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Tips To Save Time


Feb 29, 2024
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Many of the responses highlighted that saving time is closely related to organization skills and efficient time management. Some common themes included using technology such as timers, calendars or reminder apps on phones, keeping organized checklists or digital 'to-do' lists, and prioritizing tasks.

Several respondents also emphasized the value of delegation, recognizing that some tasks are best handled by others, allowing one to focus on higher-priority items. This prevents burnout and promotes efficient collaboration.

Other suggestions included blocking time slots for specific tasks, creating a 'To Buy' list for error free grocery runs, and grouping errands together to minimize travel time. Some respondents also recommended having comfortable shoes at hand for unexpected dashes!

Overall it seems that many simple yet effective strategies can help save time, keeping everything running smoothly without feeling frazzled. It's about recognizing what works best for your personal situation and incorporating these hacks into everyday life.

Share your best tips and tricks to make the most of our time!

Let's kick things off with a few gems I've picked up over the years:

1. Set a timer for 5 minutes before starting any task. It creates a sense of urgency and motivates you to focus, helping you get right into the groove.

2. Have specific goals for each day. Break them down into actionable tasks, prioritize, and tackle the most important ones first. This ensures you're not overwhelmed and makes progress more visible.

3. Group similar tasks together and do them in batches. For example, schedule a dedicated time for returning emails or making phone calls, having all your materials ready. You'll soon be zooming through them!

4. Keep a 'To Buy' list on your phone, organized by stores/locations. This saves those last-minute dashes to the store and ensures you only make necessary trips.

5. Learn the art of delegation! Identify tasks that others could handle, free up your time for what's most crucial. It's not about offloading work; it's about efficient distribution.

What are your secrets to saving time? I'm sure many would love to hear them!
Share your best tips and tricks to make the most of our time!

Let's kick things off with a few gems I've picked up over the years:

1. Set a timer for 5 minutes before starting any task. It creates a sense of urgency and motivates you to focus, helping you get right into the groove.

2. Have specific goals for each day. Break them down into actionable tasks, prioritize, and tackle the most important ones first. This ensures you're not overwhelmed and makes progress more visible.

3. Group similar tasks together and do them in batches. For example, schedule a dedicated time for returning emails or making phone calls, having all your materials ready. You'll soon be zooming through them!

4. Keep a 'To Buy' list on your phone, organized by stores/locations. This saves those last-minute dashes to the store and ensures you only make necessary trips.

5. Learn the art of delegation! Identify tasks that others could handle, free up your time for what's most crucial. It's not about offloading work; it's about efficient distribution.

What are your secrets to saving time? I'm sure many would love to hear them!
Batching similar tasks is such a great way to save time! I've been doing this recently and it helps so much especially when you have everything you need prepared and ready. No more running around like a chicken without its head!

Also, keeping a 'To Buy' list is a super good idea! I usually jot things down on my phone notes but they're usually scattered and not organized. Gonna try this out and see if it works better!

Time to contribute!

1 .Set clear goals – Having a clear idea of what needs to be done helps me lots. I make a mental note of everything needed for a project and break it down into manageable chunks. Knowing the next steps keeps me focused and prevents dawdling.

2. The To-Buy List is a lifesaver! I'm the type to forget things easily, so jotting down what I need and where to get them helps me shop efficiently without backtracking.

3. Batch similar tasks – I HATE jumping from one thing to another; it's exhausting! Doing similar activities together saves time and effort, plus I can knock them out quickly. No more scattered focus!

4. Delegate when needed – It's not about dumping work on others but recognizing what others are good at and utilizing their skills. Delegation keeps work moving smoothly and frees up time for more important stuff that only you can handle.

Time to share some tips lehhh...

I find keeping a digital to-do list super helpful! I use the Reminders app on my phone to jot down quick notes and set reminders, especially for grocery items. No more scrambling at the supermarket trying to recall what I need - efficiency guaranteed!

Also, I'm a big fan of the Pomodoro Technique. It's like having a mini workout session for your focus muscles. Set a timer for 25 mins, put on some focus music, and get into beast mode. Then, take a short break before starting again. Helps me stay sharp and avoid burning out.

Lastly, I keep a 'Someday' list - it's essentially a wishlist of things I'd like to do or achieve someday. Whenever I come across something that could occupy my time, I ask myself if it aligns with my ultimate goals or brings me closer to them. If not, I say no and don't feel bad about it! That helps me stay on track and avoid wasting time on impulse commitments.

Time is money, and some tasks are just not worth the trouble!

My go-to time-saver is getting help when I need it - no shame in that! Identification of the right helper makes all the difference, and then you can free up your time for the more crucial aspects of life. This isn't about being lazy but smart. delegation to the right people/services ensures a job well done and saves you from unnecessary stress.

Also, a digital 'To Do' list is a must-have in this day and age - no more scribbling on post-its that eventually get misplaced! Online lists keep everything organized and ticked off. You'll feel productive AF!

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Time is money, and some tasks are just not worth the trouble!

My go-to time-saver is getting help when I need it - no shame in that! Identification of the right helper makes all the difference, and then you can free up your time for the more crucial aspects of life. This isn't about being lazy but smart. delegation to the right people/services ensures a job well done and saves you from unnecessary stress.

Also, a digital 'To Do' list is a must-have in this day and age - no more scribbling on post-its that eventually get misplaced! Online lists keep everything organized and ticked off. You'll feel productive AF!
Time is money, and I totally agree with you! Getting some help when needed is a great way to save time - no need to stress over small matters. Having helpers is not about being lazy; it's about smart delegation, as you said!

And yup, digital to-do lists are the way to go these days. No more hunting around for that lost piece of paper with your scribbles! It gives a satisfying feeling to tick off completed tasks too.

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Yep, digital to-do lists are the way to go! Saves time and no more scribbling on pieces of paper that get lost easily hehe.

The Pomodoro Technique sounds interesting too - focus in short bursts with a short break to recharge. Doesn't sound like much but could really help with productivity I guess!

'Someday' list - that's an interesting concept! Kind of like a vision board but simpler. Makes it easier to manage expectations and say no to non-essential commitments without the guilt. Saying no is a useful skill to learn, especially for an introvert haha.

Wah! So many good ones!! I love the timer idea - feels like a mini challenge! And the 'To Buy' list too... no more last minute runs cos you forgot something. My brain's not as efficient at keeping track of everything nowadays.

I'd add that using tech helps me save time, especially setting reminders and putting things into my calendar. I used to be old school with a physical diary but went digital after I kept forgetting to bring it everywhere. Now everything's synced across my devices so I always have access.

Also, I try to minimize meetings! They can eat into your day so quickly and often end up being time suckers because of travel or just general chit chat. If you can avoid them or keep them short and sweet, it makes a big difference. Might not be popular but hey, gotta do what works right?

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Time to share some tips on saving time!

I totally second the 'To Buy' list idea! I keep mine on my phone notes app, divided up by stores and it's a lifesaver when I'm running errands. No more multiple trips because I forgot something!

Also have a love/hate relationship with setting timers, mainly because I often underestimate how long some tasks take, but it does help to put a little pressure on me to get things done fast.

What I do is block out time slots for specific tasks like admin work, exercising, and even cooking. So each day has a rough schedule that I try to follow. That way everything gets some attention without taking over my whole day. For me, it's all about keeping on top of things so they don't snowball into bigger problems.

Also, wearing shoes you can run in helps. A lot. Haha! You never know when you might need to sprint for that bus or dash into a store before it closes!

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Time to share some tips on saving time!

I totally second the 'To Buy' list idea! I keep mine on my phone notes app, divided up by stores and it's a lifesaver when I'm running errands. No more multiple trips because I forgot something!

Also have a love/hate relationship with setting timers, mainly because I often underestimate how long some tasks take, but it does help to put a little pressure on me to get things done fast.

What I do is block out time slots for specific tasks like admin work, exercising, and even cooking. So each day has a rough schedule that I try to follow. That way everything gets some attention without taking over my whole day. For me, it's all about keeping on top of things so they don't snowball into bigger problems.

Also, wearing shoes you can run in helps. A lot. Haha! You never know when you might need to sprint for that bus or dash into a store before it closes!
I'm also a fan of blocking time slots! It's like having mini-appointments with yourself. You keep everything in check and prevent snowballing deadlines too.

And yes, the shoe tip is genius haha! We don't want to miss any buses or have our days ruined because of uncomfortable footwear choices 😂. Having comfortable shoes can really save your day sometimes! It's like having a secret time-saving weapon!

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For real bro, the key to saving time is to jio your friends! If you have a big group project or any big tasks, get your crew together and split up the work. No point doing everything yourself when you guys can crush it together.

Also, don't procrastinate la! Set specific targets and stick to them. Don't keep pushing things off til tomorrow. You end up wasting time and stressing out. Better to just get it done and move on to the next thing.

Oh, and listicle is a life-saver! Make a short, concise list of what you need to do - and tick them off one by one. Don't forget to reward yourself after ticking those items off! Could be a small treat or some R&R - makes you feel good and keeps you motivated!

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I'm also a fan of blocking time slots! It's like having mini-appointments with yourself. You keep everything in check and prevent snowballing deadlines too.

And yes, the shoe tip is genius haha! We don't want to miss any buses or have our days ruined because of uncomfortable footwear choices 😂. Having comfortable shoes can really save your day sometimes! It's like having a secret time-saving weapon!
Yeah, it's amazing how much a simple organization method can help! It's like a hidden superpower, keeping everything running smoothly. And yes, comfortable shoes are a must for the chaos that is our daily lives!

I also recommend keeping an accessible checklist of some kind - I use the notes app on my phone for this too. I break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and tick them off as I go along. There's something satisfying about seeing progress in a visual form and it motivates me to keep going!

What other tips do you guys have for keeping organized and saving time?
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Time to share the hacks!

I totally second the delegation tip! It's not about being lazy but rather about smart distribution of tasks and utilizing people around you. So many times we try to be superheroes and end up burning out.

Another thing that works for me is having a running 'to-do' list on my phone. I keep adding and ticking off things as I go along. It gives me a good overview and prevents me from forgetting anything. Plus, there's nothing like the satisfaction of seeing physical evidence of your progress!

Time to share the hacks that keep my life afloat!

1. Set a 5-minute timer, really helps to get my butt moving and cuts out procrastination time.

2. I make daily goal lists too and prioritize them cause if not, I might as well be running around like a chicken without its head.

3. I group my errands and do them all at once - grocery shopping, picking up parcels, going to the post office etc. Saves me so much time and energy honestly.

4. Keep a digital inventory of things you need and where you can get them. No more last minute sprints to the store!

5. I delegate like it's nobody's business LOL. I identify what tasks are not my forte or take up too much of my time, then pass them to others who are able to help. It's a win-win cause everyone gets to contribute and I get to focus on higher prio items!

Hope these help anyone reading this!

Time to share my 2 cents worth!

I'm a big fan of point 5 - delegate, delegate, DELEGATE! We can't do everything ourselves, and often, there's someone who can help and do a great job too. It's about recognizing what's best done by others and letting go of the reins.

Also love the idea of setting a 5-minute timer; seems like a good way to trick my mind into focusing without dawdling. I tend to tell myself I'll just take a quick break after one task ends, which sometimes turns into a longer one. Oops!

My own personal addition to this list would be to keep an electronic running list of tasks. I use the Notes app on my phone for everything - grocery lists, things to remember, and most importantly, my to-do list. Because it's always with me, I can quickly jot down tasks or remember what I need to do when I'm out and about. That way, I don't forget anything important, and it feels great to digitally cross things off!

Time to share some tips then!

I agree with you on setting daily goals. Works like a charm! Also, keeping a tab on things I need to buy and where to get them really helps too. Saves me the hassle from running around like a headless chicken trying to catch last train home with all the grocery bags!

Being a real pro also means knowing what's a worthy task to spend energy on and what's not. Got to learn to let some things go and focus on the important stuff - delegate if needed, or just do a super quick job on other tasks that aren't as crucial. No point spending two hours perfecting something that 15 mins can finish!

And yup, doing similar tasks in one go is such a time saver! I used to keep my emails for last, but now that I batch process them, they are done so much quicker and don't distract me throughout the day.


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