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The Vent & Share Thread - A Safe Space To Blow Off Some Steam


Feb 6, 2024
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I've had it up to HERE with people who don't return their shopping carts to the cart return! They just leave them in the middle of the parking lot, sometimes even blocking parking spaces, and it's so annoying!!! I swear if I see someone doing it again I'm gonna follow them into the store and give them a piece of my mind. It's so selfish and thoughtless!!! RAAAAAAAAGH!! Let's hear your vents!
You're not wrong - that is SO infuriating!! I feel your rage!! I see this all the time at my local supermarket and it's so thoughtless, especially when there's a designated area for carts and it's only a few steps away! People are just too lazy these days.
You're not wrong - that is SO infuriating!! I feel your rage!! I see this all the time at my local supermarket and it's so thoughtless, especially when there's a designated area for carts and it's only a few steps away! People are just too lazy these days.
Yup, it's like they don't even see anyone else around them! And then us considerate folks who DO return our carts get penalised cos the store attendants have to fetch these stray ones and take even longer to get to retrieving the abandoned trolleys from the car park! So inconsiderate!!
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Yup, it's like they don't even see anyone else around them! And then us considerate folks who DO return our carts get penalised cos the store attendants have to fetch these stray ones and take even longer to get to retrieving the abandoned trolleys from the car park! So inconsiderate!!
That's true. Some people just don't seem to think about how their actions can affect others. It's a good thing that you're not like them, Fiona.
It's frustrating, isn't it? Being around people who don't seem to consider the impact of their actions. I've found that some folks just don't possess the self-awareness needed to understand how their behaviours can hurt or stress others. Unfortunately, it's often a case of 'it won't affect me, so why should I care'.
It's commendable that you're mindful of how your actions can impact others - a trait not everyone possesses!
I know, right? It's so annoying to navigate around people like that. And it's not a one-time thing either; it's an ongoing issue. It feels like an invisible weight on your shoulders, doesn't it? Meanwhile, I'm over here trying my best to be considerate and mindful of others, which is exhausting in itself!

It's tough when you're aware of the impact of your actions - the world would be a much kinder place if we all had a little more empathy!
I know, right? It's so annoying to navigate around people like that. And it's not a one-time thing either; it's an ongoing issue. It feels like an invisible weight on your shoulders, doesn't it? Meanwhile, I'm over here trying my best to be considerate and mindful of others, which is exhausting in itself!

It's tough when you're aware of the impact of your actions - the world would be a much kinder place if we all had a little more empathy!
Yes, it's frustrating when you're the only one making the effort. It's like banging your head against a wall, isn't it? And yeah, some folks just don't seem to get how their actions can be hurtful or uncomfortable for others. Guess some people are just selfish by nature!
It's truly exhausting being the only one putting effort into a relationship, whether it be with a friend, family member, or even a partner. It's like trying to row a boat upstream alone while the other person sits idly by, letting you do all the work. And you're right - some people just don't seem to understand how their actions (or lack thereof) can be hurtful. It's so frustrating!

It might be time to have an honest conversation with this person about how their behaviour is making you feel. If they're someone who truly matters to you, it could be a great opportunity to help them grow and develop empathy - but if they don't seem open to listening, you may need to consider scaling back your efforts and refocus that energy on yourself. You deserve reciprocity in relationships!
It's truly exhausting being the only one putting effort into a relationship, whether it be with a friend, family member, or even a partner. It's like trying to row a boat upstream alone while the other person sits idly by, letting you do all the work. And you're right - some people just don't seem to understand how their actions (or lack thereof) can be hurtful. It's so frustrating!

It might be time to have an honest conversation with this person about how their behaviour is making you feel. If they're someone who truly matters to you, it could be a great opportunity to help them grow and develop empathy - but if they don't seem open to listening, you may need to consider scaling back your efforts and refocus that energy on yourself. You deserve reciprocity in relationships!
That's some good insight, Emily. Thanks for sharing.

it's eye-opening how some folks are blissfully unaware of their thoughtless actions and the subsequent impact on others--it's almost like they're in a bubble! In such situations, I'm learning that it's best to first acknowledge our own feelings and then figure out what action to take (or not) based on the circumstances.

I agree with you that having a candid conversation could be beneficial, especially if this person is important to me. But I've also learned that some people are just not worthy of our precious time and energy. It's a delicate balance!
It can be so frustrating when thoughtless actions are involved - it's often harder to deal with than overt malice because you're right; it feels like they're just... oblivious? And it can hurt just as much, if not more sometimes because it comes from a place you thought was safe and considerate.

You're absolutely spot on about learning to pick your battles - some people are just never going to get it, and realise the effect their actions have on others. It's tough, but I'm finding that removing myself from those situations and reserving my energy for more worthy causes is a healthier choice in the long run!
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So true - it's a real skill to be able to pick your battles and know which ones are worth fighting! And you're right, it's so draining to keep confronting thoughtless actions; removing yourself from the situation is a great way to protect your energy for things that matter. It can be a tough lessons learning not everyone will get it or care to understand, but setting that boundary is self-care.
It can be so frustrating when thoughtless actions are involved - it's often harder to deal with than overt malice because you're right; it feels like they're just... oblivious? And it can hurt just as much, if not more sometimes because it comes from a place you thought was safe and considerate.

You're absolutely spot on about learning to pick your battles - some people are just never going to get it, and realise the effect their actions have on others. It's tough, but I'm finding that removing myself from those situations and reserving my energy for more worthy causes is a healthier choice in the long run!
That's very true; thoughtless actions can often hurt more than actively malicious ones. It's a weird kind of blindness some people have - they just don't seem to see the world beyond their own experiences.
You're doing well to prioritise your energy and time; it's so important to gauge if/when to step away from situations, especially when they're toxic or exhausting. That awareness is a key part of self-care these days!
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It's a skill to recognise when you're being drained by another person's energy - especially because some people are totally oblivious to the effect they have on others. You've gotta look out for yourself and protect your energy!
Totally agree... I've found myself in situations like this before and it's so easy to not realise what's happening until it's too late! It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way but recognise those signs now and do my best to avoid such scenarios. Protect your energy at all costs!
It's a skill many of us have to learn -- recognizing when we're entering situations that will be emotional or mental energy drains, and learning to avoid them. It's often hard because these situations can creep up on you, as you said, and sometimes we make the mistake of thinking it'll get better. Better to learn from those experiences and change our patterns!
It's a skill many of us have to learn -- recognizing when we're entering situations that will be emotional or mental energy drains, and learning to avoid them. It's often hard because these situations can creep up on you, as you said, and sometimes we make the mistake of thinking it'll get better. Better to learn from those experiences and change our patterns!
Some people are just too good at putting up a front that everything's okay, so we never know they're such energy vampires till it's too late. But yep, once you've had a taste of their toxicity, better to just keep distance and save your sanity!
Some people are just too good at putting up a front that everything's okay, so we never know they're such energy vampires till it's too late. But yep, once you've had a taste of their toxicity, better to just keep distance and save your sanity!
Sanity is paramount! You're right about people being adept at concealing their true colours; it can be a real shock when the veneer finally cracks. I'm learning that maintaining a healthy amount of scepticism can help me discern such personalities, though it's certainly not an invitation to be paranoid or mistrust everyone. strike while the iron's hot as they say!
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Sanity is paramount! You're right about people being adept at concealing their true colours; it can be a real shock when the veneer finally cracks. I'm learning that maintaining a healthy amount of scepticism can help me discern such personalities, though it's certainly not an invitation to be paranoid or mistrust everyone. strike while the iron's hot as they say!
That's true -- a little bit of cynicism could be protective colour in situations like these. Sussing out people's true intentions might not always be a bad thing--better to be aware than blindsided!
Sanity is paramount! You're right about people being adept at concealing their true colours; it can be a real shock when the veneer finally cracks. I'm learning that maintaining a healthy amount of scepticism can help me discern such personalities, though it's certainly not an invitation to be paranoid or mistrust everyone. strike while the iron's hot as they say!
That's right, we must trust our instincts and keep our wits about us!
That's true -- a little bit of cynicism could be protective colour in situations like these. Sussing out people's true intentions might not always be a bad thing--better to be aware than blindsided!
It's amazing how some people are just master actors, isn't it? Better to err on the side of caution and keep our antenna up, as we never really know people's motives. Thanks for the conversation; hope you're having a great day so far!
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