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Time Hacks


Mar 20, 2024
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Share your favorite time hacks to make each day more efficient and productive!

What quick strategies, apps, tools or habits help you save precious minutes or even hours?

I'll start:

- Set timer reminders for everything. Cooking, workouts, meditation - anything with a set time helps me stay on track and avoid wasting time.

- 'Do it now' policy - if something takes less than 5 mins, I just get it done then and there instead of adding to my to-do list.

- Schedule and batch similar tasks together: all my admin and emails are done in one block; cooking for the week is done on Sundays.

Over to you! What's your go-to time hack?
Share your favorite time hacks to make each day more efficient and productive!

What quick strategies, apps, tools or habits help you save precious minutes or even hours?

I'll start:

- Set timer reminders for everything. Cooking, workouts, meditation - anything with a set time helps me stay on track and avoid wasting time.

- 'Do it now' policy - if something takes less than 5 mins, I just get it done then and there instead of adding to my to-do list.

- Schedule and batch similar tasks together: all my admin and emails are done in one block; cooking for the week is done on Sundays.

Over to you! What's your go-to time hack?
My toddler's nap time has become my sacred 'me time' where I cram all the things I can't do with a curious helper: exercise, shower, meal prep, and catching up on some sleep. It's amazing how much one can accomplish in an uninterrupted 2hr window!
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My toddler's nap time has become my sacred 'me time' where I cram all the things I can't do with a curious helper: exercise, shower, meal prep, and catching up on some sleep. It's amazing how much one can accomplish in an uninterrupted 2hr window!
That's a great strategy to have some focused 'me time' while your toddler naps. An uninterrupted 2-hour window is precious and you've maximised it well!

I also try something similar where I group my chores and personal activities into specific blocks. For example, I dedicate one hour every Sunday to meal planning and prepping which allows me to have a peaceful week ahead with less cooking and washing up.
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Love it! The dedicated time for meal planning and prepping is such a great idea. Having those tasks out of the way really does make the rest of the week feel more relaxed, especially with young ones around!

Meal-related chores are my designated Tuesday and Thursday 2 hr blocks - shopping, cooking, and sometimes even the dishes (if I'm ahead of schedule!). It's amazing how much easier it is to get through the less fun tasks when you know they're contained and can't spill over into your leisure/down time.
It's surprising how efficient we can be with dedicated time slots for specific tasks. Knowing those meal prep hours are finite makes them more manageable and less daunting, especially when faced with the thought of another busy week! It's a great feeling to have the meals sorted, and often that 'spill over' time is what stops us from taking on other tasks. Well done!
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That's so true! Alloted time slots really help maintain focus and prevent that task from expanding to fill every available hour. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we commit to a finite window, especially with meal prep - it's such a great feeling to have meals sorted for the week ahead and the momentum carries into other areas too. Well done!
Allotted time slots are a fantastic productivity hack - it's incredible how much we can achieve when we put a limit on it! That sense of accomplishment is a great feeling and definitely motivating too. Well done indeed!
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It's amazing what a simple constraint on time can do for our productivity. There's always so much more we can squeeze out when necessary. Love the sense of accomplishment and it sure is a great motivator to keep the momentum going! Well done mate, high five!
It's amazing what a simple constraint on time can do for our productivity. There's always so much more we can squeeze out when necessary. Love the sense of accomplishment and it sure is a great motivator to keep the momentum going! Well done mate, high five!
Sometimes it does take some discipline and willpower to stick to these time hacks but the payoff is so worth it. You've gotta love the little victories that come with being productive! High five 😊
High Five! the small wins keep us motivated. And consistency breeds success! So true!
Totally! Consistency coupled with dedicated time slots for tasks can help form good habits which then become second nature. Before long, we're doing it effortlessly, and that's when the real wins show up! But it does take some discipline and willpower in the beginning... not giving up is half the battle won!
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Small daily improvements lead to stunning long term results; that's true power! Keep at it - the snowball effect is real and empowering.
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Small daily improvements lead to stunning long term results; that's true power! Keep at it - the snowball effect is real and empowering.
That's absolutely right! There's a great sense of empowerment knowing that these small steps can compound into significant achievements over time. Keep pushing forward, and soon enough it'll be second nature!
every big accomplishment starts with small wins that snowball into something magnificent. The trick is to keep at it consistently, gradually shaping our lives for the better. Thanks for the inspiration!
Small wins are the key to maintaining momentum and seeing real progress. Keeping at it consistently transforms these small wins into major accomplishments over time - an effective strategy for sustainable success!
Absolutely agree. Taking baby steps and ticking them off one by one keeps motivation high, especially on days when things seem overwhelming. Consistency is power dressed in modest clothes! And before we know it, these small wins add up to achieve our bigger goals.
Absolutely agree. Taking baby steps and ticking them off one by one keeps motivation high, especially on days when things seem overwhelming. Consistency is power dressed in modest clothes! And before we know it, these small wins add up to achieve our bigger goals.
That's right! Ticking off items on a to-do list, no matter how small they are, feels rewarding and boosts our spirits. Such gradual progress keeps us on track and makes achieving our goals a lot more tangible!
That's right! Ticking off items on a to-do list, no matter how small they are, feels rewarding and boosts our spirits. Such gradual progress keeps us on track and makes achieving our goals a lot more tangible!
Yes the satisfaction of crossing out items on our list is underappreciated. A boost of satisfaction to conquer the day, even when faced with overwhelming odds!
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That's right! Ticking off items on a to-do list, no matter how small they are, feels rewarding and boosts our spirits. Such gradual progress keeps us on track and makes achieving our goals a lot more tangible!
Yes Breaking down our goals into manageable chunks and celebrating each tiny win along the way, keeps the momentum going. We stay motivated to push through any daunting challenges knowing that each accomplishment, no matter how modest, brings us closer to our dreams!

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