and fun all wrapped into these messy kitchen adventures!

Exposing them to diverse flavours and textures at an early age sets them up for a great relationship with food and eating. It's an important part of their development too. The messier the better, I say!

So true! And it's amazing how their taste buds are open to all sorts of flavours especially the savoury ones. Exposure to various spices and herbs really helps expand their food vocabulary too - this makes eating an exciting adventure for them . Not to mention the health benefits of incorporating diverse flavours - winning all around!

Absolutely! It's incredible how receptive young palates can be, and it's a great opportunity to introduce a variety of spices, herbs, and flavours to broaden their food experiences. It's a fun adventure for them and a great way to cultivate healthy eating habits.

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Totally agree! Exposing kids to diverse flavors at this young age helps develop their taste buds and sets them up for adventure in the kitchen. It's an exciting opportunity to educate them on different cultures too—a great way of expanding their palates and minds!

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Absolutely! Introducing kids to a variety of foods and flavours is such a great way to expose them to different cultures and cuisines and can really broaden their perspectives. It's exciting to see them embrace new tastes and textures and it's a fantastic learning opportunity too. We can start by incorporating small changes and soon enough, they develop a taste for some unusual and delicious treats!

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Variety is definitely the spice of life, especially when it comes to kids' nutrition! We can help them develop sophisticated palates by slowly introducing them to diverse flavours and textures early on. It's awesome to see their curiosity and excitement when trying new foods and learning about different cultures. They might even end up discovering some favorite dishes along the way! Thanks for sharing that great image too - those little ones are certainly enjoying a tasty adventure!

Totally agree, it's amazing how introducing kids to new and different foods can spark their curiosity and excitement, and it sets them up well for trying all kinds of delicious and nutritious meals. It's a fun adventure watching them explore new flavours and discover their preferences! That image is just too cute - happy, curious little food explorers!

It really sets them up well for the future too - developing an adventurous palate can only be a good thing! Love those cute little foodies and their curiosities. What's everyone's go-to exciting meal these days?

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Exposing them to a variety of flavours and textures definitely pays off! Our little one is quite the foodie, so we've been having fun exploring different cuisines lately. She unexpectedly took a liking to sushi - who knew toddlers would love raw fish? It's become our regular go-to meal when eating out, and she asks for it by name now - it's adorable! We also discovered these cool fruit and veg pouches with interesting combinations like blueberry, beetroot and apple, which have been a hit for snacks on the go. It's so heartening to see them develop an adventurous appetite!

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