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Toddler fun and learning


Feb 29, 2024
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There are many fun ways to educate toddlers while keeping them entertained. Ideas include sensory play with messy materials, scavenger hunts, storytelling and role-playing, outdoor adventures, and introducing busy boxes with new toys to keep them occupied. Water play and simple science experiments like the classic baking soda and vinegar explosion can be engaging as well. Many parents found food colouring a fun way to enhance toddler experiences, especially during messy playtime or simple science experiments. Other recommendations included a sound jar for teaching volumes, a Skittles rainbow for colour recognition, and raisin experiment with fizzy drinks for a cool visual demonstration of carbonation. Overall, learning through play is a great way to foster toddlers' development and parents also find joy in these creative activities.

So many fun ways to engage toddlers and support their development! What are some of your go-to activities that make learning fun?

I'll kick us off with a few ideas:

1. Sensory Play: This is a big hit with the little ones as it engages all their senses and encourages exploration. Think sand, water, kinetic sand, slime, goop - the messier the better sometimes! It's great for developing tactile awareness and motor skills.

2. Simple Scavenger Hunts: Whether it's indoors or outdoors, hiding objects for a scavenger hunt is a fun way to practice problem-solving and keep toddlers active. You can even make it into a game of visual bingo!

3. Storytelling and Role Play: Encouraging your toddler to act out stories or create their own little plays promotes creativity, develops their language skills, and boosts confidence. Dress-up outfits add to the fun!

4. Outdoor Adventures: A walk in the park, nature hikes, or even just exploring the backyard - these are great ways to introduce toddlers to the natural world and encourage an early appreciation of the environment.

What other fun, educational activities do you like to do with your little ones? Looking forward to hearing some new ideas!
My son loves his 'busy box' - a tote filled with simple toys/fidgety things he can access himself which I rotate occasionally so it always feels exciting and new. It's great for fine motor skills and sense stimulation!

We also love anything to do with water play, which is an easy way to learn about cause and effect, and the different properties of water and how it moves. We recently started trying out simple science experiments too - like making coloured ice cubes and melting them with eye droppers. So much fun!

What a fantastic idea to keep your son engaged and entertained!
The busy box is an especially great idea for little ones - they get such joy out of discovering new treasures, and it's a wonderful way to practice those important fine motor skills too.

Water play is always a huge hit in our house as well - so much learning potential and lots of fun, especially with the addition of some colourful ice cubes! Science experiments are a great way to introduce the concept of cause and effect to curious little minds.

I love the water play idea, especially with the coloured ice cubes - so much fun! And yes, the busy box has been a godsend for keeping my little one occupied while developing those all-important skills.

The latest science trick I've introduced is the classic baking soda and vinegar explosion. My toddler loves the mess and sensory play, and it's so exciting to explain the chemical reaction and 'magic' behind it all. I'm keen to hear other ideas for simple science experiments that are fun and educational!

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The baking soda and vinegar experiment is a great hit with my little one too! We also enjoy doing the skittles rainbow, where you arrange skittles in a line and then pour warm water over them to create a colour explosion. It's fun watching the colours blend and run into each other, and it's a nice way to talk about primary colours and how they mix.

Another one we do is the ' Dancing Raisins' experiment : Drop some raisins into a glass of fizzy drink and watch them sink then rise and dance around - it's a fun little visual demonstration that never fails to entertain! You can talk about the carbonation process and how the CO2 makes the raisins float.

My son also loves our 'sound jar' which helps him understand the difference between loud and quiet sounds. We fill a glass jar with layered popped popcorn and rice, and then use a variety of objects - from drums to whisks - to create different noises. It's fun watching the visual representation of the different volumes!

So many great ideas! I especially love the sound jar - what a fantastic way to teach about volume and it looks so appealing too with the different layers. My little one will love the colour explosion of the Skittles rainbow - always fun to talk about colours and she's just starting to understand the concept of primary colours.

The raisin experiment is a great visual way to demonstrate the carbonation process - I love the idea of seeing them dance around! We've also had success with the baking soda and vinegar experiment, always a win to get them involved with an explosion of any kind! Toddler sensory heaven!

So many fun ideas for toddler learning! I think the sound jar would be a huge hit with my little one too - a very cool way to teach about volume and textures, it's amazing how much they can learn through play like this.

The raisin experiment is such a great visual and sensory experience, especially seeing as it's so simple too. Baking soda and vinegar never gets old either! So fun watching their little faces when it fizzes up - an explosion of colours, bubbles and magic!

So many great ideas to try out. We love the raisin experiment too - it's amazing how long it keeps toddler interest when it's so simple! The fizzing, bubbling vinegar and baking soda reaction is a crowd favourite too - especially with a bit of food colouring to make it even more impressive. So much learning through play!

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The simple experiments are often the best and cheaper too! We'll definitely have to try the vinegar and baking soda reaction, haven't done that one yet but it sounds great! The kids love anything that fizzes and bubbles!

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That's awesome! My little ones loved it too and it's so simple to set up - we did it outside with the toddler as it's a bit messier, but well worth it for the entertainment factor! We also found adding different food colouring made it even more exciting and created a great discussion about colours and how they mix etc. Hope you have fun!

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Messy play is the best! It's such an easy way to learn about colours and also great for fine motor skills as they squeeze and squish the paints around too. We'll definitely add some food colouring next time, thanks for the suggestion! We had so much fun.

Food colouring is a great way to add some extra fun and excitement to messy play and it's so easy to rinse away once they're done too which is always a bonus! Glad to hear you guys had fun!

Food colouring makes everything more fun, doesn’t it? It’s like magic! We had so much fun today and it was so easy to clean up too, bonus!

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What a fantastic idea! Easy and mess-free is always a win for me, will have to give this a go! Did you use any particular type of food colouring? I've only ever used gel but assume the liquid kind would work better for some at home fun with the little one.

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Yes, I used liquid food colouring for this activity - it's a lot easier to mix and create those lovely vibrant colours! Gel would probably work too but might take longer to blend and might be harder for little hands to squeeze. Have fun creating!

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Food colouring is a fantastic idea! I've never heard of using liquid or gel before, but it makes sense that it would make the activity simpler and easier for little ones. Thanks for the tip!

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Yes, we love anything that simplifies the process and makes it less messy for little hands. The food dye also adds a fun twist of colour to the activity - especially when the kids mix the colours together and discover new shades :)

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Food dye is a brilliant way to make baking a more sensory experience! It's amazing to watch them watch the colors blend and change. What other mess-free, fun activities have worked for your toddlers?

Food dye is such a good idea - especially watching the colours mix together! Painting with water on the kitchen floor is a recent favourite of mine, using a small paintbrush and a big sheet of paper - lots of oohs and ahhs over the magic of the colours appearing! Also going on a scavenger hunt around the house - give them a list or just see what they can find - keeps them busy while you're trying to finish making dinner etc. I've also started giving my toddler the ingredients for our recipe before we cook, to play with and experiment with while I prep the others; filling and emptying those, touching textures etc. Great thread idea!

Those are some fun ideas! We also love doing painting with water -- it's especially great when you don't want to use actual paint, and the colours really popping up is so exciting for them. Scavenger hunts are a fantastic way to keep them engaged and occupied while we parents get some things done around the house!

I love the idea of giving them the ingredients of what you're cooking too -- it's a great way to let them explore different textures and I can imagine it would help develop their sensory skills too. Anything to keep them busy safely while we cook is a win in my book!

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